Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 185: Clan Rebellion

"My lord is always strong and strong, I haven't seen you for a long time, it's even more energetic!"

Wu Chengsi burst out laughing as soon as he looked back, he didn't even look closely at the person in front of him. Tang Guan looked at the person behind him, and saw an old man standing behind them. About 60 years old, with a kind smile on his face.

Seeing Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi approaching to exchange greetings, Tang Guan tactfully stayed where he was, scanned him secretly, and said in his heart: "Hey, he looks pretty good, he looks like he's leading the counter-revolution."

The person in front of him is none other than Li Yuanjia, the King of Han, the son of Gaozu, and the brother of Taizong. Speaking of which, his seniority is higher than that of Wu Zhao, and he is considered relatives with the dead master, Mrs. Yang.

It's just that it's hard to say whether they are close or not. Li Yuanjia smiled and exchanged greetings with the Wu family brothers, then suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Tang Guan. Seeing this, Tang Guan opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but Wu Sansi said first: "My lord, this little friend is..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yuanjia waved his hands and said with a smile: "Hey, there is no need to introduce, Xiao Wang still knows Tang Dianyuan's name."

"Good guy, come prepared." Hearing this, Tang Guan, who was about to testify, immediately swallowed it back. It was obvious that the other party had done his homework, but this was normal. Get together, this is a good name that makes people proud on the road of life.

The name of Tang Guan was widely spread, and the private schools cited him as a model, so it was not surprising that the other party knew him. Besides, he came in court clothes today. He is the only one with this skin at his age.

Immediately, Tang Guan smiled and said: "Students have heard about King Han's name for a long time. Be polite."

Tang Guan even said and did everything, full of humility.Although I have some understanding of what happened to this person later in my heart, I still have to be careful while having fun.After all, the other party is still a justifiable prince at this time, and he is the one with the highest prestige in the clan.

Li Yuanjia smiled, his eyes stayed on Tang Guan for a moment, then he looked up at the Buddhist hall in front of him, and sighed softly: "Madam has gone, it may be a long time since Xiao Wang came to worship."

Hearing this, the two brothers of the Wu family looked at each other indiscriminately and then became serious, but Tang Guan almost laughed out loud, but fortunately he held back immediately, this Li Yuanjia's superficial skill is not weak.If he moved to another place, I'm afraid Tang Guan would not be able to laugh. After all, he knew something about this person's life and deeds.

But these are superficial, no one knows that she Wu Zhao is standing on the cusp of the storm, and she has firmly grasped the imperial court, both inside and outside the three provinces, down to the prison chief.With the exception of Pei Yan, no outsider can shake her position.

Because of this, a discerning person with a little thought can see that the clan and her are probably going to be ambiguous, but no matter how scheming they are, they will not be able to predict the future.What they guessed was how Wu Zhao would appease the clan, or make an example to others.

But Tang Guan knew that Wu Zhao wanted to make an example.She didn't even want to leave Lao Li's family alone!

The three people over there are all related to Mrs. Yang, the owner here, no matter what the relationship is.Death is the greatest thing, and good things are good.Regardless of the bad things, it is inevitable to be emotional, and they all fell silent. After looking around for a long time, Li Yuanjia smiled and said: "Big guy, come in, don't stand there."

His words are easy and approachable, as if he was born so ordinary. This place is clearly Wu Chengsi's home court. He turned against the guest in a few words, and Tang Guan couldn't help but nodded secretly. Although this man failed in the end, he can't be blamed. He is like a god. His opponent is surrounded by a group of pig-like teammates. It would be a strange thing if he didn't die.

Tang Guan didn't want a dog to take a mouse. The reason why he has been ignoring the case of the clan and not studying it carefully is because there is nothing to gain in this loophole. He knows very well that the process of this group of people is almost funny, and the result of infinite tragedy, If he doesn't care, Wu Zhao will be suspicious instead, and he is so busy with everything now that he doesn't bother to control Wu Zhao's well-established affairs. He has the right to watch operas and listen to music. Doing one useful thing is more effective than doing a hundred useless things. better.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan's face softened a little, followed by a few people who started slowly, but just after taking two steps, his heart suddenly moved, he raised his head and said: "Masters, the students have something to do."

Several people stopped when they heard the words, and looked at Tang Guan suspiciously. Tang Guan cupped his hands in embarrassment and said, "Students are impatient, and they are insulting to gentlemen. This..."

As soon as these words came out, several people were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled wryly, Wu Chengsi immediately said: "Come here, bring Mr. Xiaolang to show respect."

