Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 129: The beast Tang Qubing

Nothing stops working without one of them, and neither does a city.

At this time, most ordinary people actually eat two meals, and even one meal is enough.

In this era that can directly define status and status, there are too many things that define the gap between rich and poor, and dining is one of them. If a wealthy family does not teach the way of cherishing blessings, they can eat whenever they are hungry. (Note: With a small surname, you can't be called a powerful person, but you have a reputation in the local area)

Tang Guan walked around the streets for a day, and at this time, he was eating dinner with Chang Ying and Xiao Qi according to the usual practice. There was no one else on the table, and he was still used to seeing home-cooked dishes. She also knew that Tang Guan was from the south, so he did what he wanted Fortunately, pasta is very rare in front of his eyes.

One big and two small, although there are only three of them, but the food is not dull, a few of them stop chatting from time to time, occasionally ask about what they saw and heard today, and smile at each other, seeming to be happy, but when the meal is half used, Chang Ying suddenly whispered to Tang Guan: "The man hasn't woken up yet."

Holding the bowl in his hand, Tang Guan was taken aback for a moment. He was so busy today that he almost forgot this part. He glanced at Xiao Qi who was eating with his head down. Tang Guan responded, "Why haven't you woken up yet?"

Chang Ying shook his head when he heard the words, that kind of injury can never be healed in a short while, even whether he can wake up is another matter.

Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he saw this, the two stopped talking, and moved a little faster with their hands. After a while, Xiao Qi was eating happily, and suddenly saw that the dishes on the plate were gone. He laughed and said, "You guys are so hungry today."

Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, knowing that Xiaoqi's stomach is full, but his eyes are not full.Without saying much, he said directly to Chang Ying, "Brother Chang. I'll go back to my room and tidy up my things. You can go out with Xiao Qi for a stroll."

Chang Ying understood what he said.He frowned again, Tang Guan's face could be seen to be calm and determined, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

Xiao Qi was overjoyed at first when he heard this, and then asked in doubt: "Brother Guan, aren't all your things here?"

Tang Guan shook his head slightly and smiled, "There are others."

While talking, the three of them got up and walked out of the room. Xiaoqi's restless gene was still different from Tang Guan's. Although the day turned around for a while, he still had something to say, seeing that he could go out to have fun again.I don't even bother to think about it.

While walking, Chang Ying secretly handed something to Tang Guan, and Tang Guan took it silently when he saw it. It was the dagger that he had given before.

Immediately, Tang Guan watched the two of them turn around and go out with a smile, until their backs disappeared, Tang Guan suddenly withdrew his smile, weighed the dagger in his hand twice, put it in his sleeve, and started to walk towards the room.

Tang Guan pushed open the door.Then he closed it with his backhand, and then turned his gaze to the head of the bed.

The boy who was picked up halfway was still lying on the bed peacefully, this posture has been maintained since last night for more than ten hours.Tang Guan touched his chin lightly and stepped forward. Now that he has nothing important to do with him, he is even more curious about this Tang Sect.

Tang Guan since time travel.If a heart has seven orifices, it is best at one mind and two functions.But if you focus on one thing, you will definitely find many doubts.

By now.The doubts in his mind were enough to form a group of doubts. In the final analysis, he still didn't believe that a terrorist organization could not be defeated with a large number of violent agencies under the imperial court.

"And Ma Lie!" A cold light flashed in Tang Guan's eyes. These people were beyond his grasp. Impressions are always traceable.

But these people from all walks of life beat Tang Guan's wrist time and time again. Ma Lie is fine, he is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. Not the same, they are a disciplined and rhythmic rebellion.

The difference between Ma Lie and the Tang Sect is the difference between a criminal and a terrorist organization. Maybe Ma Lie, a criminal with advanced criminal skills, was helpless for a while, but the Tang Sect is such a big organization, from the end of the Sui Dynasty to the present, that Tang Guan couldn't believe it.

