Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 178: Yan Pecks the Emperor's Grandson

"What did you say!?"

Tang Guan looked at Cheng Wuting who was quite excited in front of him with a smile that was not a smile. Hearing his question, he said with a smile: "Old General, you are standing here well now, and you are still alive. Can you not allow the students to live well?"

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Wuting's expression froze, and then he said in a deep voice, "You come in first."

"Thank you." Tang Guan cupped his hands slightly, and then stepped into the door. Cheng Wu looked around without a trace, and closed the door behind his back.

Tang Guan was also self-conscious, and sat down alone as soon as he entered the room, put the robe in his hand on the table, and then looked at Cheng Wuting, Cheng Wuting also looked at the robe on the table thoughtfully, and then said: "Someone said You are young, but you have three eyes."

"Oh? Haha, how many do you see on the students' faces?" Tang Guan answered with a smile while raising his hands and turning them over twice. Cheng Wuting stared at his movements, and only stepped forward after a long time.

"Boy, when I killed someone, your mother was still wearing crotch pants!"

Cheng Wuting sat down and spoke slowly. Tang Guan's expression did not change when he heard the words. After he sat down, he said calmly: "The general has thousands of troops under his command. It is indeed a matter of flipping to kill the students."

"Hmph, it's good if you know." Cheng Wuting snorted coldly. Tang Guan really surprised him a lot during this short meeting. .

Is he really so jealous?Really not, there are many evil things in the world, and he is even called the evil of the past. He can't take care of it, and he doesn't bother to take care of it, but there is something called political ideals.This thing is the root cause of the struggle of the ruling class.

It doesn't matter whether it is treating the people like children or filling their own pockets.These are all political ideals, once in conflict.Then we have to fight.

Obviously, he was the only one left by Pei Yan's gang, and the political burden had been completely emptied, and the matter of Tang Guanxing's building Mingtang added fuel to the fire.

Cheng Wuting pondered for a moment, thinking that Tang Guan was frightened, and he was trying to pretend to be a snake with himself. Cheng Wuting has not been given for nothing for decades. Although he is young, he can think of cause and effect from his own words.Whether it is a good talent or a fool, it is clear at a glance that Tang Guan is not a rotten tree.

Thinking of this, Cheng Wu felt relieved. Since this is the case, this young man should have good temperament. He must have been instigated by a villain. When he was secretly thinking about how to lead him to the right path, Tang Guan said again: "But the general I seem to have forgotten something."

Cheng Wuting interrupted.Looking up at Tang Guan, he sneered and said, "What's the matter?"

Tang Guan was silent when he heard the words, picked up the freshly added tea on the table, and took a sip.Then he put down the teacup and said, "This is Chang'an."

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Wuting was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to realize something.Hearing a "crack", Tang Guan's eyes flashed coldly.A long knife with a cold glow was already resting on his neck.

Tang Guan seemed to have expected it long ago, and his expression remained unchanged.Cheng Wuting frowned, and said fiercely: "You think the old man really dare not kill you, so what if this is Chang'an!?"

"You little thief, I thought you still had something to offer. If I kill you today, this old man will not live alone. On the way to Huangquan, this old man will take your head to apologize to your mentor!"

"Haha, the general is so majestic, such a fast sword!" Tang Guan's tone was still neither cold nor cold.

"Zhuzi is looking for death!" Cheng Wuting felt a chill in his heart, and the evil was on the verge of courage. It is true that he did not dare to do anything to Wu Zhao. At the height of the sun, even if Jing Ke was reborn, he would not have the courage to face Wu Zhou's overwhelming farce!

But it is different for Tang Guan, Tang Guan is weaker than him, it is one of human nature to bully the weak and fear the hard-pressed, seeing that Tang Guan is about to fall to the head with a knife in his hand, Tang Guan suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

"Rub." The blade trembled. It was obvious that the owner of the blade had already prepared to close the momentum. Cheng Wuting heard Tang Guan's voice, but instead heaved a sigh of relief.

