Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 168: The Murder Case Caused by Stones

"Tang Qubing." As soon as Wu Zhao finished speaking, he looked at Cheng Wuting in front of him with a strange smile in his eyes, and saw that Cheng Wuting was furious at first, his old face flushed, and then he calmed down.

"Old general, since there is no battle on the front line for the time being, and you are already old, why don't you lead your subordinates to do justice for me and heaven?"

"Do justice for the sky!?" Cheng Wuting's heart suddenly raised his head to look at Wu Zhao. When he was young, Cheng Wuting was crowned with the title of Beacon and Liaoyuan, the ancient evil, and his appearance was naturally not very kind, but at this time Old and weak, his face has softened, but the ferocity remains the same as before.

We have said that the economic prosperity of the Wu and Zhou dynasties laid the supreme foundation for the prosperity of Kaiyuan, but from the Wu and Zhou dynasties to the Kaiyuan two dynasties, the curse of the Tang Dynasty's few victories in foreign wars was actually buried in Wu Zhao.

She is a woman, she doesn't know how to march and fight, she has the courage to make troubles in the court, and she also has the scheming to plot against everyone, but if she is really allowed to go into battle with real swords and guns like Emperor Taizong, it is absolutely impossible of.

In terms of martial arts, Tang Taizong, as the founding monarch, spent half his life in the army and half his life in imperial robes, which is really not comparable to her.

In fact, this point is also well proved. In the official history, she can do ridiculous things like changing generals in order to avoid long nights and dreams. Pei Yan was detained and executed in Yangzhou as proof.

Well, since Cheng Wuting has the title of a famous general, he naturally has his achievements, and his achievements are also very simple. Since the end of the war against Turks, he has been checking and balancing Turks for decades.

This may sound simple, but imagine that an immediate emperor like Tang Taizong had to conquer this nomadic people for more than ten years before he was able to suppress it.That was still Taizong who had such strong generals as the clouds, but now he is looking at Wu Zhao.There are indeed many generals in the court, and it cannot be said that there are no brave ones.But the courage of a man is only one aspect. How to infect the whole army with his courage is the most basic ability of a famous general.

And this is precisely what the young generals in the court do not have. Whether it is Cheng Huaibi or Tieniu, these two are generals of the palace guards. In terms of martial arts and bravery, they are not necessarily younger than Cheng Wuting, especially Cheng Huaibi.It is also the nemesis of desperadoes.

Even so, if they are really asked to fight a long-term war against a nation, it will not end by killing one or two people. The Turkic Tang Dynasty now maintains a short-term peace between the two sides. I dare not attribute all this to Cheng Wuting, but His existence is also a huge factor.

So even if Wu Zhao didn't know how to use soldiers, did he really say such jokes unintentionally?

The answer is naturally no. Although Wu Zhao doesn't know how to fight, she knows who to fight.This is the difference between the emperor and the general. The emperor decides who to fight, and the general is responsible for how to fight.

Of course she understands that Cheng Wuting's existence is extremely important, but he is a potential threat.She said that just to test Cheng Wuting.

Sure enough, Cheng Wuting pondered for a moment in his heart, then calmed down and spoke in all fairness.No matter Pei Yan or Liu Guo Erxiang, including himself.In fact, he only had the desire to resist Wu Zhao, but no motive to oppose the country.

This is somewhat similar to Tang Guan.In fact, this is also the best way. On the basis of this principle, their persistence is right, but the method is wrong. This also sets a warning direction for Tang Guan.

Yan tried to resist, even on the eve of the rebellion, he even staged a scene where Pei Si forced the palace. This kind of tough posture was useless to Wu Zhao.

What is a country?Thousands of households formed a group, and Wu Zhao turned the world upside down in the palace, killing all the officials. She is cruel, but she is not a faint king. The country's economy is still booming. We often say that there is no right or wrong for the people.

These words actually have two meanings, one is about the existence of Wu Zhao, she made the nobles tremble with fear, and it is at stake, but for the people of the world, what does it matter to them whether the emperor is a man or a woman?

Yes, it has nothing to do with it. As long as they live in peace and stability, have food and drink, which high-ranking official dies, it will become a topic of conversation after dinner. People are actually selfish, but more or less. It is the selfishness of people in the world.

This is also the biggest reason why Xu Jingye and even Li Tang's clan rebellion is doomed to fail. Wu Zhao's majesty is on the one hand, and this general trend is also on the other hand. What gives Wu Zhao confidence is not how tough and ruthless he is, but It is she who knows that her position cannot be shaken, as long as she treats the people well and governs benevolently, all civil and military officials will not be able to make waves.

This is her now, but her old age is another scene. She made mistakes that most emperors would make. Of course, this is another topic, so I won't mention it for now.

