Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 170: The Murder Caused by the Stone

The longest single chapter I have written is finally finished.


Wu Zhao sat on the holy chariot with his eyes closed and rested his mind. There were several people on the left and right under the chariot to accompany him.

At the corner of the wall in front of the palace road, an old eunuch quietly stretched out his head, and when he saw the approaching holy chariot, he hurriedly retracted it.

Then he whispered to the people beside him: "I let you go, you follow me immediately."

The people beside him didn't dare to make a sound when they heard the words, they nodded their heads, and their eyes were full of fear.

And Wu Zhao on the holy chariot still had his phoenix eyes closed, and all the officials under the chariot also bowed their heads and walked silently, but Wu Chengsi stared at the corner from the corner of his eyes.

At the same time, his heartbeat began to speed up, and the chariot walked faster and faster, and it was about to turn, and the pace of several people also began to speed up.

"come out!"

With a cry in Wu Chengsi's heart, two figures walked out of the corner with an exclamation.


"Oops!" Wu Chengsi took a look and was taken aback, this exclamation also woke up Wu Zhao and a group of officials on the chariot.

As a martial artist, Cheng Wuting subconsciously took a step across and touched his waist. It's a pity that he had already taken off his saber, but his eyes were fixed on the two people in front of him.

When everyone looked at Zixia and Zixia, they couldn't help being stunned. They saw an old eunuch and a barefoot man walking out. The barefoot man behind the eunuch seemed to be moving too fast and fell to the ground. Lay down on the ground, like throwing your body to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Wu Chengsi yelled in his heart, the person he was looking for was a flat-headed businessman, and the situation happened repeatedly.The old eunuch was also frightened by the sudden action of the person behind him, and then hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

"Bold!" Wu Chengsi saw the sudden surprise.Immediately stepped forward and scolded.

The old eunuch kowtowed like pounding garlic: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, Your Majesty please forgive me!"

The eunuch and the barefoot man were obviously the long-awaited Eunuch Wan and Tang Tongtai.Tang Tongtai, who fell to the ground at this time, was also in a turbulent heart. He had just been careless and fell like this. He didn't dare to look up at the people in front of him, and he didn't dare to get up just lying on the ground for a while.

Wu Zhao first glanced at the two people on the ground in surprise, and then glanced at the prince beside the chariot. Seeing this, the prince whispered, "Your Majesty, this is Eunuch Wan, the supervisor."

Several court elders had already seen the color of the eunuch's body.Even Wu Zhao was a little dumbfounded when he heard that he was a great eunuch in the palace, but he was so careless.

These eunuchs are usually quite clever, especially those who have reached a certain level of internal work are more careful. When she was a young court lady decades ago, she often came into contact with these intersex people and knew everything in the palace very well. One of the strengths is that no one knows the affairs of the palace better than her.

She spent the first half of her life in palace fighting.Because of this, she became a little puzzled, and said, "Who is behind you?"

Wu Zhao's voice was calm, and he didn't seem to be sullen.Eunuch Wan on the ground hurriedly said: "Report to Your Majesty, this person is a commoner who came to the palace to offer treasures, and my subordinates were negligent for a while. Your Majesty, please forgive me, please forgive me."

As soon as the words came out.Everyone was stunned again, when Wu Zhao heard the word Xianbao on the chariot.Instead, his heart moved, and he said, "Get off the chariot."

"It's done!" Wu Chengsi was overjoyed when he heard the sound, but then he looked anxiously at Tang Tongtai who was still lying on the ground.

The people present also became interested when they saw this, this treasure offering is really strange, since it can enter the palace and be carried by such a big eunuch, it is expected that there is really some great treasure that has been verified.

Before Wu Zhao came down, the elders subconsciously took two steps forward.

But the barefoot man on the ground was trembling, Wu Zhao slowly climbed down the holy chariot, the prince hurriedly reached out to take it, and stepped forward to help him.

Wu Chengsi and the others followed closely behind. Cheng Wuting over there carefully stared at Tang Tongtai on the ground. Wu Zhao looked at Tang Tongtai who was lying on the ground with great interest, and said, "Get up, let me see Look."

Tang Tongtai buried his head on the ground like an ostrich, Wu Chengsi felt anxious when he saw this, and shouted: "Bold, Your Majesty will let you get up!"

Today he was absent-minded all afternoon, like a stuffed gourd. Everyone saw that he was like a lion waking up at this time, with a loud voice. Although they were very surprised, they didn't care. Zhao is cold.

Hearing Wu Chengsi's voice on the ground, Tang Tongtai seemed to have found a support. He quickly got up, knelt on the ground, knocked his head and said, "The villain, Tang Tongtai from Yongzhou, has a treasure to dedicate to Empress Nuwa. !"

"Pfft." As soon as these words came out, Wu Zhao was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but said, "What's your name?"

"Nu...Nuwa empress." Tang Tongtai was afraid in his heart, for fear that he would say something wrong. This was arranged by Wu Chengsi in advance. Although he was anxious, he blurted it out. After all, he has lived for decades. There is still confidence.

Hearing this title, Wu Zhao felt a little happy. It is normal for ordinary people not to see the emperor. They have always been afraid of imperial power, so many myths were born. , Nu Wa, who has infinite merit, really made her happy.

Wu Chengsi felt sure after observing his words and expressions, but fortunately, Tang Tongtai was not so stupid. Although he was nervous, he didn't have many flaws.

Sure enough, Wu Zhao was overjoyed and said, "You raise your head."

"Yes." Tang Tongtai on the ground trembled when he heard the words, and then raised his head hesitantly. Wu Zhao saw his appearance clearly, but shook his head slightly.

