Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 138: Trying to Discuss Yi Ren

The sun was no longer hanging high, and it was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

But Tang Guanye had already returned home, and Chang Ying, who had been waiting in front of the door for a long time, was a little uneasy, when he saw the carriage approaching, he went forward to meet him.

It wasn't until Tang Guan jumped out of the box that he breathed a sigh of relief, but he could smell the alcohol on Tang Guan as soon as he touched it, and couldn't help asking: "Are you drinking again?"

Tang Guan shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, and slightly bowed his hands to the three escorts. They hurriedly returned the salute, and then turned around and entered the hospital together with Chang Ying.

"I'm hungry, get me something to eat first, I have something to do after eating."

"What happened in the court?" Chang Ying saw that Tang Guan went out in the early morning and came back in the afternoon, so he couldn't help but feel puzzled. It stands to reason that the one who goes to the court early is the one who leaves early.

"It's nothing. I just left the two prime ministers. I'm going to be a teacher." Tang Guan said as he walked towards the kitchen. How do you say it?"

Tang Guan laughed and said, "Brother Chang, you are not serving in the palace now, what do you care about?"

"No, I'm asking what kind of teacher are you?"

"Haha, you won't believe me if I tell you." Tang Guan shook his head and smiled, as if he didn't care about these things, and walked directly into the kitchen followed by Chang Ying.

Seeing Tang Guan's arrival, the servants in the kitchen all stopped their movements. Seeing this, Tang Guan said directly: "If you have any leftovers, warm them up for me."

These servants are just handymen here, after hearing this, they didn't even dare to say anything, they panicked for a while, and began to rectify the dishes that Tang Guan usually used.

Seeing this, Tang Guan stood there without moving, while Chang Ying kept asking questions.

"Xiao Langjun. Stop making such jokes!"

Seeing Chang Ying's displeasure, Tang Guan couldn't help but smile and said, "Brother Chang. You really look more and more like Uncle Chen."

"You..." Chang Ying was taken aback when he heard this, and then laughed wryly.He also realized that he didn't know when he became so verbose. He knew that Tang Guan was talking about Chen Yunsheng. In fact, Chen Yunsheng was not very verbose on weekdays, but since he started taking care of Tang Guan, he began to tremble with fear every day.

Now Chang Ying has tasted the three tastes, and Tang Guan's words and deeds make people puzzled.

Tang Guan watched Sheren frantically chopping vegetables into the pot, turning on the stove to cook, gradually unable to move, drinking on an empty stomach.It really made him very hungry, but fortunately, when he was hungry, he understood a truth, a truth that made him no longer confused.

Not long after, the smell came out from the pot, and the chef hurriedly weighed the pot again. Tang Guan is not very proficient in cooking, and he is too lazy to be proficient in it. Anyway, as far as he is hungry, he just needs to die.

But no matter how rough a person is.He is used to being tricky, and there are times when he is subtle. Tang Guan is too lazy to pay attention to it. If he really pays attention to it.Of course, I still miss the exquisite southern dishes at home.

Tang Guan is considered an omnivore, as long as it is not poisonous, he dares to try anything.If it is said that someone can really make that filthy excrement into food that can deceive people's taste buds, let alone.Tang Guan really dared to step forward to taste such freshness alone.

Not long.Amidst the bustle of the handyman, several dishes came out of the pan, Tang Guan left with his hands behind his back, and Chang Ying followed behind him without saying a word, as if he was a little bit embarrassed at being squeezed out before.

When Tang Guan was about to open the door to enter the house, he suddenly turned his head and said, "Brother Chang, where is Xiao Qi?"

"He fell asleep." Chang Ying responded after hearing this.

Hearing this, Tang Guan shook his head slightly. Xiao Qi's heartless life of wanting to eat and sleep is really enviable.

The so-called lie down wherever you fall, Tang Guan simply planned to live in this room temporarily after being swayed by a woman from the Tang Sect yesterday.

Firstly, this room is remote and relatively clean, and secondly, it is not the reason. He and Xiao Qi used to squeeze into the same bed before, the weather had not turned warm at that time, and the two of them were still young, so it was not too crowded. And warm.

