Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 159: Yumata and Yu

"Birth of a son crosses the frontier, and a daughter is incomparable." Tang Guan's soft murmur still echoed in his ears, a kind of domineering and a kind of Tang Guan's unique self-confidence.

Before Shangguan Wan'er came back to her senses, a voice came in.

"Brother Guan, the medicine is ready."

Hearing this voice, Shangguan Wan'er broke free subconsciously, and Tang Guan also stood up, only to see Xiao Qi enter the room carrying two bowls of steaming soup.

This errand was no stranger to him, and he himself had no interest in this bitter medicine, but Tang Guan had almost become a medicine jar along the way.

Shangguan Wan'er was still immersed in Tang Guan's rambling words, her girlish feelings, her love for the first time, and her son's promise, but she couldn't let go of the meaning.

When Xiao Qi entered the door, he looked at Shangguan Wan'er on the bed with rejection in his eyes, but Tang Guan didn't notice the displeasure in Xiao Qi's eyes. He reached out to take the medicine bowl, felt it was hot, and immediately put it on the table.

Seeing this, Xiao Qi stepped forward and whispered, "Brother Guan, why is she still here?"

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at Xiao Qi with a smile that was not a smile. Xiao Qi had changed so much in the past few days that he was a little at a loss, and immediately smiled: "What?"

Xiao Qi opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say, as if she had no reason to reject Shangguan Wan'er, just as if she was born with a wrong eye.

In fact, it is easy to explain after thinking about it. Xiaoqi has accompanied Tang Guan all the way. Tang Guan is like a role model in his eyes. All he saw were the methods behind Tang Guan, but he didn't see how Tang Guan treated the people he respected.

Zeng Jin Tang Guan asked him what he wanted to do in the future, and he once said that he wanted to play with Tang Guan for the rest of his life.Tang Guan must have been moved by such words at the time, but if Tang Guan asked now.It's hard to say what Xiao Qi said.

Man has no desires because of ignorance.After gradually understanding the various benefits that power can bring, suicide will follow.

Xiao Qi lowered his head and his eyes flickered, but it was a pity that Tang Guan had always taken good care of this little brother, and never left any room for him, and he didn't notice that his lowered head looked surprisingly similar to himself!

Fights are everywhere in life, even among relatives and friends, even people like Xiao Qi who believe in Tang Guan as a god, there will be fights.

It's like a harem.If Tang Guan is the emperor, Xiao Qi is the closest foreign minister. In this foreign minister's heart, he has already determined that the queen is the one he prefers, and he also takes good care of him. The outsider who came in.

As for the queen in Xiaoqi's heart, it is undoubtedly Lin Yuxun, and the person who has the best relationship with Xiaohua, whom she has not seen for a long time, is Lin Yuxun.

Of course, these are all due to his subconscious rejection of Shangguan Wan'er, even Xiao Qi can't realize it, whether Tang Guan is a passionate seed has nothing to do with Xiao Qi, but he just thinks what kind of people he admires. companion.There shouldn't be anything like a lover.

To use another analogy, there is a saying of "starchasers" in later generations. In this era, stars are called "actors", but they are just toys.But in later generations, it has become a kind of religious belief, and the fanatical believers even don't hesitate to fight for their so-called idols.Suicide, kneeling.Giving everything, all kinds of incredible phenomena are endless.

Is this sad?No.Because this kind of phenomenon has always existed, it’s just that the objects are constantly changing. It has always existed since the birth of human society.

Tang Guan didn't know what his little brother was thinking, he just thought that he couldn't adapt to the sudden extra female relatives, and seeing him hesitating for a long time without making a sound, he immediately smiled indifferently.

Immediately, he picked up the cool medicine bowl and looked at Shangguan Wan'er, Xiao Qi said: "Brother Guan, this is yours."

Tang Guan frowned when he heard this, and said, "I won't drink this anymore, I'll drink it here and there, it's almost like a medicine pot."

"Hey." Xiao Qi laughed dryly when he heard the sound, he was not Tang Guan's parents and elder brother, so he couldn't force Tang Guan to do anything, on the contrary, whatever Tang Guan did, he would remember it in his heart and imitate it.

