Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 153: The First Show of Insidiousness

As a species that has undergone countless years of evolution, from the birth of intelligence to the formation of society, there is no doubt that human beings' adaptability has won the admiration of nature.

There is a group of people who think more and see farther within the race are called smart people, and there is another kind of people who deduce the future and bluntly speak of human nature when they are not developed are called saints.

When describing this truth in the classics, the phrase "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself."

For a little pickpocket who should have been unknown all his life and might starve to death, he doesn't understand this truth, but he can also perceive it.

The young man has an older brother who is very kind to him, but his elder brother repeatedly "goes out vertically and returns home horizontally."

This was supposed to be a horror story, but also a sad one.

But Xiaoqi looked at Tang Guan who fell on the bed again, but was horrified to find that she was a little numb to it, or this was adaptation.

It was a natural phenomenon that Tang Guan didn't want to, but had no intention of letting people around him adapt to it, just like if he came back intact one day, Xiao Qi would feel as if something was missing.

At this moment, he lay on the bed and looked at Tang Guan with ease. He knew that Tang Guan was not dead. He had seen his elder brother with more serious injuries. In his heart, Tang Guan was an unbeatable person. Where to throw the stones, they are finally stranded on the beach.


A call brought him back to his senses, and Xiao Qi looked back, only then did he remember that Chang Ying brought back more than one person.

Over there, Chang Ying was carefully wiping the forehead of a young girl. The blood had already solidified, and the girl's dress was still stained with drops of blood.

Chang Ying lived to such an age.He has suffered a lot of injuries, but luckily no marks were left on his face.

Of course, what he cares about is not where the injury is.It's whether it's injured or not, Chang Ying is a strong martial artist.He doesn't pay much attention to the face, for him, getting hurt is commonplace, but how to avoid being hurt, let the person who tried to hurt him fall down is what he should consider.

Even so, he also understands how important appearance is to a woman. This is also nature. Shocking women like Wu Zhao spend all their time on appearance. In this era, the capital of a woman's fortune is her appearance.

But when he carefully wiped the face of the girl in front of him with a damp cloth, Chang Ying's eyelids twitched.

"Hey, it's a pity for this little lady." Chang Ying murmured in his heart.The girl in front of her is still awake, her eyes are tightly closed, and when the blood is wiped away, her fair skin is revealed, but what is shocking is that there is a vertical mark on the girl's forehead and brow opening and closing, which makes people lose all beauty at a glance.

Chang Ying saw that Xiao Qi was staring blankly at this side and hadn't come yet, so he said again: "Xiao Qi."

"Oh, here we come." Xiao Qi looked at this scene strangely, and approached him.

Seeing this, Chang Ying was about to speak.Xiao Qi suddenly said, "It's her!?"

"You guys know each other?" Chang Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked Xiao Qi with a frown. He still had two things in his arms, so he rushed back all the way, and didn't have time to check them carefully.

One thing is that tirade.There is a document that I can't understand, but there is another thing that is a bond!

He didn't know what happened in the palace, but he saw that Tang Guan was injured.Tianhou's reaction didn't seem like Tang Guan had done something particularly disobedient again.It's like someone assassinated.

Xiao Qi looked at the girl lying on the table with one hand in surprise, he was quite impressed with Shangguan Wan'er.Although the two had only met once, they contradicted each other and even mocked Tang Guan and themselves.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous. Xiao Qi looked at Shangguan Wan'er but she didn't feel jealous. Instead, she was taken aback by the scar on her forehead.

"How could this be?" Xiao Qi didn't answer Chang Ying's question, but murmured to himself, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Xiaoqi, do you know her?"

Chang Ying asked again, and Xiao Qi nodded hurriedly, still keeping her eyes on Shangguan Wan'er.

Chang Ying's heart sank when he saw this, he knew that Xiao Qi had entered the palace, but it was only once, it was impossible to get to know this little palace lady by such a coincidence, then this girl must have something to do with Tang Guan.

Immediately asked in a deep voice: "Who is she?"

