Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 154: Anger Attacks Heart

(Apology: Haikou is too boastful, and the sixth watch can't be stopped. The average is three shifts a day, sorry)


"The Buddha said the Three Refugees, but the king said that your mother is forcing you."

The old monk during the day bluntly said that Tang Guan was a greedy wolf, and Tang Guan fought back. We don't know the basis for his statement, but if it is about peach blossoms, Tang Guan has indeed got involved with many women who are not related.

In the full house, Xiaoqi finally made the last lap. The girl in front of her was one of Tang Guan's peach blossoms, but it was a pity that she was disabled.

After Xiaoqi finished bandaging, she turned her head and looked at Tang Guan on the bed. It is not a good thing for a person to fall into a coma often, it is boring.


Suddenly, a light cough broke the silence, and Xiao Qi hurried forward upon hearing the sound.

Tang Guan finally woke up quietly on the bed, glanced at Xiao Qi in a daze, and said, "Water."

It was not the first time Xiaoqi took care of Tang Guan, he knew what he wanted just by the shape of his mouth, so he immediately turned around and took a cup of tea.

The two had a surprisingly tacit understanding, Xiaoqi helped Tang Guan to support himself up, and drank a cup of tea.

Tang Guan's eyes recovered a little, and he said, "How did I come back?"

"Brother Chang brought you back."

Tang Guan's voice was very soft due to blood loss, and he nodded slightly when he heard this, which was expected.

"Brother Guan, have you been beaten by the emperor again?"

Xiao Qi smiled, her tone was quite different from before, she was no longer full of nonsense.Even Tang Guan sensed something strange, and looked at the people around him from the corner of his eye.Seeing that it was indeed Xiao Qi, I couldn't help but tremble in my heart.

Then he shook his head and smiled wryly.I was too careful in my life, and I was even on my guard against Xiao Qi, so I didn't care about it immediately and said: "Almost."

There was a faint pain in his chest. In Tang Guan's eyes, as long as he was not dead, he was still alive. As for the pain, it could prove that he was still alive.

While speaking, Tang Guan supported himself without raising his head, "Where's Brother Chang?"

"I'm looking for medicine." Xiao Qi replied while putting the teacup back in its original place.

Tang Guan followed his movements inadvertently, and suddenly said: "Why is she here!?"

Tang Guan's voice was too sudden.Xiao Qi couldn't help trembling, seeing Tang Guan was about to struggle to get out of bed, he hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

"What's going on here?" Tang Guan looked at the girl lying on the desk full of doubts in his eyes. His consciousness was still at the moment when he blocked the knife. He didn't expect that Shangguan Wan'er, the person involved, would come like a shadow.

Xiao Qi was also confused. He thought Tang Guan should know it himself, but he was completely horrified.

Xiao Qi was about to speak, when suddenly a tall figure entered the room, and was overjoyed to see Tang Guan who had already awakened.Then step forward quickly.

"Young Lord."

"Brother Chang, what's going on?" Tang Guan knew that if he asked Xiao Qi, he would never be able to find out anything, so he immediately asked when he saw the person coming.

Seeing Tang Guan's face, Chang Ying was shocked.He approached and said in a deep voice, "I still want to ask you."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Qi's heartfelt words were expressed, but Tang Guan frowned and stared at Shangguan Wan'er on the case.

"Help her over."

Chang Ying saw Tang Guan's expression excited.It's not easy to disobey, and immediately hugged Shangguan Wan'er to Tang Guan's side.Tang Guan hurriedly looked at it carefully.

"What's wrong with her forehead?" Tang Guan looked at Shangguan Wan'er in front of him, and it was a lie if he said he wasn't flustered.He blocked the knife involuntarily, not because he wanted to die, but because he had been trying to change and impact the cause and effect of history.

The effect is not without, at least Pei Yan is not dead, at least Shangguan Wan'er is not disfigured.

But when he saw the medicinal cloth on Shangguan Wan'er's forehead, his heart was like a turbulent sea, but he was no longer the confused person he was before. He knew that some things could only be changed by strong external interference.

This is exactly what he doesn't have at the moment. Chang Ying looked at Tang Guan's anxious expression, and his heart trembled. He had already guessed the girl's identity. do.

Then this girl is most likely a descendant of the Shangguan family. Shangguan Tingzhi was no less powerful than Pei Yan before. Of course, there is still a gap between the two. Pei Yan is a minister of Gu Ming in a special period, but it can only be said to be equal. Its prestige is placed in different eras with different permissions.

"Xiao Langjun, don't touch her!"

