Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 139: Hetu Luoshu

Tang Guan's new house is coming soon, so it's not worth mentioning about repairing books.

He is the only one in the court who still has this leisurely mind at this time, and the actions of the other people who are qualified to enter the court are different, but the main theme around them is the matter of choosing a person.

So the choice is indeed important to the ministers who are competitive, but for some people, after calming down, it is put in the second place.

What could be more important than immediate vested interests?And who would think so?

That must be Wu Chengsi in the Duke's mansion in front of him, he was sitting restlessly in front of the desk, sometimes frowning, sometimes shaking his head slightly.

When encountering this kind of thing on weekdays, he would naturally find his good comrade Wu Sansi to discuss with him, but not at this time, because he wanted to do something that God knows, I know, I know you don't know.

If it is said who is most eager for Wu Zhao to ascend the throne immediately, it is not Wu Zhao himself who immediately overthrows the Li family, but Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi who are close in front of him.

This is not only known to Tang Guan, Wu Zhao's desire to ascend the throne is now well known to all passers-by, only the last fire is needed, Wu Chengsi's thighs can be thicker, stronger, and more blatant, and it is not an exaggeration to shout Long Live .

But he had also called, and sat on the dragon chair, and the only thing left was a foot in the door, and imagine that Wu Zhao himself might be stuck in this foot.

Wu Chengsi frowned, looking at the pages of paper that his subordinates had changed, he hadn't written for a long time, just as he was racking his brains to plan for the throne for his aunt, a servant entered the door and said respectfully: "My lord, Yongzhou procured The batch of Xifeng wine has been delivered."

"Oh?" Wu Chengsi enjoys life all his life, and he loves wine and meat even more. Hearing this, he put aside his miscellaneous thoughts for the time being.He looked up at the servant.

Then he said: "Sell some to taste first."

"Yes." The servant replied in a low voice, and turned to leave.But as soon as he reached the threshold, he turned back and said, "Master, the businessman wants to see the master. He said he has treasures to offer."

"Treasure?" Wu Chengsi was about to get up and move around, when he heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then he came back to his senses, and couldn't help but smile and said: "What is it?"

The servant shook his head and said, "He didn't say anything."

Wu Chengsi frowned, then sat down slowly and said, "Let him in."

"Yes." The servant turned and left without stopping.

"Treasure?" On the case, Wu Chengsi lightly stroked his beard, with a bit of anticipation in his heart. It is common for common people to present treasures to dignitaries and royal families. If the offerings can really please people.Rewards are no longer a problem.

Wu Chengsi muttered a few words, sitting on the desk and meditating.

At this moment, a voice came in and said: "Xiaomin Yongzhou Tang Abao pays his respects to the Duke."

Wu Chengsi stopped whispering when he heard the sound, and looked towards the gate, only to see a middle-aged man with fat head and big ears, bowing in front of his eyes.

Wu Chengsi sized him up, and then said, "What do you want to offer?"

Although this Tang Abao had a fat head and big ears, he didn't have a vicious appearance, and his face was very kind, with a touch of cuteness.

I heard Wu Chengsi ask.Tang Abao hurriedly groped in his arms for a while, then took out a small handkerchief, untied it, Wu Chengsi also looked over.

But there is another layer to unravel.Tang Abao quickly untied the second layer with quick hands and feet, and the treasure appeared in front of his eyes.

Tang Abao stepped forward with a smile all over his face.He wanted Wu Chengsi to see it clearly, but Wu Chengsi froze when he saw it.Then he said sullenly: "Bold! This small stone can be seen everywhere, how can it be a treasure?"

It turns out that the treasure that Tang Abao carefully preserved to present was just an ordinary white stone.It looks a bit round, but it's just some features in the shape, it's definitely not a valuable item such as gold and jade. Wu Chengsi is flattered by others, and he can tell gold and jade at a glance. It is obvious that the piece in front of him is really just a white stone.

Tang Abao was not afraid when he heard the sound, instead he said with a smile: "Duke, don't be angry, how dare the villain tease the duke, do you know where this stone comes from?"

