Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 161: The Murder Case Caused by Stones

After seeing Wu Sansi off, Tang Guan pondered for a moment, and then unwrapped the package on the table with great interest. It is human nature to reciprocate courtesy, and what he gave Wu Sansi was none other than the Mingtang design.

According to the original plan, this matter was an excellent opportunity to get close to Shangguan Wan'er, but now the goal has been achieved, but the effect is very different. It can be said that Shangguan Wan'er can hardly provide any real help to Tang Guan. to help her.

When Tang Guan unwrapped the package thoughtfully, his eyes froze for a moment, then he shook his head and smiled slightly.

"It seems that he doesn't know much." Tang Guan touched his chin and looked at the things on the table. One of the things that smelled like a silky powder was full of women's hairpins and delicate gouache. Wu Sansi really had a heart. Three packages They were all ingenious, and Tang Guan was a little surprised when he just opened one.

But it also let Tang Guan catch a message, that is, Wu Sansi knew that he excused Shangguan Wan'er from being injured, and also knew that Shangguan Wan'er was given to be his slave, but he didn't know that Shangguan Wan'er was forced to disfigure her.

Tang Guan smiled slightly, and didn't take it seriously. In fact, the officials in the salary will also give these things to the palace during the festivals.

This man from the Wu family is shrewd but not forceful. It doesn't matter if he doesn't participate in the tragic affairs of the country, but he is an indispensable figure for Wu Zhao and Tang Guan. Those who work hard are also the ones who benefit the most.

This is for Wu Zhao, so for Tang Guan, the two prime ministers of the Wu family in the field are indeed like gift messengers. It is not uncommon to search Chang'an and want to make friends with Tang Guan, which shows that they are eager to try.After all, Tang Guan is a favored minister between a loose official and a senior official, and few people are so arrogant that they want to be like a handsome minister to offend a person who does not provoke them.It offended the frightened Xiangrui.

In the final analysis, few people dared to come to curry favor so blatantly, since Tang Guan entered Beijing.The two tried their best, but they got along with Tang Guan based on the principle that children are easy to coax. This was a mistake from the beginning. Although the two of them were shocked by Tang Guan's erudition and maturity, they still didn't take him seriously. .

This is also the genius of Tang Guan. He is not black and white like Pei Yan.

Tang Guan shook his head and smiled, and untied the other one.This time the smile froze.

"This is?" Tang Guan frowned, but then he relaxed again, temporarily pushing this package aside, and stretched out his hand to untie the third one.

Immediately, there was a smell of medicine, Tang Guan took a closer look at the package and closed it, and found that the third one contained some unknown medicinal materials. Tang Guan knew the classics of geography, astrology, divination and Confucianism, but he had never learned about this cheap medical skill. Heart, one is that what he learns is useless.Second, Chinese medicine has always cherished itself.

Tang Guan closed the package, and then took the second one again. The second one was empty, with only a red and green stone lying in it.Tang Guan picked it up and narrowed his eyes slightly under the sunlight.

"The handwriting is not small, it should be something from the palace." Tang Guan looked at the gems shining brightly in the sunlight.Among them, there are also sizes and roundness, and Wu Chengsi is more skilled than Wu Sansi in Jianbao.This is not to say that Wu Sansi doesn't love treasures, it's just that he prefers to appreciate women.There is no Wu Chengsi fanaticism.

Three parcels, gouache Qiluo, famous medicine and ancient branch, in terms of value, this gemstone is the most expensive, Tang Guan played with the gemstone in his hand, and muttered with wandering eyes: "Why do I always feel that something is missing."

The sun was dazzling, Tang Guan withdrew his gaze, and stared blankly at the gemstone in front of him. It was not because he was complacent about getting this kind of property, but because he was a little puzzled.

"Mingtang can make people all over the world worship and make her the last emperor who has sat in Mingtang for thousands of years, so what makes her an emperor?"

