Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 171: Yan Pecks the Emperor's Grandson

An ordinary white stone attracted a group of old mountains to shout long live. The scene was very lively. They really saw the eight naturally formed small seal scripts above "The Holy Mother Comes, Yongchang Emperor's Industry", so this is the It's worth it.

Whether the stone is real or not, it doesn't matter whether they believe it or not, the important thing is that Wu Zhao seems to be very happy, and even indirectly throws Mingtang out amidst the loud laughter.

"Ah!? Mingtang?"

The old ministers who were still shouting long live came to their senses at the first glance, and immediately came to their senses, realizing that something seemed to be missing, recalling what Wu Zhao said just now, the word Mingtang came to mind, and the congratulations stopped suddenly.

Even Wu Chengsi recalled that Tang Guan knew the least about the history of Wu Zhou than this passage, but if someone could say to him the words "Treasure Map from Heaven", I'm afraid he would wake up immediately , after all, a section was missed.

A few people in the crowd immediately looked at each other. Originally, Wu Zhao got the gem that fell from the sky, even if she arranged it herself, they had to bite the bullet and quickly flatter. Far-fetched, it is also a reason anyway.

Wu Chengsi has always been complacent about his activity, thinking that he designed an impeccable and perfect method, but he didn't notice that the excited aunt holding the stone looked at him with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

Yes, for Wu Zhao, this reason is far-fetched, but it is enough.

As for the record about the "treasure map" in the official history, whether it was Wu Chengsi's original activity, or a coincidence arranged by Wu Zhao, see here.I don't think it matters anymore.

Because from the moment she held the stone, she acquiesced in all of this.

Tang Tongtai over there was originally mixed in with the voice of Zhongshan shouting long live.Seeing that many senior officials stopped, they also hurriedly stopped.

It all seems so inconceivable.But after careful scrutiny, I can't find anything wrong. If he is really pursued by someone with a heart, he will at most punish Tang Tongtai for the crime of deceiving the emperor. He offered the stone, and he boasted that it is amazing. Everyone believes it or not. Just like the preface said.

Tang Guan thought that these people worshiped gods and believed in Buddhism, and sometimes they would become stupid, but in fact, they were all big officials who controlled one side.Naturally, they wouldn't be so stupid. Instead of saying that they worship Mantian God and Buddha, it is better to say that they worship Wu Zhao in front of them.

Wu Zhao laughed and said that this is a treasure map, and this is the treasure map. At this time, all the officials in the DPRK and China took it like this, which made people in later generations laugh and cry. Tang Guan once realized in the general temple that he would experience the darkest beginning of the establishment of Wu Zhou. This darkness is here.

There is no one in the DPRK who can be trusted, and there is no one who can be deeply friends.Wu Zhao's authority has penetrated inside and outside, and no one, including the feudal towns in various places, dared to rebel against her.

Loneliness is a disease, and Tang Guan really wants to be a man with a heart in his heart.An honest official like the ancients, or do you want to be a real jester?

In his previous life, Tang Guan lived at the bottom of the society, hated the rich and hated corruption.As a literary youth, he insisted on a trivial dream, dreaming of a day.You can also live like a human, what is a human?

The ones he hated.That is actually the way he wants to live, which he has not even thought about. Speaking of this, the greed and lust in human nature are ready to emerge. Tang Guan is a young man who has not been influenced by the Confucian culture at this time. Pei Yan, Di Renjie, and even Luo Binwang and other contemporary literary giants have the minds. His literary prose is all based on rote memorization. He can make people speechless, but he himself seems to understand.

But he also doesn't have the feelings of a real villain like Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi. Yes, Tang Guan is a self-contradictory young man who is pushed up step by step. All his efforts are just to let himself live a little better.

At the same time, he also has a little more compassion, just like he gave up the little money he had to Niu Lang and Xiao Qi when he just met, he has compassion.

Tang Guan has always felt that Shangguan Wan'er is immature at this time, so young that she can't believe that she is the female figure who has left a great reputation in history. In fact, it is not only Shangguan Wan'er who is young, Tang Guan is also very young, It's just that he has too many surprises.

When we get off topic and turn back to the scene where a group of old ministers kneel on the ground stunned but dare not discuss it, I don’t think everyone will be surprised why they would so easily accept that the stone in Wu Zhao’s hand is the legendary river map Los book.

Wu Zhao said it is, and it is!

Wu Zhao said it wasn't, so it wasn't!

Otherwise, she would not be the Great Sage Emperor of Zetian, or she would not be worthy of the four characters "Sun and Moon in the Sky!"

There was an eunuch Zhao Gao in the pre-Qin who could call a deer a horse, not to mention she, the king of a country, even if she called a grass a horse, she would be a horse!

Even so, the sudden change of the topic made the elders unable to react. The flattery was just a small episode, but Wu Zhao wanted to do far more than that.

