Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 133: Hongwen Museum

"Your Majesty, did you call me just now?" Tang Guan subconsciously took two steps forward when he heard the call, but he asked again in surprise.

Obviously, at this point, he should have nothing to do. Since it is a re-selection, it should be selected from the people who are already in the cabinet. He is just a sixth-rank Hanlin scholar, and all the people who joined the cabinet died instantly. Well, there are still countless people who can choose from below, and it will never be his turn.

But seeing Wu Zhao on the seat with a gentle smile, even reaching out his jade hand to greet him, Tang Guan couldn't help but stepped forward, bowed and said, "What is your majesty's order?"

When the officials saw this scene, they stopped discussing a long time ago. Wu Chengsi looked at Tang Guan, who was already close to the crown, and couldn't help but his heart beat.

When Wu Zhao greeted Tang Guan at this time, they didn't think they wanted him to go up to serve her, there must be a saying, people who knew how much Tang Guan was loved by Wu Zhao couldn't help but agree in their hearts: "Could it be for him? "

The nine-year-old number one scholar is already funny enough, but no matter how funny it is, it is just a joke for the world to see, and there is no loss to them. The title of the number one scholar is just a vain, and they are afraid that Wu Zhao's head will get hot, and the prime minister will also be handed over to Tang Guan.

That's not funny, but scary. It is estimated that there are countless old Confucian scholars who have failed in the rankings for many years or killed themselves or hanged themselves at home.

On the other hand, Wu Zhao looked at Tang Guan with a smile, and continued to say, "It's been a while since I saw you, let me have a look at you."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Tang Guan couldn't care less about saying goodbye to Liu and Guo at this time, listening to Wu Zhao's seemingly amiable voice, his heart grew hairy.

Tang Guan approached slowly, and Wu Zhao glanced at him.He raised his head and looked at the ministers whose Highness had stopped discussing, and unexpectedly said: "Why don't you continue to discuss? The three provinces inside and outside. You can't be left alone for a day, the big guys just keep talking. Today I allow you to talk about it carefully." .”

The ministers were all anxiously watching the movement above, but they couldn't help being stunned when these words came out. In this early court, the wonderful reactions of the civil servants feasted the eyes of the five big and three rough generals. There are so many Taoisms, just say a word, all have different expressions.

Fortunately, after being stunned for a moment, Wu Chengsi and the others looked at each other instead.Heaving a sigh of relief, someone started to discuss again, and immediately began to whisper to each other, some had rich body movements, the general over there had excellent hearing ability, and immediately had a panoramic view of the words of the civil servants.

"Duke Zhou, Duke Liang, the two Dukes are the best choices."

"Hey. Not right."

"According to the old man, this..."

After Wu Zhao gave an order, the officials really started talking endlessly, but Tang Guan was not the only one who stood alone in front of Wu Zhao amidst the chaos.There were still a few old men who still bowed their heads to the ground. They saw Wu Zhao sitting on the dragon chair from the moment they entered the hall.Haven't gotten up until now.

Tang Guan looked away from the corner of his eye, and secretly shook his head when he saw this.These people are really too old-fashioned, but fortunately, all of them are half-buried people.It is estimated that being able to have the qualifications of the early court is also a veteran who has been honed over time.

Just as Wu Zhao looked at Tang Guan with a smile, and Tang Guan was thinking wildly, Wu Zhao suddenly said, "Sick man, how is your daily life going?"

"When did this bitch care about me so much?" Tang Guan's family cared more about him, but she became vigilant. He knew that Wu Zhao had always been unprofitable, and the better he was for himself, the greater the torture he would often bring.

Immediately bit the bullet and said: "Relying on Zhou Guogong's generosity, Qubing has already been chosen, why hasn't His Majesty heard about it?"

Wu Zhao frowned when she heard the words, she had forgotten this point, and then seemed to remember something, when Wu Chengsi returned to the palace yesterday, she just dealt with Liu and Guo, and the rest disappeared.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhao was stunned, and continued to ask Tang Guan: "Yesterday, the two gentlemen bid farewell, and I tried to persuade them to stay. Unfortunately, I didn't see anyone else. Qubing, you must live well as an official in the future, and don't let the two old gentlemen treat you well." Hope."

Tang Guan's heart became angry when she said these words, but she also knew that the gentlemen who refused to accept her would not leave, so she couldn't feel at ease. Later, she did recruit a group of talented people including Di Renjie. man of.

