Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 160: Take what you need

"Brother, brother is late!"

Before Tang Guan entered the room, a person had already straddled out, making a sound of excitement.

"Duke Liang!" Tang Guan was taken aback when he saw this, and then rushed forward to meet him, with a very affectionate and grievance mixed on his face.

This person is obviously Wu Sansi, and he stepped forward to support Tang Guan, his face was full of sadness and said: "brother, originally my brother came to congratulate you, but the injury on your body, I hate that I was not there at that time, otherwise The old brother would rather suffer a thousand cuts, but also protect the virtuous younger brother, Lang Jun is a god, how can he suffer such a strange humiliation!"

"Damn, it's over, it's almost over." Tang Guan's expression remained unchanged, and he cursed secretly in his heart, the so-called "nothing to go to the Three Treasures Palace", Wu San thought about it, and he could think of what he was doing.

Seeing Wu Sansi's face full of remorse and remorse, Tang Guan immediately pretended to be puzzled and said, "Why do students like it?"

Only then did Wu Sansi stop his sorrow, and walked into the room with Tang Guan. As soon as Tang Guan entered the room, he saw several parcels on the table, and his eyes stayed for a moment so that Wu Sansi could sit opposite him.

Only then did Wu Sansi move those packages and said: "My dear brother, you put away these gadgets. My brother has been busy with business recently, so I have neglected my dear brother."

Hearing the words, Tang Guan glanced at the package on the table without a trace. Officials have some things to say when they meet in private, and some things can't be said. Those who have close personal relationships have secret talks, and those who get together because of business affairs only have eye contact.

Just like now, apart from Tang Guan's pale face, he couldn't see any injuries, but Wu Sansi opened his mouth to tell what happened yesterday, probably because he received some kind of order from Shangfeng.But both of them understood, and only one broke it.The other person understood immediately.

This is also one of the qualities that a Beijing official should have. As for pretending to be confused while pretending to be clear.That is the means.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan nodded secretly, took the package, and said in a low voice, "But Tiangong?"

"That's right, that's right." Wu Sansi nodded when he heard the words, Tang Guan was also sensible, at first he was a little worried that Tang Guan had not been an official in the court for a long time, and he was not familiar with these ways, seeing that he was familiar with them.There is also some tongue left.

"It's a great achievement, and the wealth is infinite!" Wu Sansi whispered excitedly, Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, and then stretched out his hand, silent.

Wu Sansi was taken aback when he saw this, and then a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, then he groped in his bosom and handed a secret letter to Tang Guan.

Apart from the person who wrote this secret letter, currently only three people know it.Two of them are the Wu brothers who were prime ministers, and the other is Tang Guan.

In fact, Tang Guan also secretly observed what officials in the court learned. After all, these things can't be learned by studying, and those who are officials in Beijing.They all adhere to such a style of "talking more, doing less, and using eyebrows. Discuss the line."

The first few sentences are easy to understand, and they are all life-saving here where companions are like companions.What is the causative line behind that needs to be explained.We know that everything has a cause and an effect. Whoever an event happens to and who makes it happen is the cause.

And the reason for being an official in the court is to seek the will of the peak behind his back. Of course, this is a confidential matter, and this is not a secret, but when Wu Zhao is really planning to do it, then there is no It's a secret until it's done.

This "eyebrow" eye contact has been made, and it is the line of discussion. Wu Sansi is not without surprise at Tang Guan's familiar appearance. Although he has been dumbfounded countless times by this son, he still feels incredible every time he meets. .

Even if Tang Guan was a year or two older, Wu Sansi would not feel awkward when he was eleven or twelve years old, but facing a nine-year-old boy with mature behavior always made him a little awkward .

Tang Guan reached out to take the secret letter, opened it, and began to read it carefully, but suddenly his heart moved. He was not interested in what was written on it. The so-called plan before acting, he could think of this matter long before offering the plan. Who will really do it, now there is no Feng Xiaobao for the time being, it will only be Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi, the two closest people to Wu Zhao.

You must know that what he wrote is a bright hall in historical materials. It can be said that except for a few changes that cannot be clearly remembered, there is not much difference in the rest. According to the scale he designed, it cannot be completed without a labor force of tens of thousands.

Not to mention the urgency in Wu Zhao's heart at this time, Tang Guan also knew clearly, where the tens of thousands of labors were transferred, how to distribute them, and how to coordinate among the ministries, these were not up to him as a small sixth-rank official. of.

"If it can be completed within a year, it will cost more than tens of thousands of labor." Tang Guan stared at the secret letter thoughtfully, and what attracted him most was the limit.

It is already April at this time, that is to say, if the construction is completed before December, the tens of thousands of labor force of that scale is a bit stretched, so it is estimated that there will be only a lot more.

Thinking of this, not only did Tang Guan's scalp tingle, he only knew the function of the Central Committee, but he still didn't know exactly how it worked.

Seeing Tang Guan's pensive look, Wu Sansi said in a low voice, "What do you think, Mr. Xiaolang?"

Tang Guan came back to his senses when he heard the words, handed the secret letter back to Wu Sansi, and said with a smile: "The students are entangled in family affairs and official affairs, but they are loyal to the Queen of Heaven. It is really regrettable to hear the case of Tiangong from the visiting minister occasionally."

