Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 119: Killing and punishing the heart

An oil lamp flickers on and off.

Tang Guan looked at Chang Ying nervously.

"Brother Chang, is this a mask?"

Chang Ying heard the words but didn't answer him, he sat on the edge of the bed, Tang Guan was holding the oil lamp behind him, this movement has been maintained for half an hour.

When he came back, he was stunned by Tang Guan's series of words. First, Tang Guan was talking nonsense, full of incomprehensible words, and then Tang Guan himself realized something, and changed his words and insisted that the boy on the bed was a woman.

This time Chang Ying understood, but then his heart trembled.

Seeing Chang Ying frowning and looking at the boy's ordinary and dull face, Tang Guan who was waiting impatiently said, "Brother Chang, lift the quilt and have a look."

After all, Tang Guan was about to reach out to lift it, Chang Ying hurriedly stopped, he was not as rash as Tang Guan, since Tang Guan had already witnessed the other party's private parts, even if the other party was an imperial envoy, it was unreasonable.

What's more, although Chang Ying is a member of the army, he has been dealing with people in the Jianghu all year round, and he is also full of various auras. This is not only a scholar who speaks, and the rules of the Jianghu are mostly based on secular morality.

"No, I know what it is." Chang Ying finally said in a deep voice after watching closely for a long time.

Tang Guan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and asked, "Is this a mask?"

Chang Ying stood up, shook her head slightly, and said, "No."

"I'm going, I'm really a monster." Tang Guan was startled when he heard the words. He saw Chang Ying watching for a long time, and gradually became convinced that he had seen something, but unexpectedly he denied Tang Guan's thoughts by opening his mouth.

It can be seen that Chang Ying's face is still calm, as if he saw something extraordinary, Tang Guan, who was about to continue asking, swallowed his words back.Wait for Chang Ying's next words.

Sure enough, Chang Ying fumbled around for a while, took out a package of things, put it on the table, and said, "This is medicinal wax. It's a common trick used by some bandits in Sichuan."


Chang Ying was not in a hurry, sat down and said: "Yes. Mix vine medicine with mountain mud, and apply it on the face to change your appearance."

"Why is there such a thing?" Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at the dull face of the "shemale" on the bed, then thought of something, turned his head and asked: "Then he is really a woman?"

"Xiao Langjun, are you sure this man has..." Chang Ying paused for a moment, not knowing how to say it, especially when facing Tang Guan, it was even more embarrassing.

Seeing that he hesitated to speak, Tang Guan stopped.He smiled and said, "Yes, he has something he shouldn't have."

Chang Ying was nervous all night, and it was rare for him to smile when he heard this, and then fell silent.

"These people are really not trivial." Tang Guan looked back at the boy who had been confirmed not to be a transvestite on the bed, but he thought something else in his heart.

Even if it wasn't some kind of human skin mask with dog blood, the word "medicated wax" made him a little confused. After thinking about it for a while, he saw Chang Ying unwrapping the package on the table, and continued: "Brother Chang, you have a way to put it on the table. Was the thing washed off her face?"

Chang Ying stopped when he heard this.Shaking his head, he said, "Others can't wash this thing off, and there are special medicinal soups for each kind."

"Have you seen this kind of person before?" Tang Guan asked again after hearing the words, and only then did he realize how wise it was for him to beg Chang Ying, not to mention Chang Ying's martial arts skills.Just his familiarity with these anecdotes and strange events opened Tang Guan's horizons.

Chang Ying completely opened the package and poured out the contents.Tang Guan looked intently at the herbs, but Chang Ying picked up one of them and sniffed it before saying, "I've seen it before. I've used these things before."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then stepped forward.Reaching out to pinch Chang Ying's face, Chang Ying dodged and frowned, "What are you doing?"

"Hey, let me see if the face of big brother is real or not."

Chang Ying couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, Tang Guan had a weird temperament, although he was not as cute as ordinary children, but his evil spirit was free and easy, which also convinced many people.

It seems that this person can talk and laugh happily no matter when and where.

Tang Guan teased Chang Ying for a while, but he didn't bother anymore, turned around and walked slowly towards the "terrorist" on the bed with a puzzling gender.