Xiao Qi took another two steps forward, afraid that he might have misread it, and took a closer look. Except for the wound on his forehead that he couldn't bear to look at, he was exactly the same as the person in his memory.

Only now did he confirm that this was Shangguan Wan'er, but unfortunately Xiao Qi didn't know the name of this girl, and upon hearing Chang Ying's question, he had no choice but to say: "I don't know either, it looks like I know Brother Guan."

Chang Ying heard the sound in his heart and thought it was true, and then he didn't care about pursuing the identity of this woman, and asked directly: "Can you bandage?"

Xiao Qi, who was concentrating on Shangguan Wan'er, was about to shake her head subconsciously when she heard the words, and suddenly changed her words: "Yes."

"Then help her bandage."

Xiao Qi was inexplicably happy when he heard the words, but Chang Ying was full of thoughts and didn't notice it, but got up and walked out of the room.

Seeing this, Xiao Qi looked up and asked, "Brother Chang, where are you going?"

Chang Ying didn't look back and said, "I'll go find some more medicine."

Then he stepped out of the door, took two steps, and quickly entered the next room.

The room was dark, Chang Ying strode to the table and lit the oil lamp.

Immediately, with a heavy expression, he took out the two letters from his arms and read them carefully.

But Xiao Qi in the next room was not in a hurry to treat Shangguan Wan'er's wound, but looked at Shangguan Wan'er gloatingly.

"Oh, this is retribution."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the medicine cloth on the table.

Tang Guan and Shangguan Wan'er were both inseparable, not to mention Xiao Qi, who had only met once and almost quarreled. He hated this woman as much as Tang Guan did to Princess Taiping.

It's not that he was cold-hearted by nature, but that they really didn't have a good impression of each other. At this moment, they didn't bother to think about the relationship between her and Tang Guan.

In fact, how could he know how to bandage, after messing around, Xiao Qi looked proudly at the medicinal cloth on Shangguan Wan'er's head that looked like a hat.

Such a childish act of revenge can only be done by Xiao Qi, who is only eight years old. While he was angry, he became a little suspicious.

"Forget it, you look pretty, even though you're an ugly monster now." Looking at the unconscious Shangguan Wan'er, Xiao Qi finally stretched out her hand to untie the medicinal cloth again and again, and began to slowly bandage her stand up.

If Tang Guan saw Xiao Qi's various actions, he would inevitably feel chills in his heart. Xiao Qi was very loyal to him, but he was completely willful to others.

When later generations interpreted Mr. Tang Liang, there were only two words "insidious" listed on the front page. When the titles of General Poisonous Snake and Tang Thief were incompatible with his title of Loyalty, they used four words "report for flaws".

But such a poisonous snake did not repeat the story of "The Farmer and the Snake", which makes people feel unbelievable. It is also unbelievable that someone raised a poisonous snake in his arms but did not bite back in his life.

Of course, Xiaoqi is still in the groping stage, free and helpless, he has accepted too much darkness in the society, and he hangs out with Tang Guan in Chang'an City. At this time, he is like most teenagers, full of admiration for those he admires, When he finds that his way of dealing with the world cannot stand, he will imitate Tang Guan's actions.

Tang Guan, full of all kinds of mysteries, did not expect that Xiaoqi learned a lot of viciousness while imitating, but did not learn anything else.

The details will reveal a person's nature, and Xiao Qi's heart gradually became indifferent. He thought it was taught to him by Tang Guan.

But it wasn't until he had the ability to be alone that Tang Guan was shocked to discover that this brother who had been loyal to him until death had become so vicious. Although he still never left him, Tang Guan knew it was too late. Later, Tang Liang Jun, who made the cruel officials see him in the Yamen Prison, made his spine shudder, not what Tang Guan wanted to see, but what he needed.

Just like Wu Zhao was with Tang Guan, they were full of expectations, but kept planting causes and effects.

In the next room, Chang Ying squeezed the Nu Qi under an oil lamp and stared wide-eyed.

"Shangguan Tingzhi!"

After a long time, Chang Ying murmured, then waved off the oil lamp, and put Nu Qi back into his arms. (to be continued..)

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