Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 127: Rooting in the Temple of the General

As soon as Xiao Qi finished speaking, both of them froze.

Fortunately, Tang Guan came back to his senses in an instant, and couldn't help but feel happy. He looked at Wu Chengsi and saw that he hadn't come back to his senses. Before he could reprimand him, Tang Guan said first: "Tong Er is vulgar, the first is to treat books, and the second is to have no education." Don't be surprised, sir."

Hearing the sound, Wu Chengsi returned to his senses, took a deep look at Xiaoqi, and said to Tang Guan in a deep voice, "No problem."

Immediately, he got on his horse with a wave of his sleeves, and only then did he realize that he was stunned by Tang Guan's nonsense, but after all, there is something to say, so it's not easy to say too much.

Seeing that he was deflated, Tang Guan shook his head secretly. Although he didn't know why he was so gracious in recommending this house, it was not a good thing to think about it.

When it was over, he and Wu Chengsi repeatedly apologized and got on the horse.

Wu Chengsi was swayed by him, so his heart was not much better, and he said with a rather unfriendly expression: "Since this is the case, there are still a few places, let's take a look at them together and make a decision."

The cavalry drove up again, two riders one forward and one behind, seeing Wu Chengsi in front of him silently, Tang Guan smiled at Xiao Qi without a trace, Xiao Qi laughed dryly when he saw this, and the two of them also fell silent.

Not far away, suddenly a bell rang.

Tang Guan looked up, and the word "Ci'en Temple" came into view. Tang Guan took a look, and was about to look away, but suddenly said: "Stop."

The cavalry stopped suddenly, Wu Chengsi frowned when he heard the sound, the choice of the place was full of twists and turns, so he didn't go very far, I don't know what Tang Guan was up to.

Looking back and seeing him staring at the temple in front of him intently, Wu Chengsi couldn't help being surprised.

He thought to himself: "This kid won't take a fancy to this temple anymore?"

Buddhist worship prevailed in the Tang Dynasty, and temples were no better than other places.Seeing Tang Guan's appearance, Wu Chengsi was a little terrified.Fortunately, Tang Guan waited and watched for a while, then turned around and asked: "Dare to ask my husband. Is the house on the mountain a monk's residence?"

It turned out that Tang Guan was attracted by a small hill in the temple. The vegetation on the hill was sparse, and it was too much to call it a hill. Weird architecture.

I didn't pay attention to it last time I came here, but this time I couldn't help but feel curious. Looking at the scattered houses from a distance, they don't fit in with the buildings in the temple, and I don't mention the strange shape.The distribution is not as compact as usual.

When Wu Chengsi heard the words and looked around, his face suddenly changed and he said: "That is where the foreign monks live, and they have been here for several years."

Hearing this, Tang Guan frowned, as if thinking of something, he asked: "Fan monk? Which country is here?"

"Haha, I can't call it an envoy. It's just a group of foreign monks who yearn for my grand ceremony. If I remember correctly, it should be the overseas Japanese subjects."

"Japan?" Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he heard the words, and he knew it in his heart. No wonder he felt familiar at a glance. These monks who came to Tang Dynasty were regarded as the first batch of envoys sent to Tang Dynasty.

Seeing him, Wu Chengsi seemed hesitant to speak.Can't help but want to ask aloud: "What's on your mind?"

Hearing this, Tang Guan raised his head and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Seeing this, Wu Chengsi shook his head secretly, and Tang Guan always seemed to meditate on things that seemed out of the ordinary.It's strange not to mention, and there is a sense of confusion.

It can be seen that he kept silent again and could only wave his hands: "OK."

The horse team set off again.Tang Guan still kept his eyes on the low hill. As a soul of future generations, he inevitably had a grudge against this nation.But if you look at it from the perspective at this time, there is really no reason to exclude Japan.

What's more, in the eyes of the courtiers, it is too much for them to be called a state, but Tang Guan knows that this is a very strange nation. Thousands of years later, they were broken by the great powers at the same time as China.

But the situations of the two are completely different. Even Tang Guan is amazed by the terrible courage of this nation. Although he is well aware of their evil deeds after gaining power, objectively speaking, some shining points of this nation are worthy of recognition.

The phrase "meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins" can reflect the situation of later generations of Japan. In other words, the late Qing Dynasty and Japan stood on the same starting line. The mournful Manchu Qing government withered away, but Japan skyrocketed all the way, and the national hostility erupted in the face of the national-level war made the world look sideways.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan withdrew his gaze. No matter what, although Dongying is now called the Land of the Rising Sun, it is actually a vassal with no threat at all.

As far as this nation throws away all the embellishments, it can be summed up in one sentence: "A group of people are stubborn and fight with others with their heads up. It's okay to win the competition. If you don't win the competition, post it immediately." It is true that they are imitating and learning from Tang Dynasty now. The momentum of the DPRK is not weaker than that of later generations imitating the West.