But Tang Guan faintly felt that this was inappropriate, Xiao Qi's handsome face of male and female made his heart shudder, and if things went on like this, one day his eyes would blur in the middle of the night, and he would really be full of affection, then I would be sorry for everyone Lu Jiaren is gone.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan smirked, and Chang Ying shook his head when he saw this, and stopped asking about Tang Guan's court affairs. Tang Guan looked at Chang Ying and said: " Brother Chang, have you eaten yet?"

"Eat." Chang Ying felt a little pitiful for Tang Guan when he heard the words. Officials like them seem to be beautiful, but they have to live a day and night.

Generally, when Yinshi has to get up and tidy up and go to the court, and when there is an urgent matter, he stays around the clock. In fact, Chang Ying's worries are not unreasonable. Whether it is a corrupt official or an honest official, as long as he is an official, he cannot escape the constraints of the system. , it is impossible without paying.

Moreover, there are really many ministers who died of exhaustion in history. Of course, Tang Guan's current position is not so terrible.

So when he saw Tang Guan gobbling it up, he shook his head secretly.

Tang Guan put down the chopsticks very quickly, and after a storm, the table was swept away in a short time. Tang Guan burped out of his face, and said with a smile: "Prime Minister Liu and Prime Minister Guo are going home to enjoy their old age, lol."

Tang Guan hiccupped and made a sound, Chang Ying, who was still smiling wryly, immediately changed color when he heard this, and said in a deep voice, "You can still laugh!?"

"Good thing, Brother Chang, you haven't seen the wonderful expressions of those old things today." Tang Guan spoke unscrupulously, and Chang Ying's complexion changed continuously, and he began to look at Tang Guan carefully.

There is no doubt that Tang Guan came back this time as if he was a different person. Seeing him sizing him up, Tang Guan raised his hand in front of his eyes and said, "Brother Chang, don't you just want to know this? Why are you distracted again?" gone?"

"Stop making trouble." Chang Ying raised his hand and grabbed Tang Guan's wrist. He was skilled in martial arts, and his movements were extremely fast. Naturally, Tang Guan couldn't dodge it when he grabbed it.

Tang Guan felt a little pain, Chang Ying hastily let go when he saw this, he also grabbed subconsciously, seeing that Tang Guan didn't care about his appearance, he felt a chill in his heart.

He suffered from life and death together with Tang Guan, so he naturally knew that Pei Yan had a lot to do with him, and now Pei Yan's lineage has suffered.Tang Guan actually didn't care, and he couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

But Tang Guan laughed.Then he said in a low voice: "Brother Chang, if you cry, you can bring back your thighs. It doesn't matter if you become blind from crying, but it's a pity that there will be no return for the one who punishes the heart."

"Hiss." Chang Ying gasped when he heard the words, and looked at Tang Guan in shock. Tang Guan's words were clichéd, and he couldn't help but think of what he said a few days ago.

After Tang Guan finished speaking, he shook his head slightly, stopped talking, got up and went in to clean up the dishes on the table, and then said to Chang Ying who was still meditating secretly: "Brother Chang, you have to do me a favor later. "

"What's the matter?" Chang Ying raised his head upon hearing this, and asked with a frown.

Tang Guan got up and took the inkstone from over there, lowered his head and rubbed it twice, and said, "Send the letter."

"To whom?" Chang Ying asked subconsciously.

Tang Guan said without raising his head, "My family."

"You want me to go to Hangzhou?" Chang Ying was surprised when he heard this.

Tang Guan stopped his movements, and said to Chang Ying with a playful look: "Brother Chang, how long have you been in the army?"

"It's been 11 years, why are you asking this?" Chang Ying asked in confusion when Tang Guan changed the subject.

Tang Guan nodded with a chuckle when he heard the words, then lowered his head and rubbed the ink again, and said after a while: "Brother Chang, you are a soldier, and you don't even know the urgent documents at the post station?"

"You want to use an urgent document to send a letter home!?" Chang Ying couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.Tang Guan's behavior is naturally strictly forbidden, but Tang Guan didn't take it seriously and said, "Why not?"

As soon as these words came out, Chang Ying was dumbfounded, subconsciously it seemed to Tang Guan.It seemed that nothing was impossible, but he immediately denied the idea and opened his mouth.Still hesitant to speak.

But Tang Guan had already put down the inkstone and began to write with a pen.

The starting hand is naturally Tang Weixi's name.What he wrote was nothing more than the recent situation. He had sent a letter to Tang Er from the nurse before.I thought it was already here.

