Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 142: I'm haggard because of Yixiao

Chen Yunsheng followed Tang Weixi with a little embarrassment, and the carriage was already prepared not far away.

A burly young man stood beside the car for a long time, he couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw Chen Yunsheng, he hurriedly looked behind him, but he suddenly froze.

There was nothing behind the two of them, and Chen Yunsheng was even more embarrassed seeing this young man. He could have expected that the whole Tang family had been waiting for him, but now Tang Guan was struggling alone in Chang'an.

This was completely different from what he had promised in advance, so he could only smile awkwardly at the young man: "Da Lang, you've grown so strong."

This young man is strong, in terms of height, he has already surpassed Chen Yunsheng, and he has a feeling of tallness. In fact, he is only a few years older than Tang Guan and Xiao Qi, but his development is astounding.

This person is Tang Niu who has been serving his parents at home. He was also full of joy at first, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly realized that things had changed, and looked at his gloomy father, and immediately responded: "Uncle Chen, come back!" gone."

"Get in the car." Tang Weixi said in a gloomy voice without saying a word, Chen Yunsheng felt ashamed, so he had to smile wryly, and entered the carriage with Tang Niu's support.

The carriage drove up, and the three of them sat alone in the carriage. Tang Weixi remained silent, and only after a long time did he say: "What's going on?"

Seeing that he finally spoke, Chen Yunsheng heaved a sigh of relief, and hastily told the whole story about the journey to Chang'an. Tang Weixi's expression was serious at first, but then turned livid.

Chen Yunsheng's eyelids twitched when he saw this, and Tang Niu was also very frightened by these words, which was completely different from the family letter Tang Er sent home.

It wasn't until the speed of the car gradually slowed down that Tang Weixi came back to his senses, and said with a beating of his chest and feet, "You're a sinner! You're a fool!"

"Member, don't get excited." Seeing this, Chen Yunsheng panicked and stepped forward to comfort him, but Tang Weixi heard that his son had almost died before he even arrived in Chang'an.He was still complacent about Liu Xun's sudden house raid, but he immediately realized that it was Tang Guan's life in exchange for it.

Then Chang'an experienced various things.It made him even more emotional, shouting "confused", as a father, he always thinks about it, although he must hope that his son will become a dragon, but personal safety is the first priority. Now, when he heard Tang Guan's every step since he left home, he was horrified. Regret not to mention.

Tang Niu until Tang Wei cried out in joy and sorrow.Then he came back to his senses, grabbed Chen Yunsheng and said, "He...where are they now?"

"Everything is fine, everything is fine." Chen Yunsheng hurriedly responded in order to appease the two of them.

"Qubing is so powerful, and he is absolutely invincible in Chang'an. In the future, this son will become a great weapon, Tang Yuanwai!"

Chen Yunsheng lost his son in his early years, and spent many days with Tang Guan, as if he already had feelings for him.Seeing Tang Weixi's appearance, even though it was sad, it was also expected and understandable.

Tang Weixi calmed down upon hearing the words, and the two half-way sons will not be mentioned for the time being.Tang Guan is his only blood, he is honest and honest, otherwise he would have discovered that Tang Guan was stupid.Let it fend for itself.

You must know that the ancients had a lot of taboos in this regard, and being born stupid is an ominous omen.Moreover, he is a gentry in the town, and he brought up Tang Guan under the pressure of Mo Da's words.And until Mrs. Tang could no longer have children, he still didn't continue.

Chen Yunsheng knew about his nature and his feelings towards his old friend. Seeing him gradually calm down, he heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately said: "Qubing is a dragon and a phoenix among people, not a thing in a pool. I love him more from now on. , Enrolled at the age of nine, Tang Yuanwai, you should be happy!"

Ever since the news of Tang Guan's admission to the number one scholar has spread throughout the country, the whole Tang family has indeed been filled with joy these days, and there is an endless stream of visitors on weekdays. From a small surname, it has become a famous family in Hangzhou.

The word Tang Qubing is known to everyone nowadays, even the private school teacher often uses it to warn his disciples to work hard. Tang Weixi sees it in his eyes and is happy in his heart, but he thought his son was going smoothly. Unexpectedly, life hangs by a thread every time.

Tang Niu also let go of Chen Yunsheng in embarrassment, and his two younger brothers were flourishing, but this journey really made one's scalp tingle.

