Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 144: The King's Last Love

In Chang'an, the blue sky is like washing.

Daci'en Temple, the ancient well has no waves.

Before the sound of the Buddha's gatha fell, the sound of the wooden fish came up again, and the old monk's chanting of scriptures made Tang Guan very impatient.

Wu Zhao told a story, which made him confused again.

The conversation between the two old friends has a beginning but no end, and everything is in their mottled memories.

Tang Guan smelled this weird atmosphere, only to realize that he was involved in a past event again.

"Boom, boom, boom." Three crisp wooden sounds woke up Tang Guan, but not Wu Zhao.

Until the old monk finally said: "The fate of the poor monk is over, please come back to the benefactor."

"Qubing! I asked you to tell him a story!" Wu Zhao spoke again as if angry.

Tang Guan finally couldn't bear it any longer, got out of his embrace without a trace, stood up and bowed to the old monk, "I wonder what story Master wants to hear?"

The old monk ignored it and didn't get up. After a long time, he said calmly: "The little benefactor ordered to commit greedy wolves. He is not a person who can be saved by a little monk. The Buddha said three refuges. Namo Amitabha... Namo Amitabha..."

Tang Guan's face changed suddenly when he heard the words, and Wu Zhao's expression also froze.

Tanlang is a term for Ziwei. It is one of the four main stars in Ziwei Doushu. It usually refers to "peach blossom". , also known as the "false emperor", when the emperor's star dims, the greedy wolf will turn against the guest.

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan couldn't help but feel angry, the old monk was so rude, people who don't understand these words don't care, but he and Wu Zhao are very human, isn't this indirectly saying that he is rebellious.

"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd!" Tang Guan yelled out immediately, it is true that he did not want to be controlled by Wu Zhao.But he doesn't have the ambition to get involved in the world, he just wants to let the people around him live a life that no one can oppress.

"Qubing! Don't be rude!" Wu Zhao frowned.Stop talking and drinking.

Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he saw this, this was the first time Wu Zhao didn't protect himself.It seems that this old monk has a relationship with her, thinking of this, I can't help being horrified.

He only knew that after Wu Zhao came to the world, there were many male favorites, but he didn't know her past.

But at this point, even if I talk nonsense, I have to take it for granted, otherwise Wu Zhao will have doubts about him, and besides, he has no objection at the moment.

Immediately suppressed the anger in my heart, instead of being angry, I smiled and said: "You monstrous monk. Your words are not disrespectful. We, literati, walk in the world because of the grandeur in our hearts. If we live in a high temple, we will worry about its people; if we live far away, we will worry about our king. , It is also worrying about advancing, and worrying about retreating, you and other Buddhists do not pay public food. Do not work, and call yourself a alchemist, it is ridiculous!"

As soon as Wu Zhao said this, his complexion changed drastically, and the old monk suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at Tang Guan.Seeing this, Tang Guan was fearless and stared back.

In an instant, the momentum of the two collided, and the eyes of this unremarkable old monk were cloudy.It was like an indistinct chaos, but Tang Guan was like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath.It seemed as if he was going to cut it open, and his eyes were full of the majesty of an official.

The two eyes met.Tang Guan was also surprised. This ordinary-looking old monk turned out to be so awe-inspiring. This was the first time he used power to overwhelm others.

What is an official?Tang Guan got the true biography of Pei Yan, and he is well versed in the principle of overwhelming the public. Although he is young, he is a jester in the court, and he is famous all over the world. The ordinary people in the ascendant must be terrified when he looks at him. Just imagine Pei Yan acting like this In the ups and downs of the officialdom, once he had the power to kill people, he killed all the Turkic captives overnight.

Swords were on the verge of Tang Guan's side, and the old monk suddenly put his hands together again after looking back: "Amitabha...Amitabha..."

Seeing this, Wu Zhao immediately shouted: "Qubing, you step back first!"

As soon as Tang Guan heard the sound, no one noticed that his back was wet with cold sweat. This old monk was really weird and his identity was inexplicable. Tang Guan could only say that he was retreating, but halfway through, he felt that if he left like this, wouldn't he just lose like this? , Immediately moved in his heart, turned his head and walked back.

"Your Majesty, my story has not yet been told."

"I told you to back down!" Wu Zhao seemed really angry, seeing that Tang Guan was a little ignorant, he stood up and spoke condescendingly.

