Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 146: Flowers have a reopening day

The small wind sinks the pond, and the lotus rolls over the waves.

At the time of sunset, there was a sound of "Walking" from the bedroom of the West Palace of Daming Palace.

The holy chariot fell in response, and three people came down from it. This was the first time that Xin had mounted the Tang crown of the holy chariot, and he felt really comfortable. The shoulder sedan chair at this time was the prototype of the Daxing sedan chair in the Song Dynasty.

For example, Zhang Juzheng, the prime minister of later generations, has a "house sedan chair" that has never been seen before or since. It is so ingenious that even the emperor never enjoyed it.

Tang Guan got off the chariot, carefully looked at the eight-carrying chariot, and knew that this chariot was only for court use, not the sixteen poles used in the grand ceremony of the emperor, and the chariot was carried like a small house.

There was even a red carpet on it, and the two saints came to court, and Taishan had used that chariot when he was enshrining Zen, and it was full of majesty.

"Qubing, you stay here for the time being." Wu Zhao got off the chariot, supported by Princess Taiping, and said slowly.

Hearing this, Tang Guan bowed in response, and stood silently outside the door, knowing that this was the mother and daughter who were going to bathe and change their clothes.

As soon as the second daughter entered the palace, Tang Guan approached the people around him.

"Sister Wan'er, long time no see, how are you doing?"

The person next to him is Shangguan Wan'er. She is still a personal maid who waits on Wu Zhao's daily life. She has not made any progress, but now she seems to have no urgent power. Want to be on the cusp.

There is a saying that the times make heroes, and if there is no time, no heroes can be made. Why did she enter the palace? I won’t go into it for the time being, but I can read the countless records of this woman carefully, and all of them were pushed into the palace by accident like Tang Guan. , and then it got out of hand.

In other words, the appearance of Tang Guan replaced this talented woman.Wu Zhao should be the object of making gods by the courtiers around him, to put it bluntly.Tang Guan's current auspicious status should have been the foundation of Shangguan Wan'er's fortune.

It's just Tang Guansheng's male body.Wu Zhao can be made more unscrupulous.

Shangguan Wan'er saw him talking, but turned her head away, as if she didn't want to talk to him, Tang Guan moved closer and smiled and said, "Sister Wan'er, I think you have no one to accompany you in the palace, aren't you lonely?"

"Who is your sister? What does it matter if I'm alone or not?" Finally, after Tang Guan struck up a conversation, Shangguan Wan'er spat softly. These days Princess Taiping often narrates Tang Guan's evil deeds with Wu Zhao.Although it sounds a bit unreasonable, Wu Zhao just laughed it off, but people will subtly change it. In his heart, Tang Guan's image is both good and evil. happy.

Tang Guan was rejected, but he didn't take it seriously, and continued: "I haven't thanked my sister for her kindness."

The word "informant" comes out.Shangguan Wan'er's pretty face turned pale, and she said in a low voice, "What exactly do you want?"

Seeing her anxious appearance, Tang Guan felt happy, but he had no idea to entrap this unknown woman.Instead, seeing her being indifferent to him, she intentionally teased her.

Immediately, she said with a more humble face: "My sister should know that Tianhou encourages whistleblowers, but I didn't know that I would report my sister's affairs. It should also be a fortune."

Shangguan Wan'er was taken aback when she heard this, and then realized that Tang Guan was teasing herself.If he wanted to sue, he would not wait until now.Immediately put on a pretty face and said: "A concubine can't make a living, Xiao Lang can do whatever he wants."

"Haha." Hearing this, Tang Guan laughed out loud, of course he liked Shangguan Wan'er more than Princess Taiping, it was an inexplicable kindness, but unfortunately this woman was indifferent to him.

As for Princess Taiping, he didn't take it seriously at all. Tang Guan could not interfere with the decision of where she belonged. Terribly tight, both husbands ended up miserable.

On the other hand, Shangguan Wan'er is Tang Guan's favorite type both in terms of difficulty and temperament. From the point of view of Yimeng Honglouzhong, this kind of strong woman who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside is just like Xue Baochai.

Lin Yuxun is regarded as Tang Guan's first glance at women in this life, and it is also a deep-rooted glance. She is also a woman who will no longer be found in later generations. She is gentle and witty, and her only flaw is just like that of Lin Daiyu. , there is always a gap that makes Tang Guan helpless.

Fortunately, Tang Guan is not a wealthy idler like Jia Baoyu. He wants to be rich, but he is not an idler.

The two remained silent for a while, until Shangguan Wan'er softly said: "What did the queen say to you today?"

Tang Guan raised his head when he heard the words, and then shook his head slightly. Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er remembered Tang Guan's appearance when he walked out of the Buddhist hall, and couldn't help asking: "Then master..."

Before she could speak, Tang Guan hurriedly signaled to keep silent, and said calmly: "Miss sister, have you forgotten what I said to you by the lake again?"

Shangguan Wan'er's pretty face turned pale when she heard the words, she lowered her head and stopped talking, Tang Guan's expression softened, as if thinking of something, she asked suddenly: "Can you paint?"

"Painting?" Shangguan Wan'er was a little puzzled, and then nodded slightly. In fact, the principle of this painting is similar to that of calligraphy. At least a little familiar with each other.

Seeing her nodding, Tang Guan was overjoyed and laughed dryly. Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help asking: "Why are you asking this?"

Tang Guan was about to answer, when suddenly a cold female voice sounded: "The queen mother announces you to go in."

