Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 173: Yan Pecks the Emperor's Grandson

Shouting came from the courtyard, the voice was rude, he dared to call Tang Guan's name directly, it is true that everyone can say the word Tang Qubing, but the tone of mentioning it would never be in this state.

Tang Guan pushed the door and went out. At this time, the night was shrouded in darkness, and the lamps in the courtyard had not been lit. Tang Guan saw a vague figure through the dim night.

"The Zhuangyuan Langtang Qubing Department is here!?"

As soon as the figure's voice fell, there was movement at the left and right doors, Xiao Qi and Chang Ying also walked out of the room, looking at the man suspiciously.

Tang Guan and Xiao Qi's eyesight was limited, and they couldn't distinguish the man's appearance in the night, but Chang Ying could see through it at a glance, and without waiting for Tang Guan to approach, he shouted: "You young general is so rude, my husband's name is How can you call it directly!?"

Hearing this, Tang Guan stopped in his tracks, his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and he also saw the appearance of some people who came. He saw that the person was wearing light armor, and his face could not be distinguished, but his body was indeed not small, only slightly larger than usual. The Eagle was halfway behind.

"People in the army?" Seeing this, Tang Guan's heart moved. He didn't seem to have any familiar people in the army since he entered Beijing. His appearance made him even more puzzled, so he remained silent and watched coldly.

The young general stood in the courtyard, glanced at Chang Ying who was talking, frowned and said: "My general will be there in a while, let Tang Qubing come out to meet him!"

Xiao Qi almost went out with Chang Ying, seeing the young general keep calling his brother's name, he was also a little annoyed, and said: "Brother Chang, this man..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chang Ying had already jumped up vigorously, and now Tang Guan's name was unknown to everyone.This young general dared to yell here, he must have been instructed by others.As long as you are not blind, you can see that this is to find fault.

He is Tang Guan's guard.Not to mention anything else, what is a bodyguard is not as simple as a bodyguard in later generations. What a bodyguard should protect is not only the personal safety of the person in charge, but also face.

I saw Chang Ying jumped up and shouted in the air: "Where did you come from! You don't want to fight!"

"Shua!" Chang Ying's kung fu is handsome, Tang Guan has witnessed it many times over there, and he is also interested in seeing him make a move, so he is not in a hurry to show up.He just stood in front of the door, hands behind his back, watching.

"Bang!" In the night, Chang Ying jumped up with all his strength, and in an instant he was in front of the young general. Fights in the dark will turn from long force to bunt, and only when you are close to the body can you punch to the flesh.

The young general was frightened and angry when he saw Chang Ying violently attacking others.Unexpectedly, he didn't dodge or dodge, and raised his hands to meet him while changing his tactics.

"Bang, bang. Bang!" Only a few muffled sounds were heard, and Chang Ying's routine was really fast, causing the young general backed up again and again.Tang Guan over there was surprised when he saw this, because now he doesn't know any martial arts.But Chang Ying is indeed the martial arts practitioner he is most familiar with.

Whether it is on the Jiangnan River, catch the profit net.Tang Guan's tongue-in-cheek was stunned by the head-bouncing skills and the astonishing bravery when facing the Tang Sect. In his impression, if he fought alone, except for Cheng Wuting's victory over Chang Ying by a few points, he had never seen him lose. .

At this time, he also recognized the young general's appearance, and saw that although he was born tall and burly, his childish face was obviously still intact, and he looked only in his teens.

Sure enough, Chang Ying was a little surprised when he saw that the other party was able to avoid his routine at a young age. Martial arts practitioners pay attention to blood, the more blood, the greater the strength. Of course, this does not mean that the smaller the better, the blood is strong The year of the year was Chang Ying at this time, and it was obvious that the young player in front of him was only in his teens and not as mature as Chang Ying.

Chang Ying faced the younger generation and failed in one move, so he was too embarrassed to take the lead, and said again: "You wild boy, you have a bit of skill, which general's pawn are you?"

"Bah, you're the pawn, my general Cheng Tiance, you've had my old punches before, so it doesn't matter if I tell you again!"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan over there was stunned for a moment, and then saw that he was wearing armor, obviously no general was on him, he couldn't help but smiled, and said silently in his heart: "Cheng Tiance?"

Tang Guan looked at the scene in front of him as if he was watching the excitement, and saw that the young general was unconvinced as soon as he finished speaking, and rushed forward again, walking very fast.

"Looking for death!" Chang Ying saw that this kid didn't know how to live or die, but he also knew the character of a martial arts practitioner. If you don't try your best, if you don't subdue him, it will be difficult for him to convince you, especially for young people. Back then, Chang Ying was a fledgling , thought he was unparalleled in the world, but was beaten all over the floor by Ma Lie, and he still has lingering fears.

Chang Ying immediately stopped making reservations, and started with a killer move, his big hands turned into claws, and he couldn't tell where it came from between the three punches and the two swings. It is a wrestling that is used to killing the enemy in front of the battle. Chang Ying's moves are several times faster than before. In an instant, he stalks in front of the young general. Before he can react, his "old fist" has not reached him, but he is caught by Chang Ying The neck is lifted upside down.

"Haha! Boy, did your teacher teach you this!?"

