Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 126: Drive away tigers and devour wolves, 8 nonsense

"Xiao Langjun, what do you think of this place?"

When Wu Chengsi's voice came, Tang Guan raised his head and looked at the building in front of him.

"Here is it?" Tang Guan couldn't help but twitch his eyelids when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, and then looked around. The horse team barely stopped by an inland river, and there was a tall tower standing in the distance, and he couldn't help feeling familiar.

"This is the channel outside the square, and not far away is the Daci'en Temple. It can be said to be quiet and quiet, and it complements the Lord."

Hearing this, Tang Guan remembered that not far away was the Ci'en Temple where he wanted to be the first to climb there and get the name of the Wild Goose Pagoda. He still had a fresh memory of the old monk Shi Yongxin.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked in front of him again, only to see a house that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time on the opposite side, with overgrown weeds in front of the door, and through breaking the door, he could see several houses inside.

Tang Guan couldn't help frowning, this place can't be called remote, if I remember correctly, with my own hard work, it's at most beyond the street, not far from the big city.

Then this is strange, such a "golden location", how can a good house be thrown away, this is not an era of war and chaos, and it will eventually come to the heyday of Kaiyuan, and the housing prices in Chang'an are only high but not low.

Wu Chengsi looked at the house in front of him, and there was also a hint of greed in his eyes. Others didn't know if he knew who the original owner of this house was, but he knew clearly that it was none other than the general's residence of the famous general Cheng Zhijie. Later, the Cheng Mansion moved to another place, and the old house was abandoned.

Now the Cheng family is thin, and there is only Cheng Huaibi who is serving in the army, and he looks like he is half dead. Originally, he had some brothers, but they all died suddenly.

Although Wu Chengsi can be called a villain.But he is also a literati, and he doesn't know much about the Cheng family who started his career in the army.All he knew was that Cheng Zhijie was a strange person who had been in the late Sui Dynasty.The emergence of a sudden army is evidenced by poems: "Cheng Gong should be as brave as a tiger, with three axes and one strike against ten thousand enemies."

The simplicity of this poem is expected to be a folk poem about drinking wine, but judging from the admiration of some generals, Cheng Zhijie has always had the right time, place and people in his life. Blast of hostility.

The Cheng family is now weak.But after all, there is Cheng Huaibi who has a high military position. Although his military position is a bit strange, he is neither the full-time general of Qianniuwei nor a partial general. Transfer to Nanya.

Thinking of this, Wu Chengsi secretly glanced at Tang Guan, and seeing that he seemed to be interested in the mansion in front of him, he couldn't help but secretly nodded.He didn't have any good intentions this time, sometimes blindly pleasing him will only backfire, this place is the perfect place for Wu Chengsi to covet for a long time, but suddenly he has a wonderful plan.

Tang Guan was in the limelight too much.Lacking a strong enemy, if you blindly meet and please others, it will be counterproductive.Although this house has been abandoned, it is the former general's residence after all.As long as Tang Guan is satisfied with this special gift from the Queen of Heaven, everyone can live in it.

That way.As long as Tang Guan opens his mouth to ask for this place, he will definitely be incompatible with the eccentric Cheng Zhijie. The so-called king is not joking, the house Tang Guan asked for is obviously an ownerless thing, and the Cheng family has long since disappeared. The title deed is in hand.

"Hey, this young man is young after all." Thinking of this, Wu Chengsi couldn't help but smile, as if he saw Tang Guan making enemies with others and came to him for help.

The so-called friends need a common enemy. In Wu Chengsi's eyes, anyone who has nothing to do with him can be regarded as an enemy. If you want to say why you chose Cheng Huaibi, then Wu Chengsi can only say in his heart: "Sorry, you are unlucky."

Immediately pretending to be totally ignorant, he said to Tang Guan who was looking around: "Young Lord, this place is an excellent place. To be honest, my brother also waited and watched for a long time, but I don't know who the original owner of this place is, and it disappeared later. Of."

Tang Guan didn't know what he was thinking when he heard the words, he just nodded lightly and continued to wait and see, Wu Chengsi got off his horse when he saw this, and said with a smile: "However, my brother has been gifted by the Queen of Heaven this time, it is not a day or two before this house is abandoned Yes, it must be fortunate enough to allow it."

Tang Guan didn't say anything when he heard the words, but he secretly noticed in his heart. He knew that the place Wu Chengsi brought him to would definitely not be that simple, but just looking at the surface, he really couldn't tell anything about it.

The appearance of this house is indeed old, but Wu Chengsi gave him an inspiration. Choosing a place to build a new house will inevitably take time. Now I feel urgent and have no thoughts on it. The old house was repaired and lived in.

"Xiao Langjun, what do you think? If you are satisfied, the old man will repair it, and you can move to a new house in a short time. When the time comes, I will definitely come to congratulate you, and we will have a good time together."

"And in this way, all kinds of labor and materials will be saved. Tianhou will be very happy when she finds out that Mr. Lang is so frugal!"

Seeing him chattering endlessly, Tang Guan's heart trembled, but he smiled and said, "Let the students take a closer look."

He had been sitting on the horse for a long time, after that, he got off the horse together with Xiao Qi, and when it was over, he did not forget to wink at Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi immediately understood what he had just said, and immediately followed Tang Behind the crown was silent.

Tang Guan approached slowly with his hands behind his back, sizing up the mansion with dignity.

