Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 169: The Murder Case Caused by Stones

It's the end of the year, and I wish everyone a happy new year. I owe more than a dozen chapters, and I will settle it after the exam is over. I wish you all a happy New Year's Day in advance.


The sun was in the west, and the old officials in front of Lingyan Pavilion stopped talking one after another, and some simply closed their eyes and rested their minds. This stop lasted all afternoon. From the fresh greetings they first met to the present, they have nothing to say. It can be seen that Even those who are in good phase can get impatient sometimes.

But if you say impatient, the real Prime Minister Wu Chengsi is impatient. The people who should come have come, but the people who should come out have not come out.

At least it was a good thing for him, Wu Chengsi stared blankly at the threshold of Lingyan Pavilion for a while, the small building was low, but there was no movement inside, the ferocious Cheng Wuting was like a black hole, they People originally wanted to wait for a good show, but one must know that when Cheng Wuting was young, he had a violent temper and was used to playing grudges, and he was even able to scold his old boss Pei Xingjian in court.

It can be seen from this that his notoriety is not shallow, and the veterans of the same generation knew a thing or two about him, but I haven't seen him for a few years, but this person is aging very fast. Although he is not as old as Pei Yan, he is not as strong as before. Xi look.

Everyone has different thoughts, Wu Chengsi is the most funny, the whole afternoon, half of the time is spent waiting for one person, and half of the time is spent waiting for another person.

In fact, there are similarities between flattering and writing a novel, that is, to grasp the three elements, time, characters and place.Choose the right place at the right time to shoot useful characters.

All the people present were old and mature, but for Wu Chengsi.Except for Zhang Shaoyun, who was a bit out of line, the others were all the same.As early as before Tang Guan came to the dynasty, except for the three provinces that were firmly held by Pei Yan and others, these ministerial officials had actually changed half of the time.

They actually didn't want to guess what happened in the pavilion, and they didn't want to know. Cheng Wuting's existence was irrelevant to them. At this point, apart from Wu Chengsi, they only wanted to know why they came here.What to do again.

Officials do what they do, and one step further is to be a middle-aged man. If you take a step back, you can get a considerable pension. Only officials with a rank of four or more in the imperial court are worthy of receiving this sum of money. As for how considerable it is, the specific "retirement" Some people don't say it, we don't know it, but we can know it by summarizing it in one sentence.

"No worries about food and clothing", of course, the pension here is a joke.It's just similar to the nature of later generations. It's their business to take or not to take it, and it's also an interesting thing to retreat to.For example, Liu and Guo, who retired from their old age and returned to their hometowns, returned to their ancestral home.Local officials, from the governor down to the magistrate of the prefecture and county government, all treated each other with the courtesy of students. Wu Zhao's "good hospitality" was not just talk.

Wu Chengsi looked at his colleagues.It's a bit dumbfounding, the power centers in Beijing are gathered here.It was an opportunity to be exposed here, but this opportunity has been waiting for so long.

Just when Wu Chengsi was absent-minded and wanted to look back, a sudden sound came out.

Hearing this voice, Wu Chengsi immediately shouted together with the crowd: "I will see the Queen of Heaven."

Several people bowed, as I said before, except for the early court and the regular court, in fact, they don't think it is rare to kneel down for this kind of declaration, and a slight bow is enough. There are many people who are uncomfortable kneeling.

As soon as everyone's voice fell, they raised their heads one after another, and saw a woman standing in front of the pavilion and a veteran standing one behind the other. The veteran also retreated to one side while everyone was saluting, and stood at the end of a group of civil servants.

Immediately, the few people looked at the unscathed veteran without any trace, feeling a little dumb in their hearts.


Cheng Wuting is one of the most important generals on the frontier defense line. He was transferred back so easily. He thought that something interesting was about to happen, but he didn't expect to come out so easily. His expression was very calm, as if something serious had happened. big event.

Except for Wu Chengsi who didn't have the time to speculate, everyone else secretly pondered. It's not that Wu Chengsi wasn't curious about what Cheng Wuting would do when he suddenly appeared, but that he didn't have time to think about whether Cheng Wuting would come out horizontally or vertically. Come out, he doesn't have that kind of leisure at this moment.

