Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 182: Clan Rebellion

In front of the Daming Palace in Chang'an, Tang Guan stood here alone. He hadn't entered the palace for some days. Just pretending to go to work, the soldiers on the left and right looked indifferent as usual, and didn't care about him.

But until the sun rose eastward, and it was almost time for Chen Shi, Tang Guan, who had been keeping his eyes closed all the time, slowly opened his eyes, scanned the palace gate which was still motionless, and asked left and right: "Today No morning morning?"

One of the soldiers hurriedly clasped his fists upon hearing the sound and said, "Go back to Zhuangyuan, yes."

"Oh? Then why haven't you dispersed yet?"

"This... this, this little one doesn't know either." Hearing this, the soldier was at a loss. In the past, he would have dispersed at this time in the morning, but now there was no movement from the palace.

Seeing this, Tang Guan shook his head secretly, knowing that he couldn't get anything out of asking the little soldier, and immediately closed his eyes again. In fact, he didn't care much about what happened inside. Even if he went in, the Hanyuan Hall was not for him. , Immediately narrowed his eyes again, no matter what.

After a long time, three horses came galloping in the distance, and they approached after only a few shouts.

Seeing this, the soldiers on the left and right raised their sharp blades horizontally and looked at the approacher vigilantly. When they saw the appearance of the approacher, they hurriedly put them away, while Tang Guan, who was standing in front of him, was still dozing off.

Tang Guan didn't open his eyes until the soldier made a sound.

"General Cheng, offended."

Hearing this, Tang Guan regained his spirit immediately, looked up at the person who came, and his heart moved.It wasn't someone else who came, but Cheng Wuting, who hadn't seen anything when he was traveling not long ago.

I saw Cheng Wuting on the left and right, it was Cheng Tiance and the middle-aged counselor from last night.The three of them dismounted one after another, and Cheng Wuting heard what the soldiers said.Without further ado, he pulled out the long knife from his waist with a bang, and handed it to the soldier with his backhand.

The two armored soldiers took it carefully. In fact, the attendees who will attend the court in Jingwu, in addition to wearing battle armor, have left their weapons at home. After all, Cheng Wuting is temporarily staying and has to leave at any time.

Cheng Wuting got off his horse and saw Tang Guan at a glance.He actually smiled at him, which was very different from the discord last night, Tang Guan also bowed his hands when he saw this.

After a brief glance at each other, they separated immediately. Cheng Wuting stepped forward and muttered to the two soldiers in front of the palace gate in a low voice. middle.

Seeing this scene, Tang Guan's eyelids twitched, the veteran will be a day late, and the danger will be more dangerous.It's not that Tang Guan felt that he was a great threat to him, but that he couldn't figure out what Wu Zhao wanted to do.

Tang Guan cast his eyes on Cheng Tiance while pondering, the light was dim last night, so he only got a rough idea of ​​the young general's appearance.At this moment, he saw clearly that Cheng Tiance was able to fight Chang Ying twice at such a young age, which showed that his bones were indeed excellent.

I saw his handsome face again.The wheat-colored skin looked extremely healthy, which was different from the fairness of Tang Guan and Xiao Qi.Tang Guan narrowed his eyes slightly to take a panoramic view of this boy's appearance. It is not difficult to see that Cheng Wuting chose him to accompany him to Beijing.It should be an extremely important confidant.

"Since the surname is Cheng, it seems that the two are somewhat related." Tang Guan murmured to himself, but he made a good guess. I haven't seen this name in historical materials. I think this person either grew up and became a mediocre person, or he didn't grow up at all!

Cheng Wu was of the same line, and he was slaughtered at the time of Pei Yan's case, which was even more cruel than the exile of the Xima Pei Yi family. Naturally, Cheng Tiance could not escape his death in the official history.

It has to be said that Wu Zhao's methods are indeed superb, killing all the famous ministers and generals under his command, but he has created a different kind of empire, that is, using huge supplies to support terrible wars. , and no longer need any strategizing. Although Wu Yichao suffered a series of disastrous defeats in foreign wars, the morale of the army has not been shaken. There is no other reason. Whether they win or lose, it is a matter on the battlefield. They are not short of food and money. silver.

If there are too many pigs, the wolves will be crushed to death. Wu Zhao raised a lot of fat pigs in captivity, and they went on a rampage. Although there were bound to be heavy casualties, the wolves were helpless. There was too much meat and too few wolves, so they didn't have that much appetite.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan couldn't help but smile, how many gods and men died young, he didn't see the depth of Cheng Tiance in front of him, but it was not difficult to see that at least this person was somewhat loyal to others, and he also had a lot of potential in martial arts.