It was only then that Tang Guan realized that there was a young girl standing behind him at some point. This girl had changed her dress, her long hair was still wet, and there were still some drips of water. It was Princess Taiping.

When Tang Guan saw this woman, he stared intently with a stern face, Princess Taiping couldn't help but move back in a lotus step, Tang Guan laughed, and threw his sleeves into the hall.

Princess Taiping dared not speak out when she saw his arrogant appearance. She knew that Tang Guan seemed to know everything about her, and that any incident would be an embarrassment that Wu Zhao would punish. But seeing him chatting and laughing with Shangguan Wan'er, He couldn't help but cast a deep glance at Shangguan Wan'er.

Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er hurriedly lowered her head, but the surrounding eunuchs and court ladies didn't notice this, only seeing Tang Guan happily entering the palace.

Here the two girls confronted each other, Princess Taiping stared at Shangguan Wan'er coldly without saying a word, and after a long time said: "Are you the queen mother's maid?"

"Princess, my concubine, Shangguan Wan'er, is in charge of the clothes shop."

"You raise your head." Princess Taiping said coldly when she heard the words, but Shangguan Wan'er didn't dare to raise her head. She and this princess didn't actually know each other, but they saw each other often, and they were familiar with each other.

She is aware of Princess Taiping's domineering and arrogance. Since Tang Guan, who is even more arrogant, has been dissatisfied, and now she is pushing herself again, fearing that her direct special connection with Tang Guan will be seen.

Tang Guan's words by the lake were correct, and she escaped the catastrophe of her life because of this, but even Tang Guan didn't expect that there are some things that cannot be avoided in everyone's life, just like he spent all his scheming, The result of failing to change the three prime ministers was the same.

Seeing that she didn't look up, Princess Taiping stretched out her hand to tightly pinch Shangguan Wan'er's chin, and broke it forcefully, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help but raise her head in pain.

Princess Taiping couldn't help but be taken aback when she saw her appearance, and murmured: "Are you the imperial brother's concubine?"

Shangguan Wan'er heard the words and responded: "The concubine is the royal maid of the Queen of Heaven."

Seeing her being respectful, Princess Taiping didn't let go of her hand, tightly pinching Shangguan Wan'er's chin, staring at Shangguan Wan'er's delicate face, the more she looked at it, the more annoyed she became, and a venomous flash appeared in her eyes.

Shangguan Wan'er looks not bad, she doesn't think much at first glance, but she is a woman who can stand careful consideration, there is a little heroic spirit in the noodles in clear soup, Princess Taiping thought it was like this at first sight, It should be Li Dan's concubine.

For a while, Princess Taiping stared at Shangguan Wan'er in silence, and Shangguan Wan'er was also worried, for fear that the princess would do something unreasonable.

But in the dormitory over there, Tang Guan faced Wu Zhao across the curtain.

He has been to this bedroom more than once, and he knows the furnishings here, Tang Guan waits quietly for Wu Zhao, who seems to be combing quietly in the curtain, to make a sound.

After a long time, Wu Zhao finally said, "Sick man, come in and comb for me."

Hearing the sound, Tang Guan said yes, and lifted the curtain to enter, only to see Wu Zhao sitting in front of a bronze mirror, rarely without a maid, combing his wet hair just out of the bath alone.

Tang Guan stepped forward smelling the familiar sandalwood, bowed to take the comb Wu Zhao handed over, stretched out his hand to hold Wu Zhao's black hair carefully, and combed it slowly.

It was cool to start, but Tang Guan's heart was extremely calm, Wu Zhao looked at himself in the bronze mirror and suddenly smiled and said: "After the emperor passed away, you are the first man to have my hair done."

Tang Guan's expression remained unchanged when he heard the words, and he responded: "This is a blessing from my previous life."

Wu Zhao smiled when she heard the words, and then said, "I have seen all the lovers who want to enter the museum."

Tang Guanwenyin's hands paused for a moment, and then he said: "There are a few beloved sons of the Ming family who are eager to see them, and Qubing Youxin has met them."

"It's been like this in the past years. It is said that my grandson will also worship under your sect. In the future, the owner of Lao Tang will be more disciplined."

"Crown Prince!?" Tang Guan's eyelids twitched, and his hand movements slowed down. Wu Zhao naturally noticed it, and said with a smile: "Master Tang has something to say."

"The minister is still young and has little talent and learning. This time, he must work hard, so as to teach His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

After all, the two stopped talking, and after a long time, Tang Guan said without any trace: "Your Majesty, the word "sun and moon" is very good for this Daming Palace."

It was also Tang Guan's first time combing a woman's hair, but he just brushed off the water stains. Hearing this, Wu Zhao stretched out his hand to the end of the hair and said, "Oh?"

"Ming is a word, the sun and the moon are in the sky, illuminating thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, my Tang Dynasty is bound to prosper."

"I've heard everything you said." Wu Zhao shook her head slightly when she heard this, thinking that Tang Guan could say something constructive.

"But I think there is one thing missing in the palace?"

Wu Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words, and then turned his head to look at Tang Guan. Without waiting for him to ask, Tang Guan said: "Your Majesty is now in command of the whole world, and he can be called the Son of Heaven. There is an ancient saying that the Son of Heaven sits in the Ming Hall. Why don't Your Majesty build a Ming Hall and tell the heavens? Promise the fate."

"Ming Tang!" Wu Zhao's heart skipped a beat, and then he looked at Tang Guan thoughtfully... (to be continued...)

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