Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 167: The Murder Case Caused by Stones

I made a low-level mistake in the previous chapter, and copied it twice by hand. I apologize to the book friends who subscribed. Everyone calm down, and I will not make similar mistakes again.


Cheng Wu frowned and stared at the Chinese book in his hand, while Wu Zhao was not far away from him, looking at him with a half-smile.

We know that Xiumingtang is not the only thing that Wu Zhao wants to do. This thing is like Taishan Fengchan. It seems useless, but as long as it is done, it will have unexpected results.

The two things that the emperors of all dynasties yearn for the most, the first thing is to enshrine Zen in Mount Tai, and the second thing is that the emperor sits in the Mingtang, because according to the description in the Confucian classics of Chinese studies, the Mingtang is the residence where the emperor issues edicts, and Wu Zhao is realized in the hearts of the people. Halfway through the road of self-deification, Tang Guan followed suit, saying to the point, indeed, no emperor is more eager to be recognized than Wu Zhao today.

In other words, she desires to gain something other than the awe of the world, which is admiration. She just wants to be logical and rule the world as a woman naturally.

Mingtang is a good start, but it is far from enough. Tang Guan, as an insider of history, knows the major events that happened during this period of time. Although some people don't know the details, it is not difficult to really start to do it. , Of course, he doesn't know everything, such as why the peaceful Li Tang clan suddenly rebelled.

Speaking of this, the importance of the Mingtang is self-evident to Wu Zhao, and the luxury of such an important building is no longer limited to the proposal submitted by Tang Guan based on his impression.

It's like architectural design, and the design plan is made into drawings.Then start building, after completion.Often the designer himself can't believe it, this is what he designed.

This is the difference between imagination and reality.What's more, even Tang Guan didn't even think about it, and just copied it directly. He himself was not sure whether Wu Zhou Mingtang in history was exaggerating.

If it was really an exaggeration, then Tang Guan would be relieved instead, at least he provided an idea, which was the first step to please Wu Zhao, and then there would be a second step, and the third step could be taken.

If the plan was really designed according to the plan he provided, I'm afraid Tang Guan himself would feel chills down his spine.This building, which has been written down like a sacred heavenly palace, will be built within a few months. This is not a tofu project, and it makes one's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

Even Tang Guan, who provided this plan, thought so. Cheng Wuting, as an outsider, was horrified when he got this plan at first, and his face turned livid in an instant.

It has not been a day or two since Mingtang has been on hold, since he was still in court.When Emperor Gaozong was still around, this woman had been thinking about it, and there were many reasons for her being stranded. On the one hand, the Jinshi who seconded the court and the middle school could disagree with each other.Even if it is repaired, it will not be discussed in a short while.

This is still something to support, and if there is support, there will be opposition. A group of officials including Pei Yan are not in the minority.Therefore, it has been stranded so far.

Now that Wu Zhao is in power, at least the stumbling blocks on the surface can be removed.Whether it is intimidation or temptation.Her majesty has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although Tang Guan didn't know how Li Tang's family rebelled, he knew that their rebellion ended in a nonsensical and funny way. Before it started, a traitor appeared. There was no other reason. How would Wu Zhao punish himself?

Wu Zhao is moody. As we all know, Shangguan Wan'er was forced to disfigure her face when she disagreed with her words. Xi Ma Pei, who has been in power since the ancient Han Dynasty, was uprooted overnight and dispersed all over the place.

This is not counting the two old prime ministers who suddenly resigned and returned home. It would be good if they knew something, but those who didn't know would think that Liu and Guo were directly dealt with secretly.

Such a powerful woman wants to build a heavenly palace that should not exist in the human world. As Cheng Wuting, who is at odds with Zeng Jin, thinks in her heart, we won't describe it too much, it can be described in one sentence.

That is, the general situation is over, Cheng Wuting stared at the Chinese book in his hand and read it over and over again. He didn't know how to read and recognize people, but he had tens of thousands of elite soldiers under his command, but he had murderous intentions in his heart.

Naturally, this murderous intent was not aimed at Wu Zhao in front of him. Cheng Wu was quite calm and didn't stand up to save Pei Yan, but he knew that the general situation was over, and it was enough for Pei Yan not to die. The heavy burden of not going away, Pei Yan controlled the three provinces, and the power was lost for a while, he was removed, and the governors of the three provinces immediately replaced him, which had nothing to do with the state affairs and the people.

