Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 162: The Murder Case Caused by Stones

Some people know the result of an event, but they are surprised by the process of the event. It is the same when people are alive. It is like knowing that people will die, but after living a lifetime, no one can predict what will happen.

The same is true for Tang Tongtai who is standing outside the palace. He is a typical businessman, blinded by profit, and has done cheap business all his life. He has some furniture, but he dare not spend it everywhere. He is not Tang Weixi, and he does not have such a big hand.

As for whether the fortune in the sleeve is true or not, only he knows.

But the person who prompted him to do this, if he said it was true, it would be true, and if he said it was false, he would be false. He only knew that he was going to meet someone who he would not even dare to think about in his life.

The inspector in front of him was his first test. He followed every word and every expression strictly according to what that person said, but just like the preface, this process was beyond his imagination.

The old eunuch looked Tang Tongtai up and down, offering treasures, seeing the Queen of Heaven?

Who is the queen of heaven, that is a more noble existence than the emperor, let alone not letting this person in, even if he did let him in, he would not be able to see it most of the time.

Then where to donate his treasures, it is naturally donated to the collection agency. If you are lucky, it may reach the ears of the Queen of Heaven. If you are not lucky, you will give it for nothing.

But he weighed the things in his hands, and hesitated a bit. Eunuchs have eunuchs' rules, so this is not a big deal, but he just moved a few steps, entered the imperial prison to report a few words, put it in and put it in.

Looking at his attire and the two different shoes and socks on his feet, one can tell that this is a genuine traveling merchant. We will not mention how harsh and contemptuous he is for merchants at this time, but since the Northern and Southern Dynasties The rule that businessmen can't wear the same style of shoes and socks is preserved in some places.

"What kind of thief are you doing?"

Finally hesitated for a moment and asked aloud.There is no politeness in the words, and it is true that the speculative, flat-headed businessman is despised by others.

"Wine. Wine." Tang Tongtai raised his head and said immediately when he saw his voice.While talking, he pointed to the flat car not far away.

The old eunuch glanced at the words and nodded slightly when he saw that the small altar was still tied with a wine trough.

The two of them had been standing here for some time, the old eunuch quietly glanced at the palace guard, nodded and said: "Come with me, remember, don't look around, don't move around."

"Thank you, thank you, father-in-law. Thank you, father-in-law." Tang Tongtai nodded with ecstasy when he heard the words.

The eunuch frowned when he saw this, it seemed that this man really got some great treasure, he immediately turned and started.

Tang Tongtai followed closely behind, but when he reached the gate of the palace, he was stopped by the left and right. Tang Tongtai was anxious when he saw this, and looked at the eunuch who was already standing inside, not without anger. The old eunuch took his money but Can't help myself.

Just when he was about to cry out.The old eunuch looked back and said, "You can't go here, go there."

The soldiers on the left and right were tall and mighty, and they held sharp weapons of cold light. Tang Tongtai was already afraid in his heart.At this time, his feet were even weaker, and he couldn't move in front of the palace gate before he entered.

I was stunned for a moment.The old eunuch was impatient and was about to speak out again, when Tang Tongtai immediately walked towards the city gate on the right.The widest sky gate in the middle is closed tightly, and only the city gate on the right is open.

Tang Tongtai looked for the direction but was stopped again.His body was bloated, although he was tall, he was puffy, and he was knocked to the ground.

The soldiers on the left and right did not blink, and pointed to the right coldly. Tang Tongtai hurriedly got up and followed the direction he pointed, only to see a small door on the far right.

Tang Tongtai was taken aback when he saw this, then walked over in a daze, and didn't recover until he reached the door.

"This..." Tang Tongtai looked at the small door in front of him dumbfoundedly. There were still soldiers guarding it, but this door could not be called a door, it could be described as a hole.

It looks like a small hole opened on the city wall, occupying a very small area, just like a dog hole, Tang Tongtai scanned it around, and this is what he wanted to talk about.

He doesn't understand the rules in the palace, just like Tang Guan who came here for the first time and wanted to break through the left door. In royal buildings, the center line is respected, the left line is the most expensive, and the right line is the cheapest. Walking in the palace is also the same. The rules are in order, which way to go, and who can cross that line are all particular. The doorway in front of Tang Tongtai is as cheap as it can be.

Even Tang Guan didn't notice that there was an entrance here, but Tang Tongtai didn't understand this, he just thought it would be good if he could go in, so he moved his body slowly.

The soldiers on both sides turned a blind eye to him. He was obese and looked a little funny wearing a small door. It took a lot of effort to barely turn sideways.

When he came over, the old eunuch was already standing in front of him, frowning at him and saying: "Take off your shoes."

Tang Tongtai had just squeezed through, and before he could react, he was ordered like this, but he didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly took off his shoes, rubbed his feet, and wanted to follow up with his shoes.

Seeing this, the old eunuch stopped, and said angrily, "Throw it into the brazier!"

"Ah?" Tang Tongtai was puzzled and let out a soft ah.

