Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 152: The Eagle Raises My Guard

The night swept in, and there was a slight coolness around.

Outside the Daming Palace, a tall man looked up at the gate of the tall city. This place was very familiar to him. Yicheng came to the imperial city after he left his teacher, but the name of the guard at that time was Li Zhi.

For warriors like them, there are only two places where they can get a chance to be unrestrained, one is in the army, and the other is in the rivers and lakes.

Most people are rooted in the rivers and lakes, a mess, a small number of people rooted in the army, orderly, forming a violent organization of the country, as a member of it, he knows the three tastes, once the organization is in operation, the killing machine will be all over the place out.

This person is none other than Chang Ying.

Whether this day was long or short for him, the only thing that made him feel a little nervous was that Tang Guan had never returned since he went out at noon.

As a guard, he finally came to the most possible place to check, and it turned out that there was no accident, the person he was looking for was inside.

A person quietly leaned out from the gap in the gate, Chang Ying looked away when he saw this, it turned out that it was the inner prisoner who passed the transmission.

"Guard Chang, Your Majesty has announced you."

Chang Ying nodded when he heard the words, and immediately started to enter the palace without saying a word, the inner eunuch didn't take it seriously when he saw this, and followed closely behind.

Chang Ying stepped into the palace, raised his head, looked for a direction, and walked away. He walked so fast that the inner eunuch could only barely see his back as he trotted all the way.

The environment in the palace is full of twists and turns, but Chang Ying seems to turn a blind eye to it, passing through the courts and pavilions from time to time, detours in front, he knows the terrain of the palace well, even though he seldom goes to the West Palace.

"Chang guard, oops. You wait for the miscellaneous family."

Chang Ying didn't stop until the inner prisoner who had been walking behind him was out of breath.

"Chang guard. Don't go so fast, Mr. Lang is with His Majesty."

Chang Ying shook his head slightly upon hearing this.Glancing at the young inner eunuch in front of him, he looked about 20 years old, and he was not standing upright, but he was about the same size as Chang Ying, and at this age, he couldn't get a big position in the palace.

"Eunuch Meng, why is my lord coming to the palace today?" Chang Ying stopped and waited, but it was not in vain, as soon as the two entered the palace, they went one after the other, chasing each other.Walking to this remote place, Chang Ying finally spoke out, and the two of them seemed to know each other.

Eunuch Meng's face changed when he heard the words, he looked left and right, and listened to him: "Chang Zhonghou, I don't know too well, the limelight is not right, you should be careful."

Hearing this, Chang Ying's heart trembled.Immediately, his face was as usual, and he went straight to the West Palace. This time, Eunuch Meng didn't make a sound, and walked behind unhurriedly.

Until the line to the front of the palace.Chang Ying stopped again, subconsciously tightened his sleeves, and glanced at the front and back of the palace without any trace.And the left and right dense forests, others may not know what is hidden in those seemingly ordinary places.Does he know, it can be said that as long as there is a trouble in Fangyuan.Chang Ying believes that even if a fly flies by, it must be shot down!

Then he stepped forward and said loudly in front of the door: "Chen Changying is begging to see you."

After speaking, Chang Ying looked up at the closed West Palace. It was not the first time he saw Wu Zhao, but this was the only time he was summoned to meet him.

Seeing that there was no response from the hall, and there were no guards on the left and right sides of the door for the first time, Chang Ying's leg muscles stretched out as he lay on one knee.

If we talk about the biggest difference between people in martial arts and literati, it is obvious that they are preparing to violently hurt people every moment, even if it is God standing in front of them.

Therefore, since ancient times, emperors have rarely met unfamiliar generals alone. They are no better than literati, and their killing depends entirely on their brains. Since the pre-Qin period, assassins have been common, especially people like Chang Ying. In Chang Ying's eyes, Ma Lie may be a He didn't know how to live or die, but one thing Ma Lie said was right, people like them either died on the spot, or they couldn't even try to capture them alive!

This point can be seen from military generals, if they are punished by the government, they will generally be executed. Unlike literati who will be detained for a few days, they will be interrogated this time and that one. The famous general Cheng Wuting who has not yet shown up will end up as usual It was directly cut into the tent. It can be said that the person died before the imperial edict arrived.

