Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 187: Clan Rebellion

It’s been a long time since I asked for a recommendation. To be honest, I don’t have the face to ask for it. I don’t dare to ask for a subscription. I just ask for some recommendations to give me some motivation to explode.


"I heard that the inside and outside of Mingtang were also made by Mr. Lang?"

As soon as Li Yuanjia said this, everyone in the room paused. Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi also looked at Tang Guan, only to see Tang Guan first smiled and said nothing, and then said: "My lord, students don't dare to take what the ancient sages said. Call it your own."

As soon as Tang Guan's words fell, several people were slightly taken aback. After a while, Li Yuanjia came back to his senses, shook his head and smiled, "Haha, we're not talking about business, we're not talking about business."

After all, a strange look flashed in Li Yuanjia's eyes, and the two brothers from the Wu family were stunned. Tang Guan gave Li Yuanjia a soft nail when they met. Let's talk about history.

"This kid has changed?" Wu Chengsi looked at the scene in front of him because of Tang Guan's embarrassment, and secretly said in his heart, Tang Guan usually treats people with maturity, but today, facing such a big man, he didn't try his best to curry favor with him. hot or cold.

Not only him, Wu Sansi also had similar thoughts, but Tang Guan was at peace. The reason why he has not targeted a famous historical figure for a long time is because he has learned a lesson from Pei Yan, and Shangguan Wan'er is even more sure of it. Tang Guan's thoughts.

The big era is like a huge spring, the stronger the external force, the stronger the rebound.Unless you have the power to crush the entire era, if you rebound.What should happen will still happen, and what should not happen will happen!

Tang Guan kept groping up and down.He is looking for the core weakness of this era vertically. He can only infiltrate and disintegrate little by little. To find the weakness, he must determine the target. So what is the core of this era?

It is obvious about this point, the core of this era is Wu Zhao standing on the altar when the sun and the moon are in the sky!

Some people may say that Wu Zhao is ever-changing and ruthless.Enough to encompass the world, Tang Guan is struggling in his hands, and he has made no progress so far. Will such a person have a weakness?

Yes, and there are more than one places. Weaknesses are often hidden under the strongest strengths. This is the rule of nature. To give an inappropriate example, the vaccines developed by later generations against viruses.explained this truth.

Vaccines are taken from the original virus that can kill thousands of people. It is often the most terrifying place, but the most deadly flaw is hidden.

Of course, these are off topic, but everything started because of Wu Zhao.Li Yuanjiagui is a prince, and he has witnessed the rise of the Tang Dynasty since he was a child.Prosper and enjoy it.We don't want to guess whether he had the desire to win the heir when he was young, but we can tell it at a glance by saying something that everyone can accept.

He is the son of Gaozu.Taizong's brother, to seize the heir?To seize whose heir?

Tang Taizong?I think everyone knows how Tang Taizong proclaimed himself emperor.

As a digression, we can see that he was supposed to be a rich and idle man, but now he is almost old and white, and he is the only fruit left in the clan, but Li Yuanjia like this now has only one idea in his mind.

That is, since that woman appeared, everything has changed!

She was lying in front of Emperor Taizong like a god and demon!

She had her nephew bewitched!

She is about to overthrow the Li family's thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!


In the eerie silence of the Buddhist hall, there was a sudden crisp sound. It turned out that the teacup in front of Li Yuanjia's table fell to the ground, which broke the silence.

Seeing this, Wu Chengsi hurriedly got up and said, "My lord."

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay." Li Yuanjia was not frightened, and waved his hands loudly.

After all, Li Yuanjia looked at Tang Guan with a smile again, and said bluntly: "Tang Zhuangyuan, you are the first person to speak to me like this in these years."

Tang Guan's heart trembled when he heard the words, and the clay figurine was also three-pointed. Although this person was destined to die, he did not die after all. Wu Sansi over there was delighted at first when he heard this, and then pretended to say: "My lord, your lord is young. , you must not..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yuanjia smiled and said: "Haha, where did Xianzhu think of going? The young champion is young and mature, and he is a minister of our society. The old man just admires it."

"Thanks to the care of the lord, but this Tiangong is related to state affairs, Qu Bing really dare not speak nonsense, and I hope that the lord will be large."

"Qubing!" Wu Chengsi frowned when he heard the words, and even shouted in a low voice, trying to stop Tang Guan from continuing, but Tang Guan's words turned out to be embarrassing, and he said clearly: "Someone doesn't want you to know, you just Don't understand."

Although he is quite jealous of Tang Guan in his heart, in the final analysis, whether it is Wu Sansi or Tang Guan in his heart, including himself, they all serve the same master. They are all people who understand Wu Zhao's thoughts. A big nail, there is a reason why Wu Chengsi came here with Tang Guan Lianyang.

He wanted to test Li Yuanjia with the help of Tang Guan's ingenuity, but the test was the test, if Tang Guan spoke rudely, it would not work, after all, the other party was the elder of the clan.

Originally, Wu Sansi was a little happy, but when he heard Tang Guan's words, his complexion changed, and he looked at Li Yuanjia in embarrassment.

But what was unexpected was that Li Yuanjia smiled instead of anger. He seemed to have never been angry this time, and he had the look of a kind elder. No matter what a few people said, he was flat.

I saw Li Yuanjia laughed and said: "Okay...Okay... If you don't ask, uncle, if you don't ask, you are not very big, you have a lot of knowledge."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Chengsi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but Tang Guan thought to himself: "Good guy, the water is deep enough."

His words were very kind, and originally these words would definitely make Tang Guan feel good, but the prince of the other party actually started friendship with Tang Guan. Only then did he get closer and closer to Pei Yan. It can be seen that Tang Guan also had ideals in his heart, but after the ideals were shattered, he could only seek reality.

Fortunately, Tang Guan's trial was over, and he stopped immediately when he saw it was good. If the friction continued, he couldn't control it, and immediately said, "Qu Bing is being abrupt."

Li Yuanjia shook his head slightly, and was about to speak, but a person came in, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I brought the things."

Li Yuanjia nodded when he saw this, and reached out to take the package from the man. At this moment, Wu Chengsi also forgot the unhappiness just now, and stretched his neck to look around.

Seeing this, Li Yuanjia smiled and said, "You, you."

Wu Chengsi blushed when he heard the words, and sat up straight, but his heart was scratching like a cat. Wu Sansi couldn't help but smile, and Tang Guan also watched with interest. It is a group of celebrities who appreciate both refined and popular tastes, and it is also like a group of confidantes and friends.

But they all knew that this was a politician, and they were all officials. Except for Tang Guan who was a little strange today and didn't speak according to the rules, Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi were both serious.

I saw Li Yuanjia laughing while unpacking the package: "Speaking of which, this solitary copy is also the property of an old friend. The Shangguan prime minister regarded it as a treasure back then, and he didn't see it when he came here."

"What!?" Li Yuanjia said unintentionally, but it made Tang Guan's mind suddenly twitch. Then his face remained unchanged, but his eyes were fixed on the package in Li Yuanjia's hand. (To be continued..)

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