Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 155: The Sea is Difficult to Fill

Apart from Princess Taiping who was born with a golden key in her mouth, Shangguan Wan'er has too many similarities with Wu Zhao, just like Wu Zhao entered the palace at the age of 14, like a person drinking water, knowing whether he is warm or not.

There is no word relying on them in their dictionary. The proof of their existence is to live, to live better than anyone else, to trample those who have bullied them, and to remember those who have left traces in their lives. on heart.

Then walk on alone like this, without love or hatred, maybe Wu Zhao came to the world to smile back at the one he loves, even if that smile has been buried in time, it is still worth it.

"Yeah." With a groan, the person in his arms became conscious, and Tang Guan looked at Shangguan Wan'er with a complicated expression.

"Wan'er." Tang Guan called out. He knew that Shangguan Wan'er had regained consciousness, but he didn't want to open her eyes. She was running away from unbearable injuries.

But she chose to live. As long as people live, there are always some things that cannot be avoided.

Finally, under Tang Guan's gaze, Shangguan Wan'er slowly opened her eyes, and saw Tang Guan's face in a daze. It sounds a little funny.

But the expression on Tang Guan's face made no one laugh, and there was a crisp "slap", accompanied by Shangguan Wan'er's hysterical scream.

She struggled desperately as if she didn't recognize who the person in front of her was. Tang Guan was wounded and suffered severe pain from her struggle. Both of them were scarred by Wu Zhao, but Tang Guan tightened his arms a few more point.

Originally, having nephrite jade in his arms should be a difficult task in life, but the two of them fell into self-protection and couldn't extricate themselves.A heart of inexplicable guilt cannot be appeased.

"Wan'er, it's me. Tang Guan!"

Tang Guan yelled loudly, but Shangguan Wan'er stopped in shock.Looking at Tang Guan's beautiful eyes in front of her, the shock was still undecided, and the medicinal cloth wrapped around her forehead made her already somewhat heroic pretty face look weaker.

The eyes of the two met, and after a long time, Shangguan Wan'er suddenly struggled again, pushed Tang Guan down, rolled off the bed, and then staggered towards the bronze mirror in the room under Tang Guan's horrified gaze.

"I...I..." Shangguan Wan'er looked at herself in the mirror, and slowly reached out to touch the medicinal cloth on her forehead.

Seeing this, Tang Guan felt a dull pain in his heart.Which woman does not love beauty? Shangguan Wan'er is not bad by nature. In fact, Wu Zhao is not necessarily ruthless by nature. People are forced out by the environment. From the time she called him the word "green goose", Tang Guan knew that this woman Xiang is actually just a little girl who likes to protect herself.

He didn't dare to imagine the appearance of Shangguan Wan'er taking off the medicinal cloth, he knew that it must be a mark of shame, preventing Shangguan Wan'er from doing the unfinished business of Shangguan's family and delaying her disfigurement.In the end, because of a small incident, she suffered the same consequences.

Obviously, it's not worth it because of him.She lost her due value, but encountered even more terrible things.

Tang Guan clutched his wound and worked hard to get out of bed, and slowly walked towards Shangguan Wan'er over there.


"Don't touch me!" Shangguan Wan'er suddenly said.Pushing Tang Guan behind him to the ground, he lay down beside the mirror and sobbed.

While crying, she forgot her current identity.Hatred is full of heart, but I don't know who to hate.Tang Guan on the ground stared blankly at her, and only then did he understand why Wu Zhou Dynasty was so confusing.

The creator of all this, Wu Zhao, is too ruthless, he will act swiftly and resolutely in everything, beheading kindness and mercilessness in a day, disfiguring the maid, and planning to repair the bright hall.

Her time was infinitely compressed, and there were too many changes in one day, which made people dizzy. Even in a half-dream and half-awake, a familiar person had already disappeared from sight.

In just 60 years, he has only been in power for more than [-] years, but he has done several times.

Even people like Tang Guan who can look down on the whole situation can't predict too many changes. For a while, there are pity and coldness in Tang Guan's eyes.

He is a traverser who doesn't have a plane or a cannon. He can't drop ten times with one force, but can only drop ten times with a hundred times. Wu Zhao is fast, and his movements must be faster.

The pear blossoms and rainy Shangguan Wan'er in front of her is a sharp sword that Wu Zhao inserted into Tang Guan's heart. Shangguan Wan'er who was crying didn't know who she should hate. She couldn't hate anyone because of her poor family, so she could only be cautious. live on.

But Tang Guan didn't know who he should be angry with, Wu Zhao?Princess Taiping?Or should I hate myself?

As he stumbled in the government and the opposition, he could not be angry with anyone, so he could only continue to calculate step by step.

The sea is hard to fill, Tang Guan doesn't know how to comfort Shangguan Wan'er, but Shangguan Wan'er's crying gradually subsides.

Tang Guan slowly got up and walked towards Shangguan Wan'er again, this time he didn't make a sound, just quietly waiting for her voice to gradually become hoarse.

Two people who were so contradictory were forced together, and Shangguan Wan'er, who was in hysteria, forgot everything, until a crumpled slave bond was placed beside her, and she slowly raised her head, looking at this Zhang Nuqi.

It came so suddenly, seeing it, Tang Guan staggered and turned back to the bed, squeezed out a smile and said, "I'll give you two ways."

Shangguan Wan'er trembled when she heard the words, and looked at Tang Guan blankly. At this time, her mind was blank, and the two young people seemed to be disconnected.

Tang Guan was leaning on the head of the bed, his thin lips were still bloodless, and there was nothing he could do now.

After a long time, Shangguan Wan'er's eyes regained a little gleam. The relationship between the two is so ridiculous that even now they still don't know what it means.

Until Tang Guan muttered to himself: "You go, the farther the better."

"I didn't hit the princess! I didn't!"

Shangguan Wan'er couldn't answer the question correctly, so she yelled at Tang Guan.

Tang Guan didn't pay any attention to it, there was no anger or sorrow on his face, and he said lightly: "You stay, I won't bully you."

"I don't...I don't..." Shangguan Wan'er seemed to have completely ignored Tang Guan's words, she shook her head slightly, tears overflowed her eyes again, and she couldn't figure out why Wu Zhao was so heartless, nor could she Knowing that Princess Taiping is so arrogant, she only knows that she is the only one left in the world.

Tang Guan looked at Shangguan Wan'er, and said softly after a long time: "I won't let others bully you."

This is the second time he made a promise to a woman, the first time was Lin Yuxun, he did it, he would rather suffer a thousand cuts, but also drive out all those who bullied her.

This is the second time, but the target is the empress who controls the world!

All of a sudden, there was silence, and Shangguan Wan'er looked at Tang Guan in disbelief as if she had been frozen.

Until Tang Guan said again: "As long as I, Tang Qubing, stay alive for a day."

After saying that, Tang Guan slowly stretched out a hand, but Shangguan Wan'er languished on the ground, at a loss... (To be continued...)

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