Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 188: Clan Rebellion

(Two updates tomorrow, gradually speeding up, not much to say, that's it)


"Shangguan Prime Minister? Shangguan Tingzhi?"

Li Yuanjia revealed in words that what he got was actually related to the collapsed Shangguan family, which made Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi suspicious.

Wu Chengsi's face became even more excited. The Shangguan family was dominant for a while, with one family and two senior officials. Compared with Pei Yan's refusal to give way, how majestic and glorious it was back then.

Although the family is in decline at this time, and only one orphan girl, Shangguan Wan'er, remains in the world, many people still feel sorry for the power and power of the Shangguan family back then.

Li Yuanjia moved extremely slowly, and Tang Guan's breathing seemed to have a rhythm, but then he immediately came back to his senses, frowning slightly.

"No, how could it be such a coincidence?" Tang Guan could have expected that the other party would come prepared. This seemingly unintentional move made Tang Guan vigilant. It is an excuse to come to Chang'an to explore the wind, but it is not good to hide any books, so Shangguan's family is involved.

Just as Tang Guan was muttering to himself, Li Yuanjia said: "Liyuan sword dance, pointing to the intestines, and then dancing around the beam, it's a pity that such a masterpiece is made by someone. It's interesting that Brother Shangguan even signed his name on it." ,Ha ha."

"Sword Dance in Liyuan!?" Wu Chengsi sat up in shock when he heard the sound, staring at the yellowed book in Li Yuanjia's hands with wide eyes.

"Sword dance?" Tang Guan looked at the object in Li Yuanjia's hand and murmured in a low voice, but Wu Sansi didn't seem very interested.Don't understand its value either.

The expressions of the three are different, and Wu Chengsi loves to collect treasures all his life.As soon as I heard those four words, it was like being beaten with chicken blood.When Tang Guan saw this, he knew that this must be a great and different edition. There are different editions in the book, which are hard to find. Often such books do not know who made them, nor where they lived.

People who know how to do it only know that there is this treasure, but they have never seen it. The yellowed book in Li Yuanjia's hand can be seen to be very old, at least it is from the pre-Sui Dynasty.Maybe it's still written by the two countries of the North and the South.

Holding the book in his hand, Li Yuanjia carefully turned a page, looked at Wu Chengsi with a smile and said, "Be safe and don't be impatient."

"I'm rude, I'm rude." Wu Chengsi sat down anxiously when he heard the words, but his eyes did not leave his eyes for a moment. Wu Sansi didn't like this way, but as long as it was a treasure, no one would dislike it. Seeing his cousin, a knowledgeable person, salivating so much, it can be seen its precious.

Li Yuanjia turned a page.After blowing lightly, and slowly spread it on the table, Wu Chengsi couldn't bear it long ago, and immediately looked over.Tang Guan also observed quietly with a calm face.

When everyone's focus was on the Liyuan sword dance, no one noticed that Li Yuanjia secretly looked at Tang Guan with a strange look in his eyes.

Tang Guan glanced down and couldn't help but suddenly realized.Just now, he wondered how a book was titled Sword Dance, and thought it was some bloody martial arts secret book.

It turned out to be a dance book.There are neither words nor seals on it, only a small blurred painting.

The style of this painting is weird.Tang Guan's photographic memory is not only for words, he has also seen many famous brushes in the palace, but the painting by Liyuan Sword Dance in front of him is very similar to the stick figures of later generations, which is extremely avant-garde in this era up.

At this time, judging the quality of the scrolls is mostly based on the outline of the points, the more complex, the better the praise, and it is rare to see a small painting that is simplified like this.

In the painting, there are villains holding swords and twisting complicated movements. Under Tang Guan's careful observation, he is a little bit sunken in them. Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi next to him also look the same.

"It's amazing." Tang Guan was still intentionally or unintentionally guarding against Li Yuanjia in his heart, but when he looked closely, he had a disposition like him, and he even felt a little dreamy.

The villain looks rough in front of you, but when it is coherent, it is like a comic strip, which makes people feel lifelike when reading.

And this is just a dead object in the painting, Tang Guan couldn't help thinking to himself: "If there are real people dancing, it would be so beautiful."

Not only him, but Wu Chengsi's gaze had been dull for a long time. Tang Guan waited and watched for a long time, and even wanted to reach out involuntarily.

But just as he stretched out his hand, a voice interrupted it, and the people present suddenly came back to their senses.


Tang Guan regained consciousness in an instant, and immediately stretched his hand back, but it was Li Yuanjia who spoke, and Li Yuanjia looked at Tang Guan with a half-smile and said: "Little Lang, you are named Guangda, and the generation of Lingzhou, Jingshu call you the reincarnation." Zhuge, what do you think of this thing?"

