Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 130: Wenchang Station Moves

Last night, Meng Jiangnu, who was crying at night in Xiaolou, couldn't wake up the young man in obscene clothes.

This dream was very long. The young man was unconscious and switched positions with his captive. This time he was lying on that bed, with the fragrance of "You are a beautiful woman, but you are a thief" around the tip of his nose.

Until the good dream gradually paled, and the people and things in the dream also blurred and dispersed, the corner of the boy's mouth smiled, as if he had no burden in the dream.

Turning over slightly, he wanted to switch to a more comfortable position and continue to dream of his sweet dreams, but suddenly there was a pain in his forehead, and the dream was gone. The boy opened his eyes immediately, but heard a burst of joy and exclamation.

"Brother Guan! You're awake!"

"Brother Chang, Brother Guan is awake!"

The young man looked in front of him, feeling a sudden strangeness, his eyes lost the vigor of the past, and he just felt his head was muddled.

"Xiao Langjun, are you alright?" Hearing the call, a tall figure immediately got up and straddled the bed, looking nervously at the boy on the bed.

There was no one else among these three, it was Chang Ying, Xiao Qi and Tang Guan who was stunned by the woman from the Tang Sect. Tang Guan looked at the two in front of him in a daze, and he came back to his senses after a long time.

Immediately, he cursed loudly: "Dead monster!"

The two were taken aback when they saw this, not understanding what it meant, but Chang Ying seemed to realize something, and ignored Xiao Qi's side, and went forward and said, "Where's that person!?"

Tang Guan raised his head and looked at Chang Ying with a certain expression, and said with a wry smile: "Run away."

"What!?" Chang Ying was startled, and was about to ask, when suddenly there was a gong sound outside the courtyard, and several people couldn't help being startled at the same time.

"Hanlin composes and revises the Tang crown to accept the order!"

A sharp voice came in, Chang Ying froze, and Tang Guan frowned.He didn't know how long he had been in a coma, and it was a surprise that his life was still alive.

Unexpectedly, things were disrupted all at once.Let him time disorder, some overwhelmed.Before jumping out of bed, he hurriedly asked, "What time is it now?"

"Yinshi." Chang Ying said while helping Tang Guan put on his clothes.

The sudden imperial decree outside the door made Tang Guan, who had just woken up, a little flustered. Chang Ying and Xiao Qi were the ones who were surprised. They turned back to the hospital last night and were hurriedly dragged into the room by others. When they entered, they saw Tang Guan unconscious in obscene clothes. Bed, Xiao Qi was still at a loss, but Chang Ying immediately realized something.

Fortunately, Tang Guan just fell into a coma, and there was no trace of trauma on his body, but it was a great lesson for both Chang Ying and Tang Guan.Both of them underestimated the enemy, the woman from the Tang Sect probably woke up not for a while, and even concealed it from Chang Ying, a veteran of the Jianghu.

Not to mention Tang Guan, a person who hasn't put the Jianghu thing in his heart, but the so-called gaining wisdom by eating a fall, while Tang Guan complains in his heart, he also understands that this group of people is not so easy to mess with, even in a certain sense. Speaking of the straight-forward and murderous personality of people in the world, we need to be more careful.

But the sudden imperial decree was waiting outside the door, and Tang Guan didn't care to dress neatly.He hastily put on his robe and went out in a hurry.

I saw a eunuch standing in the courtyard frowning, as if dissatisfied with Tang Guan's delay in coming out, and several soldiers behind him looked at Tang Guan who hurried out.They couldn't help but look at each other.

At this time, it was the end of the Yin Dynasty, and all the officials in court had basically woken up.Prepared for Chaoyi, but Tang Guan's appearance was obviously just waking up.

The higher the grade.The more complicated the court clothes, Tang Guan's court clothes are still good.Looking at the clothes on those prime ministers and princes, I can't wait to have three layers inside and three layers outside, and it takes a few hours to wear them.

Tang Guan hurried out of the room by himself, and several people who got up early knelt together, the spring day was similar to the summer day, and the night went very early, there was already some light at this time.

Hearing the eunuch glance at Tang Guan, who was prostrating on the ground, Tang Guan noticed that the eunuch didn't have an imperial edict in his hands, and couldn't help but twitch his eyelids, knowing that it was an oral order.

Compared with the imperial decree, the oral order has an extra layer of concealment, which is the so-called death without testimony. Many famous officials in history have fallen on it. Afterwards, everyone secretly guarded against it. Although Tang Guan has been an official for a short time, but Knowing the dynastic system with similarities and differences, he secretly became vigilant in his heart.

