Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 132: Sacrifice

"Xiangguan!" Everyone who saw the appearance of the three-top Usha clearly shuddered.

Everyone had different expressions, some of them looked a little embarrassed, while others had a flash of greed in their eyes.

The so-called "the weapon of the prime minister, the handle of the prime minister is not mentioned", although there are not many people in the court who can be called prime ministers, they cannot be said to be rare. Counting seven seven eight eight is also more than ten fingers.

But "Xianggong" belongs to Xianggong, and "Prime Minister" is well known to everyone, and there are currently only three people associated with the word "Zai".

Pei Yan is missing.

Guo Shiju, retired from old age and returned home.

There is no need to mention Liu Jingxian.

It can be said that Pei Yan's political group has been completely wiped out so far, and there is no one who is the backbone of the court. Even Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi were stunned by the sudden sense of happiness.

If you want to say who has the best chance to take advantage of the situation, it is none other than the two of them. Their ups and downs have even turned into a passing cloud, especially Wu Chengsi is very happy.

I am afraid that Tang Guan was the only one present who felt cold. He still stared coldly at those phase crowns. Their former owners were all people who supported him, although Guo Shiju and Liu Jingxian were not like Pei Yan. They are as hot as they are, but they are a political combination after all. Pei Yan expressed his position, and the two's position is also very clear.

Wu Zhao cut off Tang Guan's thigh every time he came and went. From then on, he could only follow Wu Zhao's face and act in the court, and there was no room for bargaining.

Wu Zhao could see the expressions on everyone's faces. Although the generals were shocked, they were not as exciting as the civil servants.As the saying goes, princes and generals, why are they arranged like this?

Of course not because it reads so smoothly.But because this is the difference between difficulty and ease, it is true that it is extremely difficult to enter the phase.But the aspect can be grinded out by time and seniority, but the general position is crawled out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

As for Wang and Hou, the former either had a good reincarnation and had a lot of luck, being in the emperor's house, sometimes luck is a kind of strength, or they can only hope for a lifetime, especially in the Wu Zhou Dynasty, and the latter.Most of them can only be obtained by people outside the royal family who have spent a lifetime of civil and martial arts.

It is worth mentioning that in the Tang Dynasty, there was no such thing as enfeoffment of vassal kings. The vassal kings were considered the source of disasters. They would rather hand over land and military power to foreign surnames and establish vassal towns, but there were no vassal kings.

Therefore, for the foreign ministers, the throne will be the end of the day, and it is not extravagant to ask for.

Of course, these are all digressions, and the reason why these military generals don't ask extravagantly is not that their status is higher than that of the prime minister, but that they know that there are other reasons for civil and military affairs.Don't say it's impossible to do it for yourself, even if you give it, they can't do it.

But Tang Guan entered the court as a civil servant, but he always yearned for military power.This also became an obstacle later, of course, this is all a later story.

Let's see an opportunity is in front of us, and all civil servants who have the power to compete are all excited.Their status is not low already, let's go one step further.Then you can enter the real center of power and win the supreme honor of literati.

The bitterness of the cold window.How much more than ten years?

Not everyone is Tang Guan. Since Emperor Taizong revived the imperial examinations, people like Zhang Shaoyun, who were born in common clothes, have monopolized one, and there are not a few of them among the upstarts. They were all from old aristocratic families, and Pei Yan was the most prominent. Xima Pei had been an official for almost generations since the end of Han Dynasty.

Although there are many supporters, but now that the general trend is over, those who support it don't care about mourning, and those who are opposed to it are even more happy in their hearts.

On the other hand, Wu Zhao, who was able to make a decision in the end, was indifferent. She just looked at the servants of the highness, and the years did not leave marks on her face. The so-called coercion and temptation, the coercion has passed. The two phases return to the field.

Now is the time to taste the fruit of victory, even though this fruit may be inexplicably bitter in this woman's mouth, it is the result of her decades of hard work. The fruit, she is going to take it out for others to taste now, this is simply a pie in the sky for these people.

From Tang Guan's cold attention at the beginning, to then silently bowing his head, he knew that because of this, this fruit is not something you can eat whenever you want, and once again he guessed the ending correctly, but did not guess the process correctly.

"Why, no matter what I do, the final result is the same!?"

Tang Guan began to question himself, he felt that he had changed a lot of things, but nothing changed in the end, at least for him, he just saved Pei Yan's life, but afterward Tang Guan suddenly realized that maybe he was unnecessary.

Tang Guan now feels good about himself and thinks he understands politics very well. In fact, this is politics. Politics is nothing more than struggle and compromise. Now he has an adult mind and superhuman talent, and he also has a vision beyond the world.

But what about ten years later? 20 years from now?

No one knew, Tang Guan himself didn't know, he suddenly realized that he was just a marionette, what he never understood was that in fact, both struggle and compromise would be accompanied by sacrifice.

This is a trace of fairness under the so-called absolute injustice. Wu Zhao has what she is today. On the surface, she rules the world. Anyone who violates it will die. Under the rolling wheels, she will soon ascend to the throne of God.

Did she sacrifice then?

The real her died when she entered the palace at the age of 14!

"I don't want to do this!" Tang Guan shouted from the bottom of his heart in silence. His ambition stemmed from oppression, and he went further and further away.

He is constantly breaking through himself, looking back at his previous self from time to time, if he thinks how funny his previous self is, it means that this person is making continuous progress!

It was rare for Wu Zhao to be quiet, so she just smiled and watched the ministers whispering to each other from time to time, she had already reached this point, and all that was left was to wait for the ministers to recommend themselves.

That's right, it's self-recommendation. In the face of irresistible temptation, even a party official, whoever has the power to compete, must try every means.

But Tang Guan was thinking silently. No one talked to him, and he didn't want to talk to others. He knew that Wu Zhaoxuan came by himself, just to tell him, "From now on, you will only have one way to go."

It is true that Wu Zhao succeeded, and Tang Guan was not arrogant enough to covet the position now, his current status is enough to shock the world.

When the civil servants were discussing endlessly and the generals were full of curiosity, Wu Zhao suddenly said to Tang Guan: "Sick man, come to me."

"Wow." The hall, which was still full of whispers, suddenly fell silent, and everyone turned their gazes to Tang Guan.

"will not!"

"Could it be!?"

Before Tang Guan had time to react, most of the civil servants had their hearts raised in their throats in an instant.

Tang Guan raised his head and said in disbelief, "Your Majesty, did you call me just now?"

Seeing Tang Guan's appearance, Wu Zhao smiled and said, "It's you, come up." (To be continued...)

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