"Ah, what, throw your dirty shoes into the brazier." The eunuch said again, and the two of them had some distance, but the old eunuch still acted as if he couldn't bear it, covered his mouth and nose and pointed at a tall building in front of the door with one hand. A tall brazier.

The basin was placed on the stone platform, two on the left and one on the left. Tang Tongtai was still puzzled, and whispered: "These are new shoes, they are not dirty."

"Nonsense!" The eunuch yelled, and the two soldiers over there looked over in unison. The door was unknown, but they all knew who the door was for.

When Tang Tongtai saw the soldier approaching, he was quite clever, and hurriedly put the shoes on, watching his shoes turn into ashes with a bit of distress. You must know that he specially made a new pair of shoes in order to meet the mythical man .

Seeing this, the old eunuch eased his brows and turned away. Although Tang Tongtai was puffy, he had rough skin and thick flesh, and he followed closely with bare feet.

The path was quite thorny, which made his face extremely exciting, but he gritted his teeth and held back, not daring to make a sound.

When the two of them were about to walk in front of the three main gates, the eunuch stopped, turned his head and said: "Kneel at three steps, kowtow at five steps, and I will tell you to stop, so you can stop, do you understand?"

Tang Tongtai was startled when he heard the words, but the old eunuch didn't say any more, turned around and left, he hurriedly followed behind, and secretly glanced at the three standing city gates.

Then he turned his head but was suddenly stunned, the majestic palace in front of him almost stopped his breath, what he was facing was the Hanyuan Hall where hundreds of officials came to court.

Tang Tongtai stared blankly at this majestic palace like a heavenly palace above nine heavens, deeply shocked and unable to extricate himself.

He was a traveling merchant, he had seen many things in his life, but this palace was a place he had never dared to think about, so he froze in place for a while.

The old eunuch walked for a long time and found no one behind him, turned around and saw Tang Tongtai was stunned in place, and said anxiously: "You fool, why are you standing there, don't hurry up."

Tang Tongtai, however, stared straight at the direction of Hanyuan Hall. He could only see the corners and was shocked. It is not difficult to imagine how he would lose his composure after seeing the whole picture of Dan Bi.

It's a pity that he didn't have this chance for the time being. He didn't come back to his senses when he heard the scolding. He didn't come back to his senses until he felt a sharp pain on his cheek.

The old eunuch turned back and slapped him directly. Tang Tongtai only felt pain when he recovered, but there was no trace of anger in his heart.

"Kneel at three steps, knock at five steps, you know?" the old eunuch said again, his tone full of sternness.

Tang Tongtai nodded upon hearing the sound, not daring to look at the palace again, following the old eunuch's words, he kowtowed after walking a few steps.

The old eunuch walked in front, and Tang Tongtai kowtowed as he walked behind with bare feet, his forehead was a little red and swollen, but there was no other expression on his face except shock.

Just like it's natural to kowtow, he should kowtow, he's just a bitch.

We often say that scholars, farmers, and businessmen were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in ancient times, and ordinary people looked down on businessmen, let alone the rulers who created all these.

If it were an ordinary farmer with Xin Jingong, there would not be such a weird scene, but if Tang Guan saw this situation, he would not be curious why there were private salt dealers who rose up in the late Tang Dynasty.

A small and smart businessman like Tang Tongtai doesn't have the courage. He just wants to marry a wife from a good family and carry on the family line, but as a businessman, even this extravagant hope is somewhat difficult.

As long as she is a woman from a good family with parents, no matter how poor she is, being a concubine is better than marrying a businessman as a wife.

Tang Guan is actually thankful that Tang Weixi is a fake businessman, doing private business under the brand of a state-owned enterprise. Although some people did catch the talk, it hasn't had much impact at this time.

Speaking of Tang Guan, he was lucky. His appearance was extremely sudden, and his rise was also lightning fast. When the person who should stop him came to his senses, it was too late.

With Tang Guan's current status, he is really a son of a merchant family, and no one will use this to confront him. That's not smart, it's cute.

There is a saying that "a hero does not ask where he comes from."

This is actually the opposite. The premise of not asking the source is that you have already become a hero, so no one asks.

Speaking of this, I have to say that among the scholars, farmers, businessmen, apart from the royal family, they are the most expensive and unspeakable professional scholars. We reluctantly attribute people who participated in politics through alternative channels to scholars, including eunuchs and generals. The treatment of businessmen is completely different.

As a result, when courtesy multiplied to its peak, the wonderful treatment of not killing scholars in the Song Dynasty was born. Of course, this refers to civil servants, but it is also a highlight. As for whether to kill in the open or in the dark, let’s put it aside for the time being. There is such a saying that it exists. in accordance with.

Tang Tongtai was barefoot, as if on a pilgrimage, knocking on all kinds of meat and eight vegetables, but he felt that he was getting closer and closer to that wealth, and the first human body was pitifully small.

When he was a little lost, the old eunuch finally said: "Okay, get up."

Tang Tongtai stood up unsteadily after hearing the sound, but he didn't dare to look around. He knocked all the way for a while, and only barely stopped when he got out of the square of Hanyuan Hall. (To be continued..) (To be continued..)

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