Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 166: The Murder Case Caused by Stones

ps: I'm cheating, I'm sorry everyone! !I did not do it on purpose! !

"Old general, this robe is a bit old."

Cheng Wuting handed over the robe to Wang Gonggong, and Wang Gonggong stretched out his hand to take it as if he didn't want to make a sound, but there was no other information in his eyes, but Cheng Wuting, including everyone present, shook their heads in their hearts when they heard this.

Every word and deed of the personal prisoner in public is controlled by the remote control of the person behind him. Cheng Wuting shook his head secretly, then turned and entered the cabinet without pausing.

Everyone looked at his back, some were meditating, some were gloating, but there were also a few people with strange eyes. Although the statues offered by Lingyan Pavilion were both civil and military, it is undeniable that these people participated in the founding war regardless of civil or military. Among them, strictly speaking, they are all of military origin.

It's just that there are advisers and generals. From this point of view, it is understandable that this place is regarded as a holy place by the soldiers. After all, it is said that learning the arts and martial arts well and selling them to the emperor's family is such an honor. It can be said that this life has no regrets.

And most of these people's fates have also ended well. Except for Changsun Wuji, who met Wu Zhao, the others did not suffer from the sad ending of Liang Gongzang.

Drama is full of Wu Zhao's life, and everyone present is well acquainted with this woman's temperament. Summoning Cheng Wuting in this Lingyan Pavilion seems to have some murderous intentions, but it is not completely.

It wasn't until Cheng Wuting passed the threshold and turned into the pavilion that everyone looked away and continued to chat without saying a word. Wu Chengsi's eyes were still playful. Cheng Wuting's appearance was indeed a surprise to him, but there was a lot of joy in the accident. feel.

Then he quietly glanced around the corner, and saw that there was still no one there.He couldn't help frowning slightly, and then he was puzzled.

And in Lingyan Pavilion.Cheng Wuting walked very slowly, it's not like he hasn't been to this place before.To be precise, it should be the place where Shang often came to watch from afar when he was still working in the palace.

Among the generals with the surname Cheng, the most famous one is Cheng Zhijie. Although they have the same surname, they are not of the same clan. The sound of metal rubbing.

It was normal for the generals in the palace to bring their armor to see him, but Cheng Wuting was a frontier general.He didn't even leave his armor, it seemed that he didn't pay much attention, and he was going to leave when he saw it.

As Cheng Wuting walked, he looked around quietly, when he walked around the screen, he saw the back of the woman standing here, clasped his fists and said: "The last general, Cheng Wuting, see the Queen of Heaven."

There is no one else for this woman, it is Wu Zhao who came here for unknown reasons.At this time, her eyes no longer looked left and right, but held a document in her hand, quietly looking at the pillars in the pavilion, as if she was in a trance.

Until Cheng Wuting made a sound.Wu Zhao just came back to his senses but did not turn around and said, "Old General, you are here."

When Cheng Wuting heard this long-lost female voice, he was wary.I felt a little helpless, the voice was like magic.It is true that Wu Zhao's voice is good in conversation, although it is not as clear and clear as Princess Taiping who was similar to her when she was young.But the years brought her not only mellowness, but also a special power.

Cheng Wuting hadn't seen Wu Zhao for some years, so he was familiar yet unfamiliar with this voice.

Therefore, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said: "The end is coming."

It seems that Wu Zhao's dialogue with these old friends has always been surprisingly simple, because both parties know it well, just like talking with Pei Yan, a simple sentence, you are here, I am here, that sums it up.

"Old general, I haven't seen you for some years."

As soon as the words fell, Wu Zhao turned around slowly, and Cheng Wuting hurriedly lowered his head. He knew that this woman was very beautiful, and a woman who could fascinate Gaozong Li Zhi with charms was certainly not too bad. Yan is also different, Pei Yan Qingtang's character of few desires has been formed since he was young, but Cheng Wu is quite different, he is a martial artist, he has been in the army for a long time, and he is not a saint in his bones.

