Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 180: Clan Rebellion

(ps: Sorry, today is still unstable, and there are not many more, mainly because I am going home for the New Year, forgive me)

Ordinary people spend most of their lives dormant, even extraordinary people, but there are always others who seem to be restless.

In this quiet late night, we temporarily shifted our attention from the ever-changing Chang'an to Luoyang, the companion capital not far from here.

Luoyang, which is located in the lower reaches of the Yiluo River, is still halfway behind Chang'an at this time, but it is also one of the big cities in the Tang Empire. There are many companions in the Tang Dynasty, but it can make the emperor go and never return. There is only this city.

We have mentioned the title of "Luoyang Oiran", but the famous oiran building, Suoxinlou, was clearly built in Chang'an. Why is the oiran given the prefix of Luoyang?

Regarding this point, the details are worth mentioning, but I can only hold it down temporarily, and I will talk about it later. Everything here reveals that this city is very special.

Indeed, Luoyang is very special, especially in the coming Wuzhou Dynasty.

In the middle of the night, Luoyang has a curfew like Chang'an. Except for the patrolling soldiers who wander around the city from time to time, the doors of every house are closed.

In an ordinary house in Dongcheng, an old man in his 60s was sitting in front of a round table as if he was waiting for something.

I saw that this old man had an elegant appearance. Although he was wearing a cloth robe, his demeanor revealed a special aristocratic atmosphere.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo."

A bird chirping sounded, and the old man stood up slowly upon hearing the sound. He looked at the door of the room where there was no movement at all. After a long time, he said, "Come in."

"Squeak." In the dark.The door was pushed open, and the old man looked at the back of the person who entered.Shen Sheng said: "She knows we are here?"

Hearing this, the person who entered the door turned around.After seeing the person's appearance clearly, he was a middle-aged man wearing a cloak to keep out the cold. This middle-aged man had a three-stroke beard and looked about 30 years old. He turned around but didn't speak, just shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, the old man felt as if a stone had landed in his heart, his expression relaxed a little, and he sat back slowly, saying at the same time: "Sit."

Middle-aged people enter this dark room for the first time.Before adapting to the light, he groped for a while before slowly sitting down.

The two were silent, and they looked at the closed door together. After a long time, there was no movement, and the middle-aged man looked at the old man and said, "Uncle, does she already know?"

Hearing the words, the old man held his breath first, then shook his head and said, "Impossible."

"Then what does she mean?" The middle-aged man took out a letter from his sleeve while talking, the old man glanced at it and whispered: "Put it away."

The middle-aged man hurriedly put it away when he heard the words, his eyes were a little uneasy.Muttered: "Too fast, too fast."

The old man also clenched his fist secretly, and then said: "Have you found out what that thing is?"

"I found it, a stone."


"Yes. It's a stone." The middle-aged man nodded again, and it seemed that he couldn't continue talking, and the two of them pondered at the same time.

After a while.The old man suddenly let out a strange laugh and said, "She wants to kill us all with one stone?"

"Uncle, when did you receive it?"

"Tonight." The old man said lightly.There didn't seem to be any surprise in his tone.

But the middle-aged man twitched his eyelids, rubbed his big hands and muttered, "It's so fast. How could it be so fast."

Hearing this, the old man sneered and said, "That person could have been intercepted halfway by her, so why send a letter in a few hours is so strange."

"The letter told us to come to Luoyang. I'm afraid that that matter has already been known." The middle-aged man said a little worriedly.

The old man shook his head and said, "Impossible."

Then he said, "Let's go back immediately tomorrow."

"Are we coming or not at the end of the year?" The middle-aged man nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then asked again.


"Uncle, walls have ears!" The middle-aged man was shocked when he heard the old man calling his name, and hurriedly got up to stop him.

But the old man waved his hand and said: "Now stretching out the head is a death, shrinking the head is also a death, the people in the clan are watching us."

The middle-aged man turned pale when he heard the words, and he didn't care what the old man said, he just sat down and stared blankly at the corner of the table.

After a long time, he said, "Then us?"

The old man raised his head when he heard the sound, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Reverse!"

"Hiss!" The middle-aged man suddenly took a breath, and then said with a pale face, "Then...then..."

Seeing this, the old man secretly shook his head and asked, "Are you afraid?"

The middle-aged man Wenyin closed his mouth, lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then said: "The woodcutters and water bearers are gone. With so many people gathered this time, I don't think she will..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the old man: "Not today, but tomorrow. That kid in Chang'an City will build a bright hall for her. The day the bright hall is repaired, it will be the time when you and I will die!"

"This!" The middle-aged man was speechless for a while when he heard the words. Their identities are extremely sensitive and their words are quite mysterious, but it is not difficult to guess that the two must be members of the clan!

There is no other reason. Let's first look at the elegant and ordinary-dressed old man whose words are full of shocking information. If Tang Guan is here, it must not be difficult to recognize. The last sentence is even more explicit. There are only clan members.

It's just that I don't know which lineage the two royal relatives in front of me are. What's even more frightening is that they seem to be discussing rebellion!

There is no need to explain who they want to rebel against. Except for Wu Zhao in the Daming Palace, no one seems to be worthy of the word rebellion.

The two of you talked to each other, and they stopped abruptly at this point, and the old man's eyes flashed with determination. The middle-aged man was still a little hesitant, but he felt ruthless when he heard the last sentence.

But the middle-aged man seemed to be suspicious by nature, he hesitated after a while, and whispered: "If that stone is really some kind of treasure map, aren't we going against the sky?"

As soon as the words came out, the old man frowned, looked at the middle-aged man in disbelief, and even laughed aloud: "You are usually shrewd and capable, why do you really believe it now?"

The middle-aged man blushed when he heard the words, and the old man continued to ask: "Then do you believe in Pei Yan's green goose?"

"Hey." The middle-aged man Wenyin sighed and waved his hands without answering.

"He, Pei Zilong, dares to be someone with three surnames. You and I are the sons of dragons, so why don't we dare to get rid of witches?"

The old man seemed to have made up his mind, seeing that his nephew was hesitating, it would only be a waste of time if he continued like this, so he decided to stir him up first.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man was already indecisive, and his heart moved when he heard this, and he said harshly: "But just the two of us are not enough."

The old man smiled slightly when he heard the words: "Come here with your ears."

The middle-aged man immediately listened to him, only to see the old man muttering a few words in his ear, the middle-aged man was startled first, then frowned.

After a long time, the two separated, the old man nodded slightly to the middle-aged man, but the middle-aged man said: "Then what if..."

"No chance! As long as they receive it, they are already on our side."

The middle-aged man was interrupted repeatedly by the old man, but he didn't get angry. Instead, his heart burned, and he said, "Okay, let's do it like this!" (To be continued...)

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