Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 179: Wan'er's Happiness

The assessment is completed, and the stable update can start tomorrow. Foreword: When a person is young, there will always be scars and scars. It will be fine, and everything will be fine! ---------------------------------------------

"This old man is really ruthless!"

Tang Guan pushed the door out from Cheng Wuting's room, and then took a few quick steps, his feet were soft and he almost slipped and fell to the ground.

With the knife resting on his neck, it would be self-deception to say that he was not afraid. Tang Guan cursed secretly, and looked back at the room that was still lit. , he also had murderous intentions towards Cheng Wuting, no matter what relationship Pei Yan had with Cheng Wuting, the current Tang Guan would never tolerate threats.

Fortunately, although Cheng Wuting looks arrogant and vicious, he is not stupid. Tang Guan's few words made the other party scruples. It has to be said that Tang Guan is best at speciousness, which makes people confused and vigilant. In fact, Tang Guan Every time Guan pretends to be mysterious, he sweats secretly. How can he have so many mysteries to play, it can only be said that his pretending skills are getting more and more proficient.

Tang Guan let out a breath of turbid air slowly, this Cheng Wuting was like a mad lion, drawing his saber to face each other when he disagreed with him, his movements were as skilled as eating and farting. It must be the end of the head falling to the ground when the hand is raised and the knife is dropped.

"Hey, but this person is really a rare righteous man."

Thinking of this, Tang Guan's eyes must be fixed. Extraordinary people generally have flaws in their personalities.On the outside, he is a warlord with a heavy army in his hand, who is Li Tang Guan's ideal.A hero on one side, a general who is only one step away.

But his flaws are also fatal.That is the ruthless recklessness in the bones. In fact, the officials in the court, these ancient politicians, seem to be watching the fun. Under the imperial power society, the officials are just sharing power and serving the emperor's servants. For example, Tang Guan proposed to build Mingtang. If Wu Zhao did not agree, the hut would not be repaired.Not to mention the hall.

Under this kind of tacit understanding, whoever made a suggestion, was adopted, and was favored, the official would only regret that he hadn't guessed what the emperor was thinking, and would not think about how this person thought of it. , In fact, as mentioned above, under the imperial power society.Everything belongs to the emperor. Only what the emperor wants to do can be done, and what officials think of.In fact, it's all about guessing what the emperor thought of.

This may sound like nonsense, but this is Cheng Wuting's fatal flaw, and even Pei Yan's flaw in a sense.But Pei Yan and Cheng Wuting are different, Cheng Wuting really doesn't understand.I don't want to understand, although Pei Yan understands.But he was too lazy to guess.

Therefore, Cheng Wuting turned out to be Tang Guan's old account brought up again at the first glance, and he wanted to build Mingtang, and he suddenly became furious. In addition, he and Pei Yan had a deep friendship, so Tang Guan naturally became his first object of hatred, completely ignoring the above-mentioned points. All kinds of reasons, if they switch positions and become Wu Sansi and his like to look at this matter, I'm afraid they will just laugh it off.

"Tian Hou doesn't want to do it, how dare he think about it?"

Yes, if Wu Zhao doesn't think about it, Tang Guan certainly won't think about it, and it's useless to think about it, but the fact is that Wu Zhao not only thought about it, but also thought about it for more than a year or two, just like Tang Guan said. Even if he didn't mention it, someone would mention it, and Wu Zhao would still do it.

Cheng Wuting has been a general for some years, so he naturally knows the past in detail. Although he is still a little obscure about politics, when Tang Guan said that to him, it was like a blow to the head and woke him up instantly.

But it can still be seen that Cheng Wuting still has a grudge in his heart. He also understands that the situation is over and unstoppable, and he also understands Tang Guan's actions, but Tang Guan's actions run counter to his ideal of a talented person after all.

In fact, the helplessness of many historical figures is precisely here. When we look through historical materials, it is not difficult to find that the ancient Chinese civilization always did specific things at a specific time and place. Is it such a coincidence?

Of course not, it's just that the master of that era needs such a person to appear, just like Tang Guan now, the meaning of his current existence is dispensable to the era, but it is necessary for the master of this era have.

His brilliance is also here, he just wants to make this feeling of Wu Zhao intensify, he just wants to speculate, take advantage of the historical loopholes he knows, and keep meeting until this woman feels that God is helping her, It was time for Tang Guan to really take the stage.