"Old general, you are so majestic, why didn't you kill that woman, instead you killed me?"

"You..." Cheng Wuting trembled when he heard the words, and almost lost control. Tang Guan bluntly said his pain, yes, he is so majestic, he needs courage to even raise his head in front of that woman, but now he is here to Tang Guanheng Swords facing each other is indeed not what heroes do.

"The general is full of loyalty and loyalty. Although he is not as good as Cheng Gong of Lingyan Pavilion with the same surname, he is also a rare general in my Tang Dynasty. The students come from humble backgrounds and have no strength to restrain the chicken. If the general is killed, he will be killed. The students have no complaints."

"Tang Qubing! You yellow-mouthed boy, today, let your words go wild, and I want to seek justice for a few old friends. Do you know how many people's lives were buried by Mr. Pei for this case, so he presses the button for the time being?" , do you know how many people you need to write about in your wild imagination!? "

Hearing the sound, Tang Guan's eyes narrowed, and he thought inwardly. Sure enough, he had missed a point after all his calculations. When he was building Mingtang in history, this veteran had already died, so naturally there was no resistance. by myself.

What Cheng Wuting said is correct. The country's construction of large-scale fortifications is indeed an extremely sensitive political topic. Because of this, the former Sui Dynasty was seized by the heroes of the former Sui Dynasty as an excuse to raise troops and perish. Now Tang Guan doesn't want to think about it. The ability to protect is at stake, let alone consider others, sacrifice is necessary, he is not Pei Yan!

Seeing Tang Guan's silence, Cheng Wuting's heart moved, and he continued: "You are still young, I don't need to blame you, as long as you..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Guan interrupted: "Old general, wherever you come and go, Chang'an is not the place you should come to."

"Scared!" Tang Guanyu was not surprised, and died endlessly. As soon as the words fell, Cheng Wuting didn't even care about his anger, and he was petrified in an instant.

A nine-year-old doll actually said these words to him in an old-fashioned way. Whether this is funny or terrifying can no longer be described in words.

"Oh, old general, this is Xianggong's military robe. Before leaving, give it to Qu Bing. If the general thinks Qu Bing is immoral, feel free to take it."

Tang Guan moved the robe on the table while talking, Cheng Wuting still couldn't let go of the knife, as if all the confidence in his conversation with Tang Guan was on the knife.

"General, today is different from the past. You are so majestic and there is nothing you can do about it. Why bother making things difficult for the students here? Without students, there will still be those things."

"Heh, heh, heh, hahahaha." Cheng Wuting shook his head and laughed when he heard Tang Guan's murmur as if chatting.

Tang Guan's expression remained unchanged, but he got up slowly, as if he was about to leave. He was so tall that he reached Cheng Wu's waist. One laughed as if mocking himself helplessly, and the other shook his head slightly, and walked around him to the door.

"Wait." As soon as the laughter fell, the deep voice rose again.

Hearing this, Tang Guan stopped in his tracks and said without turning his head, "What orders does the old general have?"

"What did Brother Pei give you back?"

"A promise." Tang Guan said quietly when he heard the words, Cheng Wuting's eyes changed, he glanced at the robe on the table, and then slowly picked it up.

"Boy, then remember your promise."

After all, Cheng Wuting raised one hand and threw the robe at Tang Guan. Tang Guan seemed to have expected it, and immediately turned around to take it.

Cheng Wuting didn't ask Tang Guan what kind of promise he was, but sat down slowly, holding his chin with a knife.

Seeing this, Tang Guan cupped his hands and said, "Farewell."

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan turned around and left the room, leaving Cheng Wuting alone to mutter to himself.

The room was silent. After a long time, Cheng Wuting raised the sword in his hand, stroked it slowly, and murmured: "Old friend, you are the most reliable." (To be continued...)

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