Immediately, Wu Chengsi quickly calmed down, and secretly glanced at Wu Zhao. Seeing that his aunt was neither happy nor angry, he only heard Wu Zhao say: "My loves have been waiting for a long time."

"The minister waits for ten thousand deaths."

Everyone, including Wu Chengsi, used this familiar answer. This has the same meaning as "comrades, you have worked hard." "Serve the people" in later generations.

As soon as Wu Zhao said the last sentence, they knew how to answer the next sentence. After the ceremony was over, Wu Zhao shook his head and smiled.

"I wanted to pay my respects to the sages on a whim, but I delayed the business."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, but before they could answer, Wu Zhao continued, "I have something to do. I have summoned you today, and I want to ask you what you mean."

Hearing this, everyone's hearts were moved. After looking at each other with the people around him, an old man in purple robe came out of the row and bowed: "Please speak, Queen, I will listen with all my ears."

Wu Zhao glanced at this person, and nodded secretly. This person is Li Yu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Of course, although his surname is Li, he is not of the royal family, but this person is also knowledgeable, and he is a rare neutral faction. He has never participated in the faction.

And what she was going to say happened to be using this person. She and Wu Sansi had the same thoughts. Old Confucianism, he was sitting on the dragon seat that day, and this old Confucianism is one of the group who can't afford to kneel.

Wu Zhao knew that they didn't have any resistance, it was involuntary, so when choosing a match that day, Wu Zhao was more at ease with those people who couldn't afford to kneel, but he didn't want to reuse them, so he went directly to the household department The selection of slaves was transformed from a state matter to a private matter of her royal family.

In this way, a lot of procedures were saved, and she used this matter to test Cheng Wuting, not because she was really arrogant enough to demote tens of thousands of elite soldiers into coolies, but because she wanted to test Cheng Wuting's bottom line. Seemingly losing the toughness of the past, Wu Zhao was slightly surprised, but at the same time became somewhat aware.

In fact, Tang Guan's intercession at the time was right. He gave himself a step down and killed Pei Yan. Cheng Wuting felt even more conflicted, so he had to kill him. Cheng Wu knew it well.

Cheng Wuting knows that his old friend regards power and fame as dung, so his bottom line is also very simple, that is, not dying is enough.

But standing in the crowd, he knew what Wu Zhao wanted to do, and looking at the group of officials in front of him, a cloud of unknown anger suddenly burned in his heart.

Whether it is Pei Yan or Liu Guo, they actually placed great expectations on Tang Guan, expecting him to persevere in their political ideals. This is what Cheng Wuting has been looking forward to. He came here to meet Lian Pei. Yandu regards Tang Guan as Wangnian's friend.

He never expected that the other party would do such a thing before seeing this. He still remembered the plan. Even if the slaves were urgently transferred from the border area, at least tens of thousands of slaves would be needed. After the batch of slaves entered Beijing, how many troops were needed to control and suppress them.

Coupled with the consumption during the construction period, this bright hall is worth several years of military pay for the tens of thousands of elite soldiers under his command. .

But if Wu Zhao wanted to do it, he couldn't do it alone. Cheng Wuting would not be surprised if anyone did it, but Tang Guan was the only one who helped the evildoers, which made him a little unacceptable.

"Blind your dog's eyes!" Cheng Wuting cursed secretly while bowing his head.

On the other side, Wu Zhao said, "Don't worry, it's deserted here, let's go to the Zihuan Hall with me and discuss it later."

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, but Wu Chengsi was suddenly overjoyed, and took the lead in shouting: "I respect the imperial decree."

As soon as he made a sound, Wu Zhao couldn't help looking over, seeing that his nephew seemed extremely excited, and there was a bit of thought in his beautiful eyes.

Fortunately, everyone saw that Wu Chengsi responded first, and they also responded one after another. Wu Zhao nodded and stepped on the holy chariot not far away.

The people lined up on the left and right, followed closely behind, got up with a sound, and then moved slowly.

Among the crowd, Wu Chengsi raised his head and glanced at Wu Zhao on the chariot, then immediately looked directly at the palace ahead, and said silently in his heart: "Be smart... be smart..." (to be continued...)

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