Speaking of this, we will not wonder why Tang Guan's origin is unclear. The world only sees his later appearance, and few contemporaries are silent. Tang Guan's origin is too dirty, it is simply insane. It's a trivial matter to slap the horse Wu Jialang with his beard and shoulders. He shouldered Wang Tang Qubing when he was young and only explained what is called a dragon horse with a big sky and a god fart with a big earth.

It's a pity that no one knows these anymore, and no one will know.

Leaving aside the topic, I saw Tang Guan's eyes shining brightly in the night, while meditating secretly, he walked up to Guan Wan'er's room.

"This veteran will let him go for the time being. Since he is not dead, it is God's will." Tang Guan didn't sigh until he stood still in front of the door.

Immediately Tang Guan raised his head and listened carefully to the movement in the room, and then gently opened the door.

The door was slowly opened by him, Tang Guan looked at the exquisite figure lying on the side of the bed, and his complexion immediately became serious.

Cheng Wuting was just an episode, and Shangguan Wan'er, who would live under the same roof with him in the future, would be the big problem.

I hurt and hurt, and I was scared. Tang Guan was not sure if this woman was scared. He just wanted to give Shangguan Wan'er a psychological gap. ", when he used the full-bodied means of that female figure in history, give her a blow in the head and let this girl obediently be his own little toy.

Tang Guan closed the door lightly, looking at Shangguan Wan'er on the bed who didn't know whether she was asleep or awake, she suddenly frowned, he always felt that something was missing, but he didn't know what it was, Tang Guan understood that no one is perfect He even analyzed Cheng Wuting's flaws.I have also seen through the weaknesses in many people's personalities, but just like the sentence we mentioned before, "People can't see themselves."

The mirror of Tang Guan reflected too many people.But he couldn't see himself, looking at Shangguan Wan'er in front of him.This was a woman he had never thought about before. He had only fantasized about it before. If this woman ascended to the aspect like her in the historical materials one day, how would the two of them get along with each other? Should he establish a front with her.

But luckily, now she has become his own slave. Although Tang Guan won't say it verbally, he won't really abuse Shangguan Wan'er like a slave, but he doesn't know it.He was blinded by the terrible pleasure. Toys are worse than slaves. It is true that slaves are not human beings and are trade goods. What is that toy?

Tang Guan approached slowly, stretched out his hand and slowly took off his clothes, looked coldly at Shangguan Wan'er on the bed, and said, "I know you haven't slept yet."

"Hoo hoo hoo." A few gasps sounded, accompanied by the trembling of the body of the person on the bed.Sure enough, Shangguan Wan'er did not fall asleep, but immediately held her breath the moment Tang Guan entered the door, unexpectedly, Ao was still noticed by Tang Guan.

"It would be nice if someone warmed the bed. Wan'er, you are really suitable for this." Tang Guan's tone was full of sarcasm, for some reason.As soon as he saw Shangguan Wan'er, he was inexplicably annoyed.I always feel that there is an indescribable haze in my heart, Tang Guan is constantly calculating about people and things.I am most afraid that something is beyond my control, and after the Six Questions in General Miaozhong, this feeling becomes more and more intense.

At this time, when he saw Shangguan Wan'er, he subconsciously associated it with the woman in the official history, who was so tyrannical and could not beat Wu Zhao, and then felt strangely empty in his heart, feeling that something was missing.

"Xiao Langjun, the bed is warmed up for you, and I will come down now."

An unexpectedly cold voice sounded, and Shangguan Wan'er, who was lying on her side on the bed, got up slowly and spoke. As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan immediately frowned.

The more Shangguan Wan'er obeyed, the more frightening he felt. Shangguan Wan'er looked at Tang Guan with her beautiful eyes dimly in the dark, her face was full of tiredness, Tang Guan was about to speak, but when she saw this face, she swallowed it back .

Shen Sheng said: "That's all."

After a long time, Tang Guan shook his head slightly, sat down, and slowly embraced Shangguan Wan'er, stretched out his hand to touch the medicinal cloth on her head, and said in a low voice, "Does it still hurt?"

Shangguan Wan'er's expression was dull, and she said coldly, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Do you regret it?"

Tang Guan caressed Shangguan Wan'er's soft blue hair, and said softly.