But if we talk about the style of a gentleman, in terms of integrity, it is true that one generation is not as good as the next generation. To put it bluntly, Di Renjie, Lou Shide and other later generations are just like Tang Guan. They are afraid of death. .

It can be said that if there is no appearance of Tang Guan, Pei Yan will be punished, Liu and Guo will be demoted, and they will die with hatred, Cheng Wuting will die, and the Turkic people will be even more arrogant.

What about Di Renjie?This person will still start well and end well. He is a rare person who started well and ended well in the Wu Zhou Dynasty. From the beginning to the end, from being depressed to flourishing, he became the prime minister without any surprises. What did he benefit from all this?

To put it nicely, to be witty, to put it bluntly, to be afraid of death.

Tang Guan was very curious about it, but he also knew that he wouldn't be able to see it in a short time, because what was going to happen hadn't happened yet. If he wanted to see it, he had to look for it, and he couldn't get out of Wu Zhao's sight, otherwise he really had some thoughts in his heart.

It is true that he is not even afraid of death, and his actions are often beneficial, but he also often gets into the horns of the dead, such as Pei Yan. He is not stupid and can predict the consequences, but he still has to fly to the flame.

If a person is still young, with this vigor, he may be able to cut a way out, but after a lifetime of sinking and floating, the edges and corners have long been polished, and what is left is a rusty blunt blade, no matter how superb the swordsmanship is, it will not help .

Don't mention gossip, Tang Guan's thoughts changed as soon as Wu Zhao's words fell, suppressing the anger in his heart, and respectfully said: "Yes."

Wu Zhao saw that he kept going, completely different from the slickness of "Thank you Lord Long En" in the hall just now, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, then looked at Tang Guan, suddenly his heart moved, and said: "Where is your Chao Guan? "

Although the ministers were discussing a lot, they were all secretly paying attention to the movement above. When they first heard the word Chaoguan, they were all startled, and even the voice of discussion was a little weaker.

Although Tang Guan turned his back to them, he also noticed this change, and said: "I haven't had time to make up for it in the future. If I don't come to court, I hope Your Majesty will forgive me."

"Hehe, you and Chen Shijun look quite alike."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then reacted.Knowing that she was talking about Chen Yunsheng, Wu Zhao mentioned it.Tang Guan suddenly lost his mind for a while, counting the time, he didn't know what was going on at home for a long time.

There was no news from Chen Yunsheng when he left.I don't know if it's here or not.

"Homesick?" Seeing Tang Guan lost his mind, Wu Zhao asked again.

Hearing the sound, Tang Guan came back to his senses, and his heart was trembling. Wu Zhao changed his normal routine and asked himself how he was, maybe it was because he was in menopause. He immediately said: "It is a blessing for me to be able to serve Your Majesty. How can I..."

He didn't finish his sentence.Then Wu Zhao interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "You are a bit smarter, that's all, I can't do without my family when I'm your age."

Hearing this, Tang Guan's heart skipped a beat.

"Seeing this is a joke, is it possible that you will let me go back!?" Tang Guan was overjoyed when he heard the sound, thinking that Wu Zhao was going to have a conscience attack, and let the lion take a nap after all the enemies were wiped out. It was the year of Chuigong.

He was about to open his mouth to test, but suddenly his expression changed dramatically.Because Wu Zhao picked up the crown while he was in deep thought, and slowly put it on his head.

This change immediately attracted the attention of the officials below, who had already put their hearts back into their stomachs.He swallowed and spit again.

When Tang Guan noticed the black sand on his head, it was too late, and Wu Zhao had already started to look carefully.

In an instant, the obscene clothes under Tang Guan's generous court clothes were soaked.The crown on the head is also as heavy as a mountain. I don't know what kind of nerve Wu Zhao is trying to get out of here.

Fortunately, there was a moment of silence.Wu Zhao sized it up and said with a charming smile, "It's too big."

Tang Guan's appearance is really funny, and Xiang Guan is a bit more delicate than his previous Usha, who was a few sizes bigger.At the same time, it also seems to be a bit taller, and Tang Guan wears it like "not tall enough, so a hat can be used to top it".

Wu Chengsi and the others looked at this scene with a look of shock in their eyes. Before he could speak, Wu Zhao slowly stretched out his jade hand to remove the crown on top of Tang Guan's head, and said as if muttering: "Wait a few more years!" .”

