Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 172: Yan Pecks the Emperor's Grandson

Outside the Daming Palace, a group of people came out scattered in the twilight, and the soldiers around them kept their eyes on each other. They knew that each of this group of people was a special person.

In the distance of the palace, there are also two soldiers in light armor standing here. It seems that the armor on their bodies does not look like a palace guard, but it is somewhat similar to the soldiers Tang Guan saw in the Yangzhou military camp before. Not really.

I saw these two soldiers, one big and one small, the older one was about 40 years old, and the younger one looked only about teens. They both looked happy when they saw the palace gate officials scattered in and out from a distance.

"Brother Xu, our general is coming out soon."

"What are we and I, how many times have I told you, but I can't change it." The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the young general beside him. Hearing this, the young general scratched his head, seeing that the familiar person over there had not appeared for a long time, and appeared again Said: "My mother said before, as long as I study hard, I can get in there."

The young general looked at the tall city gate with envy in his eyes, he seemed to be from the Qilu area by his accent, he was tall and big, but his face still had a bit of childishness.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man beside him was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing: "You follow the general to beat the barbarians well, and one day you will be able to go in and have a look."

"Brother Xu, have you ever gone in?" The young general asked back when he heard the words, this young man was also clever, as if he wanted to see the middle-aged people around him make fun of him.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man sighed softly when he heard the words, then glanced at the palace gate, and said: "When I was your age, I also stayed in this place for a few years."

"Ah?" The young man was startled when he heard the words, before he could ask carefully, an old figure walked out.The man was wearing heavy armor and was holding a robe in his hand.I saw a soldier bowing forward and handing over a treasured knife with a trace of cold light, his eyes were full of reverence.

The veteran reached out and took it. "噗" backhanded into the empty sheath behind him, then looked up at the two soldiers in the distance.

Seeing this, the young man said happily: "The general is out, the general is out."

The middle-aged man first followed him with a smile on his face, and then turned his eyes to observe the military robe in the hands of the veteran, his heart shivered, and he said, "Don't talk."

The young man who was about to go forward stopped when he heard the words, and looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously, but the middle-aged man watched the old general walking step by step in front of the palace gate.

It wasn't until they were very close that he stepped forward and said, "Old General."

The veteran looked up at him.With a smile on his face, he said, "Zhien, I've been waiting for a long time."

Seeing the strange atmosphere between the two, the young man couldn't help saying: "Old general..."

As soon as he spoke, the veteran looked over, and when he saw this young man, his face became a little more relaxed, and he laughed loudly: "I almost forgot about you, little brat, Zhien, he didn't run around."

"Tiance is very sensible. General, in the palace?"

The veteran shook his head slightly when he heard the words, but didn't speak, and the young general walked not far away knowingly.Bringing the three horses over, this old general is nothing but the evil general Cheng Wuting.

And this middle-aged man and young general are his subordinates in the army.Although Cheng Wuting prides himself on playing with his life, no one can beat him.But after all, he is expensive as a general, and he is already old.The blood and courage are no longer what they used to be, and the road from Bianbei to Chang'an is under the escort of two people.

While the two were talking, the young man led the horse across. Seeing that Cheng Wuting was silent, the middle-aged man realized something, so he immediately kept his mouth shut.

The boy stepped forward and said, "Old General, your horse."

Cheng Wuting looked at the young man in front of him, and saw that the young man was tall and big, although he was a bit childish, he had sharp edges and corners, and his brows were full of heroic spirit.

Seeing this, Cheng Wuting's heart moved.

"Zilong, your so-called genius is not as good as an orphan I picked up."

Cheng Wuting sighed inwardly, and thought again of Tang Qubing, who had annoyed him so much that he hadn't seen him yet, and compared it to the illiterate but brave and clever young general in front of him, the contrast was quite sharp.

This young general is called Cheng Tiance, the sky is the sky of the heaven and the earth, and the strategy is the strategy of the strategy. We said before that a general has a strategy, a strategy, a robe, a horse, and a spear.

Strategies can keep the overall situation safe, and one shot and one horse can guard the frontier alone!

In fact, no matter which industry you are in, when there is nothing to do, you will always have the idea of ​​finding someone to inherit the legacy. This kind of thinking, regardless of national boundaries, is a kind of nature, especially in ancient China with a long civilization.

But this young man was an orphan. Cheng Wuting traveled through Qilu in his early years, and happened to meet a dying woman who was fleeing, so he took the young man who was only ** years old at that time. With the same surname, he has fought with him for many years and has become a brave young general.

On the other hand, the miraculous person passed down by the common people and Pei Yan is simply Tang Qubing, a sage like the reincarnated Confucius.

