Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 145: How to Be a Dog

Sensing Wu Zhao's gaze, Tang Guan also raised his head to look over. Shangguan Wan'er saw that Wu Zhao had left the Buddhist hall, and rushed forward to meet him, but Tang Guan was still sitting there.

Wu Zhao looked at Tang Guan coldly, no one knew what she was thinking, only Tang Guan was really in a bad mood, and he still had a grudge against what the old monk said.

And the Buddhist hall behind Wu Zhao seemed to have nothing to do with her at all. Tang Guan looked at her from afar, saw her standing there, staring at him, and it was not good to put on airs, so he got up and went to meet her.

"Your Majesty." Tang Guan stepped forward and said respectfully. Wu Zhao's face was still frozen, and he sighed softly after a long time: "Let's go."

"Yes." Tang Guan knew that his words and deeds had gone too far, so he could only silently follow behind Wu Zhao. Princess Taiping, who had been wandering around, also came forward when she saw this. The expression on her face suddenly stopped knowingly.

Seeing Princess Taiping's appearance, Wu Zhao shook her head slightly and stretched out her hand. Princess Taiping was overjoyed and took Wu Zhao's hand. The mother and daughter walked in front, Tang Guan followed, and Shangguan Wan'er was naturally behind.

The group clearly walked out of the Temple of Mercy, Wu Zhao's face remained unchanged until he stepped out, but Tang Guan couldn't help but glanced back at the Buddhist hall, shaking his head secretly, Wu Zhao's love history seemed really complicated.

Only after he was discharged from the hospital did Tang Guan realize that soldiers were surging everywhere, and Tang Guan couldn't help shrinking his neck. When he came, he only saw sporadic guards outside the courtyard. He was really surprised.

Wu Zhao stopped, but did not rush to get on the holy chariot, but said to Princess Taiping: "Taiping, you all hold back for now."

Princess Taiping was taken aback when she heard the words, and then gave a blessing.He brought Shangguan Wan'er and other maids down the steps, leaving Wu Zhao alone on the steps with Tang Guan behind him.

Seeing this, Tang Guan's heart moved.But he didn't say anything for the time being. He really wanted to bring up something to please Wu Zhao, and he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to tell it together. Now he also figured it out. In the past, because of Pei Yan and others, Tang Guan still fantasized about it. Can this empress not even be called an emperor?

But the facts told him that this was almost like a dream, and Wu Zhao's authority had already penetrated to the grassroots.Cheng Huaibi was the descendant of the Lingyan Pavilion God General, and he was wielded around by Wu Zhao, which shows how many people's lifelines Wu Zhao holds in his hands.

Some people love money, some people love power, some people love beauties, some people like food, these are all normal, and they can be invested in, and these people are just the real ordinary people.The reality they live in is that they can have sex with anyone they have, and it just so happens that they account for 99 percent of the population.

That one percent is either determined to disobey her, or really doesn't like anything.Concentrate on realizing the so-called ideal.

Tang Guan is just between the two. He has an ideal, which is to let his relatives and friends around him not be bullied.There is also an oath, which is to promise a thousand gold to the respected person.

But he has to live the reality.He has no choice, what he has to do now is to make Wu Zhao completely trust him.At least in Wu Zhao's eyes, he became the most obedient dog.

Tang Guan's swaying from side to side made him passive everywhere, waiting for everything, he could wait for what he didn't know, but now he knew that he decided not to wait anymore, and as long as this matter is successful, it's no problem for him to go further Down.

Now he actually only helped Wu Zhao once, and that was to pacify the thieves and pay the documents, causing Xu Jingye to be defeated and take the city without a single soldier and without harming the people of Yangzhou.

This is the biggest one, and it is also the reason why he is famous all over the country. Pei Yan's death is also a by-product, so what exactly does Wu Zhao need?

Aside from the past love history that I have seen today that I have never heard of in the unofficial history, Tang Guan starts from the perspective of Wu Zhao recorded in the history. At this time, what she wants most at this time is the affirmation of the world.

Long before this, in fact, the courtiers had been replaced by Wu Zhao more than once. The officials had already known about her proclaiming the emperor, and it could even be said that some of them even had plans for the future.

But the officials are only the aristocratic class, and those who don't know the attitude of the Li Tang clan have to be thrown away. Wu Zetian is ruthless, power penetrates the grassroots, and the party, government and army are firmly in one hand.

These are all on the bright side. Wu Zhao's only potential threat now is the clan. Of course, Tang Guan is not stupid enough to advise Wu Zhao, pretending to be a prophet and saying that the clan will rebel.

Because not only he knows this, Wu Zhao himself knows it well, and even some officials can see it. At this time, it is tantamount to being a fool to stand up and say that Li Tang's clan will be against him. What Zhao needs is not a speculative attack, but a reason to kill!

It just needs a reason, so what does she need most now?

"Making God." Thinking of this, Tang Guan raised his head and looked at the back of Wu Zhao who was silent in front of him.

What she needs is someone who can help her establish an incomparable mythical image among the people, making it a matter of course for a woman who is not tolerated by the world to become emperor.