Seeing his swearing appearance, Wu Chengsi was also surprised, suppressed his anger and asked, "Where?"

"The little man passed by Luoshui. When he was on a boat, this stone jumped out of the water and splashed on the boat. The supernatural power was extraordinary. The villain was dull, but he had also heard the ancient sayings of the emperor from the river and the book from the river. Keep it private, and now I’m dedicating it to the Duke!”

Wu Chengsi was taken aback when he heard the words, he stretched out his hand to take the white stone, and played with it in his hand, while Tang Abao hurriedly bowed to one side, as for whether these words were true or not, no one knew.

But Wu Chengsi was playing with this round and round stone, and suddenly thought of something, raised his head and shouted: "What did you just say!?"

Tang Abao was shocked when he saw this, he hurriedly said: "I don't dare to keep such treasures privately, so I come here to dedicate them to my husband."

"No, last sentence!"

Wu Chengsi stood up, with an anxious expression on his face urging him to ask questions, Tang Abao was not a cowardly person, he said immediately upon seeing this: "He produced the map, Luo produced the book!"

"He produced pictures, Luo produced books...He produced pictures, Luo produced books..." Wu Chengsi could hear clearly this time, and even began to mutter to himself.

Over there Tang Abao was overjoyed when he saw this, thinking he had won this person's favor, but he still knelt down and dared not speak.

"Haha!" Wu Chengsi muttered a few words, and then he raised his head and laughed out loud, Tang Abao was even more pleasantly surprised.

It wasn't until Wu Chengsi laughed that he looked at Tang Abao who was on the ground, frowned and asked him, "What did you say was your name?"

"The villain's name is Tang Abao, from Yong'an, Yongzhou."

"Your surname is Tang too?" Wu Chengsi murmured as he stroked his beard and looked at this person.

Tang Abao was stunned for a moment, not knowing what he meant, but Wu Chengsi pondered for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "I have a gift of wealth and honor for you here, do you want it?"

"Wealthy?" Tang Abao heard the words at first, and before he could react in time, he was ecstatic behind him, knocking his head loudly, showing his excitement. One must know that no matter how lowly a person is at this time, it is rare for an official to give such a big gift .

Shouting in the mouth: "The villain is willing, the villain is willing!"

Seeing this, Wu Chengsi waved his hand to stop him, and said to him, "Come here with your ears."

Tang Abao hurriedly stood up and bowed to his ear, only to see Wu Chengsi muttering in his ear: "From today onwards, your name will be Tang Tongtai."

Then the voice weakened and could no longer be heard, only Tang Abao's face changed continuously as Wu Chengsi whispered in his ear, from excitement at the beginning to horror, from flushing to livid.

Then he simply turned pale, until Wu Chengsi finished speaking, he still hadn't come back to his senses.

Seeing his dull eyes, Wu Chengsi didn't take it seriously, took a sip of the tea on the case, and after a long time, the man gradually came back to his senses.

Only then did Wu Chengsi speak: "If you don't want to, the old man has a house here, just for you to live in, and you don't have to leave in the future."

"Scared!" Tang Abao's already pale face became even paler when he heard these words, and the ecstasy just now turned into nothingness, as if he was on a boat of thieves.

But he is just a small person, and now that things have happened, he knows that he can only bite the bullet and give it a try. If it succeeds, it will indeed be a fortune.

Immediately he bowed his head and said: "The villain Tang Tongtai pays homage to the Duke."

"Okay, you step back." Seeing his promise, Wu Chengsi's eyes lit up, and he lowered his head again to play with the white stone.

But just as Tang Abao reached the door, Wu Chengsi suddenly said: "Go from the backyard and find a storehouse to live in. Don't let people see you."

"Yes." Tang Abao still had lingering fears at this moment, hurriedly responded, and then turned and went out.

But Wu Chengsi was in front of the case, carefully looking at the ordinary little white stone in the palm of his hand, and after a long time got up and walked around the painting screen, but he didn't know where he was going. (To be continued..)

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