Tang Guan took a few steps forward while pondering, took out the dagger in his sleeve, held it in his hand, then sat down slowly, and slowly gestured at the man's dull face with the cold blade.

He knew it was a fake face, but he really wanted to see the truth behind this fake face. Unfortunately, for a comatose person, even killing her would be of no use.

Thinking of Tang Guan's eyes inadvertently glanced at the discarded crossbow machine at the corner of the table, his eyes lit up when he saw it, subconsciously put down the dagger in his hand, got up and went under the table to pick up the crossbow machine.

"Zilla." Tang Guan lit the fuel lamp, placed the crossbow on the table, and narrowed his eyes to examine it carefully. This thing is no different from a machine gun-like weapon of mass destruction at this time.

Although he hadn't seen a large ballista used on the battlefield that could penetrate city defenses at this time, he also understood that this was a controlled weapon, not even a strange weapon, and only the army would use it.

"At the end of the Sui Dynasty, Taizong, Tangmen, Gaozong did not suppress, and Wu Zhao started to assassinate, the army, the crossbow." Tang Guan connected a series of key words, and a terrible guess in his heart was about to come out, and he almost exclaimed. : "They are Paul..."

At this moment, there was a sudden chill on his neck, which made his complexion change drastically. Tang Guan stopped his voice immediately, and his eyes sank.

"Where is this place?"

A cold male voice came from behind, and Tang Guan was still holding a crossbow. Hearing this voice, Tang Guan's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help crying inwardly: "I still underestimated these freaks!"

He didn't need to turn his head to know that behind him was the familiar and dull face. Tang Guan's face changed a few times, and suddenly he felt the heat on his back, and he felt a strange sense of comfort. , the sound is pretty good too, can you put on your clothes first."

Sure enough, the coldness that was still tightly attached to the neck was removed immediately, and a sharp exclamation came out: "Ah!"

This voice is obviously completely different from the male voice just now. It is high and sharp, and it is definitely not a man's throat. Although he knew that the other party was panicked, Tang Guan still did not dare to turn his head. That flash of infinity could save his life.

" don't move!" The voice of the person behind him changed completely, and it had become a soft female voice when he heard this.Tang Guan secretly said that it was true.

"Bastard! What did you do to me!?" As soon as the words fell, Tang Guan's neck tingled.That bit of coldness has already cut into the skin, just a touch.He died by himself.

Tang Guan was already complaining, but immediately calmed down and said: "Miss sister, everyone's surname is Tang, an ancestor, don't kill me!"

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that the people behind were stunned for a moment, and even the dagger around his neck paused. Tang Guan took a hard look at the blade of the dagger from the corner of his eye, but he didn't expect to throw it away inadvertently.Put yourself in danger.

Seeing the silence of the people behind him, Tang Guan thought that he had guessed right. Of course he guessed wildly. Since it was the Tang Sect, the people inside should be named Tang. I have to say that Tang Guan's nerves are thick, and he dared to think wildly at this time .

Delaying for a moment is a moment, who knows that the dagger just relaxed a little, and immediately tightened a little.Tang Guan suddenly felt pain, only to hear the woman behind him say: "Who said my surname is Tang!?"

"Then..what's the heroine's name?" Tang Guan hurriedly spoke out again, realizing that he seemed to be stealing chickens but not losing money.

"Shut up! Tell me who you are!? Where is this place? What did you do to me!?"

The blade was a little tighter, and it seemed that his life was about to die.Tang Guan didn't have time to talk nonsense. Hearing the other party's barrage of questions, he smiled wryly and said, "Woman, which one do you want to listen to first?"

"You!" The person behind seemed to be in a hurry, and he was about to kill Tang Guan with a single blow.

Tang Guan immediately said: "My name is Tang Goudan. I'm Tang Zhuangyuan's book boy. My master saw you fainted by the roadside, so he picked you up. He...he said you were a rebel, and your name was Tang He also said that he would reward you for your invitation."

