Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 196: Doubtful

Wu Zhao went out of the palace in the middle of the night and there was a lot of movement. Fortunately, there was a curfew in the city at this time, and the doors and windows of every house were closed. Hearing the movement outside, he only thought that there were thieves in the city.

And Chang'an Baoshe, which is almost Tang Guan's private residence, was surrounded by archers and sword guards in the middle of the night after the rain. I saw torches lit up in the front yard, behind the gate, and even on the commanding heights in the distance. Marching and fighting, camping on the spot is nothing more than that.

If there was such a scene when Tang Guan was assassinated, not to mention that a dozen people in the Tangmen area wanted to force their way in, even if a mosquito wanted to enter, he would ask the master if he would agree.

I saw that the torches in the Baoshe courtyard were brightly lit, reflecting like daylight, but what was shocking was that there were two rows of dead bodies artificially arranged neatly on the ground.

In front of the pile of corpses, two generals were looking down at a group of dead bodies. One row was very recognizable because they were all dressed in the clothes of official servants, while the other row was different.

Look at these two generals again, one is tall and the other is short, one is as strong as a small tower, and the other is pale and sick.

"Cough, cough, cough." The sick general covered his mouth and coughed lightly while looking at the corpses. The strong man waited and watched for a long time and whispered to him, "Brother, it's all because of one blow..."

The sick general Wenyin waved his hand and interrupted, "I know."

After all, the sick general reached out to touch one of the unknown corpses. The big man was shocked when he saw this, and stopped him: "Brother, the people from the Tang Sect are evil."

"Heh, cough, I'm not afraid of the living, let alone the dead?" The sick general shook his head and smiled when he heard this, his long and slender hands were already pressing on the corpse's chest, and the sick general frowned when he touched it.

Immediately, the sick general held his hand towards the corpse's wrist.After touching it, he let go and smacked his lips and said: "This man is not small, the person who killed him is terrible, cough, terrible."

Seeing him shaking his head again and again, the big man at the side couldn't help being horrified. Someone who can make him feel scary is not as simple as being scary to him.

These two generals are none other than Cheng Huaibi and Tieniu, the generals of the palace guards. Speaking of which, they are the first to know what happened here.For no other reason, Tang Guan's bodyguard, Chang Ying, almost forced his way into the palace to report.When they learned that such a horrific murder happened here, they naturally dared not hide it.

But what they didn't expect was that it was not surprising that the man came out of the palace to visit in person.Something big happened to Tang Guan.It's strange that she doesn't ask.

Tie Niu furrowed his brows tightly.Probing to Cheng Huaibi: "Could it be that kid surnamed Chang who did it?"

"Him? Huh." Cheng Huaibi shook his head and smiled when he heard the words. Of course, he was not mocking Chang Ying, but he knew how deep Chang Ying was.To put it bluntly, Chang Ying was still far behind him, and it would be extremely difficult for him to kill all these skilled people in front of him with one blow.

What's more, the injuries of these people were uniform, and their internal organs were all smashed by someone's blow. Not everyone can exert the force of breaking bones and spleen.

Cheng Huaibi stood with his hands behind his back, the scene in front of him was full of doubts, and the room surrounded by a group of imperial doctors made him shake his head secretly.

"Madam Su, you are going too far." Cheng Huaibi secretly sighed in his heart, he seemed to know some secrets, but those old things were not open for any other reason, the Tang Sect did have a long history with the imperial court, and among them The relationship between the leader and the woman on the altar is even more complicated.

Thinking of this, Cheng Huaibi actually smiled, and Tieniu beside him was stunned and said, "Brother, what are you laughing at?"

"Cough...cough...oh, it's nothing." Cheng Huaibi coughed twice to cover it up.

Tie Niu followed his gaze to look at the room over there, and sighed, "This girl from the old prime minister's house is pitiful, pitiful."

"Hmm." Cheng Huaibi didn't seem to be very interested in this topic, he gave a noncommittal hum, and then started to walk to another room.

"Brother." Tieniu followed closely, but Cheng Huaibi said: "You stay here, I will go in and report to His Majesty."

"Any eyebrows?"

Cheng Huaibi stopped walking when he heard that, glanced at Tieniu jokingly and said, "What did you see?"

Tieniu was taken aback when he heard the words, and thoughtfully said: "A master."

"Cough, any fool knows he's a master." Cheng Huaibi retracted his eyes and shook his head slightly. Tang Guan's pond was deeper than he imagined. Just as Wu Zhao asked him to verify whether he had the power to kill in front of a group of courtiers, Cheng Huaibi didn't think about Tang Guan killing these people either.

