Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 177: Yan Pecks the Emperor's Grandson


Tang Guan went out to take a deep breath of cool air, then let it out slowly, looked up at Ye Qiong, and then looked back at the door behind him.

"Did I do something wrong?" Tang Guan asked himself with narrowed eyes, and then immediately denied that Shangguan Wan'er was exactly the same as Wu Zhao. The better he treated her, the greater her actions would be. Gaozong was a lesson learned from the past. Women have no credibility at all.

"Today she dares to think carefully, but tomorrow she dares to sell me!" Tang Guan felt ruthless in his heart. He was very sure that Shangguan Wan'er was definitely not a cheap lamp. Don't look at her being entrusted to others now, but what Tang Guan wanted It's not a time bomb, but a toy that I can manipulate. I sew and mend this toy by myself, so that I can have more fun playing with it.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan no longer was obsessed with Shangguan Wan'er, but turned his head to look at the room where the light was still on.

"Cheng Wuting, it's interesting." Tang Guan rubbed his chin and stared at the door. He didn't know why Cheng Wuting became so hostile to him, but he could think with his toes that it must have something to do with Wu Zhao.

"That woman must have wanted to kill him too."

"If I contribute to the flames, I will definitely please her."

"Although he is on good terms with the old man, if he really doesn't know what is good and evil to embarrass me, then..."

Tang Guan looked aimlessly with his hands behind his back, but he began to weigh in his heart, and he also began to change. Pei Yan's deeds told him that ideals are a very unrealistic thing. To Tang Guan, Cheng Wuting is the only one. The effect is to delay the Turkic war.

The chaotic situation in the DPRK and China is very beneficial to Tang Guan, but if the foreign war starts, there is no benefit at all.

"Could it be because?" Tang Guan's eyes were fixed after he pondered.As if thinking of something, when I was about to think about it carefully.A call sounded.

"Brother Guan."

Tang Guan heard the sound and looked back, only to see that it was Xiao Qi standing on one side with a robe in his hand.Tang Guan was taken aback when he saw this, and asked, "Didn't you send it to that old man?"

Xiao Qi shook his head slightly when he heard the words, stepped forward and said: "I have delivered it, he won't let me in."

"Oh?" Tang Guan said lightly, stretched out his hand to take the robe, and then said with a smile: "Xiaoqi, I have neglected you these days."

Xiaoqi laughed and said, "Brother Guan, when can we go home?"

"Home?" Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words. He really didn't pay much attention to Xiaoqi's movements in the past few days.I didn't realize that my brother talked less and less.

"Are you homesick?" Tang Guan stretched out his arms and hooked Xiaoqi's shoulders. Later generations said that love is not long, "friends" have been "friends" for thousands of years. This sounds funny, but it is actually true. Friendship is always visible. Got it.

"Brother Guan, you said that it would be great if I could be a high official someday." Xiao Qi didn't answer his question, but murmured enviously.

Tang Guanwenyin frowned, looking at Xiaoqi's serious face.He couldn't help laughing: "When you can write all the characters I taught you, I will let you be an official."


"Haha, I can't fake it." Tang Guan laughed out loud, he was defenseless against Xiao Qi.Looking back at Tang Guan's infinite vigilance against women, it is not difficult to see that Tang Guan values ​​righteousness.But not necessarily affectionate.

Except for Lin Yuxun who touched his heartstrings, the more beautiful women.The more he will be on guard, Tang Guan is not so much scheming.Rather, he was actually afraid. Shangguan Wan'er left her name in history, and all kinds of deeds made Tang Guan, an insider, horrified. He didn't believe that this kind of woman would have affection at all.

Even, sometimes Tang Guan felt that Shangguan Wan'er was more distorted than Zeng Jin who was a "person" rather than a god Wu Zhao. Fighting alone, in the power center of Tang Dynasty, what she saw and learned was beyond Tang Guan's control.

Forbidden, Tang Guan thinks this is the best status for this woman at present. It is not difficult to imagine that if one day Shangguan Wan'er really does something harmful to Tang Guan, Tang Guan will kill this woman without hesitation. Still stay.

It's a pity that as we mentioned before, feelings are always full of cruelty and ignorance. Tang Guan speculates himself here, constantly deepens his vigilance, but ignores many things that should be noticed.

In fact, Tang Guan's idea is very simple, that is, he can fulfill the promise, and then return his interests to Shangguan Wan'er within the scope. As for the extent of this scope, it depends on how deep his relationship with her is.

"Hey, Shangguan Wan'er, Shangguan Wan'er, don't let me down." Tang Guan sneered in his heart, with a witty sense of superiority coming from his heart, he positioned himself as a benefactor, and Shangguan Wan'er It was a dirty beggar who used his body that really made Tang Guan tempted in exchange for his own charity.

Seeing Tang Guan's silence, Xiao Qi said, "Brother Guan, do you like that ugly woman?"

"What?" Tang Guan regained consciousness after hearing the words, as if he didn't hear clearly.

"It's the ugly monster with the scar on his head. Sister Xun'er is much prettier than her."

"Tell me again!" Xiao Qi said it clearly this time, and Tang Guan shouted out loud when he heard the words, scaring Xiao Qi back again and again.

"Brother Guan, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Qi looked at Tang Guan's hideous face, his face turned pale for a moment, and he uttered nervously.

"I..." Tang Guan's heart was filled with anger, but he was immediately extinguished when he heard the question, yes, what happened to him, he was angry at his brother because of a toy.

Immediately calmed down, and whispered: "Xiao Qi, Brother Guan doesn't like her, but she is useful to us."

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan stopped talking, put his hands behind his back and shook his head secretly, Xiao Qi also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this.

The two fell silent for a while, until Tang Guan said: "Go and rest, our big house will be repaired in the future."

"Big house? Could it be that bird doesn't shit?" Xiao Qi's heart was moved when he heard the words, and he said with a smile. The place was chosen by the two together. Although Xiao Qi doesn't understand Feng Shui, he also understands prosperity The place is the best.

Tang Guan shook his head with a wry smile, and murmured: "It's best if the bird doesn't shit."

Hearing this, Xiao Qi also smiled, turned his head and left, leaving Tang Guan standing quietly alone.

It wasn't until Xiao Qi's figure disappeared that Tang Guan slowly raised the robe in his hand, and glanced at the still bright room over there.

Then he walked over slowly.

"Bang Bang tied."

Tang Guan stretched out his hand and tapped twice, and said, "Old General, the student has something to ask for help."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Guan waited quietly with his hands behind his hands, and sure enough there was no movement in the room.

"Old general, why do you want to be serious with Pei Xianggong for a mere Mingtang?"

Tang Guan spoke again, with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the door of the room opened suddenly, and a tall figure instantly enveloped Tang Guan.

Tang Guan looked at the man in front of him who had already taken off his armor, and only heard him say: "What did you just say!?" (To be continued...)

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