As soon as he spoke, he heard a voice behind him: "How dare you talk nonsense!"

Tang Guan's words did not match his words, and he was completely different from his calm appearance before. He was spotted in a hurry, but Tang Guan said without changing his face and heartbeat: "Woman! Then Tang Qubing is a beast! He is so young But I have the goodness of Longyang. My original name is Li Bai, and I can write poems and essays. I hate that beast, relying on the influence of his family, to do evil in the village. He dedicated my poems to the Queen of Heaven, saying that he wrote them himself, woo woo, little boy He was taken in by him as a manservant, he asked me to wait on him to sleep every day, and called me a bitch, my poor sister was also taken in as a concubine by his father, I beg the heroine to learn from me!"

Speaking of this, Tang Guansheng burst into tears. The people behind him seemed shocked by his words, their breathing became short of breath, and they stammered, "You... are you telling the truth?"

Tang Qubing is well-known all over the country. Ordinary people only know a few of his poems and essays on pacifying bandits, but they don’t know the details. People in the Jianghu know very little, only know that there is a nine-year-old number one scholar in the imperial court.

But now when she first heard this, the woman couldn't help but secretly startled, Tang Guan was overjoyed when she heard this.

"Damn it, what luck to meet a silly girl!"

The people behind him stared dumbfounded at Tang Guan whose neck was oozing blood, and saw that his eyes were red and he looked pitiful in tears, and the dagger couldn't help but slowly let go.

Tang Guan breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that his words were full of loopholes. Fortunately, the people behind him seemed to be covered by hatred, so he could only hear him grit his teeth and say, "Tang Qubing, you bastard!"

Hearing this, Tang Guan knew it was not safe enough, and immediately cried out: "Yes, Tang Qubing, that bastard! Heroine, take me with you!"

"No, how do you know I'm a woman!"

Tang Guan was about to turn his head to look, but when he heard this, he stopped immediately and said, "The wounds on the heroine were treated by the villain, and the villain is willing to be punished, so I just ask the heroine to spare my life!"

Tang Guan cried for a while, and finally the person behind him seemed to be shaken a little, and said coldly: "You are not allowed to turn around, take off your clothes and throw them to me!"

"Yes... yes!" Tang Guan hurriedly agreed, threw down the crossbow, got up and walked away, and then threw it behind him without looking back.

Just when Tang Guan was about to speak again, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then his eyes went dark.

"Is...being... over?" Tang Guan fell to the ground with a bang, the only thing left in his mind was that he didn't expect to die at the hands of Wu Zhao, but at the hands of a little-known Jianghu man.

Until Tang Guan fell to the ground, he didn't see the person behind him. At this moment, he saw that the person had no expression on his face. He was still looking at Tang Guan as he fell to the ground with the same dull and dark face.

The scene was very strange. After Tang Guan fell to the ground, the man was wearing Tang Guan's clothes, and the two balls of jade rabbits were about to come out on his chest. It seemed that Tang Guan was a few years younger than her. Even though he was a man, the clothes still didn't fit well. She covered her private parts, but because of the previous friction with Tang Guan, the two Beilei couldn't cover it up.

This scene was extremely weird, the man's face, the silver teeth that were out of place, and the two peaks on his chest were the most conspicuous. He turned his head to look at his white and tender arm, and found that there was a little red on it, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. But then she seemed to cry slightly: "Grandma..."

Looking at Tang Guan who had been in close contact with him on the ground, she gritted her teeth again, clenched the dagger in her hand and wanted to stab Tang Guan to death, but stopped in midair.

"Tang Qubing, you bastard!"

I saw her swearing, and then quickly left the house, and fled out of the house like flying, and her back disappeared in an instant under the night.

But in the room in the dormitory, Tang Guan lay unconscious on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. (To be continued..)

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