Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 147: Unexpected Surprise

"Mingtang?" Wu Zhao raised his head and looked at Tang Guan.

Tang Guan smiled when he saw this, he knew that Wu Zhao had actually planned this for a long time, but Wu Chengsi and his like failed to do it for him, and instead let Feng Xiaobao catch up from behind and stand out in this vigorous god-making movement.

Although Tang Guan didn't know how those clans were lured out of the cave and suppressed, he knew that Mingtang was an indispensable step in Wu Zhao's plan.

Sure enough, Wu Zhao was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to the bronze mirror and put the golden hairpin on the plate, and said, "You really have a heart, this matter has been put down for a while."

Tang Guan didn't take it seriously when he heard the words. It wasn't that Wu Zhao was the only one who wanted to build the Mingtang. It can be said that since the Han Dynasty, no emperor has actually sat in the Mingtang. The reason is that the building method has been lost.

There are two things that the emperors of all ages wanted to do the most. The first is to enshrine Zen on Mount Tai, and the second is to build a Ming hall. Some things seem to be useless, but if they are really done, they will involve illusory hearts. These two things are shocking. The perfect solution to realize the self-myth.

Wu Zhao completed the first one with great vigor and leap to become a queen, then the second one was even more incredible, it was the biggest drama before her ascension to the throne.

Behind him, Tang Guan stretched out his hand to help Wu Zhao smooth out the messy black hair. Looking at Wu Zhao in the mirror, Tang Guan was a little lost for a moment. This woman defeated the secular ethics, and even the years could not erode her.

"I've heard what you said, and I've tried it a few years ago. It's a pity that your uncles in court have discussed and discussed, but they haven't discussed it."

Tang Guan came back to his senses when he heard the words, he dared to bring up this matter now.Naturally, he has a well-thought-out plan, others don't know what the bright hall built by Feng Xiaobao's supervisor looks like.He is very clear that this is all recorded in later generations.Whether it is the old and new Tang books, or Zizhi Tongjian, etc., they clearly describe the appearance of the Mingtang during the Wu Zhou Dynasty.

Immediately smiled and said: "I have a case to play."

Wu Zhao, who thought Tang Guan would stop here, frowned when she heard the words. As early as when her husband Li Zhi was still in power, she had already built Mingtang together, but as she said, Mingtang is the most sacred building in Confucianism , Then prescribe the right medicine and attract a bunch of officials with Mingjing background.However, Confucian scholars tend to ignore the past, and coupled with the fact that there are too many people, they can only let it go.

Because the appearance in everyone's heart is different, and then it doesn't matter, so what does Tang Guan know about Mingtang?

Then look at the completion of cultivation, and the world will know how magnificent the Mingtang is if they praise Wu Zhao as a god-man.

Let me first talk about the source of the Mingtang. According to legend, it was created by Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi. Regardless of whether it is true or not, the written record is in the Confucian classic "Zhou Li". Tang Guan was the first to master this book.

Explain the appearance of the hall again.According to historical records in my impression, "Mingtang can reach the sky at the top and reach people at the bottom, and it is more than ninety feet high."

This is the ruler of the Tang Dynasty.If it looks like a 24-[-]-story building in later generations, it is no less than a miracle in this era, which makes people look at it.Immediately realize the insignificance and more detailed appearance.It is the specific number of floors and the layout of each floor.The Mingtang actually has three floors. The lower floor imitates the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the middle floor imitates the twelve hours of Zichou and Yinmao, and the upper floor imitates the [-] solar terms of the lunar calendar.

External construction is also in Tang Guan's mind. Originally, even if he didn't do this job, Wu Zhao thought that she would let a group of bachelors under her do it. A political force that cannot be ignored in the DPRK.

Speaking of which, this lineage is mostly composed of poor families. Tang Weixi is also from this lineage. Tang Guan has a long history with them, but most of them are low-level officials, and they are just like Chen Yunsheng. Make a party assassin.