Pei Yan can ignore Wu Zhao's beauty, but he can't. One advantage of women is that they look passive. In fact, their natural appearance is a kind of capital.

In other words, Wu Zhao can be regarded as the most successful and the only time when Wu Zhao used the posture of a troublesome harem as a beauty, and it was the only time. It can be said that the entire Wu Zhou dynasty was full of drama and humor.

Of course, this is her essence, and it is undeniable, and it has amazed the people of later generations and caused a lot of discussion.

Cheng Wuting bowed his head and said nothing, Wu Zhao covered his mouth and smiled when he saw this, "Old General, you are as shy as you were when you were young."

Wu Zhao's voice was charming and charming, and the tone of the conversation was unusually relaxed, but the more this was the case, the more vigilant Cheng Wuting was, and now he was indeed a polished commander.

Although the Turkic people had only had some friction over the years, Cheng Wuting had always been cautious. The reason why he was able to join the general was that he shined brilliantly in the war against the Turkic people. This was also the time when Pei Yan and him met.

Sure enough, after Wu Zhao laughed, Cheng Wuting slowly raised his head, looked at Wu Zhao's familiar face, and lowered his head again: "Dare to ask the Empress Dowager what is important?"

Hearing this, Wu Zhao put away her smile, looked at Cheng Wuting for a while, seemed to think of something, but then changed her mind and asked, "Is there any change in the barbarian?"

"There is nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about."

Cheng Wuting's words were concise and capable. Hearing this, he felt certain. He knew that this woman could find no reason to target him. A man with a family and a job.

Although he doesn't take root like civil servants, and can quickly reproduce a family political force, but he is no longer as desperate as when he was a bachelor.

Wu Zhao nodded lightly when he heard the words, then looked around and said, "If that's the case, that's fine."

What she said had no end, and Cheng Wuting was also a little confused, and raised his head again, only to see Wu Zhao opened the Chinese book in his hand again, looked at it and said: "I need a group of slaves."

Cheng Wuting was startled when he heard the words, glanced at the document in Wu Zhao's hand without any trace, and said, "Master of the Household Department is waiting outside."

Hearing this, Wu Zhao turned over the document, and slowly stretched out her jade hand in front of Cheng Wuting. Seeing this, Cheng Wuting bowed to take the document, and then started to read it.

"Mingtang!" Cheng Wuting just opened it, and he was shocked. This document is like no other. It is the Mingtang plan written by Tang Guan. I just memorized a rough idea.

Moreover, the original copy was obviously in his own hands, and it had already been transferred to Wu Sansi. Unexpectedly, Wu Zhao would write a copy in just a few glances.

We don't know if Wu Zhao can really have a photographic memory like Tang Guan, but looking at all the things she has experienced, it is not difficult to find that this woman cannot be like Tang Guan, no matter what she looks at, she will not forget it, but is optional.

She will not forget the things she cares about even if she turns into ashes, but she will not remember the things she doesn't care about when she thinks about it. If Tang Guan is said to be very talented, then she can only be regarded as a habit.

Cheng Wuting frowned and looked at the Chinese book in his hand. He was just like Chang Ying. Although he was literate, he couldn't understand too complicated sentences, but he could probably understand it at a glance.

The scheme designed by Tang Guan can be described as magnificent to the limit. When he talked with Wu Sansi, the heavenly palace can be summed up. The Mingtang in history is indeed a building that crosses the era and should not exist in the world.

It is difficult to build it with the resources and material resources of later generations, and no one will be idle to repair it, but it is different now. This Mingtang is the symbol of her Wu Zhao authority, and the emperor has not completed it for hundreds of years. Goal, she accomplished.

Facing such a powerful Wu Zetian and such a fierce Wu Zhao, who would dare to deny that the one sitting in the bright hall is not the emperor? (To be continued..)

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