Tang Guan sighed lightly, and left them aside for the time being. After all, they were not the protagonists of this era. The nomads entrenched in the borderlands were the real fighting peoples.

Behind him, Xiao Qi saw that Tang Guan had been deep in thought, and also a little curious, but he didn't ask any questions, just wandering around with his gaze.

Tang Guan came back to his senses and smiled when he saw this, using an inappropriate analogy, Xiaoqi and himself are the same as Dongying and Tang Dynasty, one has potential inside, and the other has strong thinking.

The strong rule over others, and the weak rule over others. Xiao Qi has made rapid progress in imitation, but Tang Guan doesn't have to worry about him being a white-eyed wolf.

After pondering, the horse team gradually drifted away, and even traveled along this road to the remote city, which is relatively remote, but it also belongs to Guangyang. Although it is not as lively as the place near the city, it is also the love of literati, and those who are good at writing, Except for a few heroic people, most of them like quiet places.

Wu Chengsi saw that one plan failed, and he couldn't come up with a second plan for a while, so he had no choice but to make mistakes, and randomly helped Tang Guan choose a place that looked good and settled hastily, so that he could return to his life.

Tang Guan was caught by him just now, but he was already paying attention, and he was secretly paying attention to the place he was carrying to watch. Just when he was about to leave the city wall, the horse team ordered to stop.

Wu Chengsi got off his horse in front, looked at the building in front of him, looked back and said: "Young Lord, this place is connected to Shenyuan in the south and Huale in the north. It is also a good place."

Hearing this, Tang Guan raised his head and saw every household with their doors tightly closed, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Is there no one living here?"

Wu Chengsi smiled when he heard the words, and said: "It was originally a small city in a remote city. Later, the official roads were changed and moved to other places. If your husband likes to be lively, it doesn't matter. After a while, the roads will be completed, and this place will definitely become lively. "

Seeing Tang Guan, Wu Chengsi was still hesitating.Thinking that young people like to be lively, he reminded him that he was not lying, but Tang Guan felt happy when he heard it.

"Good guy, it turns out that there is a demolition office at this time."

Tang Guan got off his horse, groaned in his heart, and frowned as he looked at the city gate in the distance. The location here is indeed not as good as the old house he saw just now.

But as Wu Chengsi said, this place should be lively and lively.Once the door is closed, it will be a good place for another world.

The gates of the city are shaken, and the alleys are crowded. This is the homeland that the hermits who "hidden in the world" yearn for, and Tang Guan is also a little moved.

It seems that there is no house that can be used by Wu Chengsi to make a fuss, and it will be expanded to the sky. Thinking of this, Tang Guan does not want to delay with him, so he wants to agree.

It can be said that it is too late and then soon.Just as Tang Guan turned his head, his eyes stopped.

Puzzled and said: "Why is there such a house?"

Wu Chengsi's heart moved when he heard the words, and he was also taken aback when he followed his gaze, only to see that the direction Tang Guan was looking at turned out to be outside the city.There is a wild collection in the distance opposite the city gate. (Note: Guowai Small City)

There is a slope on the set, and a courtyard stands on the slope, condescending.Facing the side gate of this city, it is a single courtyard.It is very distinctive.

Wu Chengsi was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but feel puzzled.I only saw one scene while looking out. The so-called Wangshan ran to death, that was not the inner city anymore, it was already outside the city.

According to the words of later generations, it would be the suburbs. Tang Guan looked at it for a while, and suddenly his face became happy and said: "Old man, where do you want to go?"

Wu Chengsi thought to himself when he heard the words, sure enough, this young man's taste is really different from ordinary people, there are better ones not to choose, but to pick the first-class one.

In fact, this is normal, Chaoren is not like Tang Guan who has any concept of a villa in his mind, but Tang Guan thinks that the place is good at first glance, and secretly said in his heart: "What a villa."

Seeing Tang Guan's joyful face, Wu Chengsi had no choice but to laugh dryly and said, "Young Lord, it's inconvenient to go in and out there, if Tianhou finds out..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Guan interrupted: "Students will tell the truth, and I hope that you can accompany me to find out."

Wu Chengsi was secretly puzzled when he heard the words, but gloated a little, obviously he couldn't understand Tang Guan's taste.

Immediately, he didn't say much anymore, since he was willing to move to the bitter land, Wu Chengsi certainly had no objection, anyway, he didn't live there, so he immediately got on his horse and said, "Since the lord likes it, why not, wait for the lord to ride the horse!"

"Yes, I've offended you, Zhuangyuanlang!" A soldier mounted his horse in response, pulled Tang Guan and Xiao Qi onto the horse, and then pinched his legs, and the horse team rushed out of the city gate.