Chang Ying saw that Tang Guan was about to remove the medicinal cloth on Shangguan Wan'er's forehead in a hurry to check, Chang Ying hurriedly shouted to stop.

After being drank by him, Tang Guan immediately calmed down, looked up at Chang Ying, Chang Ying nodded slightly to him, Tang Guan's heart moved when he saw this, he stared at Chang Ying and said, "What's going on?"

Hearing this, Chang Ying sighed softly, took out two pieces of paper from his bosom and handed them to Tang Guan. Seeing this, Tang Guan took them in a hurry, and Xiao Qi came over curiously.

Tang Guan opened two sheets, one was the case of Mingtang written by himself, and immediately put it aside at a glance, and opened the other.

Tang Guan looked intently, his face was pale.

In an instant, bloodshot eyes welled up in his eyes, Chang Ying couldn't help being surprised when he saw his appearance, and Xiao Qi was even more puzzled.

After a long time, Tang Guan finally said, "Brother Chang, take Xiaoqi out."

After all, Xiao Qi still cared about Tang Guan very much, seeing his appearance, he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Guan..."

"Get out!" Tang Guan yelled coldly, Xiao Qi stopped immediately, Tang Guan had never spoken to himself in such a tone, and Chang Ying also sensed something was wrong.

It seems that this slave of the Shangguan family has a good relationship with Tang Guan, so he immediately pulled up Xiaoqi and said, "Okay."

Immediately, regardless of Xiao Qi's struggle, he dragged him out of the door.

For a while, only Tang Guan and Shangguan Wan'er were left in a coma. In fact, her injuries were not as serious as Tang Guan's, but the so-called anger attack, physical coma and psychological coma are two different things.

Shangguan Wan'er simply paralyzed herself because she couldn't bear the humiliation, but Tang Guan lost too much blood.

Tang Guan really had some feelings for Shangguan Wan'er. This woman's status in history and her performance after meeting made Tang Guan curious.

But it's just that he has some thoughts, he actually has a lot of taboos about the women in the palace.

Looking at the pale and pretty face of Shangguan Wan'er in his arms, Tang Guan suddenly burned with anger.

He was not angry because Shangguan Wan'er was finally disfigured, but because he lost. Now he and Wu Zhao have been defeated repeatedly. All messed up.

"Wu Zhao!" Tang Guan held Shangguan Wan'er in his arms and gritted his teeth.

Tang Guan tightly held the slave contract, which clearly stated "I will be a slave for the rest of my life, give birth to a son and go to the palace to be castrated, and give birth to a daughter to be a military prostitute."

Wu Zhao's move was to put an end to Shangguan Wan'er's fantasies, but she didn't expect Tang Guan to have an illusion by mistake.

Strange to say, Tang Guan has no special relationship with Shangguan Wan'er, but at this moment Tang Guan's expression is as if someone moved his beloved toy.

Yes, from the beginning Tang Guan simply treated Shangguan Wan'er as a toy from time travel, and Tang Guan never tired of playing with such a strong woman in history.

But what followed was Tang Guan's own growth. His physical age was only nine years old, and his mental age was only in his twenties. Is this considered old?

In this era, at the age of the weak crown, he does have the ability to stand alone, but in later generations, he is just a stunned young man who has just started working for a few years, his eyes are smeared, and he is full of confusion about the future. The most terrifying thing is that he has no worries. So much so that he committed suicide.

Such a useless little person came to the big era, from being cynical to being serious, to being suspicious, and then broke through and stood up, and began to integrate into this era, and no longer regarded his own identity as an advantage.

In this era, there are too many people who have not traveled through time, but they can easily step on their feet. Even if he just wants to watch the flowers bloom and fall quietly, it is impossible.

In fact, there are no hermits in the world. Hermits are farting. The trouble is not that if you don't look for it, it won't come to you.

"I'm sorry." Tang Guan looked at Shangguan Wan'er in his arms, and murmured, no longer angry, but full of guilt.

He didn't know whether he should apologize, because even without him, Shangguan Wan'er would still be disfigured for inexplicable reasons.

But this time it was because of him. His existence made Shangguan Wan'er useless. This may be the so-called change, a change that made the already poor person even more pitiful.

Even Tang Guan himself wanted to laugh, doing so much, but got the opposite effect, it is better to do nothing, but it must be done.

In fact, this is a traditional Taoist theory of "governing by doing nothing."

The Buddhists say this is called "karma".

Tang Guan clenched the bond in his hand into a ball.

Staring at Shangguan Wan'er's pale and pretty face, Tang Guan seemed to have made a decision, and slowly stretched out his hand towards the woman. (To be continued..)

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