The eunuch saw that Tang Guan was in a posture of accepting the order, but he had no imperial order in hand, so he cupped his fists and arched towards the direction of the imperial city, and said: "The emperor ordered the Wenchang post to move, and Tang Guan was ordered to enter the court to discuss matters at the end of the Yin Dynasty today. There must be no mistakes. .”

"The minister accepts the order!" Tang Guan responded before he had time to think about it, and then he stood up to see the appearance of this person, it turned out to be the old acquaintance Wang Gonggong.

After the eunuch announced the decree, he hurried forward to help Tang Guan. This is also human nature. They are not easy to be eunuchs. Sometimes they give the decree to the strong man and see them kneeling in front of him. , because some people do report their flaws, even if it is an ancient etiquette to kneel down to receive orders.

Generally, the best way is to show majesty before the decree is announced, and after the decree is announced, all that is left is to please.

"Xiao Langjun, why are you wearing clothes? It's freezing cold, go in and put on two more clothes."

Of course Tang Guan didn't feel cold, he knew that he was trying to please him, and he didn't want to greet him, so he went straight to the point and said, "What happened in the court?"

What does Wenchang post move mean? Tang Guan naturally understands that Wenchang refers to someone among the prime ministers. Tang Guan couldn't help but have a bad feeling about the change.

The prince was at a loss when he heard the words. Although he was known as a know-it-all in the palace, he was too late to realize such a big matter. When he learned about it, he had already been ordered to select a minister.

Immediately said in a low voice: "The miscellaneous family doesn't know either, Mr. Lang quickly put on his clothes and followed the miscellaneous family into the palace."

He didn't lie, he didn't know anything else, he only knew that his master stayed up all night last night until he ordered Tang Guan to be transferred.

Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he heard the words, he stopped talking and turned to enter the house, but the prince didn't follow and stood quietly outside.

Seeing Tang Guan turn back, Chang Ying hurriedly stepped forward and said, "What's the matter?"

Tang Guan looked up and saw Chang Ying's frightened look, knowing that he was worried about the matter of hiding. Normally, Tang Guan would make a teasing noise, but at this time he didn't have such thoughts, and frowned and said, "Something happened in the palace." gone?"

After that, he went to find his court clothes.But Chang Ying froze on the spot, hurriedly followed and asked: "But?"

Tang Guan took the court out of the obedience box.Putting it on his body slowly, he said, "No."

Chang Ying couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, and asked doubtfully, "That's it?"

"I don't know." Tang Guan said while handling the knots clumsily.Chang Ying breathed a sigh of relief first, and then hurriedly helped Tang Guan put it on.

Not long after Tang Guan was dressed neatly, Xiao Qi obediently held the towel from the side, he knew that as long as Tang Guan put on this suit, he was going to see the high officials.

Tang Guan didn't want to pass on the tension to Xiao Qi, so he stretched out his hand to take it with a slight smile. He had the same mentality as Niu Lang, and he treated Xiao Qi like a father and brother. Niu Lang taught him how to survive in the market.Tang Guan wants to teach him how to follow the trend of the times!

Chang Ying watched as Tang Guan finished wiping carelessly, frowned and stepped forward, "Would you like me to accompany you?"

Tang Guan waved his hand and said, "No need."

Then he smiled at Xiao Qi again: "I accidentally tripped over a pig last night and fell like shit, it scared you."

Xiaoqi couldn't help grinning when he heard the words, Chang Ying saw that Tang Guanfeng immediately calmed down to appease his younger brother, he couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed, and calmed down a little, saying: "Go early and come back early."

Tang Guan nodded slightly, pushed open the door, and took a deep breath of the morning air.After clearing his mind for a while, he walked over to the father-in-law, no longer the lazy look just now, and said with a smile: "Elder-in-law has a spare car."

"It's been prepared a long time ago. It's been prepared a long time ago!" Seeing that Tang Guan was fully dressed, the prince rushed forward to join hands, but Tang Guan also let him hold him back.don't care.

Wang Gonggong said carefully as he walked: "Little Lang, please be careful when I come to you in the morning."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words.But Wang Gonggong immediately raised his head and kept silent.Tang Guan's heart trembled when he saw this.

Tang Guan was helped into the carriage, but the prince did not get into the carriage, and whispered a few words to the soldiers around him. Seeing this, Tang Guan asked, "Your father-in-law will not go back to the palace together?"

Wang Gonggong heard the words and said: "Lang Jun, go quickly, the miscellaneous family can't ride with Lang Jun."

Tang Guan shook his head slightly, and said no more, as if pointing out: "Thank you."

"Go, go." Wang Gonggong was overjoyed when he heard the sound, and urged again.

