Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 137: 6 Questions About Jiangye

Old friends don't know each other.

The present and the past have been two worlds.

After the young man asked the question, he realized that the thousand-year past was about to fall, and Tang Guan vomited out all his doubts in front of a stone that could not speak.

"General, what exactly is a master?"

"Thousands of years later, people's hearts will not be old, good people will not be rewarded, and foolish people will run rampant. I have been chosen by God's will. With talent, why am I still unhappy?"

"If there is a god in the world, why is he turning a blind eye to all suffering?"

"What is success and what is failure?"

"Or is it that the people's hearts have not changed for thousands of years, but it's contrary to my original intention?"

"If there is no afterlife, where am I now?"

The portrait of the general still stands quietly, decades like a day, but Tang Guan's questions have been asked, but unfortunately he has not received a response.

The drink in the bowl in front of him disappeared along with one question after another. What also disappeared was the uneasiness in Tang Guan's eyes. On this warm spring day, he was suddenly chilled to the bone.

There is nothing in the world, and people are disturbing themselves. Tang Guan drank the wine in one sip, and brought a small person to face the confusion of the big era. He had no one to talk to, just like he was repeatedly rejected and discriminated against in his previous life.

Yes, he did not feel happy because of being full and warm. He thought of the old man. Tang Guan said confidently that with talent, he would live a better life, so just like the Buddha said that there must be light, he had , but he didn't feel that he was living a better life.

Everyone will have a sense of loneliness, what Tang Guan is about to experience is the dark beginning of the Wu Zhou Dynasty. This year, cruel officials are rampant, if there is no one else.Cui Cha and his ilk have already joined the cabinet.

Under Tang Guan's vigilant and strong appearance, a cowardly heart has been washed again and again.From what to do to what to do.It's two different things.

When he regained his senses from the freshness and self-confidence of riding a horse into Chang'an in the late rain, he found that the so-called justice around him had disappeared, good people did not live long, and the confusion of the scourge for thousands of years surrounded him. He broke it time and time again, But repeatedly fell into it.

Tang Guanhua was all about scheming, but she couldn't win against God's will.He is a small fish who accidentally fell into the long river of history. Whether he drifts with the current or struggles to leap has become his demon.

Yes, he was saving his inner demons. Even Huo Qubing, who had been reborn all his life, would be speechless when he heard these six questions, let alone the stone statue in front of him.

Is this indecision?

Tang Guan also began to ask himself, the answer is obviously no, so is this moaning without illness?

Maybe, but a person can't even heal his own heart disease, so he talks about going to heal others.

Tang Guan put down his wine bowl in despair.Appeared in a state of drunkenness, no longer maintained a kneeling position, and slowly fell on his back, embarking on an official career out of helplessness.Up until now, I have been forced to. From the beginning to the end, I thought I was taking the initiative in everything, but I was always passive.

If it weren't for that eccentric Liu Chunliang and his own father Liu Xun who was at odds with each other.If there is no Chen Yunsheng who is greedy for ease and dreams of being able to obtain peace by raising talents.If there is no Ma Lie, a fierce bandit who is elusive, and Chang Ying, who is dedicated to his duties.

"Can I get this far?" Tang Guan was half drunk and half awake.He leaned back on the futon and looked at the beams. Without these people, he might have lived a comfortable life of watching the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court, just for the rest of his life.

But looking back on all of this, it seemed like it was all predestined. I was in it, unable to resist, and gradually drifting away.

A woman's frown and smile suddenly appeared in front of Tang Guan's eyes. Looking at the woman in front of him, Tang Guan laughed stupidly, and reached out to touch it, but it was the moon in the mirror, the flower in the water.

There are not many things in the world in an instant.

There was no love or hate.

"Xun'er." The woman's appearance was so vague that Tang Guan could not even see the outline clearly, so he murmured.


Hangzhou, Tang Mansion.

In the small water town in the south, compared to the north, the spring day is softer and warmer. In this afternoon, the warm wind has drunk the tourists and the Tang family.

Everything is lazy, a woman and a girl in the courtyard of the Tang Mansion lower their heads and knit small hands for practice. The woman looks blessed and points out to the girl from time to time.

In ancient times, women have reached the age of marriage for nine years. If there is a marriage, they will temporarily book it. They only need to stay for a few years.

The elders of the women in the family will also teach their adoptive fathers how to serve their husbands at this time, especially for gentle Jiangnan women. This needlework girl is one of the more basic ones.

"Yeah." The girl's fingertips suddenly felt a prickly pain, and fine beads of blood flowed out from her fingertips.

"Xun'er, alas, why are you so careless." Seeing this, the woman hurriedly grabbed the girl's little hand, and the girl smiled and said, "It's okay."

People say that there is a playmate beside the Sansheng Stone, who was cultivated by Rao Meilai in her previous life. Just now, the girl suddenly felt a pain in her heart for no reason, and her hands were in a trance, but she didn't know that it was the person she had been thinking about all the time.

Seeing the girl's fingers dripping blood, the woman hurriedly got up and said, "Xun'er, sit down, I'll go find some powder."

Seeing the anxious look of the woman, the girl felt warm in her heart, and nodded her head obediently, the woman then turned and left, leaving the girl alone in the pavilion.

But the girl turned her eyes to the lotus leaves that were caressed by the wind outside the pavilion, Dai Mei frowned slightly and murmured: "Qubing."

"Da" a drop of blood silently fell on the unembroidered handkerchief, and a blood plum bloomed.

After returning to the wind, we heard each other again.

Wan Lai is empty and clear.

The eyes of the young man outside Chang'an gradually lost focus, and his mind was empty. This may be the emptiness that monks yearn for most.

But after a long time, the young man cursed loudly, which ruined the situation.

"Fuck, what am I here for, crazy?"

The boy suddenly sat up and laughed.

Shaking his head and looking at the portrait of the general in front of him, he cupped his hands and said, "General, I will visit you again another day. Your Huns have been wiped out, and my Turks have not yet been defeated."

After finishing speaking, he patted his buttocks and stood up, neatly and simply, he was completely different from Shi Cai.

But as soon as he walked to the door, he turned his head and said with a smile: "General, if I can find the answer one day, I will definitely come here to tell you and say goodbye."

No one knows what the young man saw when he worked hard, only what he seemed to think of.

When he opened the door and walked out, there seemed to be something more about the young man, an indescribable determination.

The temple was dark, the young man opened the door, and the sunlight came in, making him squint his eyes slightly.

Covering it slightly with his hand, there were tinkling knocking sounds in his ears, and the familiar smile hung on the corner of the boy's mouth again, a kind of unruly, a kind of meaningless.

As if nothing had happened, the young man walked out with his hands behind his back in a relaxed manner.

This place is the beginning of his rooting, and it will soon be the palace of the one-word side-by-side king in history!

He lived in the same family for three times, and the posterity only saw his scenery, but no one understood what he saw at this moment, today, at that moment.

But the young man, like a poisonous snake, completed the first spring shedding after the cold winter, shedding all the shackles left by the severe cold. (To be continued..) (To be continued..)

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