Immediately Tang Guan was not in a hurry to say that the so-called verbal words are not supported, but instead said: "Use your Majesty's calligraphy."

Wu Zhao was also a little curious when he heard the words. This matter had been left behind for a while, and now seeing that Tang Guan had a construction plan, he readily agreed out of curiosity.

Seeing this, Tang Guan turned and walked towards the desk. Before the ink in the inkstone was dry, Tang Guan picked up the pen and began to scurry away. Wu Zhao stepped forward when he saw the situation. What Guan wrote was not exactly what she thought in her dream!

Tang Guan just copied the previous memory, which was naturally fast, but Wu Zhao frowned tightly. It seemed that Tang Guan had been preparing for it for a day or two.

"Huh." Tang Guan blustered, and wrote eloquently on the paper. With a light blow, he bowed and handed it to Wu Zhao: "Your Majesty, do you think this is good?"

Wu Zhao took it with a frown, and lowered his head to read it carefully. Tang Guan wrote everything, and even listed the internal and external carvings on it, and he couldn't help but secretly startled.

"How would he know about this?" Wu Zhao thought to himself, calculating that Tang Guan had not been in the court for long, so he should know very little about these past events.

Immediately looked down for a while, then looked at Tang Guan, Tang Guan stood with his hands hanging down, making God three steps, this is just the first step.

"Hey, old Feng, you still continue to sell your medicine." Tang Guan slandered in his heart. Feng Xiaobao can be said to be Wu Zhao's sex slave. If he can really come on stage, then these things will have nothing to do with Tang Guan up.

After a long time, Wu Zhao slowly put down Tang Guan's writing and looked at Tang Guan with a frown. Tang Guan responded with a smile: "Your Majesty, I have been familiar with the changes of Zhou Rites since I was a child. Although this is slightly different from what the sages taught, but Among them, grandeur is the only way to show His Majesty's identity, His Majesty is highly respected, and this hall complements each other."

After he finished speaking, Wu Zhao's brows had not yet been relaxed, but his eyes turned from surprise to indifference. Tang Guan's heart shuddered when he observed the words.

"Say, who told you that I want to build Mingtang?" Wu Zhao held the teacup, took a sip and said softly. Seeing this, Tang Guan's heart skipped a beat, knowing that her moody psychopathy had flared up again, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground .

"My minister's heart and mind are only for His Majesty, and his open-mindedness is also bestowed by His Majesty."

Wu Zhao squinted at Tang Guan, who was kneeling on the ground, and had to say that Tang Guan hadn't seen him for a few days, and he had changed a lot. In the past, she didn't order Tang Guan to bend his knees, and Tang Guan rarely showed a slavish look in front of her. Changes, Tang Guan is completely like a pet dog.

This is exactly what she wanted.But she always felt that something was missing, as if she had tamed this person so easily.Somewhat unbelievable.

But Tang Guannu's kneeling appearance made her unable to find out what was wrong. You must know that although Wu Zhao has been challenging the world's etiquette all his life.But she grew up in an educational environment where men are superior to women. Challenges are challenges, but the concept that men are superior and women are inferior is still deeply ingrained.

Otherwise, she wouldn't need to fantasize about herself. Literati pay attention to integrity, so is Tang Guan a literati?

Then he knelt and knelt, and he obeyed.Even the most important integrity is gone, why do I always feel that there is always a standing shadow behind Tang Guan who is knocking his head on the ground.

"Smelly bitches, bitches." Tang Guan, who kowtowed like a slapstick, also realized his exaggerated acting skills, and slowed down a few times. Now he doesn't care about these things. To be a dog is to act like a dog. Come on, even if Wu Zhao put him to sleep right now, he wouldn't care.

"Sick man, get up." Wu Zhao finally said.Although she didn't know where Tang Guan found out that she had the idea of ​​Xiumingtang, but at the same time she doubted it, she also believed it in her heart.

There is no other reason, just like the preface.The most important thing for a literati is not fame, but integrity, when Tang Guanchu first arrived.Wu Zhao also only thought that he was ignorant and ignorant, and now he looks obedient.It turned out that he had been trained by himself.

