Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 158: The Gentleness Dissipated

A day's plan starts in the morning, and the warm sun in early spring makes people no longer lazy. As early as the morning light hits the hall, the South Street and North Alley are already boiling.

There are two cities in the east and the west, and the two squares are fully open, and there are constant hawking in the bustling bustle. It is strange to say that under the imperial power, there is no need for the so-called "urban management" to allow hawkers to go there consciously.

The city was running again as usual, and every family used up the cabbage they had stored in winter. Northerners have the habit of storing cabbage for winter. There is a poem that goes: "Watching people water cabbage, divide the water and yellow flowers."

It is true to say that it is better to be a dog of peace than to be a person in a troubled world. In a troubled world, some people can rise up and achieve a period of hegemony, but most people are in dire straits and displaced.

And in Chang'an City during the Taiping period, wild dogs on the street can often beg for three or two pieces to wrap their stomachs.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the tradition of intermarriage between the royal family and the northern nobles. In the Tang Dynasty, the royal family has been avoiding intermarriage with the nobles in Shandong.

If you ask the reason, it doesn't mean that the children of Shandong were discriminated against. On the contrary, since Li Yuanza raised the rebellion at the end of the Sui Dynasty and developed to Taizong's leadership, he gathered a group of Shandong bandits among the generals.

Aside from the stories told by storytellers, in the founding battlefield, this man was like a demon king, invincible to those who stand in his way. Under the three axes, you will die or you will die.

At this time, Kanto was still barren, and there were ethnic minorities entrenched in the north. Shandong people were sincere and down-to-earth.In the past, it was called Shandong Horse Prince by the traveling businessmen who often traveled to and from this area. (Note: It should be called Dingzhou here)

The banditry in his bones is even more fierce in terms of personal ruthlessness than in the Bashu area, where the folk customs are tough.At this time, the ruler with a strong sense of region has a deep taboo, what to start with.It is the nature of the emperor to abandon anything.

But on the other hand, there are a group of Shandong scholars active in the imperial court. The birthplace of the hometown of Confucius and Mencius has given a large number of poor children an advantage at the starting line.

Being in such a prosperous age is a good thing for the common people, but there are also shadows in the prosperous age.

Chang'an, full house.

Chang Ying tiptoed in with embarrassment, looked at Tang Guan standing there, and said in a low voice, "I bought it."

Tang Guan looked back at him.He smiled and said, "It's time to work."

"Say it first, just this once."

"Haha." Tang Guan chuckled and held out his hand.

Then Chang Ying quickly stuffed him with a bunch of things like a thief, then turned around and walked out quickly.

Tang Guan took it and looked at Chang Ying's embarrassment, shook his head and smiled, then looked down at the package in his hand, sat down slowly and unwrapped it.

A set of dresses lay quietly inside. It turned out that Tang Guan entrusted Chang Ying to buy a new set of clothes when he saw Chang Ying early in the morning.Now I am not alone.

But it's really awkward to ask Chang Ying, a strong man of five big and three thick, to buy women's clothes, thinking of Tang Guan smiling and looking at the person on the bed.

A young girl was still lying quietly, as if she had squeezed out all her thoughts yesterday.All that was left was exhaustion, until Sangan was still sleeping soundly.

Perhaps Shangguan Wan'er had never slept for such a long time since entering the palace.One must know that the pace of the palace is very fast, and she often accompanies Wu Zhao all night long.If anyone was surprised that Wu Zhao was like an iron strike, it wasn't a senior member of the court.It's her personal maid.

"En." Shangguan Wan'er seemed to be still in a dream, the quilt was kicked by her and turned over, Tang Guan stepped forward to pick it up.

Looking at Shangguan Wan'er who was muttering in her dreams, Tang Guan also felt a little unreal. Should I thank Wu Zhao for sending her away?

But seeing the medicinal cloth wrapped tightly around Shangguan Wan'er's forehead, Tang Guan gave up this idea again, and immediately wanted to cover her with the quilt in his hand.

Shangguan Wan'er on the bed subconsciously moved her hand to the other side of the pillow because she didn't have any warmer, and suddenly woke up in a daze.

"you're awake."

Seeing this, Tang Guan smiled, Shangguan Wan'er slowly opened her eyes, and Tang Guan's familiar face came into view.

Suddenly she realized something, her pretty face flushed, Tang Guan put down the quilt, and stopped looking at her.

Shangguan Wan'er got up, yesterday she slept with her clothes on, now she saw that she was neatly dressed, and it was still the same dress stained with traces of blood, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she stared blankly at Tang Guan who turned around and sat back on the chair. What happened last night gave her a splitting headache and she didn't dare to think about it.

But she didn't leave after all, and she didn't die, did she?

The young man in front of her was warmed by the sunshine, looking out the window, Shangguan Wan'er suddenly felt a little embarrassed, she knew that she had slept for a long time.

"Your clothes are dirty. I asked Brother Chang to buy you a new one. I don't know if it fits."

Shangguan Wan'er was taken aback when she heard the words, she looked at Tang Guan taking out her dress and muttering to herself, her face was very natural, then she wanted to speak, but she didn't know how to address Tang Guan.

"Thank me..."

After a long time, he could only falter, but hesitated to speak, Tang Guan put down his dress when he heard the words, looked at her with a smile and said, "You didn't leave, did you?"