But this made him also interested. Since he is a master, where did this master come from, and why did he save Tang Guan? Presumably these doubts were almost covered up by the surprise of Tang Guan's survival. would be of great interest.

And these doubts can only be answered by the person concerned, Tang Guan. Since he survived, he must know who saved him.

But Cheng Huaibi took two steps, seemed to weigh again, and then sighed softly after a while, what should be done is still to be done, although he secretly admired Tang Guan, but he knew a truth, that woman can't hide anything, Just like he and Tieniu arrested Pei Yan personally, it can only be said that they can't help themselves.

Thinking of this, Cheng Huaibi had already approached the door, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I will report something later."

Cheng Huaibi stood with his hands folded, waiting for the movement in the room, and after a long time, he heard a voice from inside: "Come in."

"Yes." Cheng Huaibi cupped his hands and entered the room, but as soon as he stepped in, before he fully raised his head, he hurriedly lowered his head.

At this time, the scene in Fangzhong was a bit scary. Although it was not the first time he saw Wu Zhao behaving intimately with Tang Guan, it was in the deep palace after all, and now he was out of the palace, he did not expect it to be the same.

I saw Wu Zhao lightly hugging Tang Guan with one hand, stroking his head, as if he was comforting his own child, and his face was extremely gentle.

Cheng Huaibi didn't dare to raise his head after taking a look, but glanced at Chang Ying who was kneeling by the bed, and then said: "Your Majesty, I want to ask Mr. Xiao Lang about something in the end."

"Huh?" Wu Zhao stopped moving when she heard the words, and her eyebrows frowned slightly. She knew that Tang Guan would be in shock for the rest of her life after the catastrophe. Guan made a lot of small moves, but none of them hurt her seriously.

From another perspective, Wu Zhao likes smart people. We said that Tang Guan replaced Shangguan Wan'er's position in history to a certain extent. Wan'er is smarter, so Wu Zhao spared no effort in cultivating him, and even praised him as a god and man to show himself, so that everyone can prosper and lose.

Seeing Tang Guan's distraught appearance, Wu Zhao felt a little pity in her heart, but also felt a little happy. It's not good for a courtier to be too perfect. She has never seen Tang Guan like this. It seems that Tang Guan also has times of fear and loss. .

Cheng Huaibi stood with his hands folded. Seeing Wu Zhao's delay in responding, he couldn't help raising his head to take a sneak peek, but immediately lowered his head again.

Wu Zhao kept staring at him, which made him tremble. Fortunately, after a long time, Wu Zhao slowly let go of Tang Guan and said, "Sick man, General Cheng wants to help you seek justice, so you can answer a few questions for him."

"Yes." Tang Guan's face was still blank, and he should be in a daze. Then he looked at Cheng Huaibi. The only thing he wanted to do now was to rush out of the room to verify whether the girl whose life or death was unknown was alive, dead, and where. .

But he couldn't, he clearly remembered when Shangguan Wan'er was pierced by a sword, how warm it was that filled his whole body, just like the boundless strength he erupted when Lin Yuxun and Madam Tang were humiliated.

At that moment, he only felt that he was like a superman, everything in his hands was as light as a feather, and even the Taoist who was like a ghost couldn't stand his light blow.

Cheng Huaibi raised his head when he heard Tang Guan's response, and when he saw the expression on Tang Guan's face, he couldn't help shaking his head inwardly and said, "This child is also afraid sometimes."

Then he said seriously: "Xiao Langjun, there is something I want to ask at the end."

"Tell me." Tang Guan murmured when he heard the words.

Seeing this, Cheng Huaibi frowned and said: "The origin of these thieves, I have already found out, they are Shu thieves who have been making trouble for a long time. I didn't expect them to be so bold this time, and they gathered in Chang'an."

"Huai Bi."

At this moment Wu Zhao interrupted, and Cheng Huaibi hastily bowed to respond.

"Who is on duty today?"

"Return to Your Majesty..." Cheng Huaibi wanted to respond when he heard the words, but Wu Zhao said coldly: "Forget it, I don't want to hear so much, you know what to do."

Cheng Huaibi's eyes moved when he heard this, and he said respectfully, "Yes."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Huaibi turned his gaze to Tang Guan again and said, "Young Lord, Chang's bodyguard has been tricked by thieves. I wonder if you saw who killed these assassins at that time?"

After Cheng Huaibi finished speaking, he stared at Tang Guan. Tang Guan's heart shuddered when he heard the words, and his eyes recovered a little. Sure enough, as soon as the words came out, Wu Zhao seemed to realize something, and looked at Tang Guan with some doubts. (to be continued..)

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