Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 174: Yan Pecks the Emperor's Grandson

Cheng Wuting looked Tang Guan up and down. Tang Guan had been busy comforting Shangguan Wan'er for the past two days, and after not leaving him for a long time, he inevitably had a powdery smell on his body. In addition, although he was not as handsome as Xiao Qi, but he was also in vain. clean.

It has to be said that experience determines a person's aesthetics. Most military generals are not interested in fair and clean scholars, but Cheng Wu is quite different. When he was young, he worked with a scholar. Although the scholar could not lift his hands or shoulders, he dared to charge forward. , Blood spilled on the battlefield.

Therefore, Cheng Wuting changed his view of literati because of one person. The literati are not necessarily without courage, but lack of ability, and there are completely two divisions of labor.

Compared with many warriors who have the ability to protect themselves but lack the corresponding courage, this is much stronger.

With so many mentions, it's not that Cheng Wuting changed his view of Tang Guan while looking up and down, but that he became more disgusted in his heart.

"Greasy-headed and powder-faced, flirtatious, it seems that what they said is true." Cheng Wuting said to himself secretly, Tang Guan stood upright, and while Cheng Wuting was looking at him, he was also secretly looking at the veteran.

"There is an old saying that when evil comes, it is like a beacon burning the original. Eight hundred meteors gallop to catch up with the moon, and the evil of three thousand years rushes forward." Tang Guan squinted his eyes and nodded secretly. The historical records are true, and this person is extremely ferocious. Well, even counting the time, this person is still getting old, and his face is still so fierce.

"No wonder he has been able to frighten the Turkic people to this day. He is so ruthless that he is afraid of being violent, if he is violent, he is afraid of being stunned, and if he is shocked, he is afraid of death."

When the two looked at each other, the images of each came into mind. Tang Guan was still okay and was thinking about it secretly.But Cheng Wuting suddenly said: "I have heard about your name for a long time, but seeing you today is extraordinary. I have returned to Beijing to face the saint, and I heard from my colleagues that Chang'an Baoshe has long been occupied by the Lord. In the past, all officials had to ask for your permission. If you move in, your lord is really majestic, and when he becomes prime minister in the future, your lord must also be guarding the gate of the Daming Palace, so as to keep the peace."

As soon as Cheng Wuting's words fell, Tang Guan froze suddenly, but there was a big laugh.

"Ha ha!"

I saw Cheng Tiance laughing out loud, and the middle-aged man beside him couldn't help but smile, his own general always speaks concisely.Today, the normal situation was changed, and the words were full of sarcasm, but this person was the famous number one scholar Lang Tang Qubing.

The two of them seemed to have learned something about what happened when they rushed here, so Cheng Tiance made some rude remarks when he entered the door, which led Chang Ying to arrest him.

Tang Guan stood where he was, with an embarrassed expression on his face. Chang Ying over there was stunned when he heard this.Then he wanted to speak, but he didn't dare to speak after all. It wasn't that Chang Ying was afraid of Cheng Wuting, but that he respected him.This person can be regarded as one of the few surviving generals of the older generation.

In embarrassment, Tang Guan noticed something strange, and when Cheng Wuting arrived, his murderous intent loomed.At this time, the speech was even more cynical.

Originally, this person was also one of Tang Guan's plans, but at this time, a change that he didn't know obviously happened.As a result, this person seemed to be hostile to him, even comparing himself to a watchdog.

Although I don't know the reason.But Tang Guan was embarrassed for a moment, and then smiled and said: "The general's demeanor is eye-opening for the students. It's getting late, and the students ordered someone to burn a pot of fragrant tea. How about we talk about it in detail?"

"Heh, I am ashamed to enjoy Langjun Xiancha. Tiance, I know you are kind, take a break, get up at three o'clock tomorrow, and march at five o'clock, there must be no mistakes!"

"Yes." The two people over there bowed to accept the order, and then searched for a room on the left and right without looking back, treating this place as if it were a military camp.

Seeing this, Tang Guan's face remained unchanged, Cheng Wuting passed by Chang Ying, went into the corridor and found a remote place, Chang Ying saw him enter the house, and immediately went to Tang Guan who was meditating: "Xiao Langjun, what are you doing?" Have a holiday with the old general!?"

Chang Ying's tone was full of anxiety and surprise. Tang Guan's actions were extraordinary, and seeing the two of them talking with each other, he thought that Tang Guan had made too many enemies, and he had met Cheng Wuting before.

Tang Guanwenyin glanced at Chang Ying, shook his head and smiled, he had never seen this kind of thing before, how could he have a problem with him, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to have angered him at all.

It stands to reason that since he rescued Pei Yan, this person should have a good impression of him, but the situation at first glance was a bit unexpected.

"Brother Chang, is this veteran Cheng Wuting guarding the north?"

Tang Guan asked in a low voice, as if he wanted to confirm. In fact, he could be sure by seeing the other party's default expression, but he still wanted to be confirmed.

Chang Ying nodded when he heard the words, and then said in surprise: "You don't know him?"

"Now we know each other." Tang Guan smiled wryly, then glanced at Xiao Qi not far away, and said, "Xiao Qi, come here."

Xiao Qi has been standing aside to join in the fun, but he hasn't noticed that the scene is wrong. Hearing Tang Guan's call, he immediately stepped forward.

"Brother Guan, who is that old man?"

"There is a box in your room, and there is a robe in the box. After half an hour, you will send the robe to the old man's room just now, remember?"

Xiao Qi nodded immediately when he heard the words, he knew that Tang Guan was going to show off, and Chang Ying's face froze, not knowing what Tang Guan was going to do.

After Tang Guan finished speaking, he glanced at the door of Cheng Wuting's room thoughtfully. The full house looks like a courtyard house, but it can't be called it.