However, he was born in a military family, and he followed his father to fight everywhere when he was young. He has seen many common people on the frontier, and their lives are vivid in his memory.

Undoubtedly, although Pei Yan and Cheng Wuting have both literary and military skills, they are both from aristocratic families and have a special sense of honor. Cheng Wuting is still okay and takes pride in being brave, but Pei Yan cares about the hearts of the people.

Now that the famous generals have withered away, he is the only one who has fought fiercely with the Turks all year round. It would be a lie to say that he is not tired. We can get a general understanding of this person's temperament by citing a sentence from the official history of Tang Dynasty.

"Being brave and powerful, you have the father's style. When you are heroic and assisted, you will succeed Hong Lie. However, if you don't plan to abolish the establishment, you will fall into the slander. The ancient saying goes: 'When evil comes, it is like a fire that ignites the original. Not to you.' It's what it means!

This sentence is very easy to understand, and it is also the basis for Tang Guan's impression of everyone. He said that he went out with his father when he was young. He was approaching his sixtieth age at this time, and he could tell without any slowness in his actions when he put on the armor.

A queen who was born slowly, and a famous general who is brave and good at fighting, the two are in front of one another, one is smiling but not smiling, and the other has murderous intent in his eyes.

Having said so much, since his murderous intention is not aimed at the queen, then who is it?

Let's not speculate for now, let's look at the scene in front of us first, Wu Zhao looked at the silent Cheng Wuting, and after a long time said: "Old general, what do you think?"

Cheng Wuting's body trembled when he heard the words, and the murderous intent in his eyes was even more intense. He has killed people all his life, and he dare not say that thousands of people will be killed with his life, but there are still thousands of people. Not to mention the courtiers, even Wu Zhao would be a little apprehensive when he saw it.

But he lowered his head and remained silent. After pondering for a long time, he raised his head and said in a deep voice, "May I ask Your Majesty, which gentleman wrote this case?"

Wu Zhao was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then the smile on his face increased a bit, and he said, "Why did the general say that?"

"I'm a warrior, so I can't understand such gorgeous and good writing, but since your Majesty has such family and country feelings, I dare not refuse, and please take it back."

After all, Cheng Wuting bowed and held the document, Wu Zhao looked at his appearance and his heart moved, Tang Guan was actually regarded as Pei Yan's disciple in a strict sense, and Wu Zhao saw a lot from Tang Guan before that Pei Yan was an official It is not difficult to find that Pei Yan has placed high hopes on him, and it can even be said that there is a taste of passing on the legacy.

Then this old prime minister who has been fighting with her for so many years claims to be honest and upright. Wu Zhao doesn't care if this is the case. She only knows that Tang Guan seems to be different now. That is the aspect that is different from Pei Yan. He seems to be different. If he resists himself again, this bright hall is a proof.

Cheng Wuting and Pei Yan were congenial and admired each other. Naturally, they also hated jesters and cruel officials. Tang Guan's actions were all waste of people and money, but they won Wu Zhao's favor. She didn't want to see this old friend left behind by Pei Yan with Tang Guan again. Get involved.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhao smiled slightly and said, "It's okay to tell the general."

Cheng Wuting raised his head when he heard the words, put away his murderous intentions, and said in a low voice: "My minister dares to ask, I hope His Majesty will tell you."

"Hehe, this talented man has something to do with you."

"What?" Hearing this, Cheng Wuting was shocked, and then said, "How dare you ask?"

"Tang Qubing." A smile flashed in Wu Zhao's eyes as he said that, Cheng Wuting was stunned at first, and then flew into a rage.

"Zhuzi! Insufficiency and conspiracy! Zilong, Zilong, you misread the person!"

Cheng Wuting yelled in his heart, and his old face turned red immediately. Pei Yan has been praising Tang Guan since he discovered it. He never thought that Tang Qubing, who hadn't seen him yet, would do such a thing.

The scale of Mingtang far exceeded expectations, and Wu Zhao even told him that he wanted slaves. I'm afraid she didn't want slaves, but tens of thousands of elite soldiers under his command! (To be continued..)

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