Shangguan Wan'er's expression remained dull when she heard the words, she seemed neither happy nor sad, no matter what Tang Guan said, she would not have any other expressions.

Even so, she was still a little puzzled when she heard this: "Xiao Langjun, what are you talking about?"

Tang Guan sniffed the fragrance that was close at hand, and said with a sneer, "I have to admit that your face and body have contributed to your survival all these years."

"I..." Shangguan Wan'er trembled when she heard the words, sure enough, Tang Guan still hated her and wanted to continue insulting herself, but she hesitated to speak, and finally did not speak.

Tang Guan continued to say: "You are a court lady, and it is rare for women of all sizes in the palace to have your appearance. When did you come to be blessed by the abolished emperor? Is it Zhongzong? Or Ruizong? With your body, I am afraid that the emperor may It should also be regarded as a treasure, tsk tsk, a 14-year-old patent is rare." (Note: The two sons of Emperor Fei and Wu Zetian are named emperors, also known as Emperor Fei)

"Slap!" Finally, a crisp slap came, interrupting Tang Guan's one-man show.

"I...Xiao Langjun...I..."

Seeing that Shangguan Wan'er slapped Tang Guan suddenly, there was a burst of panic, Tang Guan was also stunned by the blow, and suddenly woke up, as if he was out of control just now, and then he recalled what he said just now something.

He originally wanted to relieve the inexplicable annoyance he felt when he was with this woman, but in the end, he became more and more angry, and he always felt that she seemed dirty and not perfect.

All of this is actually caused by Tang Guan's subconscious mind. Long before he met Shangguan Wan'er, he knew what kind of person she was. In addition, Tang Guan had dabbled a lot in this area in his previous life. The story about her Even more well-known, many of which sound unsightly.

But the strange thing is that although Tang Guan was beaten, he didn't get angry. Instead, he felt inexplicable joy in his heart.

Tang Guan didn't show any expression on his face, seeing Shangguan Wan'er flustered, he pushed her down with his backhand, then hugged her tightly, and turned on the bed.

Shangguan Wan'er immediately wanted to struggle, but she immediately realized something and gave up struggling immediately, the two were very close to each other, their faces were very close.

Seeing that Tang Guan actually closed her eyes, Shangguan Wan'er was terrified, and she simply said nothing. After a long time, Tang Guan said: "Sleep, write down this slap for now, don't worry, I don't want to touch you now , at least not before leaving Chang'an."

Hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful eyes darkened, but she felt a little scared in her heart. He didn't know how this young man would treat her. She only knew that the pain would be a thousand times and a hundred times. He didn't let herself cry, nor would she cry. Let yourself laugh, all she has left is to wait, isn't she?

"Mother, Wan'er is so cold." Shangguan Wan'er is like falling into an icehouse. She survived to live a better life. Although it was in his arms, it was so cold.

Shangguan Wan'er bit her sandalwood lips tightly, for fear that she would cry accidentally, but Tang Guan in front of her eyes closed her eyes tightly, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Only then did Shangguan Wan'er let go slowly, leaving fine teeth marks on her lips, a teardrop passed by, and Shangguan Wan'er immediately wiped it away before it fell on the pillow towel.

She shared the bed with him, but their hearts were on both sides of the cliff. Shangguan Wan'er was very cold, but Tang Guan didn't know it. Tang Guan's breathing gradually became even and fell into a deep sleep.

Shangguan Wan'er's little hands gradually became cold, but she still moved the quilt towards Tang Guan as much as possible, and then carefully wanted to stretch her hands under Tang Guan's body, as if she wanted to warm her little hands, but she stretched halfway, then retracted.

Then she gently broke free from Tang Guan's embrace, and got up carefully. Fortunately, Tang Guan seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep and didn't notice. case, leaving the entire bed to Tang Guan.

Cold is a feeling. Some people say that a lonely person will not feel cold if he hugs himself. Shangguan Wan'er has no arms or bedding. Illuminates the delicate face.

Perhaps only in the dream, no one is bullying her, she is still the little princess of the Shangguan family, no one will cut her face, and no one will make a ruthless deal with her.

Shangguan Wan'er's face is serene, falling asleep or dying is the girl's greatest happiness.

A deal, power, fame and fortune, Shangguan's family, two teenagers, arrogant, ridiculous and pitiful, perhaps, this girl's happiness is just sleeping, but that boy thinks she is awake. (To be continued..)

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