Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 183: Clan Rebellion

The sound came and interrupted the conversation between Tang Guan and Cheng Wuting. Tang Guan turned his head suddenly and saw the crowd pouring out from the palace gate. The morning court was only held once every seven or eight days, and at most half a month. Every time it was naturally huge, it was time to come There will be no one less, and there will be no more who should not come.

Cheng Wuting, who was in front of the palace gate, stepped into the palace alone when he saw this.

I only heard a call from the crowd, "Zhuangyuan Lang!"

Hearing the sound, Tang Guan looked over and felt happy. It turned out to be Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi. He immediately ignored Cheng Wuting who had disappeared into the crowd and started to go forward.

Before he opened his mouth to speak, Wu Sansi said first, "My dear brother, I'm going to look for you, and you came just in time."

Tang Guan originally wanted to exchange a few words of greeting, but he stopped immediately when he heard this, and after Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsihu looked at each other, Wu Chengsi pulled Tang Guan's sleeve and said, "Come on, talk to me at my brother's house .”

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Gong Wei and frowned and said, "This...isn't right?"

"No problem, Queen of Heaven..." Wu Chengsi stepped forward to whisper a few words to Tang Guan when he heard the words, Tang Guan, who was still smiling, changed his face, and then forced a smile and said: "Is this serious?"

"My dear brother, the lord is already waiting at the mansion, just waiting for you."

Seeing Tang Guan's hesitation, Wu Chengsi reminded him, Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and he cupped his hands and said, "That's bothering you."

"Stop talking, stop talking, get in the carriage." Seeing that the two had finished speaking, Wu Sansi pulled Tang Guan to the carriage not far away.

As soon as the three of them took two steps, Tang Guan said, "Wait."

The two stopped walking when they heard the words, Tang Guan said: "The student guards are still waiting. Let the students pass it on."

"But Chang's guard?" Wu Sansi heard the voice and asked, he knew Chang Ying under Tang Guan.And it was quite impressive, breaking mountains and cracking rocks in the Zuixian Tower.Really heroic.

But the two looked anxious, Wu Sansi was fine, but Wu Chengsi frowned, and wanted to dissuade him, but Wu Sansi stopped him with a look.

The two looked at each other, Wu Sansi nodded and said: "That's fine, let Chang guards come along."

Tang Guan nodded slightly when he heard the words, then turned around and left, his expression darkened immediately when he turned around.Look for a direction and walk forward.

Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi stood in place and looked at the past officials. Tang Guan did not participate in the early court today, so he didn't know what happened in the court, but just then Wu Chengsi said a name to him like a bolt from the blue.

Han Wang Li Yuanjia actually participated in the case of Mingtang, and he was waiting for the relevant personnel in Wu Chengsi's mansion to arrive at the scene. Who is Han Wang Li Yuanjia?

That is Tang Gaozu's son, Tang Taizong's brother, who is the strongest in the clan, no one dares to make a judgment.But I think there is a saying that everyone can accept, that is, whoever has the closest blood relationship with the emperor, whoever has the highest seniority, has the most strength.

And this Han Wang Li Yuanjia happened to be the most respected person in the clan at this time.But none of these surprised Tang Guan. What surprised him was that this person was the number one person in the clan's treason case!

His fief is not near Chang'an, and it will take four or five days to get there.Now is the critical moment when Wu Zhao's relationship with the clan is ambiguous, and this person dares to shoot at the muzzle.

"Baotu. Baotu, King of Han. Li Yuanjia...Baotu? Hanwang? Li Yuanjia?"

"Treasure map bestowed by heaven!" Tang Guan recited silently while walking, halfway out, he stopped suddenly, and a thunderbolt flashed in his mind.

"Oops, why did I forget this thing!" Tang Guan was horrified. So far, he had already groped through the content of the morning court. He thought that these few days should be calm and wait for Wu Zhao's thunderbolt method, but he ignored it. Something that should have been noticed all the time.

Tang Guan glanced at the Wu brothers in the distance without any trace, and then hurried forward.

"Xiao Langjun, I am here."

When a call came, Tang Guan immediately raised his head, and said in a low tone to the person in front of him: "Brother Chang, something happened!"

"Ah?" There is no one else in front of him, it is Chang Ying who escorted Tang Guan to court. Originally, he wanted to step forward when he saw Tang Guan arguing with the Wu brothers. Surprised.

"What's going on?" Fortunately, Chang Ying and Tang Guan hadn't been together for a day or two, and he knew the depth of this young man's scheming beyond human comprehension, so he calmed down and asked in a low voice.

Tang Guan looked around indiscriminately, and said: "It's not clear in a few words, you follow me first, and don't say anything when you get to the place."

"it is good."

Chang Ying frowned, then nodded in agreement.