"Yes." As soon as he finished speaking, a servant stepped forward, and Tang Guan saluted Li Yuanjia again before turning around and leaving.

The moment Tang Guan turned around, his handsome face that was full of smiles and shyness disappeared immediately, and he winked in the direction where Chang Ying was standing. When the people in front of the Buddhist hall turned around and entered the room, they followed Tang Guan.

When Tang Guan and the others bypassed Shiping and approached a stable from a small path, Tang Guan said: "Okay, I can see it already, you go down."

"Yes." The handyman heard the sound and immediately said yes. The latrine is indeed not far ahead. Although he has been a servant here not long, it has been more than half a year. He has learned a lot of news from the old servant here, so he naturally knows that he can come here These are some people.

But the moment he turned around, he suddenly saw a tall figure behind Tang Guan and couldn't help being startled, then hurriedly lowered his head.

Just listen to Tang Guan said: "Chang guard, I will come whenever I go."

"Yes." Chang Ying heard the words and said yes, and the handyman left without paying attention when he saw this, and after walking a short distance, he smacked his lips and said: "Shit, I still need to bring guards."

Chang Ying's ears are excellent, even though the handyman had already walked a certain distance, he was still caught by him, he couldn't help but look embarrassed, and then he opened his mouth.

"Brother Chang."

"Young Lord."

Just when he had just opened his mouth, Tang Guan also spoke, Chang Ying couldn't help but stop, Tang Guan also smiled and said: "You speak first."

"Okay, where is this place?"

"That's a good question. This place should be Mrs. Yang's residence."

"Hiss." Chang Ying was startled when he heard the words, and couldn't help but quickly raised his head to take a look.

"Do you still have any questions?"

"No, is that King Han?"

"Aren't you okay?" Tang Guan joked out when he heard the words, and Chang Ying's face froze. Not long ago, Tang Guan was nervous and made him wary, but now he seemed to be fine.

But he also gradually got used to Tang Guan's way of speaking, which undoubtedly answered his question indirectly, so he immediately shut up and waited for Tang Guan's next words.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Tang Guan said, "Brother Chang, it's okay, you go back."

"Go back?" Chang Ying was stunned again when he heard the words, it could be seen that Tang Guan didn't seem to be joking, so he couldn't help but sternly said: "No, this..."

"Okay, okay, if I tell you to go back, go back, I have to shit, I won't tell you."

Tang Guan seemed to be both true and false, and he turned around and walked towards the lavatory as if he was really anxious. Seeing this, Chang Ying hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Then here..."

"Okay, after two hours, you will pick me up."

Seeing that Chang Ying's ink didn't go away, Tang Guan seemed a little impatient, and finally changed his mind. Then Chang Ying slowly let go of him, still worried: "That's good."

Seeing this, Tang Guan didn't say any more, turned around and left, but after taking a few steps, he turned around and said, "By the way, Brother Chang, you go back and tell Xiao Qi to clean up, we will leave tomorrow."

Originally, Chang Ying was still hesitating, but when he heard this, he was startled and hurriedly asked, "Let's go? Where are we going?"

"Of course it's home, don't we still live in the full house?"

"You want to go back to Hangzhou? Didn't get the transfer order..."

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore, remember to tell him when you go back."

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan hurriedly trot to the toilet, Chang Ying froze in place at first, and then followed closely, only to see that Tang Guan had already gone to the toilet, but Chang Ying stood outside the toilet and said: "Then that Shangguan... ..”

As soon as Chang Ying made a sound, he stopped immediately. Today's speaking really made him uncomfortable, and he stopped repeatedly, thinking of Shangguan Wan'er next to Tang Guan, but he didn't know whether he should address him, and finally changed his words: "What about that girl?" ?”

"Hey, her? Of course we will go together, but she has nothing, you and Xiao Qi can just clean up."

Tang Guan sneered from the toilet. Tang Guan knew that Chang Ying was referring to Shangguan Wan'er. Now that this woman came suddenly, he had to guard against it. Wu Zhao put her next to him, just wanting to slap him, but People's hearts are unpredictable, Tang Guan is afraid of Shangguan Wan'er's intelligent nature, but also a little afraid that she is Wu Zhao's eyeliner, but the price of an eyeliner is too high.

What's more, he has an appointment, no matter it is true or not, Tang Guan thinks he is not a gentleman, but he is not a treacherous person, as long as Shangguan Wan'er keeps his own way, he will give back what should be done.

Hearing Tang Guan's voice, Chang Ying stopped hesitating and didn't say much, and immediately looked for the direction and left with a big stride. (To be continued..)

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