Seeing this, Tang Guan couldn't help taking two steps back, but the old monk said: "The almsgiver insists on talking, so let's talk."

Wu Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words, Tang Guan immediately looked at the old monk's back, and said, "Once upon a time there was an old monk who was often patronized by thieves."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Zhao looked at Tang Guan in disbelief, and the old monk moved slightly.

"One day, the thief came again, and the old monk said that you put your hand in, and I will give you whatever you want. The thief was very happy, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, the old monk grabbed him and tied him to a pillar." beat up!"

Speaking of this, Tang Guan paused for a moment, staring at the old monk's back, and then said: "The old monk is still muttering while beating."

Before Tang Guan finished speaking, the kneeling old monk murmured, "Take refuge in Buddha."

Tang Guan heard the sound and repeated it: "Take refuge in Buddha."

"Take refuge in the monk."

"Take refuge in the monk."

"Convert to the law."

"Convert to the law."

"Benefactor, good understanding."

The old monk wanted to close his eyes again after finishing speaking, but Tang Guan suddenly said: "You are not a thief, how do you know that a thief has converted?"

Hearing the words, the old monk froze, and still turned his back to Tang Guan. Then Tang Guan cupped his hands to Wu Zhao and said, "Your Majesty, this man is talking nonsense. He is a crazy monk. Please leave quickly."

"Enough!" Wu Zhao shouted loudly, Tang Guan didn't dare to stay any longer when he saw this, turned and left.

Tang Guan waved his sleeves, turned and left the hall.

It wasn't until he got out of the Buddhist hall that his feet softened. He really gave up on those two kicks just now, and immediately leaned against the wall and gasped for a few rough breaths.

"Why did this guy pop up again?"

A girl over there saw Tang Guan stepping out of the hall quickly, and seeing his appearance, she couldn't help stepping forward and asking: "What's wrong with you?"

Tang Guan raised his head to look at the speaker, it was Shangguan Wan'er, and immediately fell silent, just shook his head slightly, then sat down slowly, pondering.

Shangguan Wan'er was even more horrified when she saw his appearance. She knew that Tang Guan was powerful, and she wiped out her family background with a few words by the lake in the palace, and she would have this look of lingering fear at this time. .

A girl surrounded by left and right in the distance also secretly looked at this side, seeing Tang Guan's appearance, she couldn't help being taken aback.

And in the Buddhist hall, Wu Zhao and the old monk were still facing each other.

It wasn't until the old monk finished reading the last line of Buddhist scriptures that Wu Zhao slowly got up.

"It would be great if I didn't enter the palace that year." She murmured, the old monk trembled when he heard the words, but he still didn't make a sound.

Wu Zhao walked very slowly, a little staggering. It was hard to imagine that this was an empress who had wiped out all her enemies and was about to ascend the throne, but with every step she took, the last softness in her eyes became less.

From the very beginning, they were strangers and became people of two worlds.

That year she entered the palace tremblingly, but he was deeply loved by Emperor Taizong. He was one of the most famous imperial physicians in the palace and had extended the lives of many relatives.

That year she was lonely and desolate in the Ganye Temple. In the cold and helpless, he fed her a mouthful of medicinal soup. That hot soup saved the queen and a person who shouldn't be saved.

What is cut off is affection, what is cut off is kindness, the old friends leave one by one, and she is about to rule the world, but he has already shaved his head and became a monk.

This is an irreversible fate, and it is also the beginning of the legend, the birth of the queen.

If Tang Guan knew his identity, he wouldn't be curious why Feng Xiaobao was a monk, why the Zhang brothers were doctors, day and night, everyone is just a shadow, maybe including himself who is now the number one scholar in the imperial examination and proud of his youth.

They are all empty flowers in the queen's life.

Tang Guan leaned against the wall, but Wu Zhao was struggling for the last time in the Buddhist hall.

When she reached the threshold, she suddenly turned her head and smiled at the old monk's back. Tang Guan had never seen this smile before. It was resolute and self-deprecating.

On the eve of the king's arrival in the world, she made the last struggle. From then on, she became the queen and he became the monk.

And the Buddhist scriptures sounded from the mouth of the old monk: "Shariputra, form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form..."

With a sound of Buddha's gatha, Wu Zhao came out.

The breeze blew, she turned her head to look at Tang Guan and Shangguan Wan'er in the corner... (to be continued...)(to be continued...)

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