Tang Guan looked at Cheng Tiance without concealment, and it was inevitable that he would be noticed by the other party. Seeing this, Cheng Tiance frowned and said, "Little official, what are you looking at!?"

"Ce'er, don't be rude!" As soon as he said that, there was a scolding from the other side, Cheng Tiance stopped immediately upon hearing the sound, and glared at Tang Guan angrily.

Seeing this, Tang Guan shook his head and smiled. This young general is really cute, he put everything on his face, and immediately smiled: "Old general, you young general are so cute."

"Little Maotou! Tell me again!" Cheng Tiance heard the word "cute", couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and scolded loudly.

Tang Guanwenyin's smile faded away, his momentum changed, he half-closed his eyes and looked at Cheng Tiance and said coldly: "You don't want to live anymore? How dare you scold me, do you know where this is?"

His voice is not loud, but Cheng Tiance is like falling into a cold cave. He has no generals, and he can't compare with Cheng Wuting, who has thousands of troops and horses under his command, and kills people at every turn. Word.

This is indeed not a place where he can play wild, what he relies on is Cheng Wuting's prestige, and Cheng Wuting over there said: "Enough, you have given up your little bit of ability, and you will only scare a child."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan paused, and said with a gentle smile: "The old general is right, the students understand."

"This..." The middle-aged counselor at the side was also a little dumbfounded when he saw this momentary change. He glanced at the embarrassed Cheng Tiance, shook his head and smiled wryly, stepped forward and said, "Let's go."

Cheng Tiance was like a wooden stake, at this moment he was extremely embarrassed, it was fine if he was defeated by Chang Ying last night, the other party was just young, and he had a unique skill that could not be passed down from his teacher, so it was only natural that he was teased by such a master, but Tang Guan in front of him was clearly a half-grown child, a few years younger than himself, yet he was so frightened by the other party that he dared not speak.

Coupled with the words of his own general, he was even more ashamed, and he didn't want to leave, but fortunately Tang Guan said a few words, then ignored him, turned around and continued to sleep, and then he left.

For a while, only Cheng Wuting and Tang Guan were left in front of the palace gate.

Two people, one big and one small, both showed their backs, Tang Guan stood on Cheng Wuting's left side, with his hands in his sleeves, he seemed to have no interest in Cheng Wuting beside him, with his eyes half closed.

After a long time, an old voice sounded beside him: "Why did you remember today?"

Tang Guan Wenyin still did not open his eyes and said: "Go to court."

"What you said last night made sense."


"Haha." Cheng Wuting shook his head and smiled, followed by another moment of silence.

"I'm old."

After a long time, Cheng Wuting looked at the brand-new palace gate and muttered, Tang Guan slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Cheng Wuting with some surprise.

He was most afraid of hearing these three words, people will eventually grow old, whether it is a prime minister who betrays life or death, or a general who has been bloodied all his life, like Pei Yan and Cheng Wuting, they are all old, Tang Guan never thought about himself What will it be like to be old, but he still feels a little bit sad, always feels that he is forced to go down this road, go down this road, but he doesn't know what the end will be.

But after a while, Tang Guan's eyes fixed again, and he said calmly: "Indeed."

"Haha." Cheng Wuting laughed again, and looked at Tang Guan with admiration in his eyes.

"You're smarter than that kid."

"What do you have to do with Qing?" Tang Guan was like a tube of toothpaste, and Cheng Wu squeezed a little, and he said, the two talked to each other, but they talked happily.

Especially Cheng Wuting has never seen anyone dare to talk to him like this, including Wu Zhao, whether it is an enemy or a friend, even out of scruples, they will not be so silent.

And the kid he was talking about was naturally Pei Yan who was with him when he was young.

Cheng Wu smiled, stopped his voice, then shook his head slightly, and stopped talking to Tang Guan. After a while, Tang Guan actually said first: "Is there something going on inside?"


"What's the matter?"




"That is?"

Speaking of this, the voice stopped abruptly and stopped at Tang Guan's question, but Cheng Wuting stopped talking, and said after a long time: "Baotu."

"Treasure map?" Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, with doubts on his face, he muttered to himself, feeling a little out of bounds.

"Please." Tang Guan approached slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, which is a bit interesting, but there is something that he didn't know existed.

But Cheng Wuting shook his head secretly, this Tang Qubing is not a god after all, but he heard the words and said: "What do you have to do with Qing?"

"You..." Tang Guan became furious when he heard the words, this veteran learned really fast, and immediately glanced at Cheng Wuting with astonishment.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise, Tang Guan suddenly turned his head, and saw that the huge palace gate was slowly pushed open. This Daming Palace is like a Pandora's treasure box. Every time he enters, Tang Guan will always get some, But some will be lost. (To be continued..)

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