Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 184: Clan Rebellion

(There was a regional power outage yesterday, and the chapter will be added immediately)

Tang Guan was in Chang'an, and he was calculating all the time. The momentary encounter would produce ever-changing changes. Even ordinary people would be overwhelmed.

The carriage didn't know how far it had driven, Tang Guan felt a sudden stop while pondering, and immediately looked at Wu Chengsi and Wu Chengsi with their eyes closed.

The two noticed it at the same time, opened their eyes one after another, and only heard the voice outside the handlebar: "The master is going back to the house, get out of the way quickly."

Tang Guan, who was about to get up and get off the car, stopped immediately when he heard this. The carriage didn't stop, as if it was going up an uphill. Tang Guan was still fine, but Chang Ying outside could see it clearly.

Chang Ying looked at the mansion in front of him in surprise. The white jade pavement in front of the mansion actually paved a road leading directly to the courtyard. Tang Guan and he had never been to Wu Chengsi's mansion. The grandeur is really not what a courtier should have. The mansion is condescending, and Chang Ying secretly looked at it. The road is remote, and the mansion in front of him does not seem to be Wu Chengsi's Duke's mansion. There is no other reason. Although this mansion is magnificent, it can be There are no plaques or foreheads in the mansion, and it looks like a separate courtyard.

It wasn't until the carriage stopped slowly that Chang Ying looked away, jumped out of the carriage, and waited for the people in the carriage to get off.

"Xiao Langjun, we're here."

"The two gentlemen please first."

Only after hearing a few courtesies from the car, did people come out, first Wu Chengsi poked his head out, then Wu Sansi, and finally Tang Guan poked out his body.

"This..." As soon as Tang Guan stretched out half of his body, he suddenly stopped breathing. He glanced casually, but when he saw the whole front of the house, he couldn't help being horrified.

"No. This is definitely not Wu Chengsi's house!"

Tang Guan tried his best to conceal the horror in his heart, although he didn't know any architectural skills.But he knows the rules of the court very well, no matter how close Wu Chengsi and Wu Zhao are.It is also impossible to enjoy this kind of specification. Ignoring the Baiyu Avenue in front of the door for the time being, Tang Guan's gaze was blocked by the huge stone screen when he turned his head.

I saw a stone screen standing in front of me, square and square, engraved with flying dragons and phoenixes, with words on the left and right: "Mrs. Dingguo, the world is safe and healthy."

Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi got out of the car, they seemed to be used to this place, but they looked a little strange to them.Tang Guan quickly caught the expressions of the two of them, and was a little puzzled in his heart.

"Hey, grandma's house is still so grand."

"It all depends on my elder brother's filial piety, carefully arrange it, I'm afraid His Majesty will be sad in the future."

After Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi took a few glances, they put Tang Guan aside as if they were emotionally touched, and started feeling emotionally. Chang Ying over there was a little at a loss, and cast a puzzled look at Tang Guan.Tang Guan was actually confused, but after hearing what the two said and combined with Shi Ping's book, his heart suddenly moved.

After the two brothers of the Wu family finished talking, they remembered Tang Guan.Seeing the expression on Tang Guan's face, Wu Sansi smiled and said, "Xiao Langjun, are you wondering where this is?"

Tang Guan's heart trembled when he heard this.He cupped his hands and said, "The Duke Zhou's mansion is really magnificent, and the students admire this demeanor from the bottom of their hearts."

"Haha." As soon as the words came out.Wu Chengsi, who had been silent all this time, even stroked his beard and laughed out loud, and then looked at Wu Sansi with a wry smile.Then he opened his mouth and said: "Your Majesty's words are really depressing. I don't have such good fortune. This place has a lot of background. It is the residence of my ancestors. Today a prince is coming, and he will chat with my virtuous brother in the future."

"Sure enough, this is the dead Mrs. Yang's house!" Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and he nodded secretly in his heart. Although Wu Chengsi is a prime minister, it is obviously impossible for him to win this honor. There is only Wu Zhao's biological mother, Madam Yang. Wu Zhao's past is hard to look back on, but Tang Guan can't deny that she is ruthless, and she really knows how to repay her kindness. This is Mrs. Yang. Before Tang Guan, he felt a little regretful that he could not witness the horrific adultery of the mother and daughter of the Wu family. He could only see some shadows from Princess Taiping and Wu Zhao's mother and daughter.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan didn't think too much. Mrs. Yang was no longer alive after all, and how Wu Zhao treated her had nothing to do with him, but the amount of information here was not small. It seemed that after Mrs. Yang's death, the house was handed over to Wu Zhao. Inheritance to take care of it, and it is also the highest standard place for receiving people from foreign clans.

"My dear brother, the King of Han is always punctual. I will introduce you later. Speaking of which, the prince was also known as a child prodigy when he was young. He must like it very much when he sees his virtuous brother!"

When Tang Guan heard this, he immediately said, "Then I have to thank you two gentlemen."

"Stop talking, let's go first, don't make the prince wait in a hurry."

Wu Chengsi saw that Wu Sansi had ordered everything that should be ordered, and immediately urged him, Tang Guan didn't say any more, and followed the two of them into the courtyard.

Chang Ying followed closely behind. He lived in the palace all year round, so of course he would not be intimidated by the grandeur of the house. What shocked him was that he had never heard of such a building outside the palace for many years. It's not like the palace, but it's the only one.

Tang Guan walked unhurriedly. There are corridors in the east, west, north and south of the house, but in the middle is a Buddhist hall-like building, and you can vaguely smell sandalwood. Seeing this, Tang Guan was even more determined. It must be Mrs. Yang's family. It's strange to say that Mrs. Yang did such careless things with her nephew and grandson in her later years. It can be seen that she is not small in her bones. Buddha's statement.

"It seems to be true to build the Buddhist hall in the living room."

Tang Guan kept sorting out the information in his mind. While the few people were walking, he was full of thoughts. Just halfway through the trip, he connected the key people of this trip.

"Interesting, Li Yuanjia, an old man who claimed to be able to draw circles with his left hand and draw squares with his right at the same time when he was young, was a prodigy in his stomach, recited classics, and counted sheep. It's a pity that he found a group of pig-like teammates." Tang Guan narrowed his eyes slightly. , although he has not met Li Yuanjia, but like most famous historical figures, Tang Guan can guess the character of this person without seeing him.

This is Tang Guan's advantage, but in some aspects it is a disadvantage. Tang Guan himself did not realize that he actually had a big misunderstanding in knowing people, such as Pei Yan, Cheng Wuting, Li Yuanjia and other people who have been recorded in detail in history. Tang Guan is generally not wrong, and can even target someone on this basis, but it is precisely this that causes Tang Guan's attitude towards Shangguan Wan'er. Some people live in the times and leave behind colorful colors. In the world, even the contemporaries don't know what this person did and what kind of person he is, and it's impossible for anyone to know.

Unfortunately, Shangguan Wan'er is just one of these people, but Tang Guan insists on what she knows in his heart. No matter what she looks like now, Tang Guan regards her as a copy of Wu Zhao and is always vigilant. with.

A few people worked hard for a while, from far to near, and stood in front of the Buddhist hall-style living room after a while. Tang Guan observed secretly, and saw that there was no one inside, only a Buddha statue stood, and there was a tribute incense table in front of the statue. The three notes of high incense seem to be newly lit, with green smoke still floating.

Wu Chengsi was stunned when he found no one inside, and was about to ask the servants in front of the door, when a voice came from the other side: "Haha, two princes, Xiao Wang has been waiting for a long time."

The voice was a little haggard, Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi hurriedly turned their heads when they heard the sound. (To be continued..)

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