Seeing that she removed the prime minister's crown, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi, who stood closest to the civil servants and paid the most attention to the movement here, heard the soft words, but they were like thunder , immediately looked at each other.

It was obvious from these words that Tang Guan's entry into the prime minister was a certainty, it was only a matter of time!

Wu Sansi's eyes even flashed a strange look, Wu Zhao ignored Tang Guan who hadn't recovered, and said directly to the officials: "Forget it, don't discuss it here, go back and write the memorial, and submit it together tomorrow." .”

Wu Chengsi pressed his heart in shock, tried not to look at Tang Guan, made eye contact with Wu Sansi, and nodded to each other.

Wu Zhao glanced around again, and saw that there seemed to be nothing to report, and when he was about to announce that he would leave the court without incident, at this moment, an old man came out of the queue.

"I have something to report."

Tang Guan breathed a sigh of relief when the old minister came out. The moment of petrification just now left him with lingering fears. Wu Zhao's little action, in the eyes of others, is really hard to say whether it is good or bad for him.

This person is obviously the Minister of the Ministry of Officials just now. At this time, he frowned and shouted: "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

"Precise play."

The minister had just had a dispute with his colleagues, and everyone thought he was going to recommend himself, and they all looked at him strangely, but he said, "Your Majesty, the two ministers resigned suddenly. The opening of the Hongwen Museum will also be delayed, and the opening and closing will be imminent, and the students from all sides have already issued the access regulations, which..."

The old man seemed to have just remembered this incident, and did not come out to report until now. Wu Zhao also frowned when she heard the words, but she forgot about it. It is true that Liu and Guo are opponents, but they are driven away. , and left a lot of stalls unattended.

The most important thing is undoubtedly that no one is in charge of the government affairs in the three provinces, and there is no one who makes decisions. If Wu Zhao takes care of such a heavy burden alone, there will be mistakes in haste.

The second is the Hongwen Academy under the Menxia Province. This library echoes the Guozijian, but there is one difference. The Hongwen Academy is a typical aristocratic academy, and the students are all the children of officials in the court.

There are only 30 people per year, no more and no less, among whom the younger ones are nine years old, and the older ones are just teenagers.

Hearing these three words, Tang Guan also felt moved. The Hongwen Museum is located in the palace, under the door of the provincial office. He understands the rule of only opening once a year and only recruiting 30 people at a time. However, the reputation of "Smooth and elegant" is not weak.

Now the three provinces have no one in charge, and the position of the museum master that the three provinces discussed in the past has not been appointed.

Sure enough, Wu Zhao pondered after hearing the words, and after a long time, he glanced over the officials one by one, sometimes lingering on one person for a while, then shook his head slightly.

Everyone fell silent when they saw this, knowing that the prime minister who will be in charge of the three provinces has not been selected yet, and the head of the Hongwen Museum, which will be opened soon, must be selected first.

For this position, Wu Sansi and the others don't think too much about it, because they are self-aware that the place needs real materials. After all, teaching and educating people is no different than others. Later dignitaries came from this museum.

Wu Zhao looked around, and suddenly looked at Tang Guan in front of him. Tang Guan noticed that he took two steps back in a hurry, and stood up with a bow.

Wu Zhao looked Tang Guan up and down again, and said, "Tang Hanlin."

"The minister is here." Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and he responded.

The ministers in the palace were terrified again, there was a wave of unrest, and it seemed that the woman on the dragon chair would not stop until Tang Guan was promoted.

Tang Guan was also surprised, and was faintly worried about what Wu Zhao wanted to ask for.

"The opening of the Hongwen Museum is imminent. I take you as the head of the consulate to teach on behalf of the emperor. Do all the lovers disagree?"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Zhao swept across the group of officials, and they hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing.

Tang Guan was also a little at a loss, and after a long time bowed: "The minister leads the decree."

"Retire!" Wu Zhao just waved his sleeves and got up to leave.

The officials on the ground knelt down one after another, shouted to send off the Holy Majesty, and then got up one after another.

Tang Guan also stood up slowly, not without surprise in his heart, raised his head with a frown, only to hear the sound of congratulations in his ears.

"My dear brother, congratulations, what a blessing!"

Tang Guan heard the sound and turned his head to look behind... (to be continued...)

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