Seeing that he was fat and big-eared, and he was very kind, just like a Maitreya Buddha, everyone felt happy.

A person's appearance is actually the first impression. Although Tang Tongtai's appearance is not good, he can make people feel very peaceful and easy to get along with at first glance, which makes people feel good about him.

Wu Zhao wasn't angry at all, and he was even more delighted to be called Empress Nuwa by the other party. Seeing his naive look again, he couldn't help smiling.

With this smile, Tang Tongtai's eyes froze. He had never seen such a beauty in his life. In his ideal, marrying a woman from a good family, no matter how beautiful or ugly, would be a big task.It is true that Wu Zhao's beauty is a strong beauty.She will not let others praise how beautiful she is, because she will only forcefully instill in others the impression that she is beautiful.

This is totally different from appreciation.In other words, this is the so-called aura, which makes Tang Guan a little fascinated, but also a little disgusted, because just like Shangguan Wan'er looks at Tang Guan, although Tang Guan has a soul in his twenties, he can travel through it. , facing his unattainable officialdom in the previous life, he was actually a blank slate.

But he has the so-called photographic memory, which doesn't just refer to the things he sees.But he will never forget the aura of people. Because of this, Tang Guan's white paper has been rendered many times, so that everyone can find the shadow of another person from him.

But the people who looked at him didn't realize that their own shadow was actually on Tang Guan, people couldn't see themselves, Tang Guan was like a prismatic mirror, Wu Zhao thought he looked like many people.But it was plausible, but she never found out that the one Tang Guan most resembled was actually herself!

Tang Tongtai is a flat-headed businessman, and in his imagination the Empress Dowager should be as majestic as a Buddha statue.I can't tell that men and women are the same, but this sight is such a delicate beauty, and I can't extricate myself for a while.

Wu Chengsi was shocked when he saw this.Seeing his dull eyes, Wu Zhao also turned cold.Wu Chengsi hurriedly shouted: "Bold!"

Only then did Tang Tongtai suddenly come back to his senses, and hastily kowtowed again.But he couldn't speak.

Everyone shook their heads secretly when they saw this, Wu Zhao looked at Tang Tongtai on the ground and said indifferently: "Forget it, what did you say about your name just now?"

"The villain Tang Tongtai from Yongzhou."

Tang Tongtai stopped and kowtowed, opened his mouth to repeat, only to hear Wu Zhao mutter: "Your surname is Tang too?"

Hearing this, Tang Tongtai's expression froze. His name was temporarily changed, but his surname was true. He remembered that when he first met Wu Chengsi, Wu Chengsi had muttered to himself like this.

Sure enough, this murmur fell into Wu Chengsi's ears and made his heart move. This is really the right time, place and people. Tang Tongtai's name is not ordinary. Tang is the Tang Dynasty of Tang Dynasty. Tongtai means both prosperity and loss. In addition, it is well known that Wu Zhao's favorite person is named Tang Guan, this will definitely make my aunt take care of her.

Wu Chengsi was complacent, and even Tang Guan didn't expect that his own existence would inadvertently add to the flames. Wu Zhao first murmured, and then smiled: "Do you have any treasures to offer?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Tongtai immediately put his hand into his sleeve, groped for something, held it in his hand and said: "The villain passed by Luoshui, and this thing jumped up. The old boatman said it was a treasure from heaven. You can enjoy it."

"Oh?" Wu Zhao said lightly, and everyone was very curious when they heard the sound, and they subconsciously gathered around.

Wu Zhao stared at what Tang Tongtai was holding above his head, his eyes froze, and he saw only an ordinary white stone in his hand. Although the stone was a little round, it was not unusual.

But there were a few small purple seals on the stone. Wu Zhao took a closer look, his eyelids twitched, and he immediately reached out to take it.

Seeing this, everyone squinted their eyes and looked at it.


Immediately, several people gasped, and Wu Chengsi pretended to take a step forward when he saw this, glanced casually, and then froze in shock.

I saw two lines of small characters engraved on the stone, the characters were purple, it didn't look like artificial processing, it was natural.

"The Holy Mother is here, Yongchang Emperor!"

Cheng Wuting over there has excellent eyesight, although he didn't come close, his eyes froze when he saw these two lines of small characters.

Wu Zhao looked at Tang Tongtai with shock on his face, and suddenly said, "Where did you salvage it!?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Tongtai hurriedly said: "In the Luoshui area, all the local boatmen can testify. Empress Nuwa, this is bestowed on you by heaven!"

"Heh, hahahaha." Wu Zhao raised his head and laughed loudly when he heard the sound. This was really a big surprise, and the officials immediately knelt down on the ground when they saw this.

Even Cheng Wuting was horrified, the so-called He published pictures and Luo published books, such treasures can only be found when a sage is born, if Tang Guan was present, I am afraid he would be a little confused.

To say that these ancients are stupid, they are really not stupid, but sometimes, they always believe in some illusory things, Wu Chengsi directly knelt down on the ground and shouted: "Your Majesty! Chongbao! Chongbao!"

Everyone was taken aback when they saw this, and then said, not to be outdone, "I am waiting to congratulate Your Majesty on Hexi, and I am delighted to have Hetu Luoshu."

Wu Zhao stood upright, and the surroundings knelt together, but she laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

"Your Majesty, the imperial industry is higher than the sky, and the mother Delong is better than the land!"

"The imperial industry is higher than the sky, and the mother Delong is better than the land!"

I don't know who took the lead, and everyone shouted in unison. Wu Zhao pinched the small stone in his hand with a hint of excitement on his face, and said, "God bestowed a unicorn on me, built a heavenly hall, and there is a river map on the side, I want to Proclaim it to the world in Mingtang!" (To be continued...)

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