Shangguan Wan'er was breathless, she lowered her head silently, she didn't leave, didn't she, was she willing to be his slave, or was she forced by his force.

Until Tang Guan walked towards the bed with his dress in his hand, and smiled at him, "Come down first, Xiao Qi is going to make medicine for you."

After speaking, she stretched out her hand to support Shangguan Wan'er. Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er subconsciously wanted to dodge, but she grabbed her ankle.

Women in the palace never go out, and they don't walk very far, so like Princess Taiping, she rarely wears shoes and socks. Tang Guan grabbed her own ankle, making her heart beat until Tang Guan committed suicide. Gu Zi bent down and took out the flowered shoes from under the bed.

She just came back to her senses, and couldn't help but want to shrink her little feet back and hurriedly said, "I...I will do it myself."

She doesn't know how to resist Tang Guan, and Tang Guan doesn't know the reason for his intentions. Is it really like what Wu Zhao said, does he like himself? Men are lustful, it is their nature, and Wu Zhao doesn't think that Tang Guan's current age will be affectionate to women It can be said, but Shangguan Wan'er and Tang Guan are the same kind of people.

Only people with similar IQs can understand EQ. Shangguan Wan'er always thought that Tang Guan was as smart as herself, and she was even a little afraid of him.

But Tang Guan never thinks how smart he is, if he is smart, Pei Yan will not be punished, if he is smart, Shangguan Wan'er will not be disfigured.

All he has is a supernatural ability to memorize extensive knowledge and a historical impression that can overlook the overall situation.

It was the first time for Tang Guan to put on shoes for a woman. Looking at Shangguan Wan'er's slender, white and tender jade toes, he shook his head and said, "You are my slave. Can the master put shoes on for you even if he wants?"

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Wan'er's complexion darkened. Maybe he just thought it was fun for a while, and when the freshness wore off, when he uncovered the medicine cloth to reveal the scar, and all the beauty in his eyes disappeared, maybe that was the time when he really Becoming a slave begins.

The words "Master and Slave" were too harsh, and Shangguan Wan'er bowed her head silently. She didn't know whether Tang Guan's promise last night was worthless or a promise, and she could only let Tang Guan play with it like a puppet toy.

It wasn't until Tang Guan put one on clumsily that he opened his mouth and said, "Your feet are too small. My grandpa said that for a woman with small feet, it hurts to give birth."

"What?" Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the words.

Tang Guan raised his head and grinned, "My grandfather said that for a woman with small feet, giving birth would be very painful."

This time Shangguan Wan'er heard it clearly, her pretty face turned red in an instant, this kind of boudoir secrets, only husband and wife would talk like this, Tang Guan's paradoxical feelings caught her off guard for a while.

After a long time, he even murmured, "Will you give me to others to have children?"

Tang Guan, who was clumsily putting on the other shoe, froze for a moment, raised his head and asked in doubt: "Why should I give you to others? You are my slave, and if you want to give birth, you will give birth to me."

As soon as this remark came out, Shangguan Wan'er expected it, and she looked at Tang Guan in surprise. The slaves are just private toys, and they are more filthy than prostitutes. One day, relatives and friends will visit, and they will even be used as companions. Shangguan Wan'er didn't leave. Not suicidal, not because of Tang Guan's promise.

It was because of an inexplicable dependence in her heart. The stronger Tang Guan was, the stronger this feeling became. Just like last night, she didn't even have the courage to take three steps forward, but Tang Guan grabbed her.

Now that she stayed, she was ready to be a slave.

After Tang Guan said it, it was as if he was talking about a matter of course, and continued to put his head on her shoes. Shangguan Wan'er was stunned, but also felt ashamed and weird in her heart.

It wasn't until Tang Guan put the other one on that Shangguan Wan'er was afraid that he would leave and said, "I am a slave and cannot have children. You...can you not give me to someone else?"

Shangguan Wan'er is Shangguan Wan'er after all, affection can be thrown away in a blink of an eye, and taking self-interest is the real issue. Last night's promise was too big, and she could completely treat Tang Guan as a whim, but Tang Guan, a literati, once promised, The chances of repenting are slim.

Tang Guan slowly got up and sat beside her, looked at the medicinal cloth on her head, and frowned. Shangguan Wan'er was startled when she saw this, and wanted to bury her head in the bottom, yes, what right did she have to bargain with him.

It is already beyond ordinary people that he can treat himself in such a specious way, and the only face he can be proud of is now gone.

Who knows that a pair of hands quietly embraced her, and Tang Guan didn't want to be paradoxical with her, making this girl feel melancholy, how did Lin Daiyu die?Was consumed alive.

Immediately whispered in his ear: "I'm not talking fart. If I'm here for a day, no one will be able to bully you. You will have children to roam the frontiers, and you will have daughters that are unparalleled in the world."

"You..." Shangguan Wan'er struggled, and Wenyin looked at Tang Guan in horror. She remembered the out-of-the-box voice last night. She thought it was her own illusion, but at this moment the voice was full of gentleness with her eyes. The Tang crowns overlapped.

Tang Guan looked at her with a smile, and the two of them met each other's eyes. Apart from horror, Shangguan Wan'er's eyes also had a trace of joy that she hadn't noticed. (to be continued..)

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