At this time, the Nine Temples are not counted as ranks. Those who can be called elders are all six ministers and people from the three provinces. In fact, each of the six people present was single-handedly selected by Wu Zhao, including the cruel official Zhang Shaoyun. Wu Zhao dared to use them , naturally know them very well.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other, but the surprise flashed in the eyes of the two of them. Wu Chengsi had already known about Mingtang. He was surprised because his original treasure offering activity, which was originally independent, was related to Tang Guan's Mingtang. Although Cheng Wuting learned about it not long ago, he was a little confused by this sudden small stone.

He is a martial artist, he has been killed for a long time, in terms of mind, he is not as rough as his appearance, but when he fights against the enemy, he can guess the enemy's psychology and defeat him in one go. , In fact, Da Miao.

Since ancient times, there have been many gods and generals who did not understand politics, suffered a lifetime of suffering, and there are many representatives of later generations. I will not mention them one by one here. War and politics are closely related, but there is also a huge gap.

He only thought that the stone came from strangely, everyone shouted strangely, and everyone was strange, so he didn't think about it at all. In fact, it was not strange, because Wu Zhouchao had become a woman since Wu Zetian was in power. farce.

In the eyes of later generations, this is a huge farce, and it has been discussed a lot. Tang Guan, a dramatic character, suddenly appeared in such an era, which undoubtedly added a lot of drama to this farce.

It took a long time for everyone to react before they came back to their senses. After a quick look at each other, it suddenly dawned on them that Wu Zhao wanted to build Mingtang.

"My dear friends, I am very pleased to have this treasure map. God has treated me well, and I will also give back to God, and protect my great Tang Dynasty forever!"

"This..." An old man in the crowd raised his head and looked at Wu Zhao, hesitant to speak, but he didn't say anything after all.

This person is Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry. He is dressed in a gentle manner. He looks about 60 years old, but he is from Mingjing. Most scholars in the court and middle school call him "Foreman Zhang" in private.

This is a compliment or a detriment, so let's put it aside for the time being, and you can see a thing or two by talking about how he treats new officials who are Jinshi.

Jinshi in the imperial court, most of them have to go all over the world, worshiping these big bosses as a student. Of course, this has to get rid of Tang Guan, a fool. He is indeed a variable. come over.

But the rules are for the majority of people, so this old Confucian dared not to see any new officials who came from Jinshi behind closed doors, and even said: "You rely on your talents, and I respect your virtuous words, where are they recorded?"

These words are actually easy to understand. What you are saying is that you relied on your cleverness to become an official, but I relied on real materials, followed the law of sages, and became an official with integrity. We are not the same kind of people.

When the prime minister said these words, many officials were filled with righteous indignation, so many Jinshi officials secretly arranged for this person, but apart from this point, he did not offend anyone.

What is Mingtang? It is a building. There are six divisions of work. For example, the Ministry of Rites is a mishmash department. In addition to fortifications, he is also in charge of the military system. To sum it up in one sentence, before Wu Zhao finished speaking, he felt that this matter seemed to fall on him.

Fortunately, Wu Zhao took a look at everyone, and said with a slight smile: "Everyone, step back for now, I have already figured it out, where is Duke Zhou?"

Wu Chengsi heard the sound and got up and said: "The minister is here."

Wu Zhao looked his nephew up and down, looked at Tang Tongtai who was still kneeling on the ground not far away, and said, "I have already entrusted the left and right prime ministers to take care of this matter. If you have any objections, you can just discuss it with them." .”

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Wu Chengsi, and Wu Chengsi was overjoyed, so he hurriedly responded, Cheng Wuting snorted coldly when he saw this, and then looked away.

"I'm tired, everyone is gone."

"Is this going to break up?" Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and they broke up just like that, but seeing that Wu Zhao went back to the holy chariot on his own, everyone had no choice but to bow, and then one after another leave.

Tang Tongtai, who was still kneeling on the ground over there, felt anxious when he saw this. He hadn't settled down yet. The journey had been difficult, but he didn't dare to speak. He could only witness Wu Zhao leaving in his chariot.

Fortunately, when he was in a hurry, a strange voice sounded beside him: "Get up, you have made a meritorious service this time."

Tang Tongtai turned his head when he heard the sound, and seeing that Eunuch Wan hadn't left yet, he hurried forward and said, "Then I..."

"Follow me to receive the reward. Remember, the man doesn't want to see you in Chang'an after he said that."

Tang Tongtai was overjoyed at first when he heard the sound, then shuddered in his heart, nodded hurriedly and said: "The villain understands, the villain understands."

Seeing this, Eunuch Wan nodded slightly, a subtle cold light flashed in his eyes, and immediately turned around, followed by Tang Tongtai. At this time, the sun was setting, and the two were drifting away in the twilight.

On the holy chariot that had been turned back, Wu Zhao was still playing with the stone in his hand.

"Heh, two brothers, your sons are very useful to me. It's not in vain for me to wash and cook for you for so many years!"

Wu Zhao murmured softly, and the small stone, which was regarded as a treasure, was casually put into the sleeve, and Wu Zhao looked into the distance while swaying, thinking... (to be continued...)

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