Some people’s lifetime experiences are not as exciting as Tang Guan and Xiao Qi’s lineup of dozens of days. Tang Niu is still illiterate. He is a really rough person, unlike Xiao Qi. Reading, but unfortunately he is dealing with it every time.

Tang Weixi took a deep breath, calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "Don't mention these things for a while."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yunsheng immediately cupped his hands and said, "I understand, I understand."

Immediately after Tang Weixi looked at Tang Niu again, Tang Niu said immediately upon seeing this: "Father, I only eat and don't talk."

Tang Weixi shook his head and smiled wryly. Chen Yunsheng was even more silent when he saw this. It is true that he brought Tang Guan to this road of no return on a whim. Why didn't Tang Guan ask himself this way in the General Temple? So many accidents, so many achievements Now.

The cause and effect in the world is so unpredictable, this farce was quite loud, and the governor who was trotting and marching closely behind the carriage heard the sound but did not dare to stop. Although I don't know who can clean up the dust for the governor of Hangzhou, but I saw it not long ago Chen Yunsheng was quite respectful to this person and knew that it must be someone.

The carriage gradually drifted away, passing the lakeside trail, which was the way Tang Guan walked on, Chen Yunsheng looked out of the window with emotion in his heart, he was alone in Guixiang, and he didn't know how Tang Guan was doing in Chang'an.

At this time, in front of the gate of the Tang Mansion, the two figures had already waited a little impatiently, standing outside the gate looking left and right.

One big and one small, it was Lin Yuxun and Mrs. Tang. I saw Lin Yuxun holding Mrs. Tang's hand, comforting her anxious mood from time to time, but he was also deeply affected and became a little irritable.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" Mrs. Tang murmured while looking left and right. Lin Yuxun also took a look at the gradually darkening sky, feeling a little uneasy.


Suddenly there was the sound of wheels and the footsteps of soldiers marching forward. Mrs. Tang turned her head to look and said happily, "Here we are."

Lin Yuxun also had a smile on his face, until the carriage stopped slowly, and the driver said: "Woo~"

Only then did the two go forward, and the three of them slowly walked out of the car. The head of the person had a gloomy expression. It was rare for his wife to be expressionless. Madam Tang ignored him and looked directly at the people behind.

I saw that Chen Yunsheng was wearing a loose court dress and was unable to move around. With Tang Niu's support, he jumped out of the car. When he got out of the car, he bowed and said, "Mrs. Sister-in-law. I haven't seen you for a long time. Thank you Yunsheng."

"Second Uncle. Where's my child?"

Chen Yunsheng has an older brother who is the second child in the family.That's why Mrs. Tang called him the second uncle.

Seeing this, Chen Yunsheng smiled wryly again, while Lin Yuxun beside Mrs. Tang stared at the empty carriage blankly. Seeing her appearance, Tang Niu couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

At this moment, Tang Weixi, who had already entered the mansion, turned back again, and a voice said: "Come in, let's talk inside!"

Tang Weixi changed from his previous obedience to Mrs. Tang's words, he was quite the demeanor of the head of the family, and Mrs. Tang's heart sank when she saw this.I know that every time my husband shows this kind of demeanor, it is because he has encountered something beyond the control of women.

Immediately, she had no choice but to pull Lin Yuxun who was standing there stupefied, she seemed a little unwilling to give up, but there was no one else in the room.

Lin Yuxun came to his senses after being tugged at his sleeves, and silently followed Mrs. Tang into the mansion.

"You wait here for a while!"

"Yes!" The soldiers answered in unison, and Chen Yunsheng entered the mansion.

Mrs. Tang saw the sudden accident, Tang Guan and Xiaoqi did not turn back, and saw that Chen Yunsheng was full of official authority.In front of him, he said strangely, "Second Uncle is so powerful."

"Hey." Chen Yunsheng laughed dryly when he heard the words, but he didn't dare to get angry, he really felt ashamed of his teacher, if it wasn't for Tang Weixi's gift of books back then.He even failed as a county magistrate, and now he is in the light of Tang Guan, so he is where he is today.He and the Tang family are really predestined, and it can be said that they are both prosperous.All are lost.

The grace of dripping water from the ancients should be repaid with springs.Leaving aside the individual white-eyed villains, most scholars are grateful to their mentors in the past. Teachers, preaching and teaching, teaching and educating people, are considered meritorious deeds in the eyes of the world, and they are even called sub-fathers.

Therefore, many teachers from private schools open up a wide range of opportunities. Firstly, they are adhering to the precepts of the old master Confucius. It is not certain that he will ascend to heaven in the future.