Regardless of the generals in the court, people in the world only see life and death, and nothing else. In the same way, people like Chang Ying, who try to gain glory by virtue of their martial arts, the more respect they give, the more they will return. Obviously that The unattainable god-man Wu Zhao is far less than what Tang Guan gave him.

Sometimes there is only a thin line between thugs and thugs. They may also be able to survive alone in the chaos, and even take the head of the enemy general, but the treatment is very different, so there is the saying of recruiting security.

Of course, this is all a digression. Chang Ying put one knee on the ground, put his big hands on his knees, and punched the ground. This is the standard military general's ceremony. Generally, those who are in armor are used to this kind of gesture which is smaller than that of civil servants with their knees on the ground. action.

But the door of the bedroom was still closed, and there was no response for a long time.

"The last general, Chang Ying, begs to see His Majesty!"

Seeing this, Chang Ying uttered another sound, this time full of air, which caused a slight movement in the dense bushes.

At this moment, the young eunuch came belatedly. Seeing this, he hurried forward, glanced at Chang Ying, and then walked to the door and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the guards of Zhuangyuan Lang have arrived."

"Come in." Finally, a voice came out, and Eunuch Meng hurriedly turned his head and winked at Chang Ying. Seeing this, Chang Ying got up and stepped forward, and Eunuch Meng helped him open the door.

"I see Your Majesty!" As soon as Chang Ying entered the bedroom, the door of the palace closed suddenly, and immediately dropped to the ground on one knee, but did not raise his head.

The curtains in the bedroom were drawn down, and it was impossible to see the appearance clearly, only a woman was vaguely seen sitting on the dragon couch, and there was actually a person lying on the dragon couch.

"This..." Chang Ying glanced away from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"You are Chang Ying, a subordinate of Ying Yangwei?"

The woman's voice sounded again. This was the first time Chang Ying met Wu Zhao alone. This voice was very different from what he had heard from afar before.

"Return to Your Majesty, the minister was originally under the command of General Li of the Nanya Forbidden Army."

"Oh, Qubing has a good eye, and the birth is indeed strong."

Chang Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he was pleasantly surprised, but before he could say it, he frowned suddenly.

"No, it's blood!" Chang Ying shuddered when he smelled this breath.

He has been fighting in the battlefield all year round, he is very familiar with this kind of breath.He immediately held his breath and said, "Your Majesty, how dare you ask my husband?"

Wu Zhao heard this in the curtain.It seemed that she was also slightly taken aback, she was used to communicating with civil servants on weekdays.For these generals, the method of wooing and rewarding was adopted, and Chang Ying spoke bluntly, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, he didn't bother to blame such rude people, and immediately said: "The sick man's injury is not serious, although there is nothing serious, he won't wake up for a while."

"Injury!?" Chang Ying moved his body when he heard the words, and was about to lift the curtain to go in, but he stopped, although Tang Guan had a close friendship with him.On weekdays, they call each other brothers and sisters, and even suffered from life and death together, but they are not to the extent of working hard.

"You are somewhat loyal, knowing to come out and look for it."

Wu Zhao spoke calmly, but Chang Ying kept his eyes on the person on the couch behind the curtain, his heart almost jumped into his throat.

"You come in."

"Yes." Chang Ying answered hurriedly when he heard the sound, but he didn't rush in. He folded his hands and lowered his head, and walked slowly into the curtain.

"Hiss~" Chang Ying just entered.The hairs stood on end, only to see a young girl lying down with blood stains all over her face, Wu Zhao ignored her.

But the Tang Guan he was looking for was lying on the dragon couch with his upper body naked and wrapped in medical cloth.Seeing this scene, Chang Ying was so horrified that his breathing was a bit heavy.

In this deep palace forbidden garden.It's just unbelievable that such a bloody incident happened.

Chang Ying didn't dare to care whether the girl was alive or dead.Not to mention not daring to look at Wu Zhao's true face, he lowered his head and fixedly stared at Tang Guan on the couch.