Immediately Tang Guan turned his head and said: "Brother Chang, did Cheng Tiance have any skill just now?"

"Him?" Chang Ying smiled when he heard the words, but then nodded with approval and said: "It's kind of interesting, but it's not close."

Hearing this, Tang Guan shook his head and smiled, and then said: "Brother Chang, you and Xiao Qi will go find General Cheng together later, but Xiao Qi can only hold the robe."

"What robe?" Chang Ying was still a little confused, stepped forward to ask, but Tang Guan stopped talking, shook his head slightly, and actually started again and turned back to Shangguan Wan'er's room, leaving Xiaoqi and Chang Ying looking at each other.

After a long time, Xiao Qi said: "Brother Chang, is the general a high official?"

Xiaoqi still didn't understand the system of civil servants, but after witnessing the officials' debauchery, the sudden but domineering Cheng Wuting made him doubtful.

Chang Ying, who was still thinking about Tang Guan's words, came back to his senses and said with a smile, "It should be."

Say it.Chang Ying felt something was wrong again, she shook her head slightly and said, "That's not true either."


There was a "squeak".Tang Guan pushed open the door of Shangguan Wan'er's room.

Shangguan Wan'er in the room saw him turning back, she hurriedly got up and looked at him nervously.

Seeing this, Tang Guan smiled.He said, "Why don't you rest?"

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, Tang Guan also approached the table and sat down, taking a sip of cool tea.

"Miss, guess who is here?"

Shangguan Wan'er raised her head to look at Tang Guan, but said nothing. Tang Guan took good care of her these two days, but she always felt extremely awkward, so she kept silent.

This little girl's hypocrisy is not like her.The reason why Tang Guan continued to remain ambiguous under his dominance, giving promises but not telling her clearly, was because he was not sure what Shangguan Wan'er wanted.

Even if what Shangguan Wan'er wanted was the power in the official history, Tang Guan would not be surprised, and even if she could really get back on track, it didn't matter to him, Tang Guan's ambition was not in Chang'an.

He can promise her everything, and protect her for the rest of her life for no reason.The premise of all this is that there is no definite relationship between the two, and only if there is ambiguity, can there be a way out.

This layer of ambiguous relationship cannot be broken, just like her and Wu Sansi in historical materials.Mixed with carnal desire and benefits, Tang Guan can give him benefits, as for carnal desires, it is also optional.He came here in a frenzy, and left with a song of his own accord.

This has to be said to be a bad taste of Tang Guan.Forcibly intervene to change, even if the head is broken.Also live out yourself.

Tang Guan judged others by himself, but he didn't find the slightest strange flicker in the silent Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful eyes. The sadness of a man is that he doesn't understand what a woman thinks. Tang Guan wants because of this, and Shangguan Wan'er Perhaps all she wants is a title, Tang Guan's ambiguity and dominance are not enough to give Shangguan Wan'er a sense of security.

She would rather live humiliated than die, this is the real her, Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful eyes flashed decisively, she wants to use Tang Guan!

We have said before that the ignorant have no desires, not everyone is born with a fascination with sex, just like Xiao Qi who is still growing, when he gradually understands what power is, sex will follow.

In fact, whether it is Tang Guan or Shangguan Wan'er, affection is long past the age of verbal talk. Tang Guan's body resides in a soul in his twenties, and Shangguan Wan'er has also experienced ordinary people's poor life in the Daming Palace. Impossible to see all kinds.

Shangguan Wan'er looked at Tang Guan, suddenly she wanted to gamble, stood up again after a long time, approached gracefully, but did not answer Tang Guan's question.

Seeing this, Tang Guan put down the teacup in his hand, and saw Shangguan Wan'er touching Tang Guan's shoulder and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lang, you should rest."

Tang Guan was startled by her actions, and then seemed to think of something, with a half-smile on his face, Shangguan Wan'er slowly lowered her body, as if she wanted to help her remove her clothes.

But Tang Guan suddenly stretched out his hand to stroke it away, and then looked at Shangguan Wan'er playfully, Shangguan Wan'er was startled when she saw this, and hurriedly lowered her head.

Tang Guan watched him for a long time, stretched out his hand, and squeezed his chin. The movement was very similar to Wu Zhao. Feeling the strength, Shangguan Wan'er was startled, but it was too late, Tang Guan had already pinched his chin .

"Shangguan Wan'er." Tang Guan looked at the pretty face close at hand, and said softly, without any tenderness in his tone.

Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help turning pale when she heard him call her name directly. She changed too quickly, from being cautious to taking the initiative. After staring at her for a while, Tang Guan continued: "I hate these things, don't think about making friends with her." I bet, it's useless for you to bet with me, what's yours is yours, and what I promise you, I will give you, as long as those are what you want."

"You..." Shangguan Wan'er's pretty face turned pale.

Tang Guan was still smiling, but he released his chin after a long time. It has to be said that Tang Guan is a creepy phenomenon. He is no longer a "person", but can only be called a phenomenon.

Wu Zhao thought that Tang Guankong had a mind, but he didn't know about men and women. In fact, Tang Guan just didn't want to do it, because this was his advantage, and he wanted to make himself obsessed about love and sex, so as to paralyze Wu Zhao.

"The man from outside is called Cheng Wuting. He wants to kill me."

"You said I was trying to kill him, or not?"

Hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er looked at Tang Guan in horror, Tang Guan seemed to be a different person, Cheng Wuting had a good relationship with Pei Yan, yet Tang Guan decided to kill this person.

Until Tang Guan stretched out his hand to help her up, she still didn't understand the meaning of Tang Guan's words, but she suddenly felt a pair of hands loose on her delicate body, and she couldn't help being shocked for a moment.

"Let me go!" (To be continued...)

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