Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 141: The belt is getting wider and I will not regret it

Tang Guan lives in a strange and quiet place in Chang'an, enjoying the short peace, waiting for the coming of the Wu Zhou era.

But the Tang Mansion far away in Hangzhou began to decorate with lanterns and festoons at nightfall.

"I'm coming back, I'm coming back."

Mrs. Tang was sitting in the pavilion, put on a new dress, she kept saying silently, there was no other reason, just then the yamen servant came to convey the message that Chen Yunsheng, the new governor of Hangzhou, had passed the Jiangnan River section, and was about to stop the boat and dock.

Beside her is a young girl standing quietly, her eyes are just opened, her brows are unlined, although she looks immature, her sandalwood lips are slightly opened, but it looks like a bouquet of delicate and beautiful buds waiting to bloom, and you can see the joy in every frown and smile .

But the white flowers on the tip of the hair, which had not been picked off, made the pretty face like a porcelain doll even more endearing.

This woman was Lin Yuxun, and seeing Mrs. Tang's happy brows, she also felt uneasy. If Chen Yunsheng came back, then the person she was thinking of should also come back.

There were only the two of them in the living room. According to the rules, women were not allowed to pick up their husbands who were away from home. This was regarded as ominous. Although they were anxiously looking forward to it, they could only wait at home.

But Tang Weixi and Tang Niu had already rushed to the pier early on. Seeing that the sun was setting and it was going to be night, no one turned back.

The kitchen in the courtyard emits faint smoke, and life in the small town is extraordinarily comfortable, without the constraints of the emperor's footsteps, and what is boiling in the pot is the favorite food of the wanderers at home.

Mrs. Tang intentionally glanced lightly at Lin Yuxun, seeing her pretty eyes in silence but staring at the gate of the courtyard, she couldn't help being secretly happy, Tang Weixi's original intention was to fancy this woman's talent, and it would be a good thing to betroth her to his son in the future.

If you talk about the right family.In fact, Lin Yuxun's family background is much higher than that of the Tang family, and now he is down and out.Tang Weixi didn't take it seriously either, he just bowed down and stood up.It is a surprise to be able to have today.

Lin Yuxun noticed Mrs. Tang's gaze, her pretty face blushed, and she lowered her head. Mrs. Tang led her over and said with a smile, "Xun'er, Qubing is coming back, take this off."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Tang stretched out her hand to pick the white flowers from Lin Yuxun's hair, Lin Yuxun shrank hurriedly when she saw this.Seeing this, Mrs. Tang sighed inwardly.

Originally, according to the rules, it didn't matter whether a woman kept her filial piety or not, but now she has set an example for women all over the world. A few bold and aggressive women are fake if they don't say that they are proud. Tang Weixi's ancestral home is here, and Mrs. Tang is a typical northern aggressive woman Seeing Lin Yuxun's obedience, he never tires of being happy.

Husband and son are two different things, as a wife.Naturally, I hope that my husband will obey what he says, wishing that if I say go east, my husband doesn't even know where west is.

But as a mother, of course my heart is for my son.I don't want him to be enslaved by others. This is also a weird psychology of most women. It's really neither left nor right.

Seeing this, Mrs. Tang no longer forced Lin Yuxun to take off the filial piety.This girl was born pitifully, and she loves her in every way on weekdays.But it can be seen that she is close on the surface, but she is still a little scared in her heart.

The second daughter remained silent.Lin Yuxun quietly looked at the far door again, but unfortunately there was still no one. The girl had a simple mind, and only remembered that he said that he would definitely come back within half a year, and even forgot about the scenery.

The so-called belt is getting wider and you will never regret it, and you will be haggard because of Yixiao. This is nothing more than that.


Riverside, pier.

A large ship broke through the night, accompanied by the sailor's trumpeter, and came to a sudden stop.

The torches were already brightly lit on the shore, and people were bumping into each other.

