Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 186: Clan Rebellion

Mrs. Yang's house, in the Buddhist hall.

The brothers of the Wu family sat opposite Li Yuanjia, and Li Yuanjia was undoubtedly the seat of honor.

"My lord came here suddenly, I have not made any preparations, please forgive me."

"Haha, you two are so polite, you and I are a family, why should this be so?"

"Yes, the lord is right, one family, one family, haha." Wu Sansi immediately laughed out loud when he heard this.

Wu Chengsi over there was also smiling all over his face. Although the two of them performed the courtesy of the juniors, they spoke with the expressions of the same generation.

This Han Wang Li Yuanjia suddenly came to Chang'an, but they suddenly received news from the servants in the palace after he came down to court. It stands to reason that this reception should be handed over to Wu Zhao himself. After all, Li Yuanjia is unusual, and he is the highest seniority in the clan the patriarch.

I saw Li Yuanjia talking and laughing happily with the two of them, with a kind face on his face, and said: "I heard that the Empress Dowager was so happy that she gave out holy tricks overnight. I'm old and I'm afraid I'll neglect you, so I came to Chang'an first to have a look. One is to pay a visit to the Queen of Heaven, and the other is to meet the two dukes of the state."

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it!" The two hurriedly stood up, waved their hands and shook their heads. How could they dare to compare with Wu Zhao, but Li Yuanjia's words were indeed pleasing to the ear, and the two felt a little vigilant while secretly happy.

Wu Chengsi looked up at the door and said, "My lord, have you eaten yet?"

"Hehe, I arrived early today and haven't used it yet."

Wu Chengsi nodded slightly when he heard the words, then clapped his big hands and said: "Come here."

As soon as the words fell, a servant ran in front of the door, Wu Chengsi sat down and said: "Order. Bring some good wine and food."

"Yes." The boy said yes, turned around and left.

Li Yuanjia said, "Don't worry. The number one scholar hasn't arrived yet."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Chengsi couldn't help but move in his heart.He smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, just do a few more."

Li Yuanjia nodded slightly, and Wu Sansi stood up and filled a cup of tea for him and said, "My lord, is your trip fast enough? I just drafted the edict last night and distributed it everywhere. Today you have arrived in Chang'an. I'm not ready to wait."

Wu Chengsi also looked at Li Yuanjia with a smile that was not a smile when he heard the words, his eyes were quite meaningful.

Li Yuanjia, who was originally calm, changed his eyes slightly when he heard this.Then he looked normal and said: "Oh, hehe, you two don't know something, the old man went to Luoyang to buy a batch of books a few days ago, and happened to receive the news in another courtyard."

"Oh? My Tang Dynasty has recently discovered rare treasures. It is really a blessing from heaven. I wonder what book the prince got?"

"Haha, it's a small and lonely book, not worth mentioning." Li Yuanjia stroked his beard and waved his hands and smiled.Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi were stunned, as if they were no longer obsessed with the time when he came to Chang'an earlier, there was no other reason, King Han was famous for being studious.It is said that he collected over ten thousand books when he was young, but no one knows whether he has finished reading them or not.

I have to say that Li Yuanjia's words are clever.He bypassed the Wu brothers' temptation without any trace, but his words also aroused Wu Chengsi's curiosity.One must know that Wu Chengsi is a treasured person, what is a treasure?What others don't have is a baby.

A man of knowledge.When I heard the word "solitary copy", I naturally felt itchy in my heart, and immediately said unforgivingly: "My nephew understands better, I wonder if I can appreciate a little bit?"

"Hehe, since it's like..." Seeing that the other party was not forgiving, Li Yuanjia remained calm and wanted to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"Several teachers, I have waited for a long time, and I hope you will forgive me."

Several people stopped one after another and looked at the person who came, only to see a young man entering slowly with a smile on his face, standing in front of the table after a while, and standing with folded hands.

"Lang Jun came just in time, come and sit down." Wu Chengsi saw who was coming, and greeted him immediately, his tone a little anxious.