The guards of the city had noticed this line long ago, the gates of the city had been opened long ago, and the soldiers on both sides stood upright, looking curiously at this line of horses galloping away.

Immediately Tang Guan looked at the market that was getting closer and closer, and gradually became excited. Of course, he did not choose such a remote place for no reason. A "wall has ears".

The detached courtyard on that slope just suits Tang Guan's wishes, and in this way, it can also leave a good reputation of incorruptibility.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan couldn't help but smile "hehe", which attracted the attention of the soldiers on horseback.


While the horse team was running, they did not go around the market, this wild market was lived by ordinary people, it was rare to see so many officials running around, they immediately dispersed into a group, closed the doors and windows, and hid in the hall to watch the horse team pass by , dare to go out.

But when they saw that the place they were going to turned out to be the General Temple that existed in the village in the early years, they couldn't help but look at each other.

A group of people rode their horses to the slope, only to realize that this was not a mansion, but a dilapidated temple. The inside and outside of the walls occupied a lot of land, but there was only a dilapidated house here.

Tang Guan also couldn't help being taken aback, he could only look at it from a distance, but not up close, and it turned out to be another temple, he couldn't help but look disappointed, he knew that even if the temple was ruined, it couldn't be moved by himself.

Wu Chengsi saw the building in front of him clearly, his eyes narrowed slightly, several soldiers in the team opened their mouths and hesitated to speak, Wu Chengsi watched for a moment and said: "Xiao Langjun, this is..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Guan said first: "Forget it, the residence of the gods, don't disturb Qingxiu."

After all, Tang Guan didn't make a sound anymore. He thought he had found a beautiful garden, but he didn't expect it to be occupied by gods and Buddhas. He was really a step late. Why didn't he travel to the pre-Qin period and let himself become a fairy and a Buddha? a feeling of.

At this moment, a soldier finally couldn't bear it and said: "The general has something to report."

Wu Chengsi waved his hands and said, "Let's play."

The soldier then said: "This temple is not the residence of the Buddha, but the temple of General Huo in his early years. It fell into disrepair during the war, and the incense has been cut off for a long time. At this time, our military office only enshrines a few generals in Lingyan Pavilion, and does not visit the temple. Chao Yongwu."

Hearing this, Tang Guan raised his head with joy on his face, but Wu Chengsi was taken aback when he heard the words. In fact, he returned to Chang'an halfway, and lived in other places with his family for a long time in the early years, until his aunt came back to power.

"So this place is a land without an owner?" Tang Guan immediately spoke up when he heard the words, but Wu Chengsi's expression changed, and he said, "Qubing, don't talk nonsense!"

Tang Guan suddenly realized something, connected what the soldiers said, the only general with the surname Huo who was eligible to be carried into the General Temple, and only the young champion Hou Huo Qu was ill.

"Haha, wonderful, wonderful!" Tang Guan was silent for a moment, and then exclaimed. Wu Chengsi remembered what Tang Guan said before, and his eyelids twitched. General of the same name.

"Old man, since this is the case, this is the place."

After all, Tang Guan looked at Wu Chengsi, but Wu Chengsi hesitated when he saw this. Of course, he had no objection to Tang Guan's choice of this place that was really worthless, but even if it was a temple that was no longer recognized by the world, at least Also detached with the sages.

But seeing Tang Guan's determination, Wu Chengsi's heart suddenly moved, and he said, "Your Majesty is serious?"

"Really!" Tang Guan said without hesitation, but Xiao Qi was staring blankly at the ruined temple in front of him. He couldn't help thinking about the past, but he didn't expect that the big house that Tang Guan took him to see was actually a ruined temple. .

"Forget it, if that's the case, then General Huo can only be wronged." Wu Chengsi stroked his beard and spoke for a moment, as if he wanted to demolish the temple.

Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he heard the words, and he said with a smile: "Master, I'm too worried. Qu Bing's family is weak, and he can't live there if he is too big. The students have been looking up to this general with the same name for a long time. Can you help me to repair it and expand the living room?"

"This kid is really watertight!" As soon as Wu Chengsi said this, his heart trembled. Tang Guan guessed before he could come up with an idea. It is inevitable that it will attract criticism. At that time, Wu Chengsi will have a new trick. He did not expect Tang Guan to speak like this directly, so he had to be embarrassed for a while.

Then he said: "It's okay, Mr. Lang is so kind-hearted, and the old man is also beautiful as an adult. Repair them together, so that he will be liked by the Queen of Heaven and protected by the ancestors."

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan was overjoyed, and turned to look at the ruined temple in front of him. From the outsiders' point of view, he went through many twists and turns and chose a mansion.

But in Tang Guan's heart, he understood that this was the beginning of his seed taking root in the flourishing age of Wuzhou and blossoming into the ground! (To be continued..)

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