And as a student, even if you really become the prime minister of that extremely human minister, you still have to praise your teacher. If the teacher lives like a dog, then you were taught by him, so wouldn't you be worse than a dog?

This is also a big difference from the national education of later generations. Of course, this is all a digression.

Several people entered the hall, but Lin Yuxun stood quietly behind Mrs. Tang. Her status in the Tang family was like this. In the eyes of outsiders, she was just Tang Guan's adopted wife and concubine. If one day she made a mistake, she might become a plaything and a maid uncertain.

At this time, her black eyebrows raised slightly, her heart seemed to be hollowed out, and she remained silent.

After taking his seat, Tang Weixi sighed softly, looked at Lin Yuxun and said, "Xun'er, sit down."

Lin Yuxun was still in a trance, seeing that she didn't respond, Tang Weixi said it again, Lin Yuxun came back to his senses, shook his head slightly and said: "Daddy, Xun'er is not feeling well, I want to go back to the room first."

Tang Weixi frowned upon hearing this, and was about to speak, but Mrs. Tang pressed her hand and shook her head slightly. Seeing this, Tang Weixi had no choice but to say: "Go."

"Yes." Lin Yuxun returned the money, leaving the Tang couple, Chen Yunsheng, Tang Niu and others in silence.

Lin Yuxun walked to the door of her boudoir in silence, and saw a figure busy inside, but she pushed the door listlessly.

Seeing her return, a small person in the room jumped forward and said, "Sister Xun'er, are Xiao Langjun and Xiao Qi back?"

Lin Yuxun forced a smile and looked at the woman, only to see that the woman's face was full of anticipation, she was Xiao Hua who depended on Xiao Qi Niu Lang for life.

Seeing Lin Yuxun's appearance, Xiaohua was slightly taken aback, only to see Lin Yuxun closing the door with his backhand and walking towards the embroidery bed silently.

The women's boudoir is elegant, and it was Tang Guan's favorite place to run when he was still at home.

Seeing Lin Yuxun frowning, Xiao Hua stepped forward and asked tentatively, "Did you not come back?"

Only then did Lin Yuxun say faintly: "It's coming soon."

When Xiaohua heard this, she was also disappointed. Lin Yuxun had said this countless times, and even she herself might not believe it.

Xiao Hua slowly sat beside Lin Yuxun, but Lin Yuxun took out a small delicate box from under the pillow, opened it slowly, and there were several delicate gadgets lying quietly inside.

Seeing this, Xiaohua came over curiously, and suddenly found a familiar thing among these gadgets, it was a grasshopper. These days, she often saw Lin Yuxun staring at this weird grasshopper in a daze. was hidden here.

"What is this?" Xiaohua asked in confusion, but Lin Yuxun pushed aside the hairpin and placed the yellowed grasshopper in his palm.

This grasshopper is really weird, with several shocking red streaks on it, Lin Yuxun watched as two dimples appeared on its cheeks.

Xiaohua was even more puzzled, but she stopped asking, she knew that this pretty young lady was going to be in a daze again.


At the same time, in Hangzhou.

On the official road, two horsemen galloped wildly.


As the leader rode, the whip fell like rain, and a person behind shouted: "Brother, the ones from Yangzhou haven't been delivered yet!"

"Damn it, you don't want to live anymore, there is an urgent letter from the prime minister to Hangzhou!"

"Prime Minister!? Where to send it, why don't I know?"

"You know what a fart, and you don't know which gentleman it is. You don't need a seal, but there is a small seal of national history, which was almost delayed!"

"Scared!" As soon as these words came out, the person behind was immediately dumbfounded.

The two of them are post station scouts, delivering letters all the year round, but two days ago, they suddenly received an urgent document that was rarely seen in decades, and the person who distributed it at first didn't pay attention, because the context was obvious at a glance. Small prints of the following officials.

But when I looked closely, I couldn't help being shocked. Although the seal was small, it was the four characters of Hanlin Zhuanxiu. You must know that the person who can have this seal on his body is either a minister or a minister in the cabinet.

I don't know which prime minister has such a leisurely heart, put on this kind of seal, and in the future, before he can think about it, he rushes to Hangzhou to deliver the letter.

For a moment, the horseshoes took off, but they went straight to the small town of Yuhang.

If Tang Guan saw this situation, he would definitely laugh out loud, his tiger skin really hurts. (To be continued..)

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