Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 125: A Wonderful Place

Tang Guan looked at the scene in front of him, wanted to laugh but couldn't, the three rows of armored men outside the door were silent, they looked like they should be members of our guard, but judging from the style of their armor, it wasn't quite so.

How big is the highest level of travel for the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty?

You can know by looking at the following sentence: "The company owner, Sanlie Wushen, Ma Mingqi Division, made way for the front, Gong Wei said: "How about it? "

What does this mean, don't worry about explaining it first, let's see how many bodyguards Wu Chengsi is carrying today.

I saw a row of about seven or eight people, lined up in three rows, to the end of the alley. It's normal to cut it down with a knife.

"Pfft." Xiao Qi lowered his head and laughed, this group of people stood here in the morning, like statues, Tie Ga reached his only impression of this situation.

"It seems that this old guy is really scared out of his wits." Tang Guan squinted his eyes slightly for a while, and a soldier over there led two fine horses over.

Wu Chengsi waved his hand with a smile, as if he was full of confidence in today's party, and he didn't have to be dissatisfied. Today, this is an exception. The undue courage of the eagle can be formed into an array, which is by no means easy.

Only then did Wu Chengsi look back at Tang Guan, and inadvertently found that the unlucky book boy was still following behind him. This young man had been following Tang Guan closely like a little tail, and the relationship between Tang Guan and him seemed unusual, so he couldn't help feeling secretly .

But he suffered from being dumb when Xiao Qi got on the horse last time, this time he didn't even ask, he knew in his heart that Tang Guan was going to take this boy on a trip again.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to face officials face to face.As I said beforehand, since the opening of Qin Dynasty.China is a loose natural society, and there are no serious cases of injustice.Few people would go to the government to act. In that place, no matter whether the plaintiff or the defendant, they would have to take a few sticks of power.

It is a big deal to be able to deal with the matter in court, so Wu Chengsi saw Xiao Qi many times, and he secretly wondered, except for talented talents like Tang Guan, Xiao Qi spent dozens of days. He was also a little surprised by the normality of yelling and shouting before the change.

But then he was relieved.After all, he is Tang Guan's book boy, so it's normal for him to change quickly.

Tang Guan was about to speak, but Wu Chengsi said first, "My dear brother, please."

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words, and wanted to get on the horse at the start, then paused and said with a smile: "Sir, can my family..."

When Wu Chengsi heard the words, he said inwardly that it was true, and said indifferently: "Happy events don't discriminate between people. Since you are a family friend of a gentleman, you can choose them together, and you should also be filial."

Only then did Tang Guan cup his hands and said, "My brother is indeed loyal."

Immediately, he stopped talking and pulled Xiao Qi to get on the horse.Although Tang Guan was not proficient in horseback riding at this time, he was somewhat used to it anyway, and this time there was no joke.

Wu Chengsi also got on his horse.The horse team drove slowly.

Sitting behind Tang Guan, Xiao Qi didn't have the laughing and joking that Tang Guan had when he was admitted to the imperial examination.He just whispered to Tang Guan: "Where are we going?"

Hearing this, Tang Guan looked back and said in a low voice: "Where this old man will take us, you will say that the place is not good. Do you know?"

Xiao Qi glanced at the man holding the vest, who didn't seem to notice the conversation between the two, and then asked doubtfully, "Why, didn't you go to see the house?"

"Hey, it's good to go to see the house, but do you think it's better if you own the house, or if someone else has it?"

Tang Guan asked this strange question, Xiao Qi didn't realize it for a while, and subconsciously said: "Of course I have it."

"That's right. The place the old man said belongs to him. Let's choose our own."

Xiaoqi realized something when he heard the words, smiled and nodded, and the two stopped talking.

The horses the two were riding were a head away from Wu Chengsi in front, presumably it was done on purpose by the person leading the horses, although both of them were being led along by horses, the team was not walking slowly.

After a while, he went around the corner of the alley and walked into the lane. Passers-by on the road watched from a distance and avoided the two sides. The people under the emperor's feet were different from the government and the people mentioned before, but these were all gossip, so I didn't talk much.

Wu Chengsi seemed to be used to this posture, and immediately he narrowed his eyes slightly to regain his composure. It was noon, but the sun was not harsh, and the spring was warm and warm, so it was a good day.

Walking across the arch bridge, when the number of pedestrians on the road dwindled, Tang Guan's eyes were attracted by the flower building in front of him. He had passed this place many times, and Tang Guan was naturally clear about this road.

But different from the past, after a while yesterday, Tang Guan looked at this building with a little deep eyes, he knew that there was a person who was close to immortal.

"Qin Mo." Tang Guan murmured, then shook his head slightly, and looked away. The strange and almost perfect girl was neither what he thought nor what he wanted.

Lin Yuxun is Tang Guan's first sight. Emotion has nothing to do with age, time, and place. It's just a glance. If it weren't for what is said in the poem: "The word love, the flower will fall into everyone's eyes." If you don’t promise each other, the word love, where does Ye Gui not love you?”

Even Tang Guan, as a time traveler with a modern soul, is a little scary. He will have feelings for a nine-year-old girl, although this is very normal in this era.

The female cardamom is only thirteen years old before marriage, and although the weak crown of the male is said to be twenty, those who can be married are generally fourteen or fifteen years old.

As for Shangguan Wan'er, or even that Princess Taiping, Tang Guan actually has no feelings at all in his heart. Apart from being curious about Shangguan Wan'er, she is still curious. She is called a female figure, but because of her appearance, her steps seem to be blocked stopped.

As for Princess Taiping, not to mention feelings, Tang Guan asked himself, and even felt a little disgusted with her. If it is said that she lacks training, this girl is the number one, but she is the most valuable among the women Tang Guan has come into contact with so far. .

She is Wu Zhao's most beloved daughter, and she is also a relatively important political weight before and after proclaiming the emperor. Who she commits herself to represents a temporary tendency.

In fact, the Xue family's power inside and outside the court is not rampant, and its arrogance is not very high. It cannot be compared with Tang Guan who is in the limelight.

Tang Guan was thinking wildly right away. If it was known that this person was calculating all the time, those ministers who shocked him as a heavenly man would not be surprised.

But it's obvious that Tang Guan is good at having two purposes at one time, and he doesn't even let go of this kind of spare time to choose a place, and there's actually a politics right now.

Just as Tang Guan continued to ponder, the horse stopped immediately.

Wu Chengsi's voice came and said: "Xiao Langjun, how is this place?" (To be continued...)

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