"Okay..." Tang Guan wanted to answer the good baby when he heard the words. It is absolutely possible to hold out a generation of famous actors.

But before he could speak, Wu Chengsi said, "What a treasure, what a treasure."

"Chengsi, I haven't seen you for many years, and your temperament still hasn't changed, haha." Li Yuanjia shook his head and smiled, Wu Chengsi also laughed dryly, and then seemed to think of something, and said with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Old prince, I don't know if this thing is okay or not. ..."

"Hey, don't say that, the treasure is psychic, just like the treasure map of the Queen of Heaven, this treasure is destined to be with this king, you don't need to say it."

Li Yuanjia and Wu Chengsi hadn't known each other for a day or two, and they knew this person's personality well, and before he finished speaking, he could guess that the other party wanted to get him.

Sure enough, a trace of regret flashed in Wu Chengsi's eyes when he heard this, and he was also a little anxious. What kind of treasure is that Laoshizi treasure map? He knew it well, and the sword dance in front of him was the real treasure. Capable and anxious.

While a few people were talking, Tang Guan actually set his sights on the villain again, and he was quite fond of it, and the most deadly thing was that this thing seemed to be related to the Shangguan family.

After Li Yuanjia finished speaking, seeing Tang Guan's appearance, he was overjoyed and asked, "Lang Jun likes it?"

"Ah?" Tang Guan seemed not to hear clearly, raised his head and let out a soft ah.

Li Yuanjia asked with a smile: "Lang Jun likes it?"

"Hey, Uncle, Qu Bing is an honest man. He used to be under strict supervision at home. This is the first time I have seen such a fun thing."

Tang Guan's heart changed, regardless of how the other party got this thing for the time being, he didn't think about his motives for this. The thing in front of him was indeed a treasure. Let's talk about dispensable appearance.

Sure enough, Li Yuanjia frowned when he saw this, "This kid can change from big to small. When he was old, he was like a ninety-year-old man. There is no wave in the ancient well. When he was young, he was like an enlightened child. He understands ignorance. It seems that the news is true. No wonder the sorceress thinks highly of this boy." !"

The two Wu family brothers silently listened to their conversation, and secretly looked at each other, especially Wu Chengsi realized something, and looked at Tang Guan with some horror in his eyes.

They have long been accustomed to Tang Guan's sudden big and small behavior, and they have long been somewhat immune. Before Tang Guan gained power, he was a group of ignorant teenagers. With this advantage, he was able to achieve what he is today. No one Tang Guan had contacted believed that he was a child, and secretly some people even questioned whether he had some strange disease and was an adult dwarf.

Even those who have never been in contact with him have long heard that the number one scholar at the age of nine has a strange personality, which can be called unimaginable.

It's a pity that all of this is true. Tang Guan is nine years old. This is also one of the few truths Tang Guan has said. Since Tang Guan came to Chang'an, he has been talking nonsense. There are at least nine and a half sentences out of ten. It's fake, and there's still a half sentence, it's to see the other party's pity, so you buy nine and get one free.

Just when Li Yuanjia didn't know how to answer, Tang Guan said again: "By the way, Uncle, you just said Shangguan Prime Minister, but that Shangguan Tingzhi is the thief?"

"What!?" Li Yuanjia was shocked when he heard the words, and looked at Tang Guan with surprise in his eyes. Tang Guan said this naturally, which was completely contrary to the news he had received beforehand.

Before he came here, he had done a thorough investigation on the person who was the focus of this trip. Not long ago, Tang Guan was beaten by the widow of Shangguan's family in the palace. Although few people know about it, it is not difficult for interested people to know.

I thought that Tang Guan was a philanderer at such a young age, and he should have had an affair with the granddaughter of the Shangguan family. I didn't expect that Tang Guan's words were full of heartlessness, but it was the fact that the Shangguan family was no longer a taboo at this time. Zhao also relaxed the prohibition on this aspect. It is not an exaggeration for people who miss the past to call him a prime minister, and it is even more normal to call him a traitor.

But it is normal for others to say that the Shangguan family is a traitor, but Tang Guan said that the Shangguan family is a traitor, which is not normal at all. Not only Li Yuanjia was shocked when this remark came out, Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi were also taken aback .

After a long time, Li Yuanjia's gaze was fixed, but his gaze towards Tang Guan was a bit more serious. Tang Guan had a curious and innocent smile on his face, and with his immature face, he looked like a child who had achieved his ambitions at a young age.

But until now, everyone knows that this nine-year-old No. [-] scholar is a monster at all! (To be continued..)

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