"Drive!" The soldier boarded the carriage and drove the carriage, but Tang Guan was missing Wusha to cover his eyes in the carriage. His Wusha, which was a few sizes older, had been taken off by Wu Zhao. Did not make up for it.

"Call me into the palace at this time?" Tang Guan rubbed his chin in the room. Last night he was swayed by the woman of the Tang clan for a moment of negligence. Obviously, the other party didn't take care of him in a hurry. Otherwise, with his nonsense, as long as A person with a brain, after thinking about it, will definitely die.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan put Wu Zhao aside for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Fortunately, I'm smart."

What he said last night was like self-mutilation, he mutilated himself to pieces, but fortunately, that big-breasted and brainless little shemale didn't have time to think about it, so he must hate himself to the bone afterwards.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan shivered. No wonder Wu Chengsi vowed to eradicate the Tang Sect gang. This is an organization that shouldn't exist.

The carriage drove faster and faster, and Tang Guan's expression gradually became serious, he stopped thinking about these things, the most important thing was the matter in front of him, and the movement of Wenchang Station was not a joke.


At this moment, the carriage stopped, Tang Guan staggered, almost fell out, and cursed secretly: "No wonder the coachman uses all cronies!"

In fact, the soldier outside the car was still driving safely, but this trip was really too fast, and he shouted outside: "Zhuangyuan Lang, we're here!"

Tang Guan lifted the curtain of the car, and didn't bother to know the same thing as this person, so he looked straight ahead and couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Looking at the sky, the officials should still be queuing outside the palace at this time, but at this time the gate has been opened, and the most frightening thing is that the closed middle gate also burst open, and there is no one in front of the palace.

"Four watches in the light house, authority controls the government!" Seeing this, Tang Guan almost jumped.

Immediately, accompanied by the soldiers, they quickly walked towards the palace. The guards also changed to another group at this time. Unlike the listless Chang Wei a few days ago, this group was full of energy and had calluses on their hands.

They saw the two men approaching quickly from a distance, and they all stepped aside by coincidence, as if they had received an order beforehand. Tang Guan passed by the palace gate, and saw that the small officials who could not enter the palace were already on the road leading to the Hanyuan Palace. Kneel together.

Tang Guan looked from a distance, the hall was brightly lit, and the soldiers beside him bowed and retreated, but Tang Guan didn't move for a long time, just watched from a distance, and the officials kneeling on both sides of the road secretly looked at him from time to time.

After a while, Tang Guan waved his big sleeves, lifted the flower belt around his waist, and walked away.

As he walked towards Hanyuan Hall step by step, the eyes of the officials on both sides followed his movements, and what's more, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

Tang Guanda strode forward, getting closer and closer to the hall, saw the situation in the hall clearly, and saw that there was no one standing, all of them bowed their heads to the ground, but all of them remained silent.

Looking at it, Tang Guan couldn't help being startled suddenly, a woman in the hall was sitting on the dragon chair that no one used to sit on.

"What a bold Wu Zhao!" Tang Guan yelled inwardly, then raised his steps and shouted: "Chen Tang Qubing, see Your Majesty!"

Tang Guan entered the hall shouting prostration, breaking the silence at once, several people secretly looked over when they heard the voice.

For the first time today, Wu Zhao was face to face with all the ministers without any cover, and what she was doing under her ass was nothing but the throne that represented the emperor on earth!

No wonder the officials are so solemn that they dare not even raise their heads.

From the very beginning, Wu Zhao was condescending, and watched from a distance as Tang Guan stepped into the palace, until he knelt down on the ground, Wu Zhao, who had been silent all the time, said lightly: "Isn't it just a seat? You don't like my seat?" Here, then I will sit somewhere else."

As soon as these words came out, the officials were terrified, and Tang Guan also felt chills in his heart. He was a little caught off guard just now, and all this seemed to have come earlier.

There are all big officials who can hold court boards, including Wu Sansi and others who are known as the elders of the court. Tang Guan glanced slightly, but his heart was cold again. Two figures in front of the civil servants disappeared. up.

It seems that the officials have also noticed this change. After Wu Zhao said this, the officials still did not make any movement. It seemed that they were acquiescing or silently resisting.

Although Wu Zhao said this, she didn't move her body. She didn't look at the officials or Tang Guan, but just looked at the officials kneeling on the ground outside the hall.

The design of Hanyuan Hall is like this, the dragon chair facing the gate of the hall can be condescending to take in the inside and outside of the hall at a glance, but the officials of His Majesty Dan outside the hall can't see inside.

There was silence in the hall for a while, and it was not until Wu Zhao came back to his senses that he said, "Come here, bring the things up."

Only then did all the officials secretly look forward. (To be continued..)

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