Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 140: Without Xiang, there is no army

"After the museum opens, Mr. Lao Lang will take care of the dog."

"To make the king's words serious, to heal illnesses and to be ignorant of learning, and to receive such a false name, must, must."

"The old man won't bother you any more, let's say goodbye."

"Let you go slowly."

Tang Guan got up and sent this person out of the door. Seeing this person get on his horse and turn the corner to leave, he looked away and shook his head slightly.

A tall figure also walked out of the room, looking at the exhausted Tang Guan, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Which number is it?"

"Hehe." Tang Guan laughed dryly, with his hands behind his back, but he didn't say much.

As soon as the news of his tenure in the Hongwen Museum spread, those central officials were not doing much, but the governor of Xiazhou, who was closer or happened to be in Beijing, almost broke through the door of the house.

The most frightening thing was that someone came here the day before and simply stayed here. Although Baoshe is about to become Tang Guan's private residence, it is still an official institution after all. If they want to stay, Tang Guan can't refuse.

Luckily, Mo Ji was able to deal with it in various ways. As for the selection of the court, Tang Guan simply didn't take it to heart. In the final analysis, this matter had nothing to do with him, and it was his turn to do it.

Moreover, he knew that the selection of a prime minister this time would not last long. In history, Cui Cha was dismissed after just one month of being prime minister, and the likes of Lai Junchen were even more miserable.

They only hated Tang Guan for being out of tune with them in their hearts, but they didn't know the blessing in the blessing.

What makes Tang Guan feel pity is that there is one thing that should have happened, but it has not happened for a long time. Now that Xu Jingye has been flattened and Pei Yan has fallen, it is unbelievable that the princes of the Li family can still hold their breath. .

"If I don't show up again, I'll start to do that." Tang Guan pondered.I have a plan in mind, but it's too early.In fact, Tang Guan also secretly hated that he used to study history and didn't read it carefully.I only know the result of things, but I don't know the process.

It's not his fault, history is like this, the process is always unknown, just like Pei Yan's Qingge case, if Shangguan Wan'er hadn't reminded him, Tang Guan would have left it behind.

The most important thing right now is to take up the post of head of the Hongwen Museum. He has not gone to court, let alone entered the palace in the past few days.This is of course unreasonable, but now those who can manage him are devastated, local officials who don't disturb the muddy water, and those whose children have places in the Hongwen Museum don't hesitate to travel to visit.

Of course, if Tang Guan did not go to the court, it did not mean that he did not know the result of the selection. He still got news from the endless stream of visiting officials, and Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi took two positions as expected.

It can be said that the government has been firmly controlled by the Wu family so far, but the third position is somewhat unexpected.It turned out to be vacant, and it will not be set up for the time being, and that position is obviously reserved by Pei Yan.

Although a little surprised, Tang Guan immediately felt relieved.Pei Yan was the minister of Gu Ming, so he was moved to above the three provinces, where life and death were all in one body.Naturally, Wu Zhao wouldn't be so stupid as to just knock him down, and then help another Pei Yan up.

So far, the transfer between the DPRK and China has been settled.It seemed that everything had returned to calm, but the calm was somewhat unusual.Everyone is waiting, waiting for how that woman will dominate the world!

And this is what Tang Guan couldn't understand. He was also curious about what method Wu Zhao used to complete the final cleanup in the face of the current situation.

"I can't go on like this. If I can't leave Chang'an, I will always be her pet!"

Tang Guan meditated into the room, sat down slowly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Everything Wu Zhao gave him was false, including the post of head of the Hongwen Museum. It is true that he can accumulate contacts, but those contacts It will take several years, or even longer, to be used.

She walked around in such a big circle, but she was still walking in place. The dog chain in her hand was getting longer and longer, and she was determined to tie Tang Guan by her side until she became an obedient dog that bit people. it's too late.

"Although the people of Qilu are tall and powerful, they have long been exhausted by the war in the north."

"Jiangnan is a rich and prosperous place, where people are united in their minds, and there is not much to do when they go there."

"Kandong is barren, and it is not the best choice."

"Longyou nobles are entrenched, which is definitely not something I can expect."

"It seems that only Jingzhou, Hunan, and central Sichuan are suitable for development."

Tang Guan sipped his teacup lightly, planning for a rainy day, "Within two years, we must leave!"

The Wu Zhou regime is about to be established, and Wu Zhao's methods are like thunderbolts. This year, the famous "clan treason case" will happen, but it is a pity that it will be suppressed. It can even be said to be effortless. Wu Zhao is also waiting, not afraid of their rebellion, I was afraid that they would not rebel, but unfortunately Tang Guan didn't know about it. He had to wait for their attack temporarily. Tang Guan also wanted to witness the whole truth of this matter.

After that, Lou Shide, who used Hu to control the barbarians, and Di Renjie, who had all-hands and eyes to the sky, and the North Gate lineage who turned their hands into clouds and turned their hands into rain, will be in a more precarious situation at that time.

Thinking of the certainty in Tang Guan's eyes, he put down the teacup in his hand, and said slowly: "No Xiang, no army, no spicy, no revolution!"

"Pfft." Tang Guan shook his head and laughed out loud after speaking. He really thought a little far, but he had to think about it. Gao Diyuan is a real hero.

Even he himself didn't think much about it. His thoughts are very consistent with those who have dominated the history. Jingzhou and Shu have been the birthplace of the Chinese armed forces since ancient times. This is not to say that the people in this place have rebellious genes in their bones, but The folk customs here have been tough since ancient times, and they must do everything to the extreme. This kind of character is also easy to be infected and instigated by others.

Eat, drink, and play to the extreme in peacetime, and rebel and kill to the extreme in times of turmoil. This is also an interesting discovery in world history. Northern China is full of disasters and disasters. In ancient times, it was invaded by nomads all the year round. All the land is occupied by nomads, and the ancient civilization is at stake.

Although the soldiers in the north are strong and powerful, they are often caught off guard. In the end, the ones who are desperate to return my country are basically the ones who marched in the Jingzhou area.

This is not to say that all northern men are idiots, but because of the geographical environment, which is the so-called difference between the front line and the backup.

It is just like Liu Bang, who is like the wind and the clouds are flying, and like Liu Bei in the original plan of the three-part plan in the world, not to mention Jiang Gong who retired to the island because of his "ineffectiveness in suppressing bandits". people here.

Tang Guan was contemplating secretly, planning for the future, when suddenly a voice called out: "Brother Guan, look at the words I wrote correctly."

Tang Guan came back to his senses when he heard the words, looked at Xiaoqi who had been practicing calligraphy on the desk and smiled slightly, then stepped forward with a smile, and put aside his contemplation just now. After all, these were not in a hurry, and walked forward slowly. (To be continued..)

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