Wu Chengsi and the others have been doing this, but the progress is very slow, because they don't understand the process of Wu Zhao's god-making like Tang Guan.

"Since you are a dog, why not just be a good dog that makes her feel at ease enough to cuddle with her when she sleeps, and is not afraid of being bitten!"

Tang Guan made up his mind as early as in the general's temple. If he continues to sway like this, he will definitely accomplish nothing. If so, he should simply speed up the process.

"First step, Xiuming Hall!" A flash of determination flashed in Tang Guan's eyes. He was about to conceive words and speak to Wu Zhao without a trace, but Wu Zhao said first: "Do you understand what happened today?"

Tang Guan's mouth, which had just been opened, was closed in an instant, and he said, "I don't understand anything."

"Very good." Wu Zhao said lightly, and then put his hands behind his back, looking in the direction of Daming Palace.

"The Hongwen Museum is about to open, do you know why I want you to be the owner of the museum?"

Hearing the words, Tang Guan took a few steps closer, and said with a smile, "Because your majesty asked me to do it, so I have to do it. Everything I have is given by your majesty."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Zhao looked back at Tang Guan in surprise, and a look of joy flashed behind her. Tang Guan was indeed a surprise in her heart, but it didn't mean that she couldn't do it without him, even though all the previous experiences told her Tang Guan But he is a usable person, but usable and usable are two different things.

Is Pei Yan not available?As soon as Emperor Taizong was in power, he had started to fight against the Turks. Emperor Gaozong trusted him even more and entrusted him with full power, and he really lived up to his high expectations. He managed the government affairs in an orderly manner.

But will it work?That is absolutely unacceptable. He and Wu Zhao's political ambitions are against each other. It is absolutely impossible for the two to coexist. If Pei Yan can assist her as before, until she becomes emperor, there is no need for Tang Guan.

After playing the chess game that he had arranged in the early years, he opened up all his firepower and wiped out Pei Yan's political gang in one go. Even Liu and Guo, who hadn't dealt with it yet, returned home wisely and quit the game voluntarily.

All she did was to let Tang Guan understand the truth that everything he had was given by her, and she could take it back as much as she could. Although Tang Guan was respectful to her before, he had a bit of Pei Yan's shadow. Out of his dissatisfaction.

Seeing what he said now, Wu Zhao couldn't help but feel delighted, thinking that the effect was effective, and then recalling Tang Guan's speech of being loyal to the emperor and serving the country just now in the Buddhist hall, completely forgetting the old monk's greedy words, let alone today After a farewell, the two will never meet again, and the last hope of the poor girl in her body has been extinguished, and she is the empress from now on!

Seeing her happy face, Tang Guan decided to add fuel to the fire. For the first time, he took the initiative to pretend to be affectionate and said: "Your Majesty, Qu Bing is loyal to you, and the teacher in the temple is full of nonsense, Your Majesty must not listen to it. "

When Wu Zhao first saw him making out, he was overjoyed at first, and when he heard this, his face turned cold, he threw off his sleeves and said, "What did I say to you just now?"

Tang Guan was not surprised but happy when he saw this. If Wu Zhao remained silent, it meant that she still had thoughts about the people inside, but now she is as cold as ice, which shows that her heart is really ashamed.

But at the same time, Tang Guan felt a little pitiful for Wu Zhao. This woman has been looking down on her all her life, but she has also been inexplicable all her life. Although she doesn't know what the relationship between the old monk in the temple and her is, it can be seen that there was a broken relationship in her heart. , revived at this moment when the king is in the world.

Wu Zhao originally wanted to explain to Tang Guan about the Hongwen Museum, but Tang Guan's words and deeds exceeded expectations. Wu Zhao was surprised and nodded secretly.

But Tang Guan didn't know that Wu Zhao valued him so much, and it was also one of the links in making gods. Just imagine that Tang Guan was a nine-year-old champion, and soon he would teach Hongwen on behalf of the emperor. !Also Wu Zhao!

It's just that unlike Ming Tang, Tang Guan is alive, he will not be built willingly, and then be burned inexplicably.

Although Wu Zhao was happy, he didn't want to stay here sadly, so he took Tang Guan and said, "Sick man, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. You are a smart boy. Do your best for me. I won't treat you badly."

Tang Guan heard that chickens were pecking at the rice, and Wu Zhao took him to the holy chariot and said, "Follow me back to the palace tonight, and I have something to explain to you."

Hearing this, Tang Guan's heart trembled at first, and then he hurriedly said yes, no matter what she wanted to explain, he had something to please her.

Princess Taiping stood in front of the chariot and watched Wu Zhao holding Tang Guan's belated arrival. She pouted first, then lowered her head until Wu Zhao took her hand, and the three of them actually got on the chariot together.

Princess Taiping thought that it would be fine when Tang Guan arrived in front of the chariot, but she didn't realize that Tang Guan was looking at her with a mean smile until she got on the chariot. She couldn't help being scared, and remembered the situation in the palace that day.

Shangguan Wan'er, who was under the chariot, was also dumbfounded when she saw this, and accompanied by a group of soldiers, the team headed back to the palace in a mighty manner. (To be continued..)

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