"Haha!" Tang Guan over there also laughed out loud when he heard the words, Xiao Qi was overjoyed when he saw the savage captured, and at the same time he suddenly found Tang Guan.

Chang Ying was like pinching a chicken, holding the young general by the back of his neck and hanging in the air. The young general was already tall, but this time it was very funny, his face turned red and he said: "Put me down!"

"Haha!" Chang Ying laughed out loud again. Although this young general was vulgar and seemed to be deliberately seeking fault, he was kind of cute, and he was indeed a good seed.

Chang Ying has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and has been practicing martial arts for dozens of years. He knows his roots at a touch. The young general is even more ashamed to see Chang Ying laughing. He has been fighting in the battlefield since he was nine years old. It's only a few years less than Chang Ying, but the time difference between actually starting to kill people is more than a few years.

In the past, he had always been doing some chores and logistics, and he had only started to really fight in the last few years. Naturally, he did not have the violence of Chang Ying, a killing machine.

Even so, he survived the thousands of troops, and at this moment, being beaten to the ground by Chang Ying with three punches and two legs, he was horrified and complained a lot.

Fortunately, before Chang Ying laughed, a majestic voice came from outside the door.


Hearing this voice, Chang Ying frowned and looked outside the door. There were two tall figures standing outside the door. Tang Guan also knew that the Lord was coming, so he looked up.

This huge movement naturally attracted the attention of the others, one by one rushed out to investigate, lit torches, under the bright lights, Tang Guan glanced at the two over there, his eyelids twitched.

Chang Ying saw the appearance of one of them, hurriedly put Cheng Tiance down, bowed and said, "General Cheng."

"General Cheng?" Tang Guan was startled when he heard this address, and put away his joking expression. There were two figures over there, an old man and a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was wearing armor, but he was gentle and gentle, not like a general. Under the firelight, the old man had deep eyes and was wearing heavy armor, but his hair was black and white.

Seeing this Tang Guan's heart trembled, the old general's complexion was extremely ferocious, not as if he was putting on a pose, but as if he was born with it.

And the veteran also noticed Tang Guan's gaze, looked over from a distance, saw two children standing on the corridor, first glanced at Xiao Qi, and then quickly looked at Tang Guan over there.

Tang Guan met his eyes, and suddenly his body trembled.

"He's going to kill me!?"

If we talk about the brief time with Pei Yan, the two only had a few moments of friendship, what Pei Yan taught Tang Guan, apart from the aura of being an official, is to see the aura of others.

With a single glance, Tang Guan saw the murderous intent in the veteran's eyes. It was a murderous intent wrapped in layers of gold and iron horses. Others would only be afraid, but could not see the meaning.

"You are the number one scholar?"

The veteran walked in slowly with his hands behind his back, keeping his eyes on Tang Guan, and asked immediately. Tang Guan narrowed his eyes when he heard the sound.

Tang Guan also slowly mobilized his momentum, and also walked forward with his hands behind his back, then cupped his hands and said, "I'm Tang Qubing, may I ask the general who he is?"

"Heh, Zhuangyuan Lang is indeed a good-looking talent, and he has been like a thunder for a long time!" Seeing that the other party responded calmly, the veteran was not afraid of the imposing manner in his eyes, and secretly nodded while disgusting him.

At the age of nine years, Tang Guan went to court, and several of his old friends praised him even more. Seeing this, there is indeed some merit.

Tang Guan didn't take it seriously when he heard the other party's lukewarm words, and said with a smile: "Then you haven't asked your step yet?"

"The old man is just an ordinary man, and he can't fall into the ears of a unicorn like a young talent."

The two of them got closer and closer as they talked, the veteran was condescending, and he didn't even lower his head when he was talking, but he just squinted at Tang Guan below him. Nothing Tang Guan hated more than the current situation, his aura was strong, talking to these people Sometimes, there is always a feeling of being short.

Fortunately, while Tang Guan was puzzled, he seemed to think of something. Over there, Chang Ying wanted to go forward and tell Tang Guan, but he glanced at the veteran in front of him, and stopped immediately, with no doubts in his heart.

There is no one else for this person, but it is Cheng Wuting who just learned from the Daming Palace that Tang Guan is the one who built the Mingtang. Just like the preface, Cheng Wuting is very famous in the army. When Gaozong was still alive, Chang Ying had seen him Well, after many years, although this person is much older, Chang Ying still remembers the general ferocity.

But what made him strange was that he seemed to be an unfriendly visitor. Tang Guan hadn't left the gate these few days, and he was entangled with the sudden Shangguan Wan'er like glue. Chang Ying didn't know what Tang Guan's plan was, but But he knew that Tang Guan seemed to have nothing to do with Cheng Wuting.

Tang Guan didn't know the other party's identity, but after carefully watching the other party's appearance, he suddenly said: "General Cheng is not guarding the border, but he returned to Beijing. The students are disappointed and welcome!"

Tang Guan broke the atmosphere in an instant, his face turned from doubt to joy, as if he had guessed the identity of the other party.

Sure enough, when Cheng Wuting heard the word Bian Bei, he was shocked, and suddenly looked at Tang Guan, his eyes were not without shock, he actually saw through his identity in a few words. (To be continued..) (To be continued..)

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