Tang Guan was holding the warm gem, Wu Zhao's kick at the door, and Li Tang's family's abnormal calmness made Tang Guan a little puzzled.

After staring at the gem in his hand for a long time, Tang Guan put it away and got up to go out.

At this time, outside the Daming Palace, a middle-aged businessman stood tremblingly in front of the palace gate.

I saw him bowing his head in silence, waiting for the soldiers in the palace to come forward.

But he stood there for a long time, but no one came to ask him. When he wanted to raise his head, a strange voice sounded.

"Is it that you want to offer a treasure?"

The businessman immediately lowered his head when he heard the sound and said, "Yes, the villain Tang Tongtai from Yongzhou."

He didn't pause in his speech, as if he had been preparing for a long time, he waited for someone to ask, and the person who asked the question also noticed the haste of his tone, frowned and said: "Your Majesty, not everyone can see it."

"The villain understands, but the villain has a treasure to offer, and it is a gift from God. The villain dare not keep it privately, so I come here to offer it."

"Oh? You raise your head and let the miscellaneous family take a look."

"Yes." The businessman who claimed to be Tang Tongtai raised his head when he heard the words, and looked at the speaker with curiosity in his eyes. He couldn't help being surprised, but he didn't dare to show any expression on his face.

Ordinary people like him have never seen people in the palace, and eunuchs are even more distant to them. When they saw the old eunuch in front of them, they were surprised and a little scared at the same time.

The father-in-law frowned and looked at Tang Tongtai. Seeing that he was fat and big-eared and tall, but he was kind and friendly, he nodded slightly and said, "It looks a little bad, but it's not scary."

The eunuch's voice was sharp, and Tang Tongtai was terrified, and his hands in his sleeves couldn't help tightening. There was something in his sleeves, which was the key to his coming, and it was also the wealth that had to be released when the arrow hit the string.

At least when he thought about it, it was wealth, and for a moment he felt uneasy, for fear that the eunuch would make things difficult for him and prevent him from even entering the door.

It was mid-afternoon at this time, and the sun was shining, pulling the palace out of a huge shadow. Tang Tongtai was in the shadow, but his spine was chilling, and he couldn't help shivering

"Take out the things." The eunuch said lightly, since today, there are many people who make a plan to promote talents, go to the Ministry of Officials or even want to go to the palace to recommend themselves, but this offering of treasures is rare.

When Tang Tongtai heard the sound, he subconsciously wanted to take out the things in his sleeves, but he immediately turned his mind to the order of the person before, and said immediately: "Elder-in-law, what the villain wants to offer is a treasure, and it is a matter of general importance."

When the eunuch saw that Tang Tongtai hesitated to say these words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily, "I think you are courting death!"

Tang Tongtai's move was out of desperation, the forbidden area of ​​the imperial palace, he was already half dead if he could step into the imperial city, if he couldn't produce something, he would be no different from a dead man.

Tang Tongtai's tongue was also tied up immediately, and he secretly cried out, his face turned pale for a moment, but fortunately, he was not slow to react, and immediately said: "Elder-in-law, wait a minute."

While talking, he gently pulled the eunuch's sleeve, and stuffed something to the eunuch without a trace, the eunuch touched the thing in his hand, and was slightly taken aback.

Then he looked at Tang Tongtai with a smile, and said in a low voice: "You want a Hu Guan? Once you enter this palace, you can't get out." (Note: slang, lie)

Tang Tongtai immediately replied after hearing the words: "No, no, I really have a treasure."

Hearing the words, the eunuch looked Tang Tongtai up and down, weighing the things he gave him, and then he was still a little worried: "You go, today is not a day, go home, this place is not where you should come."

Tang Tongtai's feet were like lead, he wanted to leave, but he would die if he turned around, he might as well go forward and fight hard, the two of them were deadlocked outside the palace for a while, fortunately there were no redundant people around.

Only a few soldiers on the city wall looked suspiciously. (To be continued..)

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