In Tang Guan's article, the reason why the thieves seized the city was based on this point, that is, people's hearts. He also understood that in fact, the people did not have much rebellion. King Luo Bin can do things like this vigorously, and he can do it a few times. Chia's article instigates to go back.

For a while, the two stood quietly, Wu Zhao still had a smile on his face, but Cheng Wuting remained silent.

After a long time, Cheng Wuting said: "The old minister respectfully obeys His Majesty's imperial decree. If His Majesty sends you an order, you will not dare to disobey."

Originally, there was still a trace of teasing in Wu Zhao's eyes, but he was taken aback when he heard this, and after looking at Cheng Wuting with some doubts, his heart moved.

"Hmph, this old man is not stupid. Forget it, he still has some uses." Wu Zhao snorted coldly in his heart. He thought that Cheng Wu had a strong and vicious temperament and would do outrageous things. It would be better if this was the case. Cleaning up also gave her a good reason, but she didn't expect to be subdued.


At this time, in the Taiji Palace, two figures kept walking.

"Elder-in-law, can you stop for a while, the villain's feet hurt."

A fat, barefooted man stopped in the back, and saw that his feet were covered with plaster. The old and new imperial cities occupied a lot of land. He walked here from Daming Palace, and he was barefooted, so he couldn't stand it for a long time.

But the eunuch who was walking in front shouted in a low voice: "You idiot, do you still want to think about it!"

The businessman shrank his neck when he heard the words, and seemed to be full of motivation again. He followed the eunuch closely.


The businessman lowered his head and walked away, and immediately stopped when he heard the words, and looked around. He didn't dare to look around all the way along the way, and he dared to look around when he saw no one around.

At first glance, this place is indeed different from the heavenly palace-like halls I have seen before. The surrounding buildings are a bit old, not comparable to the ones I saw when I first entered the palace, but the two stopped at a corner .

"Don't look around!" The eunuch cursed in a low voice, and the businessman immediately looked away.

The eunuch carefully poked his head out to look at the scene around the corner, then heaved a sigh of relief, and murmured: "Finally caught up, finally caught up."

The businessman also glanced curiously at Wenyin, and almost blurted out: "Duke!"

I saw a small pavilion over there, and there were seven or eight people standing scattered in front of the pavilion, each wearing python robes and jade belts, one could tell at a glance that they were all high officials of the court.

There is no one else in this businessman, it is Tang Tongtai who finally managed to get here after going through all kinds of troubles. He has suffered so much in the palace this time, with worn soles of his feet and bruised head, he looks extremely funny.

"Stand here and don't move."

The eunuch ordered in a low voice, Tang Tongtai nodded hurriedly, his heart pounding, he finally saw the person in charge, and knew that he was only one step away from the fairy queen in the myth.

After the eunuch finished speaking, he pretended to be natural and slowly walked out of the corner. Just as he appeared, a look from over there immediately cast him over.


There was no other person standing there, the elder of Liubu Pavilion, and Wu Chengsi. Wu Chengsi was overjoyed when he saw the eunuch walking out of the corner suddenly.

The eunuch pretended to pass by on something, ignored the scene here, and the elders didn't take it seriously, it's normal for eunuchs in the palace to move around, and this place is not considered a forbidden place.

Only the prince was slightly taken aback when he saw the eunuch over there, and then cast a suspicious look.

"How did he come here?"

Eunuch Wang and Eunuch Wan are both first-class eunuchs, so they knew each other naturally. Although he was puzzled when he suddenly appeared, he shook his head slightly, guessing that he had something to do.

Sure enough, that Eunuch Wan kept walking, walked out of sight all the way, and then his back disappeared. Seeing this, Wu Chengsi's eyes were fixed, and he no longer waited around the corner, but turned his head to look at the front of Lingyan Pavilion.

And Tang Tongtai, who was hiding at the corner, was very anxious when he saw that Eunuch Wan had gone and never returned, without even turning his head.

"This is how to do!?"

Just when he was secretly anxious, someone slapped him on the shoulder suddenly. Tang Tongtai was taken aback and almost yelled out. Then he saw the appearance of the person behind him and stopped immediately.

"Eunuch, you..."

The person behind him turned out to be Eunuch Wan who had already gone away. At this moment, the eunuch looked a little panting, as expected he was trotting all the way back.

The seven turns and eight detours in the palace lead in all directions. It is not strange to go around in one circle, but to convey the message must be done seamlessly, and he can make more than one small circle.

" come with me, I'll let you out later, you go out again, you know?"

"Got it, got it." Tang Tongtai nodded hastily, and then followed Eunuch Wan and turned around the palace, as if looking for an excellent place for a coincidence. (To be continued..)

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