Looking at his fake face and thinking of how rude he was just now, he touched the other person all over while wiping indiscriminately, but in front of his eyes was a dark and dull man's face, Tang Guan felt a chill in his heart, and said to himself: "I didn't expect that I would My "first touch" was given to you, don't be an ugly monster."

"Xiao Langjun, what did you say?"

Over there, Chang Ying was distinguishing the herbs on the table, and when he heard Tang Guan muttering to himself, he couldn't help asking, Tang Guan heard the sound and said, "It's all right."

Chang Ying just shook his head and continued to choose the herbs on the table.

Over there Tang Guan still held out his hands to poke the weird face in front of him with some reluctance. It's hard to imagine how many things the ancients still have that haven't been handed down.

It wasn't until Chang Ying finished tidying up that she raised her head and said: "This girl has a strong body, if my palm just now was really good, I'm afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Guan said, "I just caught him, so he was beaten to death?"

Chang Ying shook his head slightly when he heard the words, looked at the person on the bed and said: "Little Lang, brother, I still advise you not to do such useless things, this kind of person should be killed!"

Tang Guan didn't take it seriously, turned his eyes away and said with a smile: "If you kill him, if you kill him, the Tang Sect will still exist."

Hearing this, Chang Ying couldn't help but stare blankly, as if a little puzzled.

But Tang Guan's mind is just like what Chen Yunsheng said before leaving, it is really unfathomable, and often every action has a deep meaning, but Tang Guan himself does not think so, he is pretending to be aggressive, but in the eyes of others, he has become a mystery .

This is also the effect Tang Guan wants. If others don't understand him, he will have more space.

But these words do sound reasonable, the Tang Sect gang was not caught and killed one or two, and it wasn't that they had been doing desperate things for decades.

Thinking of this, Chang Ying shook his head for a while, stopped talking, got up and said: "I'll go to the kitchen to make medicine, you might as well go back to your room to rest first, Mr. Xiaolang."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan naturally wouldn't move. Chang Ying was determined to kill, and it is true that killing people is indeed the most effective method.

But Tang Guan was deeply curious about the Tang Sect. No matter how much Chang Ying knew, he only saw the surface. If he could draw words from this strange man of unknown gender, he might have a lot of clues.

What interested Tang Guan the most was that they didn't kill anyone else, but the two brothers from the Wu family whom Tang Guan wanted to get rid of quickly, although in some respects Tang Guan still admired these two brothers very much.

There is only a thin line between killing and being killed, just like Wu Zhao wants to kill Pei Yan, the so-called murder is a last resort, and in Tang Guan's view, how to do it is the most important thing .

Through Pei Yan's case, Tang Guan knew that on the surface he pleaded for Pei Yan's peak, and Wu Zhao thought of the past and spared Pei Yan's life, but Tang Guan, including Pei Yan himself, knew what the price was.

That is to punish the heart!

It can be said that Tang Guan indirectly helped Wu Zhao kill Pei Yan, which was more efficient than killing people. What was saved was life, but what was lost was dignity.

So when Pei Yan uttered the words "Mo Xun Tian Xia" before leaving, even Tang Guan wondered whether it was right or wrong.

The current Tang Guan is like a sharp knife out of its sheath, showing its sharpness. Under the immature appearance, there is a gully that can overlook the government and the public. The temple is as high as the rivers and lakes.

Swords and swords in the rivers and lakes, life and death are in an instant, but in the temple, if anyone can separate the personalities of others into three or six grades at a glance like Tang Guan, there will be no disadvantages.

Tang Guan knew that if it wasn't for the fact that tomorrow was the official holiday, the turmoil would be unavoidable. The Wu family brothers are not big cats or small cats, they are Wu Zhao's most trusted people at present.

Besides his current situation is very similar to those male favorites in history, the biggest advantage is that he has been recognized by the world, while Feng Xiaobao and his like have not.

Chang Ying saw that Tang Guan was lost in thought between his few words, so he didn't bother him any more, turned around and walked out of the room. (To be continued..)

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