Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 143: Buddha Words 3 Refuge

Chang'an, Da Ci'en Temple.

There was a sound of Buddha's gatha, and the ancient scroll was illuminated with green lights, and an old monk was beating the wooden fish in front of him.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when walking in the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, sees that the five aggregates are all empty, and overcomes all hardships. Relic, the color is not different from the empty, the empty is not different from the color, the color is empty, and the empty is the color. It is the same when you think about it. Relic Son, it's..."

"Master, what is a relic?" Suddenly an untimely female voice sounded, interrupting the old monk's recitation of Buddhist scriptures.

The wooden fish paused and knocked again, and there were two or three birdsong on the window sill. There was a woman behind the old monk. This woman was dressed in men's clothes, but she couldn't hide her slimness.

I saw her looking at the Buddha statue in front of her with her hands behind her back. The woman stood quietly with distorted eyes, as if she didn't care about the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

The two stood in front of each other, kneeling and standing, and the silence lasted for a long while before the old monk said: "Benefactor, this is not where you should come."

The woman took two steps forward when she heard the words, the Buddha statue was tall, and the Ci'en Temple was full of incense all the year round, and it was repaired very magnificently.

"Master, why can't I come?"

"Amitabha." The old monk called out the Buddha's name and closed his eyes again.

"Haha, Queen Mother, it's so fun here!" At this moment, a bell-like laughter came into the hall, and a young girl walked into the hall bouncing.

"Get out!" The woman in front of the Buddha statue waved her sleeves and shouted.

The beautiful girl was startled when she saw this, and then she glanced at the old monk kneeling in front of the Buddha statue, shrugged her nose, and backed away.

The woman stared straight at the side face of the old monk.The old monk wore a faded cassock and closed his eyes tightly.Although he was kneeling on the ground, it could still be seen that this person was tall.There are many wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, and his appearance is ordinary, and there seems to be nothing outstanding.

The two remained silent until the woman stopped standing and slowly sat on the futon next to the old monk, then said with a smile: "You are old."

"The Buddha said that the five aggregates and six poisons are all delusion, and the cause and effect of the mundane world are all obscurations of karma."

"Then why don't you dare to open your eyes and look at me?" The woman's voice was provocative, and there was a hint of provocation under the usual majesty.

But the old monk still clasped his hands tightly, and the woman stopped looking at him when she saw this.Looking at the Buddha statue, he murmured, "Tell me a story."

"What does the benefactor want to hear?" The old monk finally spoke out.

"Hehe, anything is fine."

Hearing this, the old monk opened his eyes, put down the wooden gatha in his hand, looked at the Buddha statue in front of him and said: "Once upon a time there was an old monk who was always patronized by thieves. One day the thief stood in front of the door again. Stretch through the crack of the door, and I will give you whatever you want, the thief is overjoyed. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched through, the old monk grabbed him, tied him to a pillar and beat him hard."

Speaking of this, the old monk closed his eyes again, and continued: "The old monk said while beating, take refuge in the Buddha, take refuge in the Sangha, and take refuge in the Dharma!"

"Take refuge in Buddha?" Upon hearing this, the woman looked sideways at the old monk, and slowly reached out and took off her hat.The long hair like a waterfall spilled onto her back, and in an instant a familiar beauty appeared in front of her eyes.Time has passed without a trace, the old monk in front of me is old, but she is still like a day for decades, just like the day they met.

"Then what about taking refuge in me!?" Seeing the old monk finished telling the story, the woman stared at the Buddha statue and turned a blind eye to herself. After a long time, her eyes turned red and she cried out.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the old monk's body trembled, but he didn't say anything after all.

At this moment, a girl walked in quietly again, unlike the charming girl before, who was laughing and jumping, this girl first secretly glanced at the beautiful woman who took off her hat in front of the Buddha statue, and hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to go any further , stood directly in front of the door and said: "Your Majesty, the number one scholar is here."

With all the names, the identity of this group of people is ready to be revealed. It is Wu Zhao in Princess Taiping. As for the girl who entered the palace to report, it is Shangguan Wan'er.

Wu Zhao heard the sound, waved his hand and said, "Let him in."

"Yes." Shangguan Wan'er turned around and left immediately upon hearing this.

At this time, outside the Temple of Mercy.

A young gentleman stood outside the door, frowning as he looked at the heavily guarded Ci'en Temple with its gate closed.

This person is none other than Tang Guan, who has been enjoying himself for a few days. He has been really free these days, teaching Xiao Qi to read and write in his spare time during the day, and wandering around in groups at night after dinner. The new house, which is being rushed day and night, has already begun to take shape.

But today, he seemed to be forgotten by Wu Zhao for many days, and he was remembered again, and he was secretly announced here.

Waiting in the horse, Tang Guan looked at the temple in front of him and shook his head slightly. Of course, he didn't know what Wu Zhao was doing here. The courtyard door was quietly opened, and a girl walked out of it. elder sister."

He spoke intimately, which attracted the attention of the soldiers in front of the door, the girl only spat lightly before she walked down the steps, stood in front of him and said: "Your Majesty announces you."

Tang Guan hadn't seen her for a few days, and wanted to exchange some pleasantries, but seeing her straight to the point, he didn't know what to say, so he smiled and nodded, and walked away.

Shangguan Wan'er added in a low voice: "The princess is also here."

Hearing this, Tang Guan's footsteps slowed down, then he nodded slightly, and went up to the hospital.

Shangguan Wan'er followed behind her, and the two headed straight for the treasure hall along the road, before arriving at the place, a familiar figure suddenly appeared, Tang Guan could be seen clearly, and hurried away again.

Seeing this, Tang Guan smiled, this Princess Taiping seemed to be psychologically shadowed, it was rare for anyone to be afraid.

Immediately, they didn't take it seriously, the two walked to the front of the hall, Shangguan Wan'er stopped, Tang Guan lightly dusted off the dust on his body, and stepped into the hall without saying a word.

Wu Zhao's sudden lack of work made him a little bit astonished, and he didn't feel moved until he entered the palace and saw the scene in front of him.

Apart from him, there was only one old monk in the hall, and the familiar figure from the back beside the old monk.

"Damn it, isn't this guy Feng Xiaobao?" Seeing Wu Zhao with a monk, Tang Guan immediately thought of this person, but immediately denied it.

Feng Xiaobao still doesn't know where he is playing monkeys and selling medicine. The old monk looks old, so it can't be him.

The world only knew that Feng Xiaobao was Wu Zhao's first male favourite, and the traditional saying was that Feng Xiaobao became a monk to deceive others, so Tang Guan wanted to ask why the Zhang brothers didn't become monks?

Tang Guan saw that the two were silent, and he didn't dare to go forward. After a long silence, he said: "Your Majesty, this humble minister is here."

As soon as these words came out, the silence in the hall was broken, the woman turned her head to look at him with a calm expression on her face, Tang Guan was even more surprised when she saw this.

"Sick man, come here."

Hearing her call, Tang Guan kept his eyes on the old monk, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty Xuanchen is here, what orders do you have?"

But Wu Zhao stretched out his hand to pull him over. Tang Guan sat down unprepared, and sat down in his arms. This was not the first time he was so close to Wu Zhao, but it was only one of the few. only once.

The old monk who had been petrified over there sensed it, and finally reacted, but it was only a subtle tremor.

Wu Zhao sat on the futon and hugged Tang Guan, looked at the old monk over there and said, "Qu Bing, tell this master a story." (To be continued...)

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