It’s good that it’s not close, but when he got close, Tang Guan suddenly cursed in his heart: “Hey, this old man really treats me like a monkey, this area will definitely not be the residence of ordinary people.”

Originally, Tang Guan didn't think much of it when he looked at it immediately, but he found it when he got closer. The gate of this house is not small, and there are only a few people who dare to build this house in Beijing.

But thinking of this, Tang Guan couldn't help wondering, who lived in such a mansion, and why abandoned it?

Over there Wu Chengsi stepped forward with his smile unchanged, seeing Tang Guan frowned slightly, he couldn't help but feel moved, thinking that he disliked the old mansion in front of him, and immediately said: "Xiao Langjun, although this mansion is old, it is not a palace. There are many skillful craftsmen in the middle, and it is not impossible to leave the foundation and remake them evenly, and it will definitely give you a new look."

Seeing his hospitality, Tang Guan couldn't expose his face, so he could only smile and said: "What Mr. Xianggong said is very true, it really didn't respond well, but the student wants to take a closer look."

"I understand, I understand." Wu Chengsi was overjoyed when he saw this, knowing that something could be done, he responded immediately.

Only then did Tang Guan turn around and walked slowly to another place together with Xiao Qi, while walking, Tang Guan gave another wink, Xiao Qi nodded slightly upon seeing this.

Pretending to wait and see for a while, Tang Guan stepped forward and said, "The recommendation from Mr. Xiang is very good, and the students like it very much..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Chengsi said: "It's very good, I'll send people here to repair it."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Tang." Tang Guan interrupted, and Wu Chengsi couldn't help but frown and looked at him.

Only then did Tang Guan laugh and said: "It's just that Qu Bing was weak since he was a child, and his family had no choice but to give the students the same surname as the sage Huo Gong in the temple."

Wu Chengsi couldn't help being puzzled when he heard the words, but then he became interested. The three characters Tang Qubing now have such magical power in Chang'an. The ancient general Huo Qubing has the same character.

Seeing that Wu Chengsi seemed to be interested, Tang Guan continued: "To tell you the truth, the master of the temple once said that Qu Bing will be destined for heaven when he is eight years old. As the gods instructed, the student recovers from a serious illness. Fayan."

Tang Guan said without changing his expression, but Wu Chengsi's expression changed. It is true that the ancients worshiped gods and believed in Buddhism. , Sure enough, the strange person is extraordinary.

Of course Tang Guan was talking nonsense, with mixed truths and falsehoods. He had heard Tang Weixi talk about this when he was at home, so he copied it to bluff others.

Seeing Wu Chengsi's expression of conviction, Tang Guan pulled Xiaoqi closer, pretending to be heavy and nonsense: "Mr. Xiang, you can believe that God has feelings. In life, there must be noble people?"

Seeing Tang Guan's young boy's serious expression, Wu Chengsi couldn't help pondering for a moment, then nodded heavily.

Seeing this, Tang Guan was delighted. If he wanted to talk about how history was formed, it was just nonsense. It was true and false. The emperor stepped on the stage in order to deify himself. People's faith is not something that future generations can understand.

For this point, the history of China is not very strong, but the religions of ancient Europe have brought this aspect of human nature to the extreme.

Seeing Wu Chengsi being bluffed by himself, Tang Guan immediately pulled Xiao Qi to his side and said, "Brother, Qu Bing can only tell you this in private. This book boy has been with me since childhood, and the former student didn't know anything about it. , unable to speak, and searched all over the family for good doctors, but there was nothing they could do."

Speaking of this, Tang Guan paused again, and Wu Chengsi's complexion became more and more serious. Seeing him stop, he even asked: "I didn't expect my brother to wait until this time, what happened next?"

Tang Guan pretended to be unbelievable when he heard the words and said: "Because of the student's strange illness at home, I haven't read for a long time, but since this book boy taught me the first word, Qubing suddenly understood! Regarding the great event of the sages, all the scholars have heard about it. It is clear to the chest!"

"Ah!" Wu Chengsi exclaimed when he heard the words, and looked at Xiao Qi in disbelief. Xiao Qi's scalp was numb when he saw this. When Tang Guan was talking, he was secretly ashamed. He had known Tang Guan for only a few days. Yue, who has been with him since he was a child, but knows that he must have a purpose in doing so.

"Sir, this is the reason why Qu Bing has always carried him by his side. This is the nobleman of the students!"

Tang Guan's words were so emotional that he couldn't help admiring himself in his heart. These words were no different from the advertising slogan of "one piece is worth five pieces", but there was absolutely no flaw in it for a while.

Sure enough, the way Wu Chengsi looked at Xiao Qi changed slightly, but he still didn't understand what Tang Guan meant by these words.

Immediately asked: "What does Mr. Xiao Lang mean?"

Tang Guan glanced at Xiaoqi, and said to Wu Chengsi in a low voice: "Student, this boy is a bit vulgar, but he can speak every word. Can you allow the student to ask him a question and make a decision?"

Wu Chengsi was talked nonsense by Tang Guan, and he temporarily forgot the ingenious plan to drive away tigers and wolves, and nodded subconsciously when he heard this.

Only then did Tang Guan ask Xiao Qi: "Mr. Liang, what do you think of this house?"

Seeing that Tang Guan finally asked herself, Xiao Qi said without hesitation: "Birds don't shit!"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Chengsi was startled suddenly, and Tang Guan couldn't help but be taken aback. (To be continued..)

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