Seeing this, Wu Zhao's eyes flashed with amusement.Looking at Chang Ying's side face, he said: "You take the number one scholar back to the mansion."

Of course Chang Ying didn't dare to ask what happened here, he was just a small bodyguard, the edicts he received while escorting Chen Yunsheng were all secret messages from the inner eunuch, this is also one of the rules in the palace, his status is not qualified, so don't ask questions Ask, and do what the superior tells you to do.

Chang Ying has been in the palace for many years, and he understands the rules. When he heard this, he immediately stepped forward to hug Tang Guan, and he didn't even look at Wu Zhao from the beginning to the end.

Whether Wu Zhao is beautiful or ugly has nothing to do with him, he only knows that this woman controls all the big and small institutions in the palace, and it takes only an instant to kill someone.

Chang Ying probed indiscriminately, and noticed that Tang Guan was breathing steadily, he breathed a sigh of relief, then knelt down on the ground and said, "Your Excellency, leave."

After speaking, he got up and wanted to leave, he didn't want to stay in this weird West Palace for a moment.

But before taking a few steps, Wu Zhao's voice came again.

"What kind of master and what kind of servants are there!"

Chang Ying's complexion changed when he heard the words, and he stopped immediately. He immediately hugged Tang Guan and turned his head to kneel on the ground, waiting to be dealt with. He didn't know what Wu Zhao meant by what Wu Zhao said, but only knew that there was some sullenness in his words.

Wu Zhao was still sitting on the dragon couch, keeping a certain distance from Chang Ying at all times, and Chang Ying was also keeping an eye on her nose, keeping silent.

He is not Shangguan Wan'er, nor is he a literati who cares about the world and the people. It can be said that the difference between Chang Ying and Ma Lie is like a warrior and a gangster, separated by a thin line.

Lao Tzu has been rampant for a lifetime, no matter what floods are behind you, whether Chang Ying has family members, he has not disclosed this to Tang Guan, but it seems that his appearance does not seem to be that there are parents on the top and wives and daughters on the bottom.

Wu Zhao also seemed to know some of the secrets of martial arts. She didn't have to be so scruples about the generals in the court. The accomplished martial arts were no longer bachelors, and they were trying their best to move closer to the family.

Because they know that it is warriors who work hard, and literati who make profits, but they have nothing to do about it. Without literati, there would be no country, and they would not be under the system. He didn't know a few words, but most of his descendants were literate.

But for a bachelor like Chang Ying, although she is not afraid, she also has scruples.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for people like Chang Ying to see Wu Zhao, and Wu Zhao is too lazy to embarrass these desperate rough people.

But now that two people like this are close at hand, Wu Zhao is really brave. He dared to meet Chang Ying like this. It shows that his courage is astonishing. Emperors of all dynasties rarely dared to do this.

"Forget it, you take that girl back with you." Wu Zhao said as he took a sip of the tea beside him, and then threw the two pieces of paper on the case to Chang Ying's side.

The papers came floating, Chang Ying kept his eyes on the two pieces of paper, of course he was not here to appreciate the calligraphy, but to see the content.

The big one was densely packed, so Chang Ying skipped it directly. He didn't read much and only knew some commonly used characters. He immediately looked at the small one, and couldn't help being surprised again.


As a member of the army, Chang Ying is no stranger to slaves. That's right, slaves are not people, they are things in the eyes of ordinary people.

Immediately, Chang Ying glanced at the girl whose face was covered in blood on the ground, her eyes were full of doubts, and without Wu Zhao's order, she hurriedly put away the two pieces of paper.

Then he bowed forward and embraced the girl with his free hand, then hurriedly turned and left.

This time it went smoothly, and Wu Zhao didn't stop him.

Chang Ying didn't stop walking until he got out of the bedroom. If it wasn't because of the rules, he would have almost sprinted, but he knew that was unrealistic. There were hedgehogs everywhere in the palace. If you get older, you will die on the spot.

And in the bedroom, Wu Zhao looked thoughtfully at the blood-stained dragon couch until Chang Ying left.

Immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but his tone was somewhat melancholy and he said: "Hey, Tang Qubing, Tang Qubing." (To be continued...)

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