Thinking of this, Cheng Wuting's face became more gloomy. He knew that Wu Zhao was testing him, and he could hold his breath. He knew that his death would be for nothing, but the matter of Tang Guan still made him brood.

Seeing that the old general was silent, the middle-aged man stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Old general, let's go back to Luoyang first and visit my wife."

Cheng Wu regained his senses after hearing the sound, and there was a flash of eagerness on his face. He was about to nod his head in agreement. He hadn't returned home for some years, but he stopped immediately.

Immediately, he took the war horse in the young general's hand, turned over and said: "Go to Baoshe to stay first, and then go home tomorrow!"

"Fushe?" The young general didn't think about it when he heard the words, as if he didn't know where it was. Scholars only joined the army after failing to succeed in repeated trials.

"Tian Ce gets on the horse and rushes to fill the house!"

"Deling!" Although the young general didn't know where it was, seeing the smile on the face of the old general who rarely joked with him on weekdays, he responded excitedly and got on his horse immediately.


Cheng Tiance yelled, and the horse galloped under his crotch, and rushed out in an instant, Cheng Wuting also laughed, not to be outdone, and galloped out while the horse's hooves took off.

The middle-aged man smiled wryly and shook his head, and followed closely behind.

A group of three people, three generations old, middle-aged and young, are generals who have gone through many years of war. Their waist knives and even bloodstains are not dried up, and the direction they are heading is the full house where Tang Guan has lived for a long time.


At the same time, in the full house, there was also a young man who was gently helping a young girl change her forehead medicine cloth.

The girl's beautiful eyes were tightly closed, and she didn't dare to look at the boy in front of her as she removed the medicine cloth on her forehead in circles, what kind of contemptuous expression would she have when she saw the terrible scar on her forehead.

The boy's hands and feet were steady, and there was a new medicine for cleansing on the table. By candlelight, the cloth was uncovered, revealing the girl's white and tender forehead, but when he saw a bloodstain between his eyebrows, the boy's hands trembled inadvertently.

The girl seemed extremely sensitive. Although she closed her eyes tightly, she could feel the boy's movements and quickly lowered her head.

She thought the young man was frightened by her ugliness, so she didn't dare to raise her head again, but a gentle voice came to her ears: "Wan'er, it's okay, it will be replaced right away, it doesn't hurt."

These two young people are like no other, they are Tang Guan and Shangguan Wan'er who just had dinner, and there are two dishes and chopsticks on the table in the distance, I have to say that Tang Guan is also careful, knowing that Shangguan Wan'er is new here, She was not forced to come here alone with Chang Ying and the others to have meals with her.

As soon as Tang Guan finished speaking, she raised her chin with one hand, and she still closed her eyes tightly. The boy smiled slightly when he saw this, and looked at the scar on the girl's forehead. A strange emotion flashed in his eyes. Mixed with regret.

Tang Guan was wrapping the medicine cloth lightly, when suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door outside the courtyard.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

Hearing this sound, Tang Guan stopped for a moment, then continued to entangle, as if turning a blind eye to the sound. Shangguan Wan'er heard the sound and slowly opened her beautiful eyes, looking at the cautious Tang Guan in front of her, she couldn't help saying: "I ...I came by myself, I should have come to find you."

Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, pushed Shangguan Wan'er's little hand away, and said with a smile: "Whoever he is, it's the end of the day, and I have to help my little slave with good medicine first."

"I..." Shangguan Wan'er blushed when she heard the words, Tang Guan's actions last night and today are already obvious, as smart as she is, she would never have guessed that Tang Guan wanted to treat her as a taboo, but when it comes to this, Shangguan Wan'er felt an unspeakable sadness in her heart.

Seeing this, Tang Guan also realized that he had acted too hastily, and changed his mind: "You rest first, and wherever you want to go, you must first heal your injuries."

While speaking, Tang Guan wrapped up the medicinal cloth, went to the side basin, and slowly washed his hands. Shangguan Wan'er looked at him and was about to speak, but was interrupted by a loud noise.

"Bang!" There was the sound of the door opening outside the courtyard, followed by a loud voice.

"Tang Qubing is here! My general wants to see him!"

"Xiao Langjun..." Shangguan Wan'er on the bed immediately got up after hearing the sound, and stopped calling you and me, and subconsciously called out the previous address.

Tang Guan was taken aback when he saw this, and then wiped his hands leisurely.He smiled disapprovingly and said, "General? Hey, this is really strange."

After all, he ignored Shangguan Wan'er, turned around and opened the door to leave. (To be continued..)

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