The two stopped talking, and walked towards Wu Chengsi and Wu Chengsi one after the other.

When Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi saw the two of them approaching, their faces softened, Wu Chengsi stepped forward and said: "Young Lord, let's go."

"Okay." Tang Guan nodded upon hearing the words, and as the two boarded the carriage, Chang Ying also sat on the side of the handlebar tactfully, and at the same time secretly looked at the driver, first glanced at the man's temple from the corner of his eye , and then glanced at the wrist joint without any trace.

Then Chang Ying secretly shook his head and said, "It's a gourd."

Apparently this handlebar style didn't have any martial arts skills, Tang Guan looked a little bit wrong just now, and he was secretly concerned, for fear that it was the Wu brothers who were trying to harm Tang Guan.

In fact, he underestimated these two buddies. No matter how messed up they were, they were not so stupid as to have the idea of ​​dealing with Tang Guan in the dark. Don't talk about Tang Guan.

They are both officials of the imperial court, but they are not compared to desperate assassins. It is not something that can be solved once and for all. If you cut the weeds and don’t get rid of the roots, they will regenerate when the spring breeze blows. hands on.

Tang Guan and the three people in the carriage also had different complexions. Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi frowned secretly, and Tang Guan remained silent as well.

It wasn't until the carriage slowly drove away that Tang Guan said: "Two brothers, I haven't entered the palace for a few days, what about Mingtang?"

Both of them wanted to answer when they heard the words, but they opened their mouths at the same time, then Wu Chengsi stopped, Wu Sansi said alone: ​​"Your Majesty doesn't know something, apart from Mingtang, the Empress of Heaven also got a great treasure!"

Tang Guan's heart moved when he heard the words, and he pretended to be puzzled and said: "Oh? What kind of treasure is it that can inspire so many people? Even a noble person like King Han wants to come and command in person?"

"That's not true. There were too many people just now, and they didn't make it clear that King Han came here for that treasure, not the Mingtang of Tiangong."

"So that's it." Tang Guan nodded lightly on his face, but said in his heart that it was true, and casually glanced at Wu Chengsi, who seemed to be an old god, and everything had nothing to do with him, and his heart shivered.

"I really underestimated this old guy. I thought Wu Sansi was smarter than him. It seems that this guy has a heart." Tang Guan narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking secretly in his heart.

Then he raised his head and asked, "Then what did the Empress Dowager ordered?"

Wu Sansi was about to speak when he heard the words, but Wu Chengsi said: "My dear brother, I don't know something. I wonder if my dear brother has heard about the Ancient River Map Luoshu?"

Tang Guan dispelled the last trace of doubt when he heard the sound, it was indeed a treasure map bestowed by heaven!

Wu Chengsi saw Tang Guan nod first, then looked dazed, and said quite proudly: "A few days ago, Mr. Lang was recuperating at home. There was a businessman in Yongzhou, Heluo, named Tang Tongtai. Speaking of which, he and my virtuous brother belonged to the same family."

"Go to your mother's family, I don't know what his last name is." Tang Guan's expression remained unchanged, and he cursed secretly in his heart. The thick skin of this old man is unbelievable. I feel that the dog blood is abnormal.

It was like a child playing house, probably not only him, everyone in the pavilion knew well that it didn't matter whether the broken stone was real or not, anyway, the common people couldn't see what kind of treasure it was.

What they see is a broken stone, and the people will say that it is a great treasure.

Tang Guan pretended to be interested and listened quietly. Wu Chengsi rarely showed off. Although he couldn't tell the truth, he still had a sense of pride. In his mind, this was a brilliant idea. As soon as he made a conspiracy, the aunt naturally kept his favor in mind.

When my aunt is sitting in Jiangshan, this Jiangshan will be named Wu. Although Wu Zhao is not old, but he has reached the age. If he is not old today, he will be old tomorrow. It is impossible to say at that time. The dynasty of the Wu family is the closest blood relative A successor.

At this time, Tang Guan seemed to be very interested, and he was very proud. He continued: "This Tang Tongtai was passing Luoshui, and a fairy stone burst out of the water, and he caught it. The stone has purple patterns on the white background. I heard that he and the boatman What you see is really a thousand rays of light!"

Wu Chengsi spit, as if he saw it himself, Wu Sansi also looked at his cousin in surprise, he hadn't seen that stone yet, he wasn't there that day, but he had never seen it before. The few colleagues in the film didn't see any morality in their eyes, they just thought it was just another play by my aunt.

Wu Chengsi was like this, which inevitably aroused Tang Guan's contempt. Hearing this, Tang Guan didn't want to continue listening.

"The Holy Mother is here, Emperor Yongchang, Wu Zhao, you are so ruthless." Tang Guan sighed inwardly, and pondered while shaking. (To be continued..)

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