Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 131: Choosing a Phase

Daming Palace.

There was no sound in the Hanyuan Hall, Tang Guan was a special announcer who entered the court, there was no place for him in the hall, it was not right to stand behind civil servants, and it was even more wrong to stand behind generals.

Therefore, he, the person worshiping in the hall, saw it most clearly. As soon as Wu Zhao on the dragon chair finished speaking, a young girl walked out with a money in her hands. What is it.

Tang Guan, like the ministers in the palace, did not raise his head, but only observed from the corner of his eye.

He was not curious about why Wu Zhao was sitting on the dragon chair blatantly, why the officials only dared to bow their heads and dared not speak. This is easy to explain, because it was just a seat. To do so, let alone now?

As she said, it's okay if she doesn't move. If the ministers really recommend it, there will probably be a big change in the scene. Destined to appear.

In fact, the ownership of the artifact is not decided by the powerful officials for a while, nor is it decided by the heroes of the world, nor is it that any clan or clan is dissatisfied.

The aspirations of the people are invincible, and only the common people can overthrow a dynasty. The common people live well, and no one will be stupid to rebel against the people. Of course, if there are writers like King Luo Bin who instigate it, it will be hard to say.

It's a pity that King Luo Bin was also killed by Tang Guan himself. Of course, Tang Guan also admitted that his articles were far inferior to King Luo Bin, but with the current situation and Pei Yan's overwhelming army, the effect was completely different.

Not only Tang Guan was well aware of this, everyone present, including Wu Zhao, who played with the emperor's power, also knew the three flavors.

But under the coveted by civil and military.But he couldn't see what was in the tray, Tang Guan also frowned.I saw that Fang Canpa protruded in three directions, one of which was the tallest.The other two are slightly lower.

The girl looked nervous, and carefully knelt in front of Wu Zhao holding the tray. Wu Zhao looked at the object in front of him but did not stretch out his hand but revealed the mystery, and said to the officials below: "All my lovers, get up, I have something to say .”

As soon as these words came out, there was still no movement in the hall, only a few people were eager to try, and it could be seen that the people around them still did not move and settled down.

"Kneeling is useful. I don't think my knees hurt." Tang Guan cursed secretly in his heart. He wanted to fish in troubled waters and get up with everyone, but he didn't expect to be so calm.

At this time, everyone knew that the woman sitting on the seat today would probably never move away in the future. Tang Guan was vaguely familiar with the scene in front of him. The establishment of the Wu Zhou regime was not all smooth sailing. "The Empress of God first entered the throne of heaven. Hundreds of officials spoke silently and admonished her until the court meeting disappeared. The Confucians feared that the emperor would have no blood to eat, so they would not get up."

Wu Zhao glanced around coldly.Seeing that no one stood up, he finally turned his attention to Tang Guan, who immediately noticed it.With a move in his heart, he immediately shouted: "Thank you, Lord Long En!"

Then he stood up first.This time the ministers couldn't help being in an uproar, and Wu Sansi, who was at the forefront of the civil servants, was startled.Some of the generals over there even touched their waists subconsciously. Unfortunately, this is just a habit. Except for the first-level general in front, the rest of the generals' weapons were unloaded when they entered the palace.

Tang Guan had a panoramic view of everyone's reactions. He got up together, and immediately another person stood up and imitated: "Thank you, Lord Long En!"

Tang Guan heard the sound and glanced, it turned out to be Wu Chengsi. The two stood up together. Immediately, several people couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to get up, but Wu Zhao suddenly asked, "Oh? Interesting, where did this statement come from?" ?”

Wu Zhao was not in a hurry to say anything else. He was very fresh when he heard the words "Thank you, Lord Long En", and asked Tang Guan directly. After the Yuan Dynasty, stereotyped writing was perfected in the Ming Dynasty, and it became a popular saying in the Qing Dynasty.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, except for a few eunuchs who believed that the emperor was the master, most of the foreign ministers regarded themselves as others with three surnames. To put it bluntly, I came to work for you, and you were my boss. As long as I did not break the law or offend Leader, one day I don't want to work, I will resign.

Wu Chengsi was also taken aback for a moment. He heard what Tang Guan said, he thought it was easy to say, and got up without thinking about it. Hearing Wu Zhao's question at this time, he couldn't help but look at Tang Guan.

Tang Guan knew that he had leaked his words for a while, but he didn't care about it, and said immediately: "Your Majesty is the Lord of the World, and the whole world belongs to His Majesty, so of course His Majesty is the Lord."

"Haha! Little Zhuangyuan, I haven't seen you for a few days, but you are a bit naughty again."

As soon as Tang Guan's words fell, Wu Zhao on the seat showed joy, and Wu Chengsi muttered a few words to himself, and then he suddenly thought, "Why didn't I think of that!"

But as soon as these words came out, several people secretly looked at Tang Guan sideways, with a bit of contempt in their eyes, and of course several people were overjoyed to see Wu Zhao, and immediately shouted in unison: "Thank you, Lord Long En!"