Only then did Tang Guan pick up the other one and asked, "Is this the young lady's?"

Xiao Qi looked at Shangguan Wan'er after hearing the words, and nodded reluctantly, Tang Guan then put a slight smile on his lips and took a sip.

"It's a bit bitter, it's too hot." Tang Guan smacked his lips, turned around, walked to Shangguan Wan'er, and sat down slowly.

Ignoring that Xiaoqi was on the side, she moved the spoon in a very intimate manner and said: "Wan'er, drink this medicine and rest."

Shangguan Wan'er, who has been silent all the time, has become even more silent since Xiao Qi entered the room. She is as smart as her. She knows that the young man next to Tang Guan who calls him a brother and brother is also a close person, and she can catch the disgust from his inadvertent eyes.

This can't help but make her heart tremble, her ability to perceive words and emotions is actually no less than Tang Guan, otherwise she would not be able to survive alone in the palace.

Seeing the intimate appearance of the two, Xiao Qi became even more disgusted in her heart, and looked at Shangguan Wan'er coldly without any trace.

There is always one omission in a hundred secrets, and the skynet is full of omissions without omissions. Fascinated, he was shocked as a blessing from heaven, and also paralyzed the world.

In Wu Zhao's mind, there is more than just seven orifices. To say that she is an eight-light prism is to underestimate this woman. Tang Guan can hide her in the dark, so is Tang Guan stronger than her?

The answer is no, Wu Zhao just didn't have the intention to target Tang Guan, nor did he have the intention to do so.

But Tang Guan has never forgotten his photograph since time travel, and he is very talented, but he can't even see through his closest brother, so is Xiaoqi better than Tang Guan?

The answer is also negative. In the same way, when you have all kinds of scheming and all kinds of methods, it is useless to face a person who you have not prepared yourself for at all. This is the reason of Yumata and Yu.

For a while the three young men in the room fell silent, only the sound of Tang Guan moving the spoon and blowing cold from time to time. Surprised, she had seen this flirtatious young man before, except for a handsome face of a man and a woman, there was no other outstanding features.

But it has only been more than ten days, and it seems that this young man has learned to advance and retreat like Tang Guan.

"Okay, you are not afraid of hardship, drink slowly." Tang Guan held the medicine bowl in his hand, scooped out a spoonful and handed it to Shangguan Wan'er's mouth. Shangguan Wan'er was embarrassed when she saw this, and it was obvious that the two were very ambiguous. What is Tang Guan? Thoughts, did not point out.

At this moment, a tall figure walked into the room and saw that Tang Guan was feeding medicine to Shangguan Wan'er, he couldn't help frowning.

Tang Guan also noticed that someone had entered and raised his head.

"Young Lord."

"Brother Chang, what's the matter?"

It was Chang Ying who came, and Xiao Qi's face softened a little when he saw Chang Ying, but Chang Ying glanced at Shangguan Wan'er before stepping forward and whispering: "There are people waiting for you outside."

Hearing this, Tang Guan put down the medicine bowl, got up and said, "Who is it?"

Chang Ying seemed to be wary of Shangguan Wan'er, but he didn't dare to speak out when he heard the words, Tang Guan saw this and said: "Xiaoqi, you help the young lady mix the medicine, I will come as soon as I go."

"Me?" Xiao Qi raised his head when he heard the sound, Tang Guan was taken aback when he saw this, Xiao Qi had always said what he said and did what he said, but today it was a bit strange, but fortunately Xiao Qi murmured in doubt and immediately nodded.

Only then did Tang Guan walk out with Chang Ying.

"Mr. Liang is here."

Chang Ying didn't speak until he reached the corridor.

"Oh?" Tang Guan became interested when he heard the words, "When did you come?"

"Just arrived, waiting in the room."

Hearing this, Tang Guan took a few steps, stopped, touched his chin lightly and said, "Only him?"

Chang Ying didn't dare to call out like Tang Guan, and immediately nodded without saying a word.

Only then did Tang Guan smile and say, "Meet the guest." (To be continued...)

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