Now that Tang Guan has achieved fame, it is not easy for him to be moody with him anymore.Since he lost his integrity to curry favor with him, he didn't bother to make things difficult for him anymore, seeing that he couldn't curry favor with Tang Guan, he became suspicious again.

And Tang Guan also noticed the change in tone, and was overjoyed. He still pretended to be pitiful and dared not get up. If he wanted to be weak, he would be weak to the end. There is only one way to paralyze the strongest woman in history, and that is to do whatever it takes. Weak to the end.

Tang Guan has thrown away his self-esteem, and he has another advantage over Wu Chengsi and others, that is, Wu Zhao likes himself, no matter who he is, whether it is Wu Zhao himself who is lonely and unbearable, or Wu Zhao really appreciates him. With his profound knowledge, it can be seen from any angle that Wu Zhao really likes him.

Of course, this liking is not emotional. Tang Guan knows that before he has the ability to protect himself, as long as he makes a wrong step and angers her, she will let him die without a place to bury him, without any suspense.

Although I have contradicted her many times before, it is irrelevant. The contradict here refers to the conflict of interests, and quarrels are inevitable. After all, even if it is a mother and child, husband and wife will have quarrels. Seeing that everything is centered on her interests and consistent without touching the bottom line, one day she will finally fall asleep, and that day will be his brighter days!

Thinking of this, Tang Guan couldn't get up even more. Seeing this, Wu Zhao stood up slowly, walked forward, held him in his arms again, and sat back on the dragon couch.

Like coaxing a child who has done something wrong, he patted Tang Guan on the shoulder and said, "I said that as long as you are loyal, I will love you well."

Hearing this, Tang Guan felt a chill in his heart. It was no secret to some people that Wu Zhao hugged him with his young body, but at least it seemed normal.

But this line is obviously what a bully said to the beauty he robbed. The exchange of identities made Tang Guan feel very uncomfortable. He has the bottom line of sacrifice, but it doesn't mean that he wants to be a male favourite.

Wu Zhao put Tang Guan on his lap, stretched out his hand to touch Tang Guan's forehead, and said with an extremely distressed look: "I am not willing to punish you, but you have hurt yourself like this."

"Fuck your mother." Tang Guan felt sick for a moment. It is true that Wu Zhao is indeed dignified and beautiful. She is a mature woman. This kind of woman is very attractive to him who has a soul in his twenties, but it is only attractive. Tang Guan doesn't think that his current guy, who can't stand up enough to fill the hole of this woman's vagina, can satisfy her.

Of course, if it is based on physiology, although Tang Guan's life is small, it can be regarded as high-grade among his peers. Regardless of these overtones, Tang Guan was in her arms for a while, and Wu Zhao's next words calmed him down.

"You wrote very well, but the master who made the picture may not understand it." Wu Zhao said while taking Tang Guan's writing from the case, ignoring Tang Guan who was silent in his arms, and just looked at it with a frown. with the article.

Tang Guan calmed down when he heard the words, and then he was overjoyed, and said: "Your Majesty, I have a person to recommend. This person is proficient in painting and calligraphy. It is expected that he can write and describe Qubing's writing for correction."

"Oh? Why do people have such abilities?" Wu Zhao also asked curiously after hearing the words.

Tang Guan slipped away from his embrace without a trace, bowed and said, "Go up..."

As soon as he spoke, an accident suddenly occurred at this moment!

Only a scream came into the hall.

Hearing the scream, Wu Zhao couldn't help but his expression changed, and Tang Guan also frowned.

"It's Taiping!" Wu Zhao stood up suddenly, wanting to leave the hall.

But Tang Guan took a step forward and said: "Hold on, Your Majesty, I will go out and have a look!"

Wu Zhao stopped walking slowly when he heard the words, and suddenly the soldiers outside the door moved, rushing into the place where the voice came from. (To be continued..)

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