The leader among them was naturally Wu Sansi, more than half of the civil servants immediately stood up, and the other half remained silent, the generals also hesitated for a moment, glanced at each other and stood up.

Tang Guan glanced slightly, but was suddenly taken aback, and saw that there were a few acquaintances among the civil servants who hadn't got up, two of them had met before, it was Zhang Shaoyun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and Lai Junchen, the Prime Minister of Yushitai.

"Good guy, have these two cruel officials changed?" Tang Guan secretly wondered, Zhang Shaoyun was not familiar with him, but seeing that his relationship with Wu Sansi was not harmonious, he could know that although he was a cruel official, he was not a jester.

And then Junchen was a bit strange, he was a senior member of the small report, so logically he should get up.

But Tang Guan didn't know that Lai Junchen was also secretly complaining at this time. Of course he would not admit that he was a cruel official, but what a cruel official is, he wants to reverse right and wrong and fulfill the wishes of the person in charge. most.

If you want to entrap civil servants, the most important thing is to start with their most proud Confucianism. Some words of Confucius are indeed well-intentioned, but if they fall into the hands of people like him, they can be taken out of context and turned into means.

But it is also because of this that he usually talks about benevolence, righteousness and morality. At this time, Wu Zhao is sitting on the dragon chair, but the emperor has passed away a few years ago.

Tang Guan didn't bother to get to the bottom of it. Seeing that the situation was gradually becoming clearer, he could see that those who didn't get up were all ministers who were over fifty years old, and those who got up were all people who knew that there was nothing to be done, so they simply found a higher level.

Hearing the shouts of the ministers, Wu Zhao beamed with joy, but then shook his head and said, "Forget it, since you don't want to get up, then don't get up. I dare not call myself the master of the heavens. I can call you whatever you want in the past." .”

Tang Guan shook his head secretly when she said this. He knew that Wu Zhao was naturally happy in his heart. The emperor likes to work hard on address. .

After Tang Guan interrupted, the officials were a little distracted. After Wu Zhao laughed, he stretched out his hand to caress the bright scarf on the tray, and said lightly, "Is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials here?"

"Wei Chen is here!"

As soon as Wu Zhao finished speaking, an old man walked out, holding a chalk board, and looked at Wu Zhao.

"Let me ask you, who is in charge of the internal and external affairs of the three provinces?"

The old man frowned when he heard the words, and secretly glanced at the officials. When he saw two vacant positions in front of him, his eyelids jumped, and he bowed and said, "As far as I know, the governors of the three provinces were originally... for..."

He stuttered just now, Wu Zhao put his jade hand on the inkstone, looked at the stuttering old man and said with a smile: "I love you, but it's okay to say."

"It was originally presided over by Pei Zilong, who has been demoted to a commoner. Now, Wenchang left minister Liu Jingxian and Wenchang right minister Guo Shiju are taking care of the elders."

Hearing this, Wu Zhao stopped stroking and sighed softly: "As the old man said, the two gentlemen have already submitted their resignations to me yesterday, and they are returning to their hometowns."



Wu Zhao's words were like a depth bomb, and the officials were in an uproar in an instant. Compared with Tang Guan's flattery before, the effect was better, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Even the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who spoke suddenly frowned, and said in his heart that it was true.

Tang Guan in the hall stopped breathing when he heard this, and then fixed his eyes on the tray under Wu Zhao's hand.

Even those old ministers who were still on the ground suddenly raised their heads, and the sudden news made them lose their last confidence in an instant.

Immediately, several people showed hesitation on their faces, and several others immediately took the opportunity to get up, with shock on their faces.


"Wow." With a shout, all the officials stopped.

"The two lords are old, and I have arranged for someone to treat them well after they return to their hometown. I am deeply sorry. Today, I announce you to come to discuss the vacancies in the three provinces."

Wu Zhao repeatedly said something surprising, and Tang Guan stared at the tray under her hand.

"Resignation? Impossible!" Although Tang Guan had a premonition, he still couldn't believe it when it was confirmed. Liu Jingxian and Guo Shiju left quietly, which put him in a predicament again.

"What did I change? Pei Yan didn't die, Cheng Wuting didn't show up, and these two didn't even become officials!?"

Some people may wonder where Tang Guan's mind is, whether he wants to promote Wu Zhao's ascension to the throne, or does he not want her to become emperor.

In fact, it's very simple. Tang Guan's mentality is indifferent. The more chaotic the situation is, the better for him, but this sudden news all shows that the one-sided Wu Zhou era is coming soon!

Today she dares to sit on the dragon chair blatantly, and tomorrow she dares to proclaim herself emperor!

This is Wu Zhao when the sun and the moon are in the sky, and also the puzzling Wu Zetian!

Wu Zhao lifted up the bright scarf in a few words, and all the officials held their breath to look at it, and saw three Ushas placed on the plate, and the girl on the plate was respectful, and did not dare to lift her head.

"Xiangguan!" Tang Guan's complexion changed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. (To be continued..)

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