But Chen Yunsheng was still there at that time, and now Chen Yunsheng's whereabouts are unknown, whether he has arrived or not, Tang Guan is also a little bit sad that the ancient communication has become complicated.

If it is entrusted to be carried by someone, it will take dozens of days at least to add the distance to the closed sea, but the government's expedited documents are different. It is easy to see how quickly Tang Guan's Zhiping thief article spread all over the world. It can be known that, of course, there are differences, that is the real [-]-mile rush in the army.

It is similar to escorting secrets in later generations, and it is more exposed, and those who directly block it will die, but this official uniform is not bad for expediting. It is estimated that if you are lucky, it can be delivered in four or five days, and if you are unlucky, ten days will be enough.

Tang Guan wrote it, and it was still in accordance with the old tradition of reporting good news but not bad news. It would be best if the letter could be delivered to Chen Yunsheng earlier, but it would be fine if it arrived late.

After all, Chen Yunsheng's visit was also very apprehensive, for fear that Tang Weixi would blame him.

After speaking this time, Tang Guan finally wrote what he wanted to write the most.

Looking at the current situation, it is impossible for him to realize his half-year agreement, but Tang Guan suddenly understood it in front of the general's portrait. In this case, why not get together?

If he can't go back, then take the person he misses to Chang'an.

Moreover, the soon-to-be-built mansion also gave him a stable place to stay and confidence. Of course, he also knew that it was impossible to settle the whole family in Chang'an right now.

But he was fed up with the scene of these three men playing together. Although Chang Ying is good, he is a rough guy after all, just like Tang Guan was talking to the general alone today. What he said to Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi might Smiled it off, seemed to understand but half understood, but told Chang Ying that their trust in each other is still not enough to know everything without saying anything.

I saw Tang Guan's writing paused, and then wrote: "My child is all right, and Mr. Liang is fine. I have been blessed by the Holy Spirit, and I have given you a house. I have no female family members to serve me. My child misses Lin's little sister very much. Gathering in Chang'an to relieve my longing, I am haggard and miserable, if you can agree, please escort carefully to avoid accidents on the road."

Tang Guan read it again after writing it, and his heart was pounding. What he said was straightforward. He had a house, but he lacked someone to wash and cook, and he didn’t have any cronies. He directly wanted to ask Lin Yuxun to come, but after reading it again, suddenly Feeling that something was missing, I suddenly thought of Tang Niu who had been serving his parents at home.

Immediately added: "The child is not filial, but his parents travel far away, but he suffers from being alone and weak, with no one to take care of him. If the eldest brother can come together, I will be overjoyed and hope that I will get rid of the illness."

Only then did Tang Guan put down his pen, and read it up and down. The first part was omitted, and the latter was the main point. Seeing that there were no major mistakes, he raised his head and said, "Brother Chang."

Chang Ying walked aside sensibly when he was writing the letter. This book is no different from other things, it is all about the family's shortcomings, and an outsider who reads the affairs of other people's family is just looking for boredom.

Chang Ying heard the call and stepped forward, Tang Guan folded the new letter, took out a letter fold and put it in, Chang Ying asked: "Written?"

Tang Guan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and was about to pass the letter to him, but suddenly stopped, and suddenly said: "I almost forgot."

Chang Ying frowned first, and then said: "There is no official seal."

"Yes." Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, and groped in his arms for a while before taking out a small bag hanging under the court clothes, then stretched out his hand to untie it, and took out a small four-square seal from it.

Above seven ranks, use seals to prove identity. Tang Guan is a sixth rank writer. Although this seal is a little smaller, it is not as good as those of the assassins and prime ministers. The big murder seal that can cover people's heads, but he enjoys being a civil servant who delivers letters The treatment is still ok.

Immediately Tang Guan breathed a sigh of relief at Yin Di, covered it hard, and then handed the letter to Chang Ying.

Chang Ying took it with a frown, and said with some embarrassment: "It's true."

Seeing him hesitant, Tang Guan smiled and said, "It's true."

"Okay." Chang Ying shook his head slightly, turned and went out.

Tang Guan stayed in the room alone and looked at Xiaoyin on his side thoughtfully. After a long time, he sat down and said to himself: "The three prime ministers are done playing, why don't those guys turn against you?" (To be continued...)

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