Hearing this, Wu Chengsi became serious. He was also curious about where Tang Guan found out about Ming Tang, and he suddenly handed over the plan that had been debated by the Jinshi before.

Tang Guan's words are also true and false. He is indeed not an idler now. The new house outside the city is just around the corner. A letter from home has not yet been answered. The Hongwen Museum will open in June. At this time, there is another Shangguan Wan'er Need to work on it.

Thinking of Shangguan Wan'er, Tang Guan also had a headache. This was an unexpected harvest, and it was not a surprise to say that he was surprised. After all, he didn't have any bad thoughts about her before, so he wanted to welcome Lin Yuxun to Beijing to keep his heart.

Confidante is called disaster water in this era. Although this is a kind of discrimination and men shirking responsibility, it is still the same sentence.

Beauty and misfortune destroy all heroes. In the past, there was King Zhou You who laughed at the beauties and played with the princes. At first, when Tang Guan had feelings for Lin Yuxun, he also had such terrible thoughts. Later, Wu Sangui became a beauty in anger. Guan was also not sure if he would dominate one side one day and would do such a thing if he moved to another place.

Whether these things are true or not, we will not comment, but the deeds are indeed passed on word of mouth, and no matter how many false stories are spread, they will become true.

The sudden addition of Shangguan Wan'er made Tang Guan feel pity for her, but he also felt a little headache. Whether he was strong and domineering to the end, just foolishly treating this girl as a slave, or going with the flow, it depends on the situation.

After all, in terms of feelings, Tang Guan's sympathy for Shangguan Wan'er is greater than love, and it is more of a responsibility arising from guilt. This is Tang Guan's ruthlessness, and Xiaoqi has not seen the responsibility, regardless of the development experience of the East and the West. They are all surprisingly similar, because the structure of the body has created a patriarchal society that spanned the feudal history of human beings.

In addition to the corresponding glory, responsibility is also born, so that under the materialistic desires of later generations, the great sense of responsibility and powerlessness of men makes many people at a loss.

Gossip aside, the most troublesome thing for Tang Guan is that if Lin Yuxun can come here happily, the two daughters will have some conflicts when they meet again. Maybe Lin Yuxun's feelings are hazy, but he just relies on Tang Guan and has mutual affection for Shangguan. Wan'er wouldn't mind either.

But just like Shangguan Wan'er couldn't figure out what Tang Guan wanted to do, Tang Guan also couldn't figure out the needle in a woman's heart, and he didn't know where Shangguan Wan'er fell in love.

The two have known each other for only a few months, and Shangguan Wan'er is not a gentle jade like Lin Yuxun. It can be said that without Tang Guan, her growth trajectory is surprisingly fast. She was in charge of the palace at the age of 14, and she began to participate in the distribution of power after two years , After another two years, he will be honored and be able to stand on his own.

In just a few years, she has transformed from a servant who was pardoned into the palace to a woman who can call the wind and rain. This kind of woman is not what Tang Guan imagined.

Originally, Tang Guan just wanted to witness the various characters of this era, but he didn't expect that they were entangled with each other now, and what he didn't expect was that he had become the strong side, insisting on being strong, so he still found a way to give her a free way out and let her go on the road to success. On track?

Thinking of the entanglement, Tang Guan also felt a little restless, and Wu Sansi beside him saw that Tang Guan hadn't finished speaking and fell into deep thought, thinking that he was thinking about business, so he didn't dare to disturb him.

After a long time, seeing that Tang Guan seemed to be sluggish, he couldn't help saying: "Xiao Langjun, Xiao Langjun."

Tang Guan regained consciousness after hearing the words, looked up at Wu Sansi and said, "Sorry, the student is distracted."

Wu Sansi was slightly embarrassed, and asked: "Then?"

Tang Guan was in a state of desperation, and he didn't want to entangle with Wu Jialang any longer, so he said immediately: "Everyone takes what they need, and each takes what they need."

Wu Sansi was taken aback when he heard the words, but then he said happily, "How do you explain it?"

"The student's new residence is coming soon." Tang Guan didn't explain when he heard this, but changed a topic instead.

Wu Sansi frowned when he heard the words, and then suddenly said: "Old brother has an old secret, and he has not used it since he brought it. If you are a good brother, you will not dislike it." (Note: furniture)

"Thank you."

"Then next?" Wu Sansi asked again in a low voice.

"Hongwen Museum will open soon, the students are young, I'm afraid..."

"There are old husbands and friends working in the door, so you can be your apprentice."

"Thank you." Tang Guan cupped his hands when he heard the words.

The two answered questions one by one, the answers were not what they asked, and the questions were not answered, but Wu Sansi made promises one after another, which must sound strange to others, but the two of them knew very well that this was the end of the discussion.

It wasn't until Tang Guan stopped talking that Wu Sansi stretched out his hand silently. Seeing this, Tang Guan smiled, and took out a piece of paper from his bosom, and handed it to him while saying, "Then, I'll take care of it."

"Obviously, clearly, Mr. Lang's name must be on top of it."

"Happy together."


The conversation between the two ended there, until Wu Sansi disappeared, the smile on Tang Guan's face faded a little bit, and he said coldly: "Do you think you can get rid of me like this?"

Tang Guan's eyes flashed a few strange lights again, but he didn't notice a young man outside the door holding an empty bowl, quietly looking at Tang Guan and muttering to himself, then nodded secretly, and walked away quietly. (To be continued..)

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