By the light of the fire, it can be seen that the people present are either rich or noble. Everyone is wearing official uniforms, surrounded by government servants holding torches, and they look like they are being supervised by superior leaders.

The fact is also the same, it is indeed the superior leader who came, and this leader will become the number one person here in the future.

There was a man in the crowd who didn't fit in. Although he was also dressed in silk, he was in ordinary clothes, but the officials around him looked like they were all stars.

Just kidding, the people on board are this person's students, and this student is their leader, and the leader's teacher is of course his own teacher.

This group of people was none other than the local officials, Sima, the county magistrate, and the governor of the mansion, and the person in the middle was Tang Weixi.

I saw Tang Weixi staring at the big ship docked with joy on his face, and stepped forward without waiting for the deck to be thrown down. There was also a surge of movement around him, orderly.

"You guys have waited so long, Yun Sheng is ashamed!"

The deck fell, and the torches were lit on the ship, but no one was seen, so he heard his voice first.

Hearing this voice, Tang Weixi rushed to the deck with a stride, the speed was astounding.

"My dear brother! You want to kill me too!"

"Haha, brother Dehua!"

In an instant, a middle-aged man with a long beard stepped down from the deck to meet him. It was Chen Yunsheng. He walked back and forth three times, and finally returned with a full reward and a complete merit, at least for him, it was like this.

The two were excited to meet each other, but Tang Weixi only glanced at him, then quickly glanced behind him, but did not find the two familiar little people.

Immediately his complexion tightened, Chen Yunsheng thought inwardly when he saw this, he hurriedly stepped forward to grab Tang Weixi's sleeve robe and said: "Things have changed, it's okay to get rid of the illness! Go home and talk about it!"

Tang Weixi rushed to nothing. Hearing these words at first, he couldn't help but feel moved, but he was a little annoyed.

Chen Yunsheng seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and he was the first to speak, which also made him speechless for a while, but Tang Weixi was a scholar after all, although he was eager to think, he knew the general idea, so he didn't want to disturb his old friend's return home, so he immediately kept silent .

Seeing this, Chen Yunsheng breathed a sigh of relief, cupped his hands and said to his colleagues below: "You guys have been waiting for a long time, you have been waiting for a long time!"

"Make your words serious."

After finishing speaking, the following people looked at each other in blank dismay. This grand occasion was not just to welcome Chen Yunsheng, the young man of the Tang family was their place of pride.

Immediately, a person took a look around and found the unexpected trace of the person, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked: "Did the champion come back with the envoy?"

When Tang Weixi heard this, he suddenly looked at Chen Yunsheng. Chen Yunsheng laughed dryly, then cupped his hands in one direction and said, "The Queen of Heaven is benevolent and generous. She knows the sick man and is a great talent. Now she has joined the Imperial Academy and is specially bestowed to serve her around."

"Imperial Academy!" Hearing these words, these local officials looked at each other, and looked at Tang Weixi even more eagerly.

"Nine-year-old No. [-] scholar, awarded Wenyuan in the same year!"

Tang Weixi was taken aback, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

It wasn't until Chen Yunsheng walked a few steps with the officials that he turned his head and said: "The yamen must not be abandoned. Yunsheng will take office in the future, and I hope you will take care of me."

"Your Majesty discourages us!"

Hearing what Chen Yunsheng said, the officials didn't care about being surprised by Tang Guan, and they all spoke out in unison.

Only then did Chen Yunsheng laugh out loud, and then said: "Your gentlemen, go back to your residence for now, I have something to explain to the Tang officials."

Everyone was very knowledgeable when they heard the words, and they all bid farewell.

It wasn't until the crowd dispersed that Chen Yunsheng looked awkwardly at Tang Weixi, who had a somewhat unkind expression. Before he could speak, Tang Weixi waved and said, "Your sister-in-law has prepared the meals."

Chen Yunsheng blushed when he heard the words, but Tang Weixi couldn't continue, he waved his sleeves and turned to get in the car, Chen Yunsheng followed closely. (To be continued..)

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