No one else came, it was Tang Guan who gave orders to Chang Ying through urine escape. At this time, Tang Guan saw that the people in the seat were talking happily and Wu Chengsi was full of interest. There are several people present.

Here there is a prince, two prime ministers, and Tang Guan, the almost exotic number one scholar. This combination is a gathering of power that makes others dare not breathe. If one of the four is randomly selected, it will be punished when it arrives. Consider it as the peak.

Of course, this also includes Tang Guan. Tang Guan's official position is no more than the sixth rank, and the colors are only a few flavors. He doesn't wear python robes or jade belts around his waist, but everyone knows that for people like Tang Guan, those things are just a matter of time , is not important, in the eyes of most people, Tang Guan is a humanoid self-propelled Xiangguan.

Now, of all the things he does, only a prime minister is qualified to do it. Let’s talk about his job as a writer, who is in charge of the history of a country, and then talk about his upcoming job at the Hongwen Museum, and he is a valuable teacher.

Just two things are extremely frightening. It seems that there is very little real power to pose any threat. His subordinates have no money and food, and they seem to have no money or water.

People who look at these two positions with this kind of perspective, as long as the ruler knows what they think, I am afraid that they will have to sneer a few times, and then call "fool".

It's like having a piece of gold and a key to a treasury by your side. Someone thinks that you can earn more from taking the gold than the key. This is undoubtedly ridiculous, but what Tang Guan is holding is the enviable gold key.

At the age of nine, he can be the number one scholar, and at the age of ten, someone dares to make him the prime minister!

Future is boundless. It is best to call Tang Guan. The gathering of four people like this is based on tacit understanding, but the scene is quite strange.

Li Yuanjia smiled kindly, from the time we met till now, he didn't even mention a single word of business. The brothers of the Wu family had different expressions. Wu Sansi seemed to be thinking about something while smiling, but Wu Chengsi looked at Li Yuanjia expectantly.

Only Tang Guan was smiling but not smiling, it would be right if there was such a scene, is this Li Yuanjia really a fool, or is he pretending to be bold, to dare to come to Chang'an at this time.

Although he still didn't know when the treasure-granting map was presented to the palace that day, but it would not be long, but whether Li Yuanjia was late or early, he should not have appeared in Chang'an.

"From the beginning, you were wrong." Tang Guan sighed softly in his heart. It seems that this Li Yuanjia may have been lurking near Chang'an, and as soon as he got the wind, he wanted to retreat instead of advancing. Unfortunately, this trick is useless and meaningless.

Now that Tang Guan has sorted out the cause and effect, this seemingly messy rebellion is actually just because of a stone, an ordinary white stone.

It is not difficult to predict that as soon as Wu Zhao's edict comes out, the treasure map will be worshiped in the hall at the end of the year. The two great treasures are enough to push her prestige to the peak, but Tang Guan learned from Wu Chengsi that the edict Not only officials from various places, but also all Li Tang princes and grandchildren.

In this way, it will be interesting. Li Yuanjia is going to jump over the wall in a hurry. He didn't come, and he didn't come. Now he's advancing instead of retreating.

Thinking of this Tang Guan nodded secretly, only to see Li Yuanjia raise his glass and sip for a moment, then put down his smile and said, "Come here."

"What are your orders from the lord?"

"Go get your stuff from the car."


As a prince, Li Yuanjiagui did not come to Beijing alone. There were many guards outside the gate, and Wu Chengsi didn't care about it. Tang Guan, a small sixth-rank editor, always brought guards with high martial arts skills, let alone him. a prince.

Tang Guan sat in the last seat, silently observing the scene, he didn't want to get into this muddy water, as long as Li Yuanjia didn't mention Mingtang, he didn't bother to bother.

But just when Tang Guan was about to remain silent like this, Li Yuanjia actually laughed at him and said, "I've heard about your talent for a long time, and I heard that Mingtang was also created by you?"

Tang Guan's heart trembled when he heard the sound, this is really what he wanted, it's strange to say, it's not good for this old man